Можно ли играть в ведьмак 3 вдвоем
Безумная популярность игры The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt стала причиной того, что геймеры пытаются узнать как можно больше деталей об этом проекте. Один из самых актуальных и волнующих вопросов для незнакомых с игрой игроков - можно ли играть в Ведьмак 3 по сети? Ответ, к сожалению для многих, отрицательный.
Многопользовательского режима не предусмотрено ни в каком виде, в том числе и кооперативного. С другой стороны, игры, лишенные мультиплеера, обычно могут похвастать тщательно проработанной одиночной кампанией, и Ведьмак 3 - яркое тому свидетельство.
Масштабы и вариативность основной сюжетной линии таковы, что играть по сети в Ведьмак 3 уже особо и нет смысла, тут и одному-то вообще никак не скучно.
Возможно ли создать отдельную ячейку сохранения?
Может существуют какие-то моды на счёт этого,не можем с братом мирно жить,двое хотим играть в это.Человеку который ответит - заранее спасибо).
если только папку с сейвами копировать каждому отдельную
да ну как. копируешь свои сейвы например на рабочий стол, брат запускает новую игру, играет, после копирует так же свои сейвы. Ты когда захочешь играть, закидываешь свои сейвы и спокойно продолжаешь играть. Мы с моим братом давным давно так гамали в игры, где не было предусмотрено отдельных ячеек под сохранки.
Ручное сохранение разве не выход? Выделяется зелёным, ячеек сколько хочешь.
Слушайте парни огромное вам благодарствие,если-б не вы не знал бы что делать уж точно)))Еще раз спасибо!
Советую вам проходить на самом легком уровне сложности, а то потом предвижу десяток тем, как вам сложно проходится и как убить какого-нибудь накера, раз вы даже с элементарными сохранениями не смогли разобраться.
Мультиплеер в Ведьмаке
это были бы бессюжетные поединки-тренировки между ведьмаками с использованием полноценных билдов и ограничениями, недопускающими заметные различия в уровне прокачки и снаряжения. Очень иногда такого бы хотелось
Просто добавить мультиплеер в игру вряд ли возможно. Слишком много сюжета. диалогов, кат сцен. Но, наверное, можно добавить специально разработанные миссии, где к Геральту могут присоединиться Ламберт и Эскель (живые игроки). PVP арену.
Сергей 82
Ну типа кооператива,было интересно с другом поиграть так
если бы в ней был бы Мультиплеер игра не была бы такой шикарной, так как больше уделяют внимания мультиплееру нежели самой игре в одиночке, этой игре он не нужен.
Не понимаю, почему все так минусят тему. Часто ведь смотришь видео в котором какой-либо билд рассматривается как нагибаторский и сверхэффективный и хочется проверить насколько он такой мна самом деле. Но в одиночной игре все зависит от самого игрока, от соотношения уровней с противником, настроек анимации (типа как в школе плотвы используются реалистичные анимации и продвинутый выбор цели), личных предпочтений (типа как одни презирают алхимию, а другие предпочитают ее другим веткам), то есть объективно оценить билд невозможно. А вот если бы у нас были два ведьмака с одинаковыми уровнями прокачки и снаряжения, то сражаясь за них друг против друга мы могли бы действительно узнать какой билд эффективнее
Можно ли играть в ведьмак 3 вдвоем
Ведьмак 3: Дикая Охота
3 окт. 2014 в 11:17 Please, please allow users to join each other. Even if it's not perfect. Please don't force a single player mode even if it doesn't make sense. I'm really looking forward for this game. How could they even do that without ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ up the story telling? 3 окт. 2014 в 11:24 How could they even do that without ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ up the story telling?I meant to say allow for both single player amd multiplayer. I don't care if the story doesn't make sense if two players are there.
I edited it a bit, hopefully it's better now.
3 окт. 2014 в 14:33In this last phase of the game development, it's too late to add multiplayer or co-op. It might not seem like it, but adapting a game to multiplayer is a lot of work. Especially in this case since REDengine might not be ready for multiplayer.
Sorry friend, no matter how much you ask, there won't be any kind of multiplayer.
And personally I am against the idea. The Witcher is all about the story and the lone wolf. Singleplayer can be just as good or better than multiplayer. And Witcher 3 is going to prove it.
no, I am glad they are not wasting money on making MP. The money that would be spent on making MP, is better spent on making the SP even better. No need to skip on making content for the sake of MP. There are plenty of MP games out there. 3 окт. 2014 в 21:16 no, I am glad they are not wasting money on making MP. The money that would be spent on making MP, is better spent on making the SP even better. No need to skip on making content for the sake of MP. There are plenty of MP games out there.You make a good point. I definitely want them to perfect single player as much as they can. I was suggesting that if possible after they actually finish the game. Of course, I'm probably going to buy this even if it's just single player, but we'll have to see.
If its as modable as TES Skyrim was then most likely someone else will do it anyways, so I can only hope. I just know it would reach a larger player base and in my opinion it's always funner to go on an adventure with a friend than alone.
Definitely hope it does not disappoint like most games released today.
4 окт. 2014 в 11:30 4 окт. 2014 в 11:31 I can't see the problem with it. More options. You wouldn't be forced to play it that way. 4 окт. 2014 в 11:37 no, I am glad they are not wasting money on making MP. The money that would be spent on making MP, is better spent on making the SP even better. No need to skip on making content for the sake of MP. There are plenty of MP games out there. Multiplayer/Co-Op in The Witcher 3. :rfacepalm::rfacepalm::rfacepalm:I can't see the problem with it. More options. You wouldn't be forced to play it that way.
The problem comes with the story, in order to allow multiplayer they would have to add a playable character, right? What character? what would make sense in the context? Geralt have friends but none of them would follow him everywhere, what if Geralt want to have some "fun" with Triss? how would they explain the additionnal character? and what would this character add to the story when it's all about Geralt?
The problem is that the game was designed with Geralt as the main character, the story is about him and "no one else", the dialogues are centered on him, ect. Adding multiplayer just for the sake of it doesn't make sense, adding co-op when one character is completely irrelevant is in my opinion completely pointless.
If the game was made, or at least a version of it was made with co-op in mind then yeah, ok, but to be honest i much prefer a purely single player based game than a multiplayer gimmick when said game is all about the story and the characters, the game itself was made with single player in mind.
4 окт. 2014 в 12:50 I can't see the problem with it. More options. You wouldn't be forced to play it that way.The problem comes with the story, in order to allow multiplayer they would have to add a playable character, right? What character? what would make sense in the context? Geralt have friends but none of them would follow him everywhere, what if Geralt want to have some "fun" with Triss? how would they explain the additionnal character? and what would this character add to the story when it's all about Geralt?
The problem is that the game was designed with Geralt as the main character, the story is about him and "no one else", the dialogues are centered on him, ect. Adding multiplayer just for the sake of it doesn't make sense, adding co-op when one character is completely irrelevant is in my opinion completely pointless.
If the game was made, or at least a version of it was made with co-op in mind then yeah, ok, but to be honest i much prefer a purely single player based game than a multiplayer gimmick when said game is all about the story and the characters, the game itself was made with single player in mind.
Make him a sidekick, some clumsy bastard that just hangs by the main character, maybe the same as a follower in skyrim(this is actually not a bad idea imo) where you can have them follow you or you can just drop them at an inn if you don't want them around, instead of that the follower could be replaced with your friend when they join you.
Again, I never meant to say that they should disregard single player at all, the story should remain as it is with the focus on the main character only. I'm definitely most interested in this game because of the story. It just wouldn't kill anything to allow another person to join you when you play. Skyrim was intended as a single player too and you could play it perfectly in single player but someone made an online mod and it really wasn't out of place. People loved it, unfortunately the modder was doing a better job than the entire Skyrim Online team so they shut him down. It didn't make sense to have a second player there originally, but it wasn't destroying the story. That's what I'm trying to say.
Again, I doubt CDPR will actually do this but I tried. I love playing games with friends. Single player games aren't bad but it's a lot more fun when I can kill stuff with a friend or I can talk to someone while I run from place to place doing something different.
Worst case scenario I just hope they will allow the game to be moddable to the extent someone can do a multiplayer mod.
Ultimately it's just a game and it not having multiplayer isn't going to kill me. I was just suggesting something that imo would be fun for my experience and in a way that it wouldn't affect other people's single player experience.
4 окт. 2014 в 13:45The problem comes with the story, in order to allow multiplayer they would have to add a playable character, right? What character? what would make sense in the context? Geralt have friends but none of them would follow him everywhere, what if Geralt want to have some "fun" with Triss? how would they explain the additionnal character? and what would this character add to the story when it's all about Geralt?
The problem is that the game was designed with Geralt as the main character, the story is about him and "no one else", the dialogues are centered on him, ect. Adding multiplayer just for the sake of it doesn't make sense, adding co-op when one character is completely irrelevant is in my opinion completely pointless.
If the game was made, or at least a version of it was made with co-op in mind then yeah, ok, but to be honest i much prefer a purely single player based game than a multiplayer gimmick when said game is all about the story and the characters, the game itself was made with single player in mind.
Make him a sidekick, some clumsy bastard that just hangs by the main character, maybe the same as a follower in skyrim(this is actually not a bad idea imo) where you can have them follow you or you can just drop them at an inn if you don't want them around, instead of that the follower could be replaced with your friend when they join you.
That's the problem. Geralt doesn't have one. Making one would go against the Geralt personality. Geralt of Rivia is the White Wolf, a lone wolf. And even if they made it, they would need to adapt most dialogue so the characters acknowledge Geralt companion presence. Skyrim might get away with silent partners, but Witcher won't because they focus a lot more in the story-telling.
I do like Co-ops/multiplayer games but IMO, it just doesn't make sense in Witcher 3. It would go against the concept of the games and the books. Just like our friend said, I think they should focus all their resources on the singleplayer. I would rather have more quests than a sorry excuse for a co-op.
As for mods. I know that W3 will use REDengine. I am not saying that it will be impossible to make multiplayer mod, but there are 2 things to take into account:
- Witcher 2 uses REDengine and the mods for it are very limited compared to Skyrim. There are no mods that dramatically change anything. Just meshes, texture, gameplay and cheats mods.
- Multiplayer is not something that someone makes on a whim. It takes a LOT of work. And this is assuming that it is possible on REDengine. (again, not saying it is impossible, just saying it would be difficult)
Make him a sidekick, some clumsy bastard that just hangs by the main character, maybe the same as a follower in skyrim(this is actually not a bad idea imo) where you can have them follow you or you can just drop them at an inn if you don't want them around, instead of that the follower could be replaced with your friend when they join you.
That's the problem. Geralt doesn't have one. Making one would go against the Geralt personality. Geralt of Rivia is the White Wolf, a lone wolf. And even if they made it, they would need to adapt most dialogue so the characters acknowledge Geralt companion presence. Skyrim might get away with silent partners, but Witcher won't because they focus a lot more in the story-telling.
I do like Co-ops/multiplayer games but IMO, it just doesn't make sense in Witcher 3. It would go against the concept of the games and the books. Just like our friend said, I think they should focus all their resources on the singleplayer. I would rather have more quests than a sorry excuse for a co-op.
As for mods. I know that W3 will use REDengine. I am not saying that it will be impossible to make multiplayer mod, but there are 2 things to take into account:
- Witcher 2 uses REDengine and the mods for it are very limited compared to Skyrim. There are no mods that dramatically change anything. Just meshes, texture, gameplay and cheats mods.
- Multiplayer is not something that someone makes on a whim. It takes a LOT of work. And this is assuming that it is possible on REDengine. (again, not saying it is impossible, just saying it would be difficult)
Don't get me wrong but I feel like Geralt isn't really a lone wolf. Sure, he does give the impression that he's lonely due to how hes different but he even has a woman . He's accompanied multiple times by side kicks. At the same time, atm I haven't yet finished the witcher 2 so hopefully nobody spoilers something, but if he becomes a true lone wolf by the end of this game then I might change my mind. I'll see.I don't know the story for the witcher 3 yet so I'm not sure if he's actually supposed to be a lone wolf there.
I understand what you're saying though. Rather than get an unfinished game I'd rather pass on multiplayer or co/op. Still, if they're just gonna add 50 quests that say go to this forest and get me 3 mushrooms, making me run all over the map just to pass the time, I'd rather get the co op or mp. That's just my me, not a fan of grinding without any purpose just to waste time.
Yes. It really comes up to how good the game is. If it's good enough, someone will make a multiplayer mod for it if it doesn't exist. We'll have to see with TW3.
PS: I haven't read the books but I'm probably gonna go buy them now that I know they actually exist.
4 окт. 2014 в 15:44 Don't get me wrong but I feel like Geralt isn't really a lone wolf. Sure, he does give the impression that he's lonely due to how hes different but he even has a woman . He's accompanied multiple times by side kicks. At the same time, atm I haven't yet finished the witcher 2 so hopefully nobody spoilers something, but if he becomes a true lone wolf by the end of this game then I might change my mind. I'll see.I don't know the story for the witcher 3 yet so I'm not sure if he's actually supposed to be a lone wolf there.Geralt is a lone wolf when it comes to jobs, I'm not saying that he is like "ewww, another person, get away from me". Geralt is more like "You can help me find something? If not, step aside and let me do my job", in other words, unless he absolutely needs help, he prefers to do it alone.
I understand what you're saying though. Rather than get an unfinished game I'd rather pass on multiplayer or co/op. Still, if they're just gonna add 50 quests that say go to this forest and get me 3 mushrooms, making me run all over the map just to pass the time, I'd rather get the co op or mp. That's just my me, not a fan of grinding without any purpose just to waste time.
That's not really CDPR style, at least in TW2. TW2 side-quests are the best ones of all games IMO. They are not just "fetch that for me", they are like "this woman was with a guard before he disapeared and his comrades want to hang her, are you going to investigate or not?"
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