Как открыть вип магазин в last shelter
Last Shelter: Survival - Последнее Убежище запись закреплена
Чтобы разблокировать VIP-магазин, вам нужно достичь уровня () и потратить () VIP-значки, чтобы разблокировать его:
А. 18/8000
Б. 19/8000
С. 20/10000
Д. 21/10000
До 00:00 28 апреля 2021 года (время игры) я выберу 2 счастливчиков, которые оставят «правильный ответ + LS ID», и отправлю им награды по почте в течение 1-3 рабочих дней.
1000vip * 5
Бриллиант * 500
Продвинутый телепорт * 1
1 час ускорения * 8
Last Shelter: Survival - Последнее Убежище запись закреплена
Вариант первый-вступить в мощный альянс с донатящими игроками, через год может насобираешь эти очки. Второй вариант-каждый месяц брать по чуть-чуть вип очков за реальные деньги. Около пяти тысяч рублей будет стоить(если покупать сразу, выйдет дороже, там одна покупка в месяц по низкой цене, по крайней мере так раньше было)
Александра, вроде по понедельникам было, вместо 1000 випочей 1250, но могу ошибаться, было давно.
Если не собираешься донатить в игру,то практически не реально насобирать,а если всё таки собрался задонить денежку которую тебе на день рождение подарили,то,советую не покупать т.к вип магазин без 2 уровня это параша,а 2 уровень открыт ооочень проблематично,без доната не реально.Мой тебе совет,не трать деньги,если не сможешь задонатить на вип магазин и потом что бы открыть 2 уровень,а так,вип с 2 уровнем это заебись,купоны будешь собирать очень быстро,это если восхваление у тебя полностью прокаченно что бы алмазы сыпались,что бы за алмазы скупать вип очки и следом покупать купоны,удачи)
The VIP store is a paid component of the game. It is available for building at level 20.
It requires 10,000 "Vip badges" to unlock - these are separate from "VIP Points" which can be earned through the game via activities such as daily quests. VIP badges can be acquired via 3 types of weekly packages but it will generally cost $100 USD to obtain them all.
You can also be awarded VIP badges when someone in your alliance purchases a VIP package, however this can amount to between 5 to 50 VIP badges.
There is no other way in the game to obtain VIP badges.
Additionally you will be able to purchase various items through the VIP Store.
It is a common misconception that the VIP store can be opened with VIP points.
VIP Mechanics
The VIP store has 4 different levels, and each level allows you to purchase different bonuses and items. You progress to a different level upon spending VIP points, and upon reaching that threshold you can access new bonuses and items.
Each day, VIP store owners can spin a raffle wheel in the VIP store that allows them to win a random amount of VIP Points per day. The raffle wheel has 5 boxes, allowing the wins to only allow a 5 digit result.
You can purchase VIP Points with diamonds through the diamond store. The conversion rate is roughly 4 VIP Points for every diamond spent.
In the build menu, the Storage Center and Gathering Station are only available to be build when the relevant bonus is unlocked.
At Level 2, you can purchase Super Recruitment Tickets and Energy Cores with VIP Points. Many players acquire Super Recruitment Tickets daily in the VIP stores to maximize their chances of obtaining higher level heroes.
Upon upgrading to a new VIP level, it is worth purchasing the "VIP Ultimate Deal" privilege in order to make it faster to obtain a new level. The bonus applies when you spend any VIP points. The first bonus XP privilege of +20% appears upon reaching VIP level 2.
I just reached level 20 and was able to build the vip shop. It costs money to unlock. Can I ask has anyone unlocked this and tell me if the shop is worth the purchase?
Thanks in advance.
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castThanks, this is very helpful. I saw some soldier buffs in the store like +2% might. Are these permanent buffs?
Once unlocked you get a free spin each day that gives somewhere between 1k and 30k VIP points (average is about 10k). You can get a few thousand extra in the daily task rewards and also spend diamonds to get more VIP points. 25k diamonds will get you 100K VIP points.
Perks cost anywhere from 250k VIP points, for something like a 2% resistance bonus for fighters, to several million for a Bronze name plate, advanced exploration (which lets you send construction vehicles to other players bases, and see how they arranged all there buildings) or the prospector vehicle which is an extra gathering APC that collects but has no troops, so perfectly safe to use during Kill events. This also gives you an additional scout which gives you an edge in competitive scout wars ;)
The main benefit is access to purchase super recruitment tickets for 50k VIP points each. This is quite expensive so would recommend that before you think about investing in the shop that you already have Zone Commemoration Research maxed so you get 9th box rewards regularly and have a healthy diamond income or a large surplus of a million or more diamonds to unlock level 2 shop.
There are a couple of other small perks:
Bulk Rush for your resource production buildings which lets you do rapid on all of that production building at once.
Max donation lets you click one button to donate the maximum number of times to alliance tech in one go.
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