Titan chaser прохождение
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Phoning Home Quirky Custodian
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Assassin's Creed Odyssey 27 дек. 2020 в 4:46 23 фев в 14:20
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. check the sun visor for notes about the mission. It also tells you the region where you need to go search for the Titan.
There is a map on the seat next to you.
First Case: WyvernThe Wyvern is on the northern most bridge, at the Windland Plains region.
1: At Least You Tried
Shine your spotlight on the wyvern.
The Wyvern doesn't really care about your spotlight, but shine him anyway for the achivement.
1: HONK!
Scare a wyvern with your car horn
Just honk your horn at the Wyvern.
1: Wyvern Handler
Escort a wyvern to her home
When the Wyvern flies away, it will go to the next bridge. You need to atract it with satellite dishes so it moves forward, all the way to the lighthouse. Turn on the satelites one at a time by using the switches you can find at the end of the power lines, just follow the cables. At some places be careful that you followed the correct power lines. If you trigger the switches out of order, the Wyvern will reset.
Second Case: Wandering Titans2: SHOO SHOO
Deal with wandering titans
Much easier and simpler mission than the Wyvern. Just locate each of the Titans and shine a spotlight on their eyes.
Third Case: Flying Whale3: Found you!
Find where is Jasper during a third night
During this chapter Jasper is not at the Hotel. He is located at his fishing hut, close to one of the phone locations, most northern one. Go to the jetty behind the house, as close to the boat as possible and the achievement will unlock.
3: Free Willy
Escort the last whale
The Whale is located at Bright City and you need to lure it with your spotlight. You can't use the spotlight and drive at the same time. Drive a bit, lure the Whale, rinse and repeat. He'll not wander back to the city, but stay at the point you last lured him to. You need to make him move to the train station which is located at the phone location closest to the Shallow Lakes (NE). Once the Whale is there, use the train (jump on the wooden box and you can use it). The train will crash, just follow the railroad to see the crashed train and the achievement will unlock.
The last mission asks you to deal with the Kraken. As usual, check your sun visor for the instructions.
Head to Rusty Beach and look for the Kraken. Not that you can miss it.
Use the switches on top of the towers marked green, then the switch on top of the tower marked red.
4: Keep Calm
Embrace the Kraken
After the scene with the Kraken, you will find yourself in your car at the motel. Go to Jasper at the reception, then get back inside your car. You will get a few options for endings. It doesn't matter which location you choose, so travel to the one you like most.
New Beginning
No matter what you choose, this is your new life
Pumpkin Hunter
Collect all pumpkins and learn the story of Woodville Witch on Halloween Special
I spent a lot of time to searching the woodland so don't make my mistake. 2 pumpkins are at the starting area, graveyard has two more. Then you will see a broken building, it contains one pumpkin. From here on, you should be able to see the pumpkins and get directions from the protagonist.
Just in case, here's a list.
-south on a chair/table area, next to the road
-at a very bright, colorful tree, on the same side of the road
-in a big building, head up the hill on the same side of the road and you will see it
-very visible at a liquid container
-2 inside of a damaged diner building
-one side of the diner building is broken, keep heading in the direction the broken wall is facing until you get to a satellite switch which is lit by a generator fueled lamp
-last one is west from here, might not be visible but if you turn your camera around, you'll see a mountainous area in the distance, keep heading there. The pumpkin is somewhere in the middle of the mountains
I See You're A Person Of Culture As Well
Turn on the music in your car
There is a tape on the seat next to you. Click on it, then turn on the tape player in your car.
Ask Jasper for help via the radio for the first time
Above the tape player is a two-way car radio. If you click on it once, you'll see two buttons, red and green. I'm not 100% sure which button unlocked this one, so try both. :) The SOS button respawns you and your car at the last phone checkpoint you used.
Eco Activist
Turn off the water and switch off all the lights in your room
Just turn off the water and all 3 light switches in your hotel room.
Old Memories
Find Lucy's memorial around Silent Peak
There are many houses in Woodville and you need to knock on the door of your parents house to get this achievement. As you enter Woodville you will see a church right at the first crossing. Your parents house is behind it:
Driving Test Passed
Destroy 50 road markers
Just drive through and knock down 50 road markers.
Climb all 9 Satellite towers in one night
Climb the stairs at each Satellite tower. You can do this on any night, but you need to climb all of them during one night. Probably easiest during First Case, as you need to use the Satellites during the case. The Satellite towers are marked with a white dot on the map, but here is a map with marked locations.
Night Call
Call Jasper from a phone booth for the first time
Use a phone booth for a first time.
Call Jasper from all phones on a map
There are 7 phone booth locations, each marked with a red dot on the map. Grand Rock is the hotel where you start the game, there is a very easily missable phone booth here.
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор забавным: 2 Не рекомендую 2.3 ч. всего Идея хорошая, реализация крайне слабая. Время прохождения - 2 часа.
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ: Посмотрев на статистику достижений можно понять, насколько данный проект интересен людям.
Первую ночь прошли 20% игроков.
Вторую ночь прошли 9% игроков.
Третью ночь прошли 7% игроков.
Четвёртую ночь (всю игру) прошли 6% игроков.
Есть мысли, что разработчика вдохновил фильм "Охотники на троллей", потому что там была такая же машина и такой же сюжет, где нужно было устранять заблудившихся огромных троллей, чтобы простые люди их не увидели.
Весьма не плохая и атмосферная для длительных поездок под дождём, но рушит атмосферу мистики в игре про огромных существ.
Названия местностей подсвечены и видны из далека.
Для ориентира хорошо.
❌ -БАГИ.
1 - Я вскипал как чайник, когда в очередной раз моя машина упиралась в невидимую стену и я застревал, из-за чего приходилось откатываться в самое начало уровня.
2 - При нажатии в первый раз "Погрузиться" шла бесконечная загрузка, при этом висела кликабельная надпись "Погрузиться" хд
3 - Забор ездил со мной весь уровень.
4 - Зависшее окно с выбором разрешения до выхода из игры.
5 - Плохая работа со светом. Со включенными фарами видимость хуже, чем с выключенными.
В любом симуляторе ходьбы - одна из трёх важных частей это сценарий, чтобы играть было интересно даже когда ничего не происходит, когда ты просто ходишь.
В Титан Чейзер всё поверхностно "Тебе надо выводить заблудившихся титанов".
Диалогов нету вообще, есть только мысли главной героини, и даже их мало.
4 моба, у меня ушло по 30 минут на каждого из-за технических проблем игры.
Никакого лора у них нет. Исследовать карту смысла нет.
Огромная однообразная карта, по дорогам которой ты ездишь в попытках найти то место которое тебе нужно.
Что с ней? Почему она волнами?
Герой отражает тень.
Почему не сделать модельку сидячего героя в машине?
Когда машина едет без водителя это портит атмосферу, т.к. нет погружения в игру.
Данная фраза звучит в любой игре привлекательно.
Но должны же концовки различаться чем-то помимо 1 предложения.
Продуктов на аккаунте: 3,001 Иллюстрация (Reshade/Screenshot) Titan Chaser - The Darkness Руководство Titan Chaser 100% Achievements Guide All the currently available achievements, including phone and pumpkin locations.- Really cool aesthetic
- Great soundtrack
- The titans are varied and interesting
- The open world is a good size with plenty of different landmarks so it feels like a believable place.
- The voice acting is awkward
- Gameplay can be a bit tedious at times
- Vehicle controls feel off
Graphically it's not amazingly detailed but it makes up for that with style through its great use of lighting and a soft colour palette of greens, blues, purples, pinks and yellows. The game does a great job with the titans, understanding the golden rule of never letting you see the monsters too clearly.
The enjoyment is dampened slightly by some pretty poor voice acting - I would guess that neither the writer nor voice actor has English as a first language so I don't want to be too harsh, but the awkward grammar mistakes are a bit immersion breaking given that the character is meant to have grown up in the area. This isn't helped by the fact that the voice lines repeat if you perform the same action / go to the same place on a subsequent day, e.g. the first time getting into the car at the start of each day will always trigger the same line and awkward joke about hoping there's booze left in it. It would really help if the game kept track of which lines had already been said and didn't trigger them again.
The gameplay can also be a bit tedious - without going into too much detail, the first titan must be led from one location to another by activating a series of points and this takes quite a while and isn't particularly interesting. On top of that, activating one wrong point sends the titan right back to the beginning and you have to start again.
Overall I'd recommend it because it's a unique idea and the overall atmosphere makes up for minor annoyances.
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Titan Chaser
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Популярные руководства Steam Пользовательские руководства, советы и прохожденияК тому же, в Titan Chaser совсем немного контента, да и открывается он почти сразу. Не так-то просто подробно рассказывать о проекте, в котором есть только мгла, титаны и меланхоличные рассуждения главной героини. Но я все же попробую.
Несмотря на внушительный размер титанов, разглядеть их в тумане порой бывает весьма непросто
Любопытно сделан процесс вашего взаимодействия с миром игры. Titan Chaser устроена очень…тактильно, что ли: каждое внутриигровое действие вам придется выполнять самостоятельно. Вы сами заводите двигатель, сами вставляете кассету в проигрыватель, и сами снимаете машину с ручника. Практически все, что в других играх, происходит автоматически, в Titan Chaser творится вашими руками. Насколько это способствует погружению в игровой процесс вопрос, на самом деле, дискуссионный: меня, например, поначалу такая избыточность управления скорее бесила. Так что есть вероятность того, что пока вы не втянетесь, игра будет доставлять вам некоторый дискомфорт.
В машине на самом деле никакого нет. Кто знает, может это не техническая недоработка, а еще один реверанс к атмосфере тотального одиночества
Для любителей особой эстетики в Titan Chaser предусмотрен черно-белый фильтр
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