Как получить здоровье в cultist simulator
22 июн. 2018 в 3:36
I've only ever gotten to a max of 5 health, but that's largely because I saw no reason to get more. As far as I can tell you can get infinte health.
So you'll quickly acquire a health card. There are 2 general ways to get the vitality necessary to get your second health card: Working the health card. Studying the health card. Either route nets you a guaranteed vitality at the end of 60 seconds but working straight health with no skill card attached carries the risk of injury -- something to consider. Be that as it may, once you net yourself 2 vitalities, study them together for your second health card and your new skill card.
Now that you have 2 health cards, you'll want to use one to study the other for work + skill card. Do this twice each and you'll fairly quickly generate the 4 vitalities necessary to study with your new skill card and earn an even better upgraded skill card and your 3rd health card. (Side note: exhausted health cards from work take 60 seconds to recover. If you immediately Dream your exhausted health cards you can have them back in action in 30 seconds cutting down time in half.)
Now that you have 3 health cards, you can work health much more efficiently. That additionall efficiency should be more than enough to get you the 6 vitalities necessary for the final skill card upgrade and your 4th health card.
Each additional health upgrade requires 8 vitalities, they still need to be studied with the skill card but the skill card wont get any better. It is nigh impossible to have 8 vitalities on the board at the same time just working health cards and studying health cards unless you get really lucky with a Course of the Heart event. To hit 8 vitalities on hand at the same time you'll need a 3rd source of vitality and unfortunately that's somewhat random. The way you're going to get this 3rd source of vitality most consistently is by going to the Woods and always picking The Well option (or the upper option if I rememered the name wrong). It's random, but there's a chance for a vitality to be there. What's going to happen is you'll be working health and studying health at max efficiency and you'll just see old vitalities burning away until you'll get lucky at The Well and then pretty much whether or not The Well has a vitality for you is going to dictate whether or not you can upgrade your health.
Never bothered to check if there was a cap on health, but really. I mean 4 or 5 health was the sweet spot for me. It's really easy for your work/study chain to get disrupted by an affliction and when you're trying to get 8 vitalities on board at the same time and it really sucks.
Health is an Ability Card that represents the player's physical well-being. Loss of all Health can result in death. When used it may be consumed or returned as "Health (Fatigued)", which is unusable but will be restored to Health after 60 seconds.
A "Health (Fatigued)" card can be recovered early by dreaming, it takes 30 seconds to recover instead of 60.
: Takes 60 seconds, yields 1 Funds , 1 Vitality or turning the Health card to An Injury. If using with Skill: a Stronger Physique, the chance of getting injuries will be lowered, the necessary time may be reduced to 40 seconds at max skill level. Skill: a Hardened Physique and higher prevent injuries entirely. :
- Takes 60 seconds, yields 1 Vitality.
- Possible solution when upgrading lore. May return An Injury instead of "Health (Fatigued)".
- With "Health (Fatigued)", recovers the card in 30 seconds.
- With "Health", may create Contentment, most of the time nothing. Occasionally creates negative influences.
- Dreaming on Way: The White Door requires 1 Health to enter.
- Study two Vitality. Only the first time when you don't have Skill: a Stronger Physique or its upgrades.
- Study the Skill: a Stronger Physique or its upgrades with Vitality: a Lesson Learnt. This is repeatable three times, requiring two Lessons Learnt, then three, then four. The last study require a suitable lore. and Passion can be transformed to Health in a round-about way (this is a one-way process):
- Talk to a Spirit with Thresher of Thoughts or Lamp of Loss aspect to change your Reason or Passion to Decrepitude.
- Return Decrepitude to Health via a ritual, or using True Blood of St Januarius.
Loss of Health [ ]
Health can be lost in several ways:
- Getting An Injury during work, or studying lore. action turns Health into An Affliction, failing to provide a Health card will result in death. action turns Health into Hunger, failing to provide a Health card will result in death. action turns Health directly into Decrepitude if failed to resist.
Injuries and illness will turn back to Health by dreaming with 1 Funds or 1 Vitality, but hunger only accept Funds . They will turn into Decrepitude if left untreated.
A Stay of Execution can be used to delay the otherwise inevitable death.
The Priest can use Health to create Lock-Scar. Succeeding changes your Health to a Lock-Scar, while failing turns it to An Injury.
Cultist Simulator только что пробился на мобильные телефоны, и новый набор игроков прыгает в его странный карточный мир. Целью является поддержание вашего персонажа в живых, поэтому здесь есть все, что вам нужно знать о том, как получить здоровье в Cultist Simulator .
Когда вы начинаете жизнь в Cultist Simulator, вы получаете одну карту здоровья, поэтому вы захотите увеличить ее как можно скорее, в то время как вам нечего терять.
Прежде всего, чтобы получить второе здоровье, вам нужны две жизненные силы. Чтобы получить жизнеспособность, вы можете сделать одну из двух вещей. Вы можете либо отработать свою карту здоровья, либо изучить ее вместе с физическими навыками. Через 60 секунд у вас будет жизненная сила, и навык улучшится. Получив две необходимые вам жизненные силы, вы можете изучить их вместе, чтобы получить еще одно здоровье.
Затем, как только вы получите свой второй Health in Cultist Simulator, вы сможете работать в направлении большего, если почувствуете, что вам это нужно. Для третьего вам нужно изучить одну из ваших существующих карт и работать с другой вместе с улучшенным навыком.
Чтобы получить третье здоровье и снова обновить свою карту умений (четыре для четвертого и восемь для пятого), вам нужно четыре жизненных силы, поэтому вам нужно будет дважды следовать предыдущим инструкциям, чтобы получить четыре жизненных силы.
Однако обратите внимание, что в Cultist Simulator могут происходить случайные события, которые берут одну из ваших карт здоровья и возвращают ее как карту болезни / колдовства. Вы можете отменить это, хотя.
Для этого вам нужно помечтать с картой Affliction и фондами или жизнеспособностью, прежде чем истечет таймер Affliction. Это исчезнет полностью, если вы этого не сделаете.
Если у вас закончится здоровье, ваш персонаж умрет, и вам нужно будет начать заново. Если у вас заканчивается здоровье и у вас нет карт, чтобы остановить его, у вас нет другого выбора, кроме как умереть и начать все сначала.
Это все, что вам нужно знать о том, как получить здоровье в Cultist Simulator . Для получения дополнительных советов и подсказок по игре, обязательно поищите сайт.
Hacerse con la mecánica de Cultist Simulator y entender muchos de sus conceptos no solo no es fácil, sino que puede ser desesperante. El objetivo de esta guía es facilitar este proceso, sin entrar en 'spoilers'.
I found that existing guides, although invaluably useful, do not contain enough info to make this quite grindy game faster. One game session can take up to several Hours to finish, which sucks. To speed things up, you can either use console (which is fine.
Всем доброго дня (или ночи)! Перед нами Cultist Simulator, игра о создании и развитии своего культа. Я написал это руководство, чтобы помочь таким же, как я сам, новичкам, потому что нормальных русскоязычных руководств к игре нет до сих пор. Я видел дру.
You have been chosen to see what should not be seen. You must prepare. and you must survive.
1.本文最初两章“正篇”是攻略的本体内容。只为 萌新稳妥通关、熟悉游戏 的攻略。于游戏全内容的勘探可谓杯水车薪。 2.本文正篇部分默认开局医师,选择欲望为“理性:启明”,教派选用灯之秘传。只针对游戏本体而言,无任何涉及dlc内容的讲述。 3.躁动的心意不能穿越纯白之门。但 理性的评论 能。本指南任何内容均基于 无安装任何创意工坊模组 的前提。 4.文中的 斜体 文字可以忽略,只是一些游戏内或与游戏风格相似的引用/化用的文字。 5.正篇内容不涉及DLC内容的讲解.
What this is? This is a map, a reference document, something like that. It will tell you how to get almost anywhere; how to do almost anything – but it won’t tell you what or why. If you’re struggling with syntax, this has every expression I know how to.
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This Guide Explains the Basic Idea of this Fantastic Game, it will offer you with the detail information on what you should do throughout the whole game as well as how you should do it. Feel free to use the search function of your browser to find the part .
5月1日更新 4.b.1 本指南写给想玩但是又不是很懂玩法的新手玩家 原来是我用来记录游戏内达成要求的笔记 记了多了索性就写成指南了 尽可能描述了一周目达成需求 对于探索和解密还是要靠自己哟.
A reference flow chart for converting lore cards with study.
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. SPOILERS . Obviously, this tells you how to progress in the game, which sort of circumvents the entire purpose of the game itself, since the fun is in the exploring and learning. Use this as a learning resource as a last resort. o.
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