Medieval как произносится
And these were traditions of the Middle East -- medieval traditions.
expand_more И это были традиции Ближнего Востока – средневековые традиции.
In medieval societies there were defined allegiances.
В средневековом обществе были определенные правила.
medievalism«medieval abbey» - перевод на русский
Connoisseurs of crazy golf feel about such places much as the 19th-century poets felt for
and classical ruins -- the sweet ache of the sublime.
There are the remains of mines and quarries, and on the fringes of the moor, you'll find ruined castles, pretty villages,
towers like a lonely mountain, beneath the gathering of dark and heavy clouds to create a sense of solitude and impending violence.
Примеры использования
English Russian Контекстуальные примеры "medieval" в русско
Данные предложения взяты с внешних ресурсов и могут быть неточными. не несёт ответственность за их содержание.
And these were traditions of the Middle East -- medieval traditions.
И это были традиции Ближнего Востока – средневековые традиции.
In medieval societies there were defined allegiances.
В средневековом обществе были определенные правила.
médiéval — médiéval, ale, aux [ medjeval, o ] adj. • 1874; du lat. medium ævum « moyen âge » ♦ Relatif au Moyen Âge. ⇒ moyenâgeux. Époque, histoire médiévale. Art médiéval. ⇒ gothique, 2. roman. Cité médiévale. Latin médiéval. La France, l Europe médiévale … Encyclopédie Universelle
medieval — adjetivo 1. De la Edad Media: literatura medieval, teatro medieval, historia medieval, arte medieval. latín* medieval … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
Medieval — Me di*e val, Medievalism Me di*e val*ism, Medievalist Me di*e val*ist . Same as , , etc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
medieval — Middle Ages † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Middle Ages A term commonly used to designate that period of European history between the Fall of the Roman Empire and about the middle of the fifteenth century. The precise dates of the beginning … Catholic encyclopedia
medieval — → Medievo … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
medieval — (adj.) 1827, pertaining to or suggestive of the Middle Ages, coined in English from L. medium the middle (see MEDIUM (Cf. medium) (n.)) + aevum age (see EON (Cf. eon)) … Etymology dictionary
medieval — adj. 2 g. [História] Da Idade Média ou a ela relativo. ‣ Etimologia: medievo + al … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
medieval — is the recommended spelling, not mediaeval. It is pronounced me di ee vǝl, with four syllables, although me dee vǝl or mi dee vǝl, with three syllables, is common in AmE … Modern English usage
medieval — [adj] having to do with the Middle Ages; old antediluvian, antiquated, antique, archaic, feudal, Gothic, old, old fashioned, primitive, unenlightened; concepts 549,578,797 Ant. modern … New thesaurus
Монолингвальные примеры
English Как использовать "medieval" в предложении
During a restoration in the 1950s, medieval frescos were uncovered.
Elsewhere, remnants of the medieval water supply system devised by the friars can still be seen today.
Medieval ridge and furrow field systems have also been recorded.
Medieval galleys are believed to have been considerably slower, especially since they were not built with ramming tactics in mind.
médiéval — médiéval, ale, aux [ medjeval, o ] adj. • 1874; du lat. medium ævum « moyen âge » ♦ Relatif au Moyen Âge. ⇒ moyenâgeux. Époque, histoire médiévale. Art médiéval. ⇒ gothique, 2. roman. Cité médiévale. Latin médiéval. La France, l Europe médiévale … Encyclopédie Universelle
medieval — adjetivo 1. De la Edad Media: literatura medieval, teatro medieval, historia medieval, arte medieval. latín* medieval … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
Medieval — Me di*e val, Medievalism Me di*e val*ism, Medievalist Me di*e val*ist . Same as , , etc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
medieval — Middle Ages † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Middle Ages A term commonly used to designate that period of European history between the Fall of the Roman Empire and about the middle of the fifteenth century. The precise dates of the beginning … Catholic encyclopedia
medieval — → Medievo … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
medieval — (adj.) 1827, pertaining to or suggestive of the Middle Ages, coined in English from L. medium the middle (see MEDIUM (Cf. medium) (n.)) + aevum age (see EON (Cf. eon)) … Etymology dictionary
medieval — adj. 2 g. [História] Da Idade Média ou a ela relativo. ‣ Etimologia: medievo + al … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
medieval — is the recommended spelling, not mediaeval. It is pronounced me di ee vǝl, with four syllables, although me dee vǝl or mi dee vǝl, with three syllables, is common in AmE … Modern English usage
medieval — [adj] having to do with the Middle Ages; old antediluvian, antiquated, antique, archaic, feudal, Gothic, old, old fashioned, primitive, unenlightened; concepts 549,578,797 Ant. modern … New thesaurus
médiéval — médiéval, ale, aux [ medjeval, o ] adj. • 1874; du lat. medium ævum « moyen âge » ♦ Relatif au Moyen Âge. ⇒ moyenâgeux. Époque, histoire médiévale. Art médiéval. ⇒ gothique, 2. roman. Cité médiévale. Latin médiéval. La France, l Europe médiévale … Encyclopédie Universelle
medieval — adjetivo 1. De la Edad Media: literatura medieval, teatro medieval, historia medieval, arte medieval. latín* medieval … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
Medieval — Me di*e val, Medievalism Me di*e val*ism, Medievalist Me di*e val*ist . Same as , , etc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
medieval — Middle Ages † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Middle Ages A term commonly used to designate that period of European history between the Fall of the Roman Empire and about the middle of the fifteenth century. The precise dates of the beginning … Catholic encyclopedia
medieval — → Medievo … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
medieval — (adj.) 1827, pertaining to or suggestive of the Middle Ages, coined in English from L. medium the middle (see MEDIUM (Cf. medium) (n.)) + aevum age (see EON (Cf. eon)) … Etymology dictionary
medieval — adj. 2 g. [História] Da Idade Média ou a ela relativo. ‣ Etimologia: medievo + al … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
medieval — is the recommended spelling, not mediaeval. It is pronounced me di ee vǝl, with four syllables, although me dee vǝl or mi dee vǝl, with three syllables, is common in AmE … Modern English usage
medieval — [adj] having to do with the Middle Ages; old antediluvian, antiquated, antique, archaic, feudal, Gothic, old, old fashioned, primitive, unenlightened; concepts 549,578,797 Ant. modern … New thesaurus
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