Dragon ball z kakarot где лежат сохранения
The "c:" is the name of the drive i have windows installed on, could be different for you
Try "user/documents/my games"
already have not there
Try "%appdata%/local/dev name-game name". Sometimes they put it there.
not in there either
Find the save file name and it using the search bar on the whole computer
I have tried every location but no luck, even GameSaveManager was not able to find the game installed on the PC. In the local/AT/Saved folder there is no subfolder named SavedGames.
Dragon ball z kakarot где лежат сохранения
17 янв. 2020 в 16:43 i only have save data when i have internet, weirdly enough, my save data is not there when i go into offline mode 17 янв. 2020 в 17:34 17 янв. 2020 в 19:40 no my internet was out earlier and i went to offline mode, launched the game and my save was gone, when i went back online the save was there, went back and forth from online to offline it still happens, yeah i thought about that, i guess saving in this game does not sync for offline 17 янв. 2020 в 19:52 17 янв. 2020 в 20:16 no my internet was out earlier and i went to offline mode, launched the game and my save was gone, when i went back online the save was there, went back and forth from online to offline it still happens, yeah i thought about that, i guess saving in this game does not sync for offlineSame, though it turns out the Offline mode and Online modes have different save locations. You can copy your save over, and they'll show up in Continue, but when you try to load it says that there's no data. 17 янв. 2020 в 20:57 no my internet was out earlier and i went to offline mode, launched the game and my save was gone, when i went back online the save was there, went back and forth from online to offline it still happens, yeah i thought about that, i guess saving in this game does not sync for offline
Same, though it turns out the Offline mode and Online modes have different save locations. You can copy your save over, and they'll show up in Continue, but when you try to load it says that there's no data.
Alright, I figured it out. You didn't quite give the save location but I found it anyways.
Here's where your save data normally is,
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\YOUR STEAM ID HERE\851850\remote\You copy all the save data from there into
and add .sav onto the end of the files. You'll be good to go after that. 18 янв. 2020 в 0:26
Same, though it turns out the Offline mode and Online modes have different save locations. You can copy your save over, and they'll show up in Continue, but when you try to load it says that there's no data.
Alright, I figured it out. You didn't quite give the save location but I found it anyways.
Here's where your save data normally is,
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\YOUR STEAM ID HERE\851850\remote\You copy all the save data from there into
and add .sav onto the end of the files. You'll be good to go after that. soo i acutally found my saves that the game refuses to take and did what you said even tho i made those saves in online mode and they stopped working after, still only shows the autosave from new game yesterday 18 янв. 2020 в 0:53
Same, though it turns out the Offline mode and Online modes have different save locations. You can copy your save over, and they'll show up in Continue, but when you try to load it says that there's no data.
Alright, I figured it out. You didn't quite give the save location but I found it anyways.
Here's where your save data normally is,
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\YOUR STEAM ID HERE\851850\remote\You copy all the save data from there into
and add .sav onto the end of the files. You'll be good to go after that. it also seems to remake the save files i delted that ti made yesterday every time i boot up the game and i cant fool the game by renameming my manual sava data to the auto save one ither not sure how the ♥♥♥ this save system even works for this game it is weird
Alright, I figured it out. You didn't quite give the save location but I found it anyways.
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Сохранение прогресса игры
Эта страница нашего руководства содержит информацию о том, как сохранить ваш прогресс в Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. Вы узнаете, когда Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot сохраняет автоматически, а также о том, как сохранить вручную.
Руководство по игре Dragon Ball Z Kakarot и гайды по прохождению игры помогут вам завершить игру на 100% и узнать все ее секреты.
Ручное сохранение
Для сохранения необходимо не менее 60 МБ свободной памяти. игру вручную.
Чтобы сохранить игру, вы должны открыть меню и выбрать опцию save .
Обратите внимание, что при перезаписи файла вы не сможете восстановить предыдущую версию.
Эта страница содержит советы по началу работы с DBZ Kakarot. Мы включили различные подсказки для механики и ситуаций, которые могут вызвать проблемы в первые часы игры. Многие из описанных ниже тем обсуждались на других страницах руководства, включая раздел часто задаваемых вопросов.
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