Когда будет русская озвучка castlevania lords of shadow 2
Совсем скоро в свет выйдет Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, но компания 1С-СофтКлаб (именно она является издателем в России) не будет переводить игру. Но к большинству российских игроков спешат на помощь умельцы из Zone Of Games и Wolf's eYe Multimedia.
По заверениям товарищей из Zone Of Games они уже вплотную работают над переводом субтитров, а также они собираются выпустить перевод ближе к релизу игры.
«Наша команда уже приступила к работе над переводом финальной версии Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, релиз состоится максимально близко к выходу самой игры»
Что касается озвучки, то тут стараются люди из Wolf's eYe Multimedia.
«К озвучке игры приступим сразу же, после ее выхода. Первая часть выходит уже скоро в озвучке от Студии "Джокер". Вторая часть, DmC: Devil May Cry, (который озвучивается на данный момент), как и другие игровые проекты, будут выходить от Wolf's eYe Multimedia. Основные голоса, которые озвучивают персонажей в первой части (Габриель, Зобек), останутся прежними и во 2 части.»
Ребята делают огромную работу и я искренне желаю им удачи! Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 выходит на PC, PS3 и Xbox360 уже 28 февраля.
Русификатор Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 v1.3 (текст) - от ZoG Forum Team
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авторы : Шрифты: Thief1987
Перевод: AzuraUndead, Dante07, Haoose, heavenboy, krotnot, LinkOFF, Megamennn, mike656, mychaelo, nekkit333, Paladiner, RedGoldMoscow, samuelalancolt, siroja, Skittles, viltor, xSharkYx, Zaryad
Корректировка: artemon, DLSRevan, LinkOFF, valodia_v
Сборка в архив: Haoose
Версия 1.3 от 18.06.14
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Версия 1.2 от 08.04.14
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• Исправлены ошибки в дополнении ‘Revelations’
Версия 1.1 от 15.03.14
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Версия 1.0 от 05.03.14
• Первая версия
Когда будет русская озвучка castlevania lords of shadow 2
Актеры озвучки:
Роман Поликарпов, Денис Строев, Рина Гришина, Ника Ленина, Кира Комракова, Анна Валеева, Всеволод Парк, Александр Щегорский, Дмитрий Рыжков, Виталий Измалков, Владимир Габатель, Ленар Гиматдинов, Александр Фомичев, Петр Бойко, Олег Варганов
Техническая часть: spider91
Аудио- и видеомонтаж: Александр Фомичев
Тестирование: spider91, Александр Фомичев
Дополнения Reverie и Resurrection:
Авторы: Творческий дуэт «A'den Ne'tra & Siviel Fleym» cовместно с R. G. MVO
Актеры озвучки:
Кира Гилева - Лора
Эдуард Сухарев - Габриэль
Александр Байсаров - Легион (Забытый)
Аудио- и видеомонтаж: Екатерина "Siviel" Дмитрова
Техническая часть: spider91
Тестирование: Екатерина "Siviel" Дмитрова , spider91
Версия 1.2 от 15.02.2019
• Обновлен инсталлятор, теперь русификатор должен ставиться на все релизы игры.
Когда будет русская озвучка castlevania lords of shadow 2
By now Lords Of Shadow 2 has both its' staunch supporters and its' haters. There's no getting around the fact it is a divisive game. I suggest you play LOS 1 with the dlc (And even Mirror Of Fate) if you want to go into this penultimate sequel knowing what the heck is going on. This was always intended to be an alternate what-if universe split off from Castlevania's mainline canon. Names and locations are similar "but" this is not based on the nes classics,Rondo Of Blood,later Igavania iterations,or even the netflix animated series. If you are a "CV purist" you need to know this going in.
Beyond that? Personally I had a lot of fun! It certainly gave me the nostalgic "Castlevania experience" and with that came some frustrating platforming,difficult bosses, and environmental puzzles that required absolutely perfect timing and perfect navigation. Even on easy this game will make you a repeat cadaver until you recognize the patterns of your enemies and the layout of LOS 2's various breathtaking yet haunted locales. (Respectively split between the castle and the more modern city segments)
If you are a fan of action platformers and have been there throughout their evolution you will recognize a familiar pattern. Gabriel can level up and unlock a multitude of attacks. He has a variety of weapons. Certain items tucked away in the dark corners can increase his magic or his health. Certain abilities also allow him to more thoroughly explore each area so there is backtracking involved. Combat is fast and fluid yet also has heft and weight to it. Your chaos and void reserves are used to leech life from your foes or more effectively break off their protective armor. LOS 2 is the closest we've come to having a competent 3D Igavania game with modern improvements.
(It's then a crying shame just a few flawed segments drag down an otherwise pitch perfect marvel of a game.)
Imagine being Dracula. Prince Of Darkness. The Dragon. The Impaler. You are obviously the most chad vampire ever to have existed! "Now" imagine going toe to toe with old pagan forest gods,psychotic police officers in mecha armor,floating life sucking wraiths,wall scaling contortionist ghouls,knights from the Vatican church,a menagerie of screen filling abominations,the grim reaper,and "finally" even Satan himself.
Retain all of what I just told you "then" come to the laughable realization glorified security guards wearing red Warhammer 40k armor can utterly destroy you with their pew-pews. And do you ever get to fight them on equal footing where you can eventually rip them out of their tin cans then snack on them like the human happy-meals they actually are? Nope! The reason being you only encounter these guys in painfully awkward stealth sections that involve running around as a rat briefly then possessing certain people to open doors. This ridiculous oversight makes these lug-heads the most powerful adversaries in the whole friggin campaign.
To Mercury Steam's credit these sections are brief and if your willing to soldier through them the rest of the game is a lovingly crafted masterwork. I didn't encounter any game breaking bugs. LOS 2 ran fluidly and concisely with hardly any lag. The visuals remain stunning to this day and the orchestral soundtrack and spiritual hymns fit the overall mood flawlessly. (Exactly what you would expect from the same studio that recently brought gamers the highly regarded Metroid Dread on the Nintendo Switch!)
I've read mixed opinions about how this epic tale of family,betrayal,revenge,undying love,and redemption unfolds. Personally I enjoyed it and even liked the somewhat divisive ending. (Aka,another aspect that left certain folks satisfied and other folks disappointed.) Regardless you are getting some quality voice work from Robert Carlyle,Patrick Stewart,and the rest of the cast whom are also very talented.
By now I hope I painted an accurate enough description with words to help with your final decision. I'd say if you enjoyed the previous LOS games as well as games pertaining to this genre in particular then the game is a steal for the price and is often on sale to boot. It is certainly a good choice for a Halloween play-thru when the veil between the living and dead is thinner and all matter of monsters go bump in the night!
+Challenging but fair. (If someone like me can beat it then it is certainly not an impossible feat.)
+Combat that is easy to learn but hard to master
+Traversing the terrain using vampiric powers is usually enjoyable and rarely tedious
+Not a bad looker of a game even by today's ridiculous standards.
+Good voice acting
+Music meshes perfectly with the atmosphere and mood of the setting
+Mostly forgiving save check points
+Dlc lets you play as Alucard
-Stealth segments were not needed and are an annoyance that offers nothing positive to the overall package.
-Certain puzzles and boss segments require split second timing whilst one tiny misstep can make you fail or restart the whole sequence.
-Castlevania city? Really? Who ran with "that"? Why not just call the place a Romanian sounding name like Wallachia?
-/+The last boss fight and ending will either rub off on you very right or rub off on you very wrong!
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