Mount and blade warband как отключить шейдеры
25 апр. 2017 в 4:33
How do i disable a shader that is used in a mod pack? both a mod file thats called core-shader is included and some "postfx" stuff, sadly my pc cant run those without taking heavy issues in performance (not that it is fast in the first place but dx7 mode native runs with 60 fps as does the star wars conquest mod with the same settings) just those shaders break my performance down to 25 fps so i'd like to try to disable them
25 апр. 2017 в 7:36
or some advice of some software with which i could delete parts of a modpack/dataset/module?
25 апр. 2017 в 9:10
you should find an "enbseries ini. in your game folder,delete that
or shift+F12 disables it but you need to do that everytime you launch the game
25 апр. 2017 в 9:30
hmm, no such file but the workaround might be worth a try, is there a program that can change module content so i could remove the part altogether?
25 апр. 2017 в 9:50
most enb come with instructions packed in with it,check for that
i don't use them,i hate them
25 апр. 2017 в 11:20
hmm, where am i supposed to press shift + f12? did it on various occasions and it doesnt fix it, deleting those files only made the game not starting
Mount and blade warband как отключить шейдеры
Mount & Blade: Warband
3 янв. 2017 в 8:54 every single mod is now dark and very hard to see around, don't even know how this happened escept I just purchased viking conquest and played it for the 1st time. 3 янв. 2017 в 9:15 uninstalling and reinstaling doesn't work, please help. 3 янв. 2017 в 9:22 What you mean? The game works it just looks like crap now because of whatever that resident evil thing in the upper left hand corner, resident evil whatever is pops up while it loads. I uninstalled mount and blade warband hoping that it would fix whatever is messing with the graphics, it didn't. Every single mod is dark, gritty and hard to see. 3 янв. 2017 в 9:45 I have the same message and was wandering the same.But i have no visual issues,just sits there.
Seems to me some sort of virus,it started after i downloaded a mod but can't remember which. Weird as i only use the usual websites.
I look forward to read what is it about. 3 янв. 2017 в 10:45 i also had this one enb everything looked quite orange and gave me 50 fps
so i deleted it
i just deleted the files that i putted in mount and blade
ALL o f them? Or do know which is the one?
What is it by the way. 3 янв. 2017 в 10:53
ALL o f them? Or do know which is the one?
What is it by the way. i had the nova aetas shader addon so idk how to uninstall yours
Yeah, i could have got it via Nova Aetas. damn it, so annoying.
3 янв. 2017 в 10:54 3 янв. 2017 в 11:03 eh, but you erased everything before. I will give it a shot, i make a back up and install again. 3 янв. 2017 в 11:35 eh, but you erased everything before. I will give it a shot, i make a back up and install again. thats not gonna work
you gonna need to verify it
Yeah, first I erase and than verify, that is what i meant:-)
Not so happy about erasing everything, but I cannot find any info on line about which files to delete. 3 янв. 2017 в 12:11 3 янв. 2017 в 12:14 It's a shader included in a few mods, including Nova Aetas. I actually have configured it to my satisfaction, so I have never looked into removing it. At least you can be reasonably sure it is not a virus or troyan. 3 янв. 2017 в 12:16 Yea, it's Nova, ok will try everything here. I did delete a few select files that I was fairly certain were the issuie. It cleared up the dark part, colours were just colder. 3 янв. 2017 в 12:36 god,did some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pack an ENB into thier mod.
there will be ini. files,exe. files and dirty files everywhere
when you delete make sure to get rid of everything including everything in documents,or it will leave some trash somewhere
lucky i have not found this mod,it would mean war. 3 янв. 2017 в 13:25 ENB's alter the way your graphics card work,not just the game itself
if ppl want to f.uck around with THIER hardware that is thier business
but it is tantamount to installing a virus on someones computer to pack one into a mod 3 янв. 2017 в 14:10
Mount and blade warband как отключить шейдеры
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Итак, если на экране тупа пэзда, и текстуры зданий, солдат, неба, Аллаха смешиваются воедино, зайдите в настройки графики, и во вкладке "Разрешение экрана" выберите "Использовать разрешение экрана по умолчанию" (даже если оно у вас и так стоит). Суть в том, что у вас сбросятся настройки графики, и картинка на экране обновится. Не забудьте после совершения данной процедуры вернуть свои настройки графики, хотя сбрасываются они не всегда, процессы Варбанда, как известно, познать невозможно, от чего это зависит - неизвестно. Гарантий нет, что этот метод вам поможет, ибо каждый баг в Варбанде уникален, но лично мне помогает всегда. Сасибо за внимание, с вами был пожилой партизан Жмышенко Валерий Альбертович, приятной игры.
Ошибка: get shader failed for: windy flora (мод TLD) [есть ответ]
(get shader failed for: windy flora) - выдаёт эту ошибку и не запускается.
1. Переместите все файлы с расширением .brf из папки <Папка, в которую установлен Warband>\Modules\TLD\Data\ в папку <Папка, в которую установлен Warband>\CommonRes с заменой файлов.
2. Переместите все файлы с расширением .txt и .xml из папки <Папка, в которую установлен Warband>\Modules\TLD\Data\ в папку <Папка, в которую установлен Warband>\Data с заменой файлов.
3. Все оставшиеся файлы папки <Папка, в которую установлен Warband>\Modules\TLD\Data\ поместите в главную папку <Папка, в которую установлен Warband>.
4. Теперь TLD готов к запуску. Учтите, любые другие моды (включая Натив) теперь нельзя будет запустить.
5. Запускаем Mount&Blade как обычно и выбираем в списке модулей TLD. Приятной игры!
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