Дирк дример симс 4 где живет
Dirk Dreamer is a pre-made teen living in Pleasantview, one of the neighborhoods that ships with The Sims 2. He is the son of Darren Dreamer and the late Darleen Dreamer. After his mother's death he probably got distracted in school, as his A+ fell to a D-. However, he has very nearly recovered his grades by the time the game begins, as he has an A- when the game is first played.
Dirk is dating Lilith Pleasant, who was a childhood friend. This could be one reason they are together as teens, even though they don't seem to have much in common. For some unknown reason, Lilith's father, Daniel Pleasant, hasn't met Dirk. Dirk's father, Darren, also hasn't met Lilith. The reason for the teens not meeting their steady's parents is up to the player to decide.
In one photo where his dad is painting a portrait of him and in another in the Pleasant family where he and Lilith are kissing, he wears a different, yellow shirt. However, if the player enters Plan Outfit for him, the shirt isn't there.
When first played, he has two points of Charisma, one of Logic, and is 13 days away from becoming an adult. His skills and Aspiration suggest he'd be good at the Business Career, and he'll often want to get a job in it. However he will also often roll a want to get a job in the Athletic career.
Dirk is the only pre-made base game teen living in Pleasantview who does not have any siblings. While being a Fortune Sim, he has a hidden Knowledge aspiration token.
Ганс Дример
Ганс Дример [ TS2 ] или Дирк Дример [ TS4 ] (ориг. Dirk Dreamer) — персонаж из игр The Sims 2 и The Sims 4. Он является сыном Вальтера Дримера и Дарлинг Дример.
Dirk Dreamer
Dirk Dreamer is a pre-made teen living in Pleasantview, one of the neighborhoods that ships with The Sims 2. He is the son of Darren Dreamer and the late Darleen Dreamer. After his mother's death he probably got distracted in school, as his A+ fell to a D-. However, he has very nearly recovered his grades by the time the game begins, as he has an A- when the game is first played.
Dirk is dating Lilith Pleasant, who was a childhood friend. This could be one reason they are together as teens, even though they don't seem to have much in common. For some unknown reason, Lilith's father, Daniel Pleasant, hasn't met Dirk. Dirk's father, Darren, also hasn't met Lilith. The reason for the teens not meeting their steady's parents is up to the player to decide.
In one photo where his dad is painting a portrait of him and in another in the Pleasant family where he and Lilith are kissing, he wears a different, yellow shirt. However, if the player enters Plan Outfit for him, the shirt isn't there.
When first played, he has two points of Charisma, one of Logic, and is 13 days away from becoming an adult. His skills and Aspiration suggest he'd be good at the Business Career, and he'll often want to get a job in it. However he will also often roll a want to get a job in the Athletic career.
Dirk is the only pre-made base game teen living in Pleasantview who does not have any siblings. While being a Fortune Sim, he has a hidden Knowledge aspiration token.
Dirk Dreamer (The Sims 4: Get Famous)
Dirk Dreamer is a pre-made townie who came with The Sims 4: Get Famous. His preset fame quirks are No Touching and Phone Fanatic. He is a four star celebrity with a good reputation. He might be the alternate universe version of Dirk Dreamer from Pleasantview.
Dirk is a young adult who is employed in the Tech Guru career at level 6 (Development Captain) and has the Computer Whiz aspiration. He has four skill points in both logic and video gaming, and five points in programming; and he has no relationships.
Биография [ ]
Хронология № 1 [ ]
The Sims 2 [ ]
В The Sims 2 Ганс — подросток, живущий в Новосельске. Он является сыном Вальтера и погибшей Дарлинг Дример. После смерти матери его успеваемость в школе значительно ухудшилась, с 5+ до 2-, однако на начало игры он близок к тому, чтобы вернуть отличную оценку.
Ганс встречается с Лилией Новосельских. Исходя из воспоминаний пары, можно предположить, что они друзья детства. Возможно, это одна из причин, по которой они встречаются несмотря на то, что у них довольно мало общего. Однако Ганс до сих пор не знаком с отцом Лилии, Дэниелом Новосельских, а Лилия не знакома с Вальтером.
В начале игры Гансу остаётся 13 дней до взросления. Он стремится к богатству, имеет скрытое стремление к знаниям и освоил 2 балла навыка обаяния и 1 балл логики. Навыки и жизненная цель Дримера указывают на то, что он может построить неплохую карьеру в сфере бизнеса, и у него часто возникает желание устроиться на работу именно там.
Ганс — единственный подросток в Новосельске, у которого нет братьев и сестёр.
Хронология № 2 [ ]
The Sims 4 [ ]
В The Sims 4 присутствует молодой персонаж, основанный на персонаже Дирка (Ганса) или являющийся его альтернативной версией. Он проживает в Дель-Соль-Вэлли, в мире из дополнения «Путь к славе».
В начале игры у Дирка четыре звезды славы и хорошая репутация. Он — руководитель отдела разработки и освоил 4 балла навыка логики, 5 баллов навыка программирования и 4 балла навыка видеоигр.
Хоть персонаж Дирка и основан, скорее всего, на персонаже Ганса, между ними есть ряд кардинальных различий. Ганс — подросток. У него синие глаза, чёрные волосы и тёмная кожа. Дирк же молодой, у него карие глаза, каштановые волосы и более светлая, смуглая кожа. Кроме того, в отличие от новосельской версии, Дирк больше заинтересован в программировании, чем в бизнесе. Прочие члены семейства Дример в The Sims 4 и вовсе не появляются.
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