Mirror witchery как сделать
A Reflection is a type of demon that has been bound to a Magic Mirror. The demon will take on the form of the player who is closest to it, using their armor and weapons (and sometimes other abilities) against them.
It is possible to pull such a demon from their mirror, by performing a Rite of Summoning on the mirror.
Items | Circle Talisman | Arthana | Boline | Spear of the Huntsman | Baba Yaga's Hat | Water Diviner | Lava Diviner | Witch Hand | Ritual Chalk | Golden Chalk | Otherwhere Chalk | Infernal Chalk | | Enchanted Broom | Mutandis | Mutandis Extremis | Necromantic Stone | Spectral Stone | Trapped Plants | Leaping Lily | Witches Hat | Witches Robes | Necromancers Robes | Icy Slippers | Ruby Slippers | Seeping Shoes | Biting Belt | Bark Belt | Brew Bag | Polynesia Charm | Devils Tongue Charm | Charm of Fanciful Thoughts | Mystic Branch | Mutating Sprig | Seer Stone | Apple of Sleeping | Witch Hunter Armor | Silvered Hunter Armor | Hunter Dawn Armor | Sunlight Grenade | Silver Sword | Witch Hunter Crossbow Pistol (Wooden Bolt, Bone Bolt, Splitting Bolt, Nullifying Bolt) | Poppet Shelf Compass | Universal Antidote | Hand of Death | Death's Hood | Death's Robe | Death's Footwear | Binky's Skull | Demonic Contract | Mog's Quiver | Gulg's Gurdle | Koboldite Pickaxe | Leonard's Urn | Anointing Paste | Moon Charm | Horn of the Hunt | Lambchop | Vampire Clothing | Cane Sword | Meaty Stew | Glass Goblet | Wooden Stake | Bottle of Warm Blood | Bottle of Lilith's Blood | Duplication Grenade | Taglock Kit |
Brews | Brew of Vines | Brew of Thorns | Brew of Webs | Brew of Ink | Brew of Sprouting | Brew of Erosion | Brew of Raising | Brew of the Grotesque | Brew of Love | Brew of Frost | Brew of the Depths | Brew of Infection | Brew of Sleeping | Brew of Flowing Spirit | Brew of Hollow Tears | Brew of Wasting | Brew of Bats | Brew of Revealing | Brew of Substitution | Solidifying Brews | Infused Brew Base | Infused Brew of Soaring | Infused Brew of the Grave | Brew of Cursed Leaping | Brew of Frog's Tongue | Brew of Bodega | Redstone Soup |
Books | Witchcraft: Collecting Fumes | Witchcraft: Herbology | Witchcraft: Distilling | Witchcraft: Circle Magic | Witchcraft: Brews & Infusions | Witchcraft: Symbology | Book of Biomes | Book of Biomes (Extended Edition) | Witchcraft: Conjuration & Fetishes | Observations of an Immortal | Torn Page | Witches' Brews |
Devices | Oven | Altar | Distillery | Kettle | Brazier | Rowan Wood Door | Alder Wood Door | Stockade | Poppet Shelf | Alluring Skull | Leech Chest | Crystal Ball | Statue of The Goddess | Statue of Broken Curses | Statue of Occluded Summons | Chalice | Spinning Wheel | Spirit Portal | Candelabra | Scarecrow | Trent Effigy | Witch's Ladder | Sentinel Fetish | Voodoo Protection Fetish | Ghost Walking Fetish | Disorientation Fetish | Shrieking Fetish | Pentacle | Witches' Cauldron | Silver Vat | Beartrap | Wolf/Hellhound Head | Wolf Altar | Garlic Garland | Sunlight Collector | Coffin | Blood-stained Wool | Blood Crucible | Shaded Glass | Magic Mirror | Statue of Hobgoblin Patron |
Poppets | Earth | Water | Fire | Hunger | Anti-Voodoo | Tool | Anti-Death | Poppet Protection | Voodoo | Vampiric |
Dream Catchers | Swiftness | Iron Arm | Satiation | Intensity | Nightmares |
Superpowers | Infusion of Light | Infusion of the Overworld | Infusion of Otherwhere | Infernal Infusion |
World | Rowan Tree | Hawthorn Tree | Alder Tree | Belladonna | Mandrake | Minedrake | Spanish Moss | Ember Moss | Water Artichoke | Ender Bramble | Void Bramble | Glint Weed | Snowbell | Grassper | Critter Snare | Wild Bramble | Blood Rose | Wispy Cotton | Wormwood | Wolfsbane | Garlic | Wicker Bundle | Structures | Parasytic Louse | Horned Huntsman | Baba Yaga | Spectral Familiar | Treefyd | Ent | Owl | Toad | Coven Witch | Nightmare | Demon | Flame Imp | Lord of Torment | Spirit | Spectre | Banshee | Poltergeist | Death | Witch Hunter | Hobgoblin | Shade of Leonard | Hellhound | Werewolf | Lycanthropy | Vampire | Vampirism | Lilith | Village Guards | Winged Monkeys | Reflection | Fairest of them All | Torment | Spirit World |
Rites & Rituals | Rite of Binding | Rite of Charging | Rite of Glyphic Transformation | Rite of Transposition | Rite of Manifestation | Rite of Beastial Call | Rite of Protection | Rite of Imprisonment | Rite of Sanctity | Rite of Icy Expansion | Rite of Broken Earth | Rite of Moving Earth | Rite of Earth's Wrath | Rite of Sky's Wrath | Rite of Total Eclipse | Rite of Fertility | Rite of Nature's Power | Rite of the Forest | Rite of Shifting Seasons | Rite of Broiling | Rite of Banishing | Rite of Summoning | Rite of Infusion | Rite of Necromancy | Rite of Prior Incarnation | Rite of Remove Curse | Curse of Blindness | Curse of Blight | Curse of Misfortune | Curse of Insanity | Curse of Sinking | Curse of Overheating | Curse of Waking Nightmare | Curse of Corrupt Poppet | Curse of Raining Toads | Curse of the Wolf | Curse of Hell on Earth |
Conjuration | Graveyard Mist | Summon Spectre | Summon Banshee | Deathly Veil | Anguish of the Dead | Fortification of the Corpse | Drain Growth |
Mirror witchery как сделать
Certain famous witches have been known to require a bit of a ego boost from time to time, and have found ways though magic to achieve this, in the form of the Magic Mirror. Such a mirror traps a demon who will provide certain services for its owner, including the aforementioned ego boosting.
Once created, using a Rite of Infusion (a medium white circle containing a Brew of Hollow Tears, a Gold Ingot, a Glass Pane and a Demon), the mirror may be placed on any two high wall (at the top block).
Using the mirror will pose it the question of who is the fairest in the land, to which it may respond with the player, or perhaps another nearby NPC. If the player is not the fairest, they may have to take drastic measures to ensure they become so. The mirror when asked will always indicate the rough direction of the Fairest. Only the Fairest have Hearts of Gold (used in some potion making).
Using the mirror will also reveal any players that may have stood in front of it since last it was used by the player who it deems the fairest.
Using a Quartz Sphere on a mirror containing a demon will charge it with the players reflection creating a Duplication Grenade (assuming enough altar power is available). Throwing this sphere will create a duplicate of the bound player and cause mobs currently targeting the player to target that instead.
Finally, using the Taglock Kit of another player on the mirror, when there is enough altar power available, will transform the player into a mirror image of the taglocked player. Using the players own Taglock Kit (or an empty one), can be used to turn the player back to their own form (this does not need altar power). Using other types of transformation (wolf, bat, etc.) will automatically reset the player's mirror form (so will Brews of Revealing). Use the config options: B:AllowChatMasquerading and B:AllowNameplateMasquerading to control these two aspects of this power.Stepping into a mirror
Hollow mirrors
Mirrors without demons have another useful property when placed a short distance apart (up to 16 blocks) and back to back, in such a configuration they act as a doorway between each other. This effect can also occur vertically if placed over one another with the same facing.Mirrors within mirrors
Placing a mirror on the wall while inside another mirror, does not appear to have any real effect, although altar power may allow it to break the barrier between two mirror spaces - ensure that you have a second mirror to place to allow the return journey (back to back mirrors doYou may only exit mirror spaces by the mirror that you entered so keep this in mind, and if you do get stuck in a mirror with no way back, just chant:
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Witchery/Хрустальный шар
Если использовать шар, он выдаст случайное предсказание (выбираемое из девяти вариантов). Это предсказание нужно будет исполнить, выполнив действие данное в списке:
- «Соберёте горы угля»: нужно добыть большое количество угля. Точное количество неизвестно, но двух стопок (128 предметов) мало, а пяти стопок (320 предметов) достаточно.
- «Будут дела с нежитью»: необходимо убить большое количество зомби. Точное количество неизвестно, но пяти зомби достаточно.
- «Будет спасён незнакомцем»: нужно, чтобы игрока ударил враждебный моб, после чего рядом с игроком появится волк или алмазов и золотой руды. Точное количество неизвестно, но 64 алмаза и 32 блока руды — мало, а 96 алмазов и 64 блока руды — достаточно.
- «Найдёт блестяшки»: нужно копать камень до тех пор, пока из него не выпадет алмаз или изумруд.
- «Намокнет»: нужно окунуться в воду.
- «Споткнётся и упадёт»: нужно упасть с высоты и получить урон от падения.
- «Заведёт нового друга»: нужно приручить волка или размножить прирученных волков.
- «Будет засыпан горой железа»: нужно копать железную руду до тех пор, пока из одного блока руды не выпадет 15—17 блоков железной руды.
Mirror witchery как сделать
A Spirit Portal can only be created in the Spirit World. It can be used by witches that have used the Rite of Manifestation, to pass back into the real world as a ghost for a short time (although they take no items with them except for Icy Needles (which can be used to return to the Spirit World).
When the player returns to the Spirit World (either because of death, time running out or use of an Icy Needle), all held items except for Icy Needles will be dropped.
A Spirit portal is made with a 4x4 ring of snow blocks (the corners can be missed) in the same way as a nether portal is made (only not so tall). The portal is ignited by placing Flowing Spirit on its base. This can be done by using a Brew of Flowing Spirit or by using a Bucket of Flowing Spirit.
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