Wood house escape прохождение
Маленький мальчик оказался заперт в маленьком деревянном доме. Что произошло никто не знает, может быть его наказали за какую-то провинность, а может он и сам нечаянно попал в эту запутанную ловушку. Сути дела это не меняет, малышу нужно помочь выбраться из дома, причём выбраться как можно быстрее. Чтобы сделать это, нужно внимательно осматривать каждый уголок, тщательно сопоставлять найденные улики, распутывать логические задачки и решать головоломки. И тогда дверь дома распахнётся и мальчик снова окажется на свободе.
«Wood House Escape» — логическая игра из серии «Найди выход», в которой вам понадобится разгадать массу головоломок, чтобы сбежать из деревянного дома. Ждите, когда прогрузится название игры и нажимайте на стрелку. Для продолжения сохранения жмите «Yes», чтобы начать заново — «No». Щелкайте на запертый ящик и собирайте по частям пазлы. Там вы найдете синий камень. В спальне кликайте на шкаф и решите головоломку с замками. Для этого передвиньте замки к ключам, чтобы их открыть. Смотрите на бабочек на картине. Потом открывайте верхний ящик шкафа и из букв составляйте слово «Butterfly» (бабочка).
123Bee Wood House Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by 123bee. A little boy was unfortunately trapped inside the wood house. Help him to come out of that place, search the clues and objects available over there and let him escape. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Avatar]
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Posted by MegiPoland
In and out, easy :)
Odd game so far LOL I have rat with feather, inkpot, spoon with chemical and an opened blank scroll
how did u open the scroll?
@skully193: With the knife.
Out LOL too easy
use lantern (light on) in 2nd room to find knife
have a scroll and ink pot
where to use the chemical on the spoon?
out, take a red key first
put the rat in front of bags 1st view
use feather/ink on scroll and take a key 2nd view
got a bottle, put it under barrel and key with chemical .
Once I got the rat, it was easy after that.
jogo podre. tive q carregar 2x. achei q estava errado o jogo q nao punha o rato
how do i get anything from scene 2?
@camila, take the lantern (light on) and put it on wall 2nd view
When I try to click the lantern. it just takes me to the right. where is the pixel.
Nokra click on green bottle on the right
A lantern . I can only an unlit torch in the right scene. I have a scroll and an inkwell.
Oh, finally, I found the hotspot with the lantern. sigh.
Now I have opened the scroll, I have the inkwell, and a spoon. Totally stuck again.
Pascale click on the pink safe and wait. for a rat
Yes, I have an opened scroll, inkwell, and spoonful of chemical that I scooped from opening the barrel in the second scene. What now? I am just wondering if there is something nonsensical we have to do with the spoonful of chemical, but I really have no more patience for trying combinations. As for the red key we are supposed to be able to get? Do we require an oilcan to pry it ?
to get red key, first you must use feather in ink and draw on scroll
feather is on the rat
Hmmm. Well, I read your post about clicking on the pink safe to wait for the rat to come out, but that is not happening. ?? Am I missing a step after obtaining opened scroll, spoon with chemical and ink pot?
this game is pixel hunt..
Ah, yes, I see your point. It is a bit of patience getting him to come out. After clicking the chest, if you back out, you can see the tip of his nose wiggling (barely). might want to zoom in and out a few times, or wait a bit.
Stupid game. Why not just smash the bottle instead of going to all the effort of filling it with beer and explosive.
God..had to reload the game so many times. Light lamp and take into next room..no action if dark. Pick knife, chemical scoop from barrel (spoon found in 1st room with lamp, ink and scroll.
And the rat is too shy to come out. Once he is fed..you get the quill. Dip quill in ink and open scroll with knife found behind barrel in 2nd room. You get key shape..pick right key from 2nd room to open chest there. Take bottle with key and place it below barrel in 1st room. Add chemical..like soda you get a fuzzy foam which tosses out door key.
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12 сен. 2016 в 13:44
Walkthrough | Прохождение Wooden House [FULL]
22 сен. 2016 в 18:25HJK not working. How did you do ?
[Разработчик] 4 окт. 2016 в 11:25
HJK not working. How did you do ?
(J-K / K-H / H-J.)
In OS. should be the default English.
(Caps Lock or Alt+Shift.)
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