Borderlands 3 карта мира с обозначениями
В Borderlands 3 можно найти 30 эридианских скрижалей. Речь идет про эридианские письмена, которые спрятаны на различных локациях. Если вы найдете все эти коллекционные предметы, то разблокируете достижение под названием «Эридианские сказки» (Tales From the Eridian Slab).
Для получения трофея нельзя пропустить ни одну скрижаль! Впрочем, вы вполне можете собрать их все после прохождения основного сюжета во время свободного исследования мира. Некоторые из них требуют от вас выполнения определенных побочных миссий – мы обязательно укажем это в руководстве.
Borderlands 3 YouTube walkthrough playlist
Borderlands 3 Game Info
Borderlands Series
Gearbox Software / 2K Games
Release date: 2009
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, OS X, PlayStation 4, Xbox One.
Borderlands 2
Gearbox Software / 2K Games
Release date: 2012
Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, OS X, PlayStation Vita, Linux, Android, PlayStation 4, Xbox One.
Borderlands Legends
2K Shanghai / 2K Games
Strategy, Action RPG
Release date: 2012
iOS - iPhone, iPad
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
2K Australia / Gearbox Software / 2K Games
Release date: 2014
Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Shield Portable, Shield Tablet, Shield Android TV, PlayStation 4, Xbox One.
Tales from the Borderlands
Release date: 2014
Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, OS X, Xbox 360, iOS, Android
Borderlands 3 (Current Version)
Gearbox Software / 2K Games
Release date: 2019
Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia
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Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition получит физические копии для следующего поколения консолей
Завтра в Borderlands 3 начнутся испытания сообщества Мориса
Как расшифровать эридианские скрижали
Когда вы приблизитесь к эридианской скрижали, она тут же будет отмечена на карте синим значком. Тем не менее, вы не сможете прочитать ее, пока не откроете способность ближе к концу игры (она выдается автоматически во время основной истории, поэтому ее нельзя пропустить). По этой причине рекомендуем вам сначала пройти весь сюжет, а уже потом браться за сбор этих предметов.
Расшифрованные вами скрижали отмечены на карте другой иконкой, поэтому вы не спутаете новую «рукопись» с уже прочитанной. Вы также можете отслеживать количество найденных предметов, нажав на L3/Левый стик на карте мира.
За каждую расшифрованную скрижаль вы также будете получать 25 эридия – речь идет о премиальной игровой валюте в Borderland 3, используемой для покупки скинов и косметических вещей у торговца по имени Безумный Эрл, обитающего в «Убежище». Таким образом, вы сможете заработать 750 эридия, если изучите все скрижали.
Хотите найти на квест, челлендж или уникального противника на локациях Borderlands 3? В этом вам сможет помочь специальная интерактивная карта, на которой можно отыскать практически всё, что угодно. Просто выберите нужную планету и перед вам откроется целый путеводитель, на котором отмечены местоположения всех точек активностей, что поможет завершить прохождение всех локаций на 100%!
Ссылка на карту:
Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition получит физические копии для следующего поколения консолей
Завтра в Borderlands 3 начнутся испытания сообщества Мориса
Detailed Borderlands 3 maps with walkthrough leading you through the game zones, crew challenges locations, all main and side missions with quest starters, red chests locations, ECHO logs, Eridian writings and video guides helping you to find and solve secrets.
Borderlands 3
Release Date September 13, 2019
Game Genre Action RPG, FPS
Perspective First Person
World Open World
Game Mode Single Player, 4 Player Co-op
Ratings Mature 17+ / PEGI 18
Engine Unreal Engine 4
Windows PC
PlayStation PS4
The original shooter-looter returns, packing bazillions of guns and an all-new mayhem-fueled adventure! Blast through new worlds and enemies as one of four brand new Vault Hunters - the ultimate treasure-seeking badasses of the Borderlands, each with deep skill trees, abilities and customization. Play solo or join with friends to take on insane enemies, score loads of loot and save your home from the most ruthless cult leaders in the galaxy.
Borderlands 3 Starter Game Guide
Borderlands 3 Playable Characters
There are four playable characters in Borderlands 3: Amara, FL4K, Moze and Zane, each representing a unique fighting style and each having three skill trees.
Class: SIREN
Amara is a renowned champion of the people and bonafide badass.
- Mystical Assault - Phasecast an astral projection of herself that deals damage to everything in its path.
- Fist of the Elements - Phasegrasp enemies in place with a giant ethereal fist.
- Brawl - Phaseslam the ground to damage nearby enemies and knock them into the air.
FL4K is a wandering robot who always brings one of their three loyal pets into battle to buff stats and attack enemies.
- Stalker - Fade Away to temporarily become invisible while moving faster and regenerating health.
- Hunter - Rakk Attack skills let them send forth dive-bombing Rakk.
- Master - Gamma Burst teleport irradiated pets through rifts.
Moze is a battle-hardened former Vladof army soldier who specializes in mechanized combat, she got bipedal tank, Iron Bear
- Shield of Retribution - Railgun fires electrified high-velocity projectiles that deal Shock Damage.
- Bottomless Mags - Minigun is capable of sustained rapid fire.
- Demolition Woman - V-35 is a semi-automatic grenade launcher.
Born into Pandora's notorious Flynt family, Zane is a semi-retired corporate hitman who always has a gadget up his sleeve.
- Doubled Agent - Digi-Clone of Zane stays in place, but distracts and fires at enemies.
- Hitman - Send into battle an automated SNTNL drone that continually flies through the environment and attacks enemies with its Machine Guns.
- Under Cover - Drop a deployable Barrier that blocks incoming projectiles. Zane and his allies can shoot through the Barrier.
Ammo and Damage Types
Ammo types:
Pistol, Assault, SMG, Shotgun, Sniper, Heavy.
Elemental Damage Types
- Incendiary - damage tears through Flesh represented by red health bars, do damage over time.
- Shock - decimates Shields shown as blue health bars, do damage over time.
- Corrosive - will melt through Armor denoted by yellow health bars, do damage over time.
- Cryo - will slow their targets, eventually freezing them solid.
- Radiation - cause your target to become Irradiated, creating a noxious cloud that also affects nearby enemies, do damage over time.
Borderlands 3 Planets
A barely-habitable rock that the Children of the Vault have made their homeworld. Pandora's searing-hot deserts, vicious wildlife, and burgeoning bandit population have proved too much for all who have tried to tame the planet and exploit its resources. The ruins of Dahl, Atlas, and Hyperion facilities litter the landscape, inhabited by all manner of Skags, Rakk, Varkids, and Spiderants that are intent on eating and killing you. Usually in that order.
Home to the Atlas Corporation headquarters, Promethea is a metropolitan world covered in futuristic towers of chrome and glass. A recent siege by Maliwan has turned the urban environment into a warzone; their mechanized infantry patrol the streets, rodent / insect hybrids known as Ratches infest the sewers and back-alleys, and the Children of the Vault are seizing the opportunity to recruit displaced and disgruntled citizens. Atlas CEO Rhys Strongfork is getting desperate.
A backwater swampland of a planet, and family home of the Jakobs Clan. Eden-6 is covered by lush greenery and stagnant waters, dotted with occasional settlements and the rusted hulks of crashed spaceships. Civilization has never fully taken hold here, and indigenous dangers including ravenous Saurians and semi-sentient Jabbers effectively rule the planet. As if you didn't already have enough to worry about, the Children of the Vault have a presence here as well.
A misty, tranquil planet that has recently attracted the wrong kind of attention. Athenas is mostly uninhabited, save for a sect of monks known as the Order of the Impending Storm who have made their home in the high peaks of the mountains. What secrets do they guard here, inside ancient walls that were built long before humans set foot on Athenas?
Fast Travel and Vehicles
Borderlands 3 lets you teleport from anywhere to any previously discovered Fast Travel station or even your most recently used vehicle, all via the map in your ECHO device, this also include Fast Travel stations on other planet.
Vehicles you encounter are yours for the taking. You can always digistruct a vehicle at any Catch-A-Ride station, but there's also the option of a quick hijacking if aggressive bandit drivers get too close.
Borderlands 3 Crew Challenges Location Maps
Borderlands 3 Crew Challenges Locations Maps, Typhon Logs, Typhon Dead Drop, Legendary Hunt, Dead Claptrap, Hijack Target, Crimson Radio, Target of Opportunity with Video walkthroughs of locations difficult to discover.
Borderlands 3 Walkthrough with Maps
Maps for Borderlands 3 Video Game with full walkthrough including all missions, secret locations of red chests and crew challenges, bosses to kill, lore Echo Logs locations, crew challenges, Eridian writings, vending machines and YouTube Videos Guides how to solve the most difficult challenges.
Borderlands 3 Map of the Galaxy
Covenant Pass Map
Ascension Bluff Map
The Droughts Map
Sanctuary Map
Meridian Outskirts Map
Meridian Metroplex Map
Lectra City Map
Athenas Map
Skywell-27 Map
Atlas HQ Map
Neon Arterial Map
The Forgotten Basilica Map
Floodmoor Basin Map
The Anvil Map
Jakobs Estate Map
Voracious Canopy Map
Ambermire Map
Blackbarrel Cellars Map
The Floating Tomb Map
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