Borderlands 2 hd texture pack отличия
28 мар. 2019 в 16:03 I'm still not sure what you are talking about Mystic. The handsome collection is already out for everything, PC, PS4, and XBONE. I assume there will be a dlc on each game on each platform that you have to download if you want higher resolution textures. I have no idea about BL1 and I'm not going to try to talk about that. Someone asked for info about the UHD updates and I posted the videos. 28 мар. 2019 в 16:04
- 4K Ultra HD resolution and HDR for Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro players.
- Remastered 4K environment textures, including geometry and skyboxes.
- Remastered 4K characters and vehicles.
- Updated weapon meshes and textures.
- Re-encoded 4K Cinematics.
- Improved Anti-Aliasing, including improved edge line implementation.
This includes improved ink line definition and framing/outline around character models. - Higher Resolution Dynamic Shadows.
Improved quality and smoothness of shadows, especially during movement.
- Remastered 4K environment textures, including geometry and skyboxes.
- Remastered 4K characters and vehicles.
- Remastered 4K weapon meshes and textures.
- Improved Anti-Aliasing, including improved edge line implementation.
This includes improved ink line definition and framing/outline around character models. - Higher Resolution Dynamic Shadows.
Improved quality and smoothness of shadows, especially during movement. - Improved Screen Space Ambient Occlusion.
An improved SSAO method for more realistic ambient lighting.
That is just awesome
Going to be like playing a new game
28 мар. 2019 в 19:38 Will I be able to make use of the UHD texture pack with a 1080p monitor? I should have the GPU horsepower as I have a GTX 1070 overclocked.Yeah definitely can use it with a 1070.
Calling it a UHD pack is confusing. It just means higher quality assets. Has nothing to do with UHD screen resolution. You can actually run the games at 4K resolution right now.
28 мар. 2019 в 20:34 Really hope they also touch on the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ performance issues this game has on windows 10 and cards above the 700 series too otherwise they're just adding something to make abysmal performance even more abysmal. 28 мар. 2019 в 20:41 Really hope they also touch on the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ performance issues this game has on windows 10 and cards above the 700 series too otherwise they're just adding something to make abysmal performance even more abysmal.I get like 100+ fps with Physx and everything else on max + reshade.
28 мар. 2019 в 20:49 Really hope they also touch on the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ performance issues this game has on windows 10 and cards above the 700 series too otherwise they're just adding something to make abysmal performance even more abysmal.I get like 100+ fps with Physx and everything else on max + reshade.
16g ram
1070, 7700K, 16GBs, Win10. PhysX always on low since it's busted, nevertheless I get FPS drops during heavy combat and in certain maps like Opportunity and Thousand Cuts. .
Not sure what you're talking about, this game runs great on everything from my old HD 6870 1GB to my GTX 760 4GB to my GTX 1070. Maybe make sure you have PhysX disabled? Even on a higher end Nvidia card it can cause some framerate issues in busy fights. It was kind of tacked on and never very optimized.
That said most of these changes won't affect performance much at all, especially not on a modern graphics card. As long as you have enough vram the high quality textures don't really hit the framerate at all.
28 мар. 2019 в 20:55 1070, 7700K, 16GBs, Win10. PhysX always on low since it's busted, nevertheless I get FPS drops during heavy combat and in certain maps like Opportunity and Thousand Cuts. .Huh, I haven't played it too extensively on 10 or my 1070 so I guess that's possible. I remember getting some stutter in one spot but that was at 4K with everything maxed and PhysX on.
Actually, that's another thing, if you're playing on higher than 1080p some older games don't scale up properly. It's like certain things are tied to resolution and scale exponentially up more than they need to (ambient occlusion is a killer in some games). Like in Saints Row 3 at 4K I needed to turn lighting detail down to medium. There was no clear difference in quality, but the game ran better (locked 60fps) in demanding spots like downtown.
28 мар. 2019 в 20:58 1070, 7700K, 16GBs, Win10. PhysX always on low since it's busted, nevertheless I get FPS drops during heavy combat and in certain maps like Opportunity and Thousand Cuts. .Huh, I haven't played it too extensively on 10 or my 1070 so I guess that's possible. I remember getting some stutter in one spot but that was at 4K with everything maxed and PhysX on.
Actually, that's another thing, if you're playing on higher than 1080p some older games don't scale up properly. It's like certain things are tied to resolution and scale exponentially up more than they need to (ambient occlusion is a killer in some games). Like in Saints Row 3 at 4K I needed to turn lighting detail down to medium. There was no clear difference in quality, but the game ran better (locked 60fps) in demanding spots like downtown. Part of the problem is some engine devs don't think very far ahead.
28 мар. 2019 в 20:58 1070, 7700K, 16GBs, Win10. PhysX always on low since it's busted, nevertheless I get FPS drops during heavy combat and in certain maps like Opportunity and Thousand Cuts. .Huh, I haven't played it too extensively on 10 or my 1070 so I guess that's possible. I remember getting some stutter in one spot but that was at 4K with everything maxed and PhysX on.
Actually, that's another thing, if you're playing on higher than 1080p some older games don't scale up properly. It's like certain things are tied to resolution and scale exponentially up more than they need to (ambient occlusion is a killer in some games). Like in Saints Row 3 at 4K I needed to turn lighting detail down to medium. There was no clear difference in quality, but the game ran better (locked 60fps) in demanding spots like downtown.
I know for a fact it's not PhysX since I've always had it set to low since the get-go and even gone out of my way to delete drivers for it just in case. Also for reference I have everything set to max at 1080p (minus PhysX obv). Take the mission in Opportunity where Moxxi has you blow up Jack's construction site and the little side off section where you cross the bridge to get the bombs, if I do a 360 there and just look back across the bridge into the distant map I drop to 20-30fps. Originally I shrugged it off thinking maybe it was something buggy with their view distance and the ultra high setting so I set it to low, no change. So then I just set everything to low and managed to get it up to 40, which is a slight improvement I guess? Overall though I pin it more on Win10 than my card, iirc the game runs on DX9 which doesn't play nice with 10 and 2K has also listed BL2 as a game not supported for the OS.
- Remastered 4K environment textures, including geometry and skyboxes.
- Remastered 4K characters and vehicles.
- Remastered 4K weapon meshes and textures.
- Improved Anti-Aliasing, including improved edge line implementation.
This includes improved ink line definition and framing/outline around character models. - Higher Resolution Dynamic Shadows.
Improved quality and smoothness of shadows, especially during movement. - Improved Screen Space Ambient Occlusion.
An improved SSAO method for more realistic ambient lighting.
AA, HRDS, and SSAO only need, thats cool, the rest is superfluous, and hardly anyone will need it.
Many can not play in 60 frames with Physx enabled, what kind of 4k is there to talk about here. However, if you change the config, which is located here
C:\Users\UserName\Documents\My Games\borderlands 2\willowgame\Config
you can even get 60 frames with maximum graphics on an old Radeon video card, but few people know about it.
For me personally, BL2 looks and runs much better since the last patch and UHD textures. Also with PhysX turned on.
How could you possibly run borderlands 2 with physX on?
What was I seeing when you shot this little bukkymong? Blood on the ground? Is that an additional mod? That feels new to me.
Side question, if I buy just borderlands 2 for a friend, does he get the high res textures or is it just handsome jack collection?
Any version of any copy of the updated games gets the upgrade for free
Can someone help me fix an issue with my HD texture pack. I downloaded it from the playstation store to my PS4 Pro and when i go in game there is no option to turn it on. When i look in dlc it says i dont have it downloaded so i click download and it takes me to the playstation store which says it is already installed.
I downloaded UHD pack, start the game and i dont know if im blind because i dont see any difference with UHD pack and without it, playing in 1080p resolution and yes, UHD pack is marked as installed in DLC tab
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castSame here , i srsly see no difference except maybe when angel talks to you her appearance is different
What platform are you on? And what resolution is the game and your monitor/TV?
What platform? And if you are playing on 1080p the difference will be harder to notice.
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