Как определить тип призрака в specter roblox
In Specter, there are 12 ghost types. Despite all of them having profiles on their behaviour (strengths/weaknesses), these cannot be relied on to guess ghost types. As of late, the only clear behavioural indicator of ghost type is sanity drain (see: Yurei).
*Further testing required (aka. do not rely on)
**Feature not implemented yet
Ghost types, and their strengths/weaknesses and evidence (A-Z):
Strengths: Targets 1 player at a time*
Weaknesses: The Crucifix*
Evidence: EMF5, Fingerprints, Freezing Temperatures
Tip: The Banshee has a pretty unique set of evidence, and you can only need 2 pieces of evidence to discover a Banshee in some cases.
Strengths: More aggressive than other ghosts*
Weaknesses: Asking questions on a ouija board will not lower a player's sanity**
All Spirit Box questions in Roblox Specter
- Anyone Here?
- Where Are You?
- How Old Are You?
- Are You Here?
- Can You Turn On The Lights?
- Show Us A Sign?
- Are You A Girl?
- Are You A Boy?
Ask the ghost one question at a time and wait a short while before asking another. Usually, if the ghost is able to communicate via this method, it will do so promptly. That said, keep in mind that not all ghosts will respond to the Spirit Box in Specter.
However, it has also been found that when you use the Spirit Box can influence if you’ll get feedback. So, be sure to try it near the beginning and later into your hunt if you suspect that Spirit Box evidence can be acquired for the ghost at hand.
How to identify the ghosts on Specter
Once you’ve seen the evidence, you’ll need to go into your Journal (J) and input the evidence onto the Ghost Report page to keep a note.
Use the arrows on either side of each evidence input option to record the evidence that you’ve seen to try to identify a ghost in Specter.
As you put in evidence, the final option on the Ghost Report will change according to which ghost you could be identifying. You don’t have to be certain about all of the evidence that you put in, but collecting all three pieces will give you a definite answer to guarantee a win – if you survive.
Just in case your character suffers an untimely death, at the start of a Specter game, put three pieces of evidence into your Ghost Report so that you have a chance of identifying the ghost even if you lose.
Official Description: Demons are a violent ghost. They are known to attack sporadically.
The scariest part of Specter is hearing the hunt begin when the lights have stopped working, with the Demon being a particularly aggressive a violent ghost type to enhance the scare factor. If there’s a Demon around, you’ll record Freezing Temperatures on the Thermometer or see cold breath, and it can communicate with you. By knowing how to use the Spirit Box in Specter and by laying out a Book for it to write in, you could identify the ghost as a Demon.
Official Description: Jinns are fast, territorial ghosts that are known to become threatened easily, resulting in attacks.
Drawing from the spiritual entity in Arabic mythology of the same name, the Jinn in Specter are said to be territorial ghosts. To see if your ghost is a Jinn, you can try to record an EMF-5 Reading when it’s active, spot Ghost Orbs with Ghost Goggles, and use the Spirit Box to talk to the entity.
Official Description: A Mare becomes stronger in the dark, and are more likely to hunt when lights are turned off.
When the lights go out, the Mare will seek to hunt down those intruding in its territory in Roblox Specter. So, you’ll want to know where the light switches are and how to turn the power back on if you suspect a Mare. To identify the ghost as a Mare, you’ll need to gather Freezing Temperatures, Spirit Box communications, and Ghost Orbs as evidence.
Official Description: Onis are similar to Demons, and are extremely strong ghosts. They will become stronger when prey is nearby.
Hailing from Japanese folklore, the Oni is a monstrous and demonic entity in myth, and a very strong ghost to deal with in Specter. The ghost type can be identified by having a Book, EMF Reader, and Spirit Box to hand. If your ghost is an Oni, it’ll write in the Book, record an EMF-5 Reading, and will communicate via the Spirit Box.
All Specter ghost types list
In the table below, you can see the full list of all of the ghost types in Specter, as well as the evidence needed to identify them and what tools you need to acquire the evidence.
Specter Ghost Type | Evidence | Tools Needed |
Banshee | EMF-5, Fingerprints, Freezing | EMF Reader, Thermometer, Torch |
Demon | Communication, Freezing, Writing | Spirit Box, Thermometer, Book |
Jinn | Communication, EMF-5, Orbs | Spirit Box, EMF Reader, Ghost Goggles |
Mare | Communication, Freezing, Orbs | Spirit Box, Thermometer, Ghost Goggles |
Oni | Communication, EMF-5, Writing | Spirit Box, EMF Reader, Book |
Phantom | EMF-5, Freezing, Orbs | EMF Reader, Thermometer, Ghost Goggles |
Poltergeist | Communication, Fingerprints, Orbs | Spirit Box, Torch, Ghost Goggles |
Revenant | EMF-5, Fingerprints, Writing | EMF Reader, Torch, Book |
Shade | EMF-5, Orbs, Writing | EMF Reader, Ghost Goggles, Book |
Spirit | Communication, Fingerprints, Writing | Spirit Box, Torch, Book |
Wraith | Communication, Fingerprints, Freezing | Spirit Box, Torch, Thermometer |
Yurei | Freezing, Orbs, Writing | Thermometer, Ghost Goggles, Book |
Now that you know all of the Specter ghost types, you can go about trying to correctly identify the entities haunting your location in the Roblox creation.
Official Description: The Banshee is a dangerous ghost that will hunt it’s prey one at a time. Banshees are said to mourn the death of a family member, and some say they can be heard weeping.
Banshees are among the easiest to identify in Roblox Specter as a beginner, particularly because you have all of the equipment needed to identify them readily available. If there’s a Banshee around, it’ll cause Freezing Temperatures – which can be seen through a Thermometer or cold breath – and leave Fingerprints on windows or near light switches. Also, when it’s causing paranormal activity, the Banshee also has a chance to show an EMF-5 Reading.
Roblox Specter: How to Identify Ghosts
Official Description: Yurei are ghosts filled with hatred, often looking for revenge in the physical world. They drain sanity slightly faster than other ghosts.
Another of Specter’s ghost types derived from an entity of Japanese folklore, the Yūrei in Roblox drains your team’s sanity faster than the other ghost types. Along with this hard-to-spot clue, you can identify the Specter Yurei by witnessing Freezing Temperatures through a Thermometer, Ghost Orbs through Ghost Goggles, and its writing in a placed Book.
Official Description: Wraiths have the unique ability to not touch the ground, and go directly through doors.
In Roblox Specter, the Wraith is detailed as being able to pass through doors directly, and it doesn’t even touch the ground. This hovering ghost type can be identified by its Fingerprints near the switches and on the windows, as well as cold breath indicating Freezing Temperatures. The last piece of evidence that you need to identify a Wraith is to have it communicate with you through the Spirit Box.
How to equip a Spirit Box in Specter
After starting a game, you can find the Spirit Box at the back of the truck, just under the missions list and board of players’ sanity.
Pick it up (F key) to add it to your tools bar, equip it to your hand (1/2/3 key), and then turn on the Spirit Box (Q key). You’ll know that the Spirit Box is on when its screen lights up blue.
Official Description: Phantoms are one of the ghosts able to possess the living. It induces fear in those unlucky enough to encounter it.
Said to have the ability to possess those who it encounters, the Phantom can be quite easy to identify should you have a team member watching the EMF Reader at all times. You can spot its telltale Ghost Orbs and Freezing Temperatures in the Ghost Room via the Ghost Goggles and Thermometer. After that, if it’s a Phantom, you’ll need to spot an EMF-5 Reading when the entity partakes in paranormal activities.
Official Description: Poltergeists are a “loud ghost.” They can manipulate multiple objects to cause fear.
The ghost type known as the Poltergeist is one of the most popularly cited throughout history to explain paranormal activity, and in Specter, it’s also said to throw items around to induce fear. The Poltergeist requires two non-starter tools, the Ghost Goggles and Spirit Box, to identify. With them, you can spot its Ghost Orbs and communicate via the Spirit Box. Along with those clues, you’ll also want to look for Fingerprints on windows and near light switches.
How to find the types of evidence for ghosts on Specter
There are six types of evidence that you can find, with you needing three pieces of evidence to identify ghosts in Specter. To find these pieces of evidence, you’ll need to use the tools available.
Here are the six types of evidence in Specter and how you can find them:
How to find EMF-5 evidence
To find EMF-5 evidence, you’ll to have your EMF Reader in your hand and switched on (Q key). When the ghost interacts with items, it could spark all five lights on the EMF Reader. So, if the ghost is particularly active, keep the EMF Reader in hand and switched on, just in case it causes an EMF-5 reading.
EMF-5 evidence is one clue towards identifying a Banshee, Jinn, Oni, Phantom, Revenant, or Shade ghost in Specter.
How to find Fingerprints evidence
You don’t need any tools to find Fingerprints unless the lights have been disabled, in which case, you can use your torch. Go up to windows and light switches in the ghost room to see if you can spot a single thumbprint, as shown in the image above.
Fingerprints evidence is one clue towards identifying a Banshee, Poltergeist, Revenant, Spirit, or Wraith ghost in Specter.
How to find Freezing Temperatures evidence
Freezing Temperatures can be identified in two ways. The clearest way is to walk into the ghost room with the Thermometer out and switched on (Q key) and see if it reads a temperature below 0 o C (a negative value). You can also spot this piece of evidence if you can see your breath, which takes the form of a small puff of grey smoke, and can be spotted in your torch’s light in the dark.
Freezing Temperatures evidence is one clue towards identifying a Banshee, Demon, Mare, Phantom, Wraith, or Yurei ghost in Specter.
How to find Ghost Orbs evidence
If present, Ghost Orbs can be seen floating around the ghost room when you wear the Ghost Goggles. You don’t need to turn on Ghost Goggles when you equip them via the tools bar, and the Ghost Orbs will appear as small, blue, floating balls.
Ghost Orbs evidence is one clue towards identifying a Jinn, Mare, Phantom, Poltergeist, Shade, or Yurei ghost in Specter.
How to find Spirit Box evidence
As you’d assume, you need to equip and turn on (Q key) the Spirit Box tool to find Spirit Box evidence. With the Spirit Box equipped, you’ll need to go into a dark room without any lights on around you. Next, open the chat (press / key to open the chat), and then type in one of the four possible questions:
- Where Are You?
- Are You Here?
- Show Us A Sign?
- How Old Are You?
If the ghost responds in the chat, you’ll be able to count it as evidence for your Ghost Report. What the ghost responds with doesn’t really matter when you’re looking into how to identify ghosts in Specter.
Spirit Box evidence is one clue towards identifying a Demon, Jinn, Mare, Oni, Poltergeist, Spirit, or Wraith ghost in Specter.
How to find Writing evidence
To find Writing evidence to identify a ghost in Specter, you’ll need to equip the Book tool and go to the ghost room, look to the ground to see where to place it, and then set it down (Q key). It might not happen right away, but if the ghost can provide this form of clue, it will eventually write in the book.
Writing evidence is one clue towards identifying a Demon, Oni, Revenant, Shade, Spirit, or Yurei ghost in Specter.
Which ghosts types can be identified with Spirit Box evidence?
Now that you know how to get and how to use the Spirit Box in Specter, you can attempt to communicate with the entities that haunt each location.
Roblox Specter: How to Use the Spirit Box Guide
How to find the ghost room on Specter
To find the ghost room on Roblox Specter, you’ll need to use one of two items: the EMF Reader or the Thermometer.
To equip either, you’ll need to pick them up in the van (F key), and then put them in your hand (1/2/3 key, depending on the slot it occupies), and then turn them on (Q key).
Next, you’ll need to go room to room. Stepping through the doorway to see the room name change at the top of the screen is as far as you need to go to identify if it’s the ghost room in Roblox Specter.
Using the EMF Reader, you’ll see the second light (yellow light) turn on when you’re in the ghost room. With the Thermometer to hand, the temperature will drop below 9 o C when you enter the ghost room.
Once you’ve found the ghost room in Specter, it’s time to find evidence of what type of ghost is haunting the residence.
How many ghost types are in Specter?
There are 12 ghost types in Specter, with each one offering three different types of evidence to identify. The three pieces of evidence available for each Roblox Specter ghost type comes from a pool of six possible forms of evidence, but some also offer other subtle clues to help the identification process.
Here’s everything that you need to know to identify ghosts on Specter, including how to find the ghost room, collect evidence, and the evidence needed for each entity.
Of the millions of games created for the players of Roblox, Specter stands out as one of the best horror titles available.
Having made it into our list of the most fun games to play on Roblox, we’ve decided to delve deeper into Specter to show you how to identify ghosts – which is the aim of each round of the game.
The goals of Roblox Specter align with how to play Phasmophobia: anyone familiar with the PC sensation will feel at home in this Lithium Labs creation.
So, here’s everything that you need to know about identifying ghosts in Specter, from finding the ghost room to collecting evidence and sealing your guess.
- 1. How to find the ghost room on Specter
- 2. How to find the types of evidence for ghosts on Specter
- 2.1. How to find EMF-5 evidence
- 2.2. How to find Fingerprints evidence
- 2.3. How to find Freezing Temperatures evidence
- 2.4. How to find Ghost Orbs evidence
- 2.5. How to find Spirit Box evidence
- 2.6. How to find Writing evidence
Official Description: Spirits are the most common type of ghost you will encounter. They roam the location they died in.
Spirits are the ghostly leftovers of the person who died in the location that you’re exploring. Recorded in the Specter Journal as being the most common of the ghost types, you’ll need to communicate via a Spirit Box, spot Fingerprints, and see it write in a Book to be certain of the ghost being a Spirit.
Trying to work out if your ghost will give you Spirit Box evidence in Specter? Find out how to use the Spirit Box tool right here.
In Roblox’s ghost-hunting creation Specter, there are several different ways to acquire evidence, from seeing fingerprints on the windows to recording five-point EMF readings.
Of the many ways to identify a ghost in Specter, using the Spirit Box to talk to the ghost can prove to be the most elusive form of evidence.
There are some hidden requirements to using the Spirit Box in Specter, so here, we’re running through how to use the tool and the ghost types that the tool can communicate with in the Roblox game.
Roblox Specter: All Ghost Types List and Evidence Guide
Specter ghost evidence list
Here are the three pieces of evidence that you need to find if you’re wondering how to identify ghosts in Specter beyond all doubt.
Ghost Evidence 1 Evidence 2 Evidence 3 Banshee EMF-5 Reading Freezing Temperatures Fingerprints Demon Freezing Temperatures Spirit Box Communication Writing in a Book Jinn EMF-5 Reading See Orbs via Ghost Goggles Spirit Box Communications Mare Freezing Temperatures See Orbs via Ghost Goggles Spirit Box Communications Oni EMF-5 Reading Spirit Box Communication Writing in a Book Phantom EMF-5 Reading Freezing Temperatures See Orbs via Ghost Goggles Poltergeist Spirit Box Communications Fingerprints See Orbs via Ghost Goggles Revenant EMF-5 Reading Writing in a Book Fingerprints Shade EMF-5 Reading Writing in a Book See Orbs via Ghost Goggles Spirit Spirit Box Communications Writing in a Book Fingerprints Wraith Freezing Temperatures Fingerprints Spirit Box Communications Yurei Freezing Temperatures See Orbs via Ghost Goggles Writing in a Book How to use a Spirit Box
With the Spirit Box equipped and turned on, the first thing that you’ll need to do is venture into a room that’s dark, and make sure that there aren’t any lights on you. Next, bring up the chat (/key) and get ready to ask it one of four questions.
How to secure your ghost identification
Once you’ve been able to identify a ghost in Specter, you’ll want to escape the residence, run back to the van, and then flick the switch towards the back of the vehicle. This will end the game and secure your ghost identification guess input into the Ghost Report.
If you’re correct, the following screen will show that you’ve won and will give you your rewards. However, even if you guess the ghost or pieces of evidence incorrectly, you’ll still be rewarded for what you did get right.
So, now you know how to identify ghosts in Specter, just make sure that you don’t go insane or get killed by the entity before you can lock-in your guess!
Official Description: Revenants are violent ghosts. They will speed up when their targets are further away and when it can see its prey.
The Revenant ghost type in Roblox Specter is detailed as an active hunter, seeking to kill any intruder within its grounds. To confirm that the ghost haunting you is a Revenant, you’ll need to acquire an EMF-5 Reader, Fingerprints, and writing in a Book as evidence.
Official Description: Shades are a shy ghost. In fact, they may not cause any paranormal activity if there are multiple people nearby.
Given the description of the Shade compared to other Specter ghost types, it might be wise to approach the ghost hunt with the team more dispersed than usual. Said to be a shy ghost that might not cause any paranormal activity if multiple people are nearby, to secure the EMF-5 Reading as evidence, the team may need to split up. Along with this as a clue, to identify the Shade, you’ll also need to use the Ghost Goggles to spot Ghost Orbs, and put a Book out for the Shade to write in.
Here’re all of the ghost types that you can encounter in Roblox Specter, as well as the evidence needed to identify them.
In the ghost-hunting Roblox sensation Specter, you’re tasked with searching for evidence to attempt to guess the ghost haunting your location correctly.
So, one of the first things that you’ll need to know is what ghost types inhabit Specter and the evidence that they leave for you to identify them by.
On this page, we profile all of the ghost types in Specter and detail the evidence needed to identify each one. For more information, consult our guide on how to identify ghosts in Specter.
- 1. How many ghost types are in Specter?
- 2. Banshee
- 3. Demon
- 4. Jinn
- 5. Mare
- 6. Oni
- 7. Phantom
- 8. Poltergeist
- 9. Revenant
- 10. Shade
- 11. Spirit
- 12. Wraith
- 13. Yurei
- 14. All Specter ghost types list
How to get a Spirit Box in Specter
The Spirit Box isn’t one of the core ghost-hunting tools of Specter. So, you’re required to purchase and equip the item before embarking on a solo hunt. In a group, you may be lucky enough to have a teammate offer you the tool.
To get a Spirit Box in Specter, you’ll need to select ‘Play,’ enter a lobby of your choosing, press ‘Buy’ to purchase a Spirit Box for $75, and then use the ‘Add’ button from the lobby screen to take it on your hunt.
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