Battle brothers черный монолит где найти
16 апр. 2018 в 11:47 I'm on day 400+ (407 or something) of the campaign I was going to use to beat BM. Have uncovered all the fog of war on the map, and have been looking for this thing for the past 50 days. is there a best way to find it? The undead crisis just started for the 2nd time, and I was hoping maybe that would uncover it, but nothing so far. Also haven't found it through taverns yet.. This is the last achievement I need for the 100%, and I think my bros are ready, so this is insanely frustrating *_* 16 апр. 2018 в 11:50
It's usually in the last tiny bit of fog far away not perfectly uncovered :o
I got it one time on a "merchand map" event, too.
16 апр. 2018 в 15:37BM should be visible from the start - I remember finding it between day 10-15 once.
Post a picture of your map, we can play where's Waldo with you!
16 апр. 2018 в 16:48BM should be visible from the start - I remember finding it between day 10-15 once.
Post a picture of your map, we can play where's Waldo with you!
Yep, Just found in on day 26 - not much I can do but run from it at this point. 17 апр. 2018 в 0:50
Here are map screens, it doesn't all fit on my monitor at the same time even when zoomed all the way out - I can see some tiny little corners here and there on the edges of the coastlines that I apparently missed in my meandering, but all of the big patches of fog I can't seem to get to at all, I think they're either unreachable islands or open water. Spent a while trying to click every pixel and seeing if my bros started marching.
Map seed is 6d1aa7, in case BM spawn point is based on seed.. if anyone helps me find this thing you get all the imaginary internet points.
The one time I got the "merchant map" event on this playthrough, I didn't have a historian bro so we threw the map out. Curses!
Battle brothers черный монолит где найти
Влад Гребёнкин запись закреплена
Помогите разобраться, не могу найти две локации на карте, всё перерыл, а найти чёрный монолит и логово лося не могу, хочу бронь отремонтировать, но вот уже как 200 дней её таскаю, амбиций выполнил 3-4, в них причина или опять баг русификатора?
Влад, после убийства варвара локация генерируется, заново весь север обойди.
Влад, есть инфа, что на легкой сложности некоторые локации не появляются, но это неточно.
Battle brothers черный монолит где найти
у тебя стенка вперед ушла и стрелков аж 4 без оружия ближнего боя. окружи своих лучников бойцами чтобы 1 место для атаки по ним осталось и подлови вампиров. когда убьешь держи стенку и постепенно вырезай скелетов, как только образуется брешь или фланг будет свободный выпускай пару бойцов за вражеской поддержкой. против орды скелетов или гоблинов всегда так делаю
Роман, так поступают слабаки которык не смогли в ББ, про братья чистят за раз
Юрий, я думаю в случае с монолитом братья будут чистить его в последний раз))
Максим, штурмовать монолит со стрелками в боевой группе сомнительное решение
На ветеране. Специально заточенной против нежити опытной группой (12 человек 11 лвл, 3 копейщика, 3 одноручных топора + щит, 1 кинжальщик +щит, 1 цеп + щит, 1 сержант, 1молот, 2 алебарды) за 3 рейда зачищал, без потерь. Высокая мили защита, высокая мили атака, высокая выносливость. Перки индивидуально долго расписывать. Очень выматывающий братьев бой, несмотря на нормальный ритм уничтожения мобов при таком составе.
Юрий, я про это и говорю, что 4 стрелка это слишком. 2 арбалетчика как раз подойдут-они смогут снимать броню со скелетов, а после вампиров они во 2 ряду будут в безопасности, в отличии от раненых бойцов которых придется выводить из боя
Роман, у меня двум не посчастливилось, сержанта некроученый прирезал и ландцкнехта(тут я неправданно рискнул и этой жертвы можно было избежать) легионер упокоил
Юрий, Ну если есть денег много но не супер расскаченый отряд то можно и набегами) Если броньку пораньше хочется)
Battle brothers черный монолит где найти
Battle Brothers
7 мар. 2017 в 4:42 7 мар. 2017 в 4:47 Gonna raid it today, wish me luck boys, I think my men are ready. Luckily my Black Monolith is not in the swamps. 7 мар. 2017 в 4:49 Gonna raid it today, wish me luck boys, I think my men are ready. Luckily my Black Monolith is not in the swamps. Show your roster, brother.Btw could you be so kind to show us screen of loot after the battle? 7 мар. 2017 в 5:00 What difficulty is this on? this seems like a force that you would find on veteran or higher. 7 мар. 2017 в 5:03 What difficulty is this on? this seems like a force that you would find on veteran or higher. 7 мар. 2017 в 5:08 Gonna raid it today, wish me luck boys, I think my men are ready. Luckily my Black Monolith is not in the swamps.
Sure, If I win, I will show what rewards I got like in all my videos.
7 мар. 2017 в 5:18 12 vs 47!You will die from fatigue alone anyway, unless you kill 2 or 3 of them with one hit.
And you don't have setup to do so.
7 мар. 2017 в 5:38
You only see one part of it on that screenshot, there is big bunch of honor guards above you with 3 ancient priests.
Mine was on a mountain top and I got it fairly easily by bunkering in at first with spearwall to keep the skeletons away until the servants came. Took some time to get rid of those but afterwards it was just the usual splitting and flanking with greatswords to get rid of any polearm bastar'd and then mostly trying to reach those nasty priests who kept spamming abilities till I finaly had them cornered. Obviously I had to pull back mercs who's armor suffered too much and sometimes had to bring out a shield and wall up on those who got surrounded but overall very much doable with lots of endgame armor and 2 handed weapons. I didn't bring a single archer though, the squishiest was my seargant and I was glad I had him because of that horror spell the priests cast.
Got me plenty of cash in treasure and that emperor's armor.
7 мар. 2017 в 5:38"So yeah, any ideas how to loot it?"
1.) play on easiest difficulty.
2.) fight them when they are in the swamp and you are on dry land.
3.) wait for the patch that allows you to cast turn undead.
seriously if this was organics. kill enough of them quick enough and the rest should flee.
if you weren't in a swamp you might be able to use choke points to take their melee one at a time in a advantageous positions.
as it stands, I don't see any way to simply not just die of fatigue.
Honor guards are too strong and thats 47 enemies. who can't tire or panic.
7 мар. 2017 в 5:41You only see one part of it on that screenshot, there is big bunch of honor guards above you with 3 ancient priests.
Mine was on a mountain top and I got it fairly easily by bunkering in at first with spearwall to keep the skeletons away until the servants came. Took some time to get rid of those but afterwards it was just the usual splitting and flanking with greatswords to get rid of any polearm bastar'd and then mostly trying to reach those nasty priests who kept spamming abilities till I finaly had them cornered. Obviously I had to pull back mercs who's armor suffered too much and sometimes had to bring out a shield and wall up on those who got surrounded but overall very much doable with lots of endgame armor and 2 handed weapons. I didn't bring a single archer though, the squishiest was my seargant and I was glad I had him because of that horror spell the priests cast.
Got me plenty of cash in treasure and that emperor's armor.
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