Где продается спиннер с блютузом
Основные характеристики:
● Существует переключатель для включения или выключения, если ваш гвоздь слишком короткий, вы можете использовать небольшой инструмент или другую острую вещь для управления
● Он может быть подключен к вашему телефону через блютуз, а затем воспроизводить музыку
● Батарея: перезаряжаемая батарея LiPo 3.7V 50mAh (входит в комплект)
● Время зарядки: 1.5 часа
● Время использования: 30 - 40 минут
Примечание: два света являются случайными. ( быстрая вспышка, медленная вспышка )
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darček pre dcéru. Farba je Ok. Bluetooth je slabí iba 1w ale ako hračke je to OK. Led svetlá sú pekné. nabíjanie zatiaľ funguje. čas nabíjanie je 1,5 hod. Chce prúd 5V - 0,1A - neviem či to nebude problém lebo všetky nabíjačky majú 5V 1A - 0,1A možno nejaká staršie. Dúfam že po čase neodpáli batériu. zatiaľ spokojnosť
Gift for the daughter. Color is OK. Bluetooth is weak only 1w but as a toy it's OK. Led lights are nice. Charging is still working. Charging time is 1.5 hours. It wants a current of 5V - 0.1A - I do not know if it will be a problem because all chargers have 5V 1A - 0,1A maybe some older. I hope they will not put off the battery after a while. Yet satisfaction Предложение nothing now
Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Предложение VBluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidget Bluetooth Speaker Music Focus Toy Hand Fidgetza 2,7 € je to pre deti pekná hračka
má zabudovaný bluetooth reproduktor - výkon je malý ale pre deti je to zábava navyše. spojenie nie je spoľahlivé a v mojom prípade prvé pripojenie bol problém. nabíjanie funguje - pri nabíjaní svieti led dióda červená. po 1,5 hod som odpojil a spiner funguje.
For 2,7 € it's a nice toy for kids
Has a built-in bluetooth speaker - performance is small but it is extra fun for kids. The connection is not reliable and in my case the first connection was a problem. Charging works - red LED diode on charging. After 1.5 hours I disconnected and the spiner works. Предложение kvalita spracovania nie je najlepšia ale funkcie to vynahradia
The quality of processing is not the best, but the features make up for it
tento biely spinner sa mi zo všetkých farieb páči najviac. Svetlá viac vynikajú ako pri iných farbách. Má lepší vypínač. pri spustený bluetooth je iný zvuk. Hneď po zapojený sa mi spároval s telefónom. reproduktor je lepší ako pri iných farbách tohto spinnera. odporúčam bielu farbu
This white spinner likes me most of all colors. Lights are superior to other colors. Has a better switch. When running bluetooth is another sound. Right after I got involved, he paused with the phone. Speaker is better than other colors of this spinner. I recommend a white color Предложение nič
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