Stationeers как починить ровер
2 янв в 7:55
For anyone (new) like me who kept asking, and not getting answered, how to get the bigger rover seen in all the promo images and in-game cut scenes - it ain't available.
Such a simple question, but Dev didn't answer, no one here seemed to know, so I looked on utube, did some web searches, finally landed on reddit to read "MK II Currently isn't available to be researched." Apparently it was available for about 10 seconds, then poof!
So there ya go, you're welcome!
2 янв в 8:50 I know other Devs who are practically inactive on there Steam Forums yet very active on Discord. I believe this is not fair cus Discord just aint for everybody. Personally I'd rather use Steam. 2 янв в 11:49hmm.. if you have the abandon building on a custom world you can fin the KitRoverFrame which you will be able to build the big one with 10 steel, 10plastic, and 10glass..
Грузовой ровер
Шестиколёсный двухместный ровер с герметичной кабиной и местом под грузовые контейнеры. Слева кресло водителя, справа - пассажира.
С левого борта за водительской дверцей находятся слоты для баллонов с дыхательной смесью, баллона для отработанной смеси и дыхательных фильтров. С правого борта за пассажирской дверцей расположены слоты для аккумуляторов.
В задней части ровера находятся два грузовых слота, в каждый из которых можно закрепить переносной ящик или большой газовый баллон. Для этого поставьте груз на землю рядом с грузовым отсеком и используйте Разводной ключ.
В кабине находятся две панели. На верхней находятся общий выключатель питания, индикатор заряда аккумуляторов и индикатор запаса кислорода. На нижней панели расположены слева-направо и сверху-вниз: выключатель фар, выключатель внутреннего освещения, индикатор тангажа, спидометр, индикатор крена, выключатель подачи кислорода, выключатель воздушного фильтра.
Stationeers как починить ровер
11 июн. 2019 в 2:09Version: 0.2.2029.9331
SP, Creative, Space, New game
1. Pressing Alt while rover moves causes camera to fly away
2. Mounting issues. After spawning rover I spawned Dynamic Air Tank. Tryed to to mount it to tank connector 10-20 meters away from rover, tank disapeared, spawned second one, same behavior, spawned third tank, it simply refused to mount (progres bar rests once it reachs the end), found out two tanks mounted to rover later
3. Tablet can not be used inside rover despite free hands.
4. While in rover that was on its side my camera controls were tied to 'inexisting ground', I could not target some of rover controls (while this might beghave better on ground, controls and doors still should be reachable regardless of position). Controls were behaving weirdly (likely were swapped)
5. Rover maintains 101KPa and has 'air' labeled slots, yet nitrogen continues to build up (had filters on and CO2 filter). This is user-unfriendly. Please either reduce presure to 54 and relabel canisters to be oxygen or add an instruction manual that says to have nitrogen filter and to turn on filters periodically (or whatever way it was supposed to work).
6. I left Rover in 'on' state, filters off, than entered again, somehow pressure ended up as
140 untill I turned on filters
7. Rover Frame indicates two build options, but only one cam be mouse-wheeled to.
P.S. There might be an issue with power button not moving, but rover seems to not be fully complete in general.
11 июн. 2019 в 13:39Same version
SP, Survival, Moon, old game (from previous version)
1. Was able to mount crate while being 10 meters away from rover
2. As soon as I mounted crate rover decided that it has antigravity and slowly hovered away:
How do i get the Rover Cargo?
Im seeing all the YT videos with the big Rover but im only able to craft the MK1 Frame/Rover even with all T2 Printers.
Is this thing creative or beta branch only? Trading? Missions?
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castThe MK2 was removed because it was buggy. The MK1 can carry 2 crates though so you can use it for cargo.
Just move any crate next to the rover and use a wrench to load it on.
Thx for the Info.
I already done some MK1 Tours and figured out the Crate/Tank cargo function. I wanted to move my Gas filter / furnace setup into my new base and hoped for a more advanced cargo hauler and also i wanted to check out its dimensions for my garage plan.
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