Rare mod sundry pack варфрейм что это
While certain mod packs guarantee at least one mod to be of a certain quality, there is no guarantee of receiving any specific mods in these packs. As of Hotfix 11.2.1 (2013-12-06), Warframe abilities (prior to their removal in Update 15.0 (2014-10-24)) and Sentinel precepts are no longer included in mod packs.
For more information on mods and their uses please view the Mods page.
где посмотреть набор модов?
Зарегистрируйте новую учётную запись в нашем сообществе. Это очень просто!
Eagle Mod Pack [ ]
Roll the dice to get a 5 pack of mods, with one guaranteed RARE.
Dragon Mod Pack [ ]
Roll the dice to get a 5 pack of mods, with two guaranteed RARE.
How do I claim my sundry pack ?
Зарегистрируйте новую учётную запись в нашем сообществе. Это очень просто!
Falcon Mod Pack [ ]
Roll the dice to get a 5 pack of mods, with one guaranteed UNCOMMON or better.
Getting 8 rare mods?
What’s the fastest way to achieve this? Just keep doing spy missions?
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castIndex probably. I did this during the one hour kuva survival so I’m not sure.
Can confirm, Index does work for this challenge.
Index or regular Kuva siphon missions.
Maybe not the fastest way, but your regular Hydron grind drops quite many of them. So you might even consider doing it passively as long as you have something to level.
Trivia [ ]
Hawk Mod Pack [ ]
Roll the dice to get a 5 pack of mods.
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Warframe and the Warframe logo are trademarks of Digital Extremes Ltd.
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©2020 Digital Extremes Ltd. All rights reserved.
Warframe and the Warframe logo are trademarks of Digital Extremes Ltd.
Phoenix Mod Pack [ ]
Roll the dice to get a 5 pack of mods, with two guaranteed UNCOMMON or better.
Patch History [ ]
We have replaced the random Mod Packs (Dragon, Eagle, Falcon, Hawk, and Phoenix) with 6 new themed Essential Mod Bundles!
These Bundles were put together to offer what their predecessors were lacking. We’ve completely removed the dice roll and replaced it with a clear list of contents so that you know exactly what you are getting in the bundle. They are intended to help get you started and familiar with modding in Warframe, and all of the items in the Bundles can be earned from mission rewards, enemy drops, and more!
They each feature an unranked Rifle Mod, Shotgun Mod, Pistol Mod, Melee Mod, 1,000 Endo, and 50,000 Credits. Check them out in the in-game Market!
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