Как настроить aim lab для cs go
В CS:GO куча консольных команд на самые разные случаи жизни. Есть команды на бесконечные патроны, убирание тряски рук, бессмертие и даже на вх в КС ГО! Сильно ли вы удивитесь, если мы скажем, что пользователи откопали и консольную команду на Aim в CS:GO? Вряд ли. Потому что такая команда действительно есть.
Как настроить aim lab для cs go
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Go into options and set your sensitivity
If you do not know what your sensitivity should be, pick from the dropdown and choose the game you play. If you are unable to find it go to mouse sensitivity and it will convert it for you there. If it happens to be a “premium” setting just google mouse sensitivity conversion and you will get another website that will convert sensitivity for you.
Personally I base everything off CS:GO settings. 2.4 @ 400 DPI and I convert that into whatever game I am playing. I do not even play CS:GO, I just find it easy to remember.
You can change the ball color, your recticle etc. Thats all optional, as long as you have the sensitivity right you are ready to rock.
It is simple to set up and use, just get your sens right then transfer it over to any game you want by running the tool and doing 360.
Decided to add this to help based on a few questions that have come up in the coaching/general in discord.
1. join the discord
2. Join the discord
With that out of the way, lets talk about what you are really trying to do.
1. Recognize there is something to shoot
This is the first element of what you are doing, you need to know there is something to shoot at! I know this seems basic but when faced with 3 things to shoot at, it becomes a problem. Pick 1 thing and shoot at IT. As you get better you will make better choices of that one thing.
2. Place eyes on thing you are shooting at
It is very important that you LOOK AT the thing you will be shooting. If you are looking at his head your body will try to put the mouse on his head, if you are looking at his body your body will try to shoot it there. Why do you think in the NFL people go WOW on a no look pass. That is because we are visual animals and align with what we focus on. This principle applies to aiming and everything else in your life to be honest. Have crappy goals, have crappy life.. Look at the wrong place, shoot the wrong thing.
3. Movement of your hand to the target
This is where sensitivity and repetition comes in. Play microshot to get 100% accuracy and you will see that some of the movements you make are not good. You do not take a direct line to target, you hook back, you adjust up etc. With time the movement will get better. Focus on making direct lines and stopping right on the target. Eliminate hookbacks, overshoot, undershoot, etc. This takes time.
4. Recognize when you are on target
It may seem that some of these aimgods flick and shoot because they know where to aim. Even though this is partially true you will also hear them go "WHAT?" because they saw their crosshair on the target and missed. You need to make sure you are seeing when you are on target, this is why going for pure speed is pointless long term. You have to recognize when you are on target and that is part of the process. There are two ways of doing this, seeing crosshair on target or just flat out knowing where the center of your screen is. Play some games without crosshairs and you will start to learn the center of your screen pretty fast.
5. Decide to shoot
Just because you are on target doesn't mean you should shoot. Maybe you are hardly on target so you need to adjust etc. On microshot if I am trying to fix something I will only shoot when I am in center of the ball or do a custom with a .1 ball where I have to be 100% on.
Above is what you are actually doing and in the order you should be doing it in. You screw up the order and you will miss your shot. So when you are using Aimlab for TRAINING (not high score setting) you need to put some thought into what you are doing. Make sure you are following the actual process so you can start going through it faster and faster.
We constantly tell people to go for high accuracy first and the speed will come. This is the actual reason why.
1. Do microshot speed a few times as fast as you can
You want to look at your GAIN, it should be 1.0 or damn close to it. If it is greater then 1.0 you are overshooting and if it less you are consitently undershooting. Adjust sensitivity accordingly.
See how fast you can react to something on your screen.
3. Do microshot precision
See how precise you are.
4. do any of the tracking ones
This will give you the base score you start out with and will help anyone trying to help you.
1. Microshot speed
Personally if I go to fast I get confused and lose track every once in a while. To me, this tells me my eyes are not tracking fast enough so I play this to get my eyes bouncing around as fast as they should and my brain processing what the hell is going on.
2. Microshot precision
I use low sens so this is pure arm aiming for me. I go as fast as I accurately can and usually set a pace to follow and up it every time until my accuracy drops. I try to get close to my high scores in every session. I do not set a time but I want to get a couple within striking distance of my high score before I stop.
Something important I learned (again, I am not good at FPS games) is move eye first hand second. I am more accurate when I focus on the target.
This combines both and makes me not think. I tend to do the ultimate and it forces me to react quickly.
4. Microshot ultimate
Do this to feel better about yourself hehe.
This is pretty much all I have personally done and have gone from the lower levels of this game up to masters and 75 overall as this is written. I have also been way better in FPS games.
I'm over 40yrs old and play MMO's so I am not a fast twitchy guy. If this can help an older guy who doesnt' play FPS's get to the upper range of playing.. It can help you to :)
5. As I play COD and longer TTK games. Do the tracking scenarios :) Clicking heads is great but when that head gets to run around for 500ms (if you hit every bullet) tracking really comes into play.
First week of aimlab:
Third week of aimlab:
Again, I am not some god of aiming. I literally sucked hardcore at the start. What makes it worse is I like to play aggresive so I have to flank or win the aim battle. Now I push everyone no matter what and still walk away with positive K/D. yes, I have little to not game sense.. I just want to shoot at people :)
Some newer gameplay. I went away for a while (work) now playing some COD. As soon as I started FPS again I booted up aimlab!
Банят ли за использование аима через консоль?
Нет, не банят. Все делается абсолютно легально через внутриигровую консоль. Вы не скачиваете аим себе на компьютер отдельно, а использовать такую команду в официальном матчмейкнге CS:GO просто не получится. Поэтому вы можете фаниться с легальным аимом для кс го на собственном сервере или на специальных серверах сообщества. Как с ботами, так и с реальными людьми.
Как настроить aim lab для cs go
Aim Lab
29 ноя. 2018 в 16:24 I hate this defualt crosshair I want a cross personally type cs go custom crosshair on google and itll take you to a site to customize your own then copy and paste the commands that it gives you into your ingame console.Hi! Thank you for trying Aim Lab. We are happy to help you customize the crosshair you want. Please follow the steps below:
1. Accessing the Options Menu
You can access the options either of the following ways:
(1) Select "Options" from the main menu.
(2) While in any challenge, press "ESC" to pause, then select "Options".
2. Crosshair Options
This section allows you to edit different attributes for your crosshair, the options are as follows:
(1) Crosshair Color
(2) Circle Radius
(3) Thickness
(4) Crosshair Length
(5) Center Gap
(6) Opacity
(7) Dot Size
(8) Dot Opacity
3. Press "SAVE" after completing the settings, so that you can use the new crosshairs.
We will also introduce more customization options in the future. Stay tuned for our updates!
Консольная команда на аим в КС ГО
Aimbot – классика шутеров на уровне валлхака. Но если вх показывает вам информацию, которую вы видеть не должны, то аимбот значительно улучшает ваш аим – способность попадать в соперника. Как правило все читы на аим связаны с меткими выстрелами в голову, так как в КС меткий хедшот убивает почти любого соперника с одного патрона (в крайнем случае – с двух).
Для включения читерской консольной команды на аим сначала надо включить режим читов в CS:GO. Это делается консольной командой:
sv_cheats 1
Обратите внимание, что эта консольная команда не сработает на серверах Valve, FaceIT или сообщества (если только вы не создатель этого сервера, конечно). Но эту команду можно беспрепятственно использовать в локальных лобби, созданных вами, или если вы арендуете отдельный кс го сервер.
Следующий шаг – включение аима в КС ГО. Для этого введите консольную команду ent_fire !picker addoutput «ModelScale 0». Вводить ее нужно, наведя прицел на соперника.
Чтобы включить аим для всех игроков на сервере нужна команда ent_fire player addoutput «ModelScale 0».
Строго говоря, эта консольная команда просто увеличивает размер модельки. После ее введения весь хитбокс соперника будет представлять из себя голову.
До введения консольной команды на аим:
После введения консольной команды на аим:
[Help] Exact transfer of settings from CSGO to Aimlab
hi, I need some help transferring/converting the more advanced settings from CSGO to aimlabs.
To be more specific, I would like to know how to check the values in CSGO for:
Y-Axis Sensitivity Ratio
Y-Axis Sensitivity Gain
Input Source, and well, any of the values provided in the screen shot.
Any help is appreciated, thank you.
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castIf you want to check what your CS:GO values are, launch CS:GO, and press
to open the console. Type any of these commands and press enter, and it will tell you what your values are.
The FOV is not to be confused with the weapon position (viewmodel_fov). FOV is always 90 unless you are using a custom FOV in a workshop map (using sv_cheats 1 and fov_cs_debug xx).
The other settings are mainly for information, conversions, and training purposes. 360 Distance and Angle of View are showing the actual results of your sensitivity and fov.
Y-Axis Sensitivity Gain is the actual result of your vertical sensitivity compared to your horizontal sensitivity. If it says 2 for example, it means your vertical is twice as fast as your horizontal. Since a lot of games have different vertical and horizontal speeds (even when X and Y sensitivity are the same value), this setting becomes as useful as the 360 Distance setting. You can use it to identify your exact ratio to apply to other games, or to see what vertical sensitivity is needed for 1:1. CS:GO will be 1:1 unless the m_pitch differs from the m_yaw.
If you want to use another FOV in Aim Lab without the sensitivity changing, you will have to copy paste your 360 Distance before and after every change. A better way, if you will change FOV a lot, is enable Hipfire Scaling before changing the FOV, and max out the Monitor Distance (just type in a massive number), and the 360 distance will never change.
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