Aquaria towers spyro прохождение
In This Level You Can Find: -400 Gems -3 Orbs -Skill Point: Destroy All Seaweed *Skills Required: Dive Links Of Interest: -Twitch: .
Spyro 2 - Aquaria Towers
Aufrufe 122 Tsd. Vor 14 years
Spyro 2 (Reignited) | Part 7: Aquaria Towers 100% (All Gems & Orbs)
Aufrufe 49 Tsd. Vor 2 years
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! (Reignited) This is a 100% guide for all 64 Orbs and 10000 gems.
Spyro 2 - Ripto's Rage! OST: Aquaria Towers
Aufrufe 94 Tsd. Vor 10 years
Spyro 2 - Ripto's Rage! Original Soundtrack.
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage -07- Aquaria Towers
Aufrufe 43 Tsd. Vor 8 years
A waterworld. Lots of swimming. Feel somewhat right at home due to having played Year of the Dragon, which saw the return of .
Spyro Reignited Trilogy 2 - Aquaria Towers - 100% ALL Gems All Orbs All Puzzles Solutions - Guide
Aufrufe 62 Tsd. Vor 2 years
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. spyro 2 aquaria towres is the map which I will be plaing through and .
Spyro Reignited Trilogy Soundtrack -Aquaria Towers
Aufrufe 35 Tsd. Vor 2 years
I have got the Spyro Reignited Trilogy. You will get some awesome soundtracks from this game.
Aquaria Towers All seaweed locations
Aufrufe 41 Tsd. Vor 2 years
Spyro Reignited Trilogy OST: Aquaria Towers
Aufrufe 3,9 Tsd. Vor 2 years
Spyro Reignited Trilogy: Aquaria Towers - All Tower Locations for Orb
Aufrufe 23 Tsd. Vor 2 years
- I do not own the music throughout the video, or the images used for the thumbnail. - "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of .
Spyro Reignited Trilogy: Spyro 2 - Aquaria Towers OST (Dynamic)
Aufrufe 6 Tsd. Vor 2 years
Another one of my favourites. Super well done! Join the Discord server: Follow me on Twitter: .
Spyro Reignited Trilogy Aquaria Towers 10 hidden gems
Aufrufe 32 Tsd. Vor 2 years
Spyro Reignited Trilogy (Soundtrack Mashup) - Aquaria Towers
Aufrufe 1,4 Tsd. Vor 2 years
Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! 100% Walkthrough Part 8 - Aquaria Towers
Aufrufe 15 Tsd. Vor 2 years
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! -- Part 8: Aquaria Towers
Aufrufe 31 Tsd. Vor 8 years
Read the description! Please leave a Like; your support is appreciated! Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! playthrough, with commentary .
How to deal with the Sharks in Aquaria Towers - Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Aufrufe 3,3 Tsd. Vor 2 years
Oops, i forgot i had the steam framerate thingy.
Ripto's Rage - Reignited Trilogy 100% Playthrough 3 AQUARIA TOWERS, CRUSH, AUTUMN PLAINS
Aufrufe 56 Vor 5 Monate
Spyro Tours aquaria- Orbes (Spyro Aquaria Towers- Orbs)
Aufrufe 482 Vor 2 years
Cette vidéo montre seulement comment récupérer les orbes ! This video only shows how to get the orbs !
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage 100% Walkthrough - Part 6: Aquaria Towers
Aufrufe 33 Tsd. Vor 9 years
I think this is the only true underwater level of this game. Normally these levels are annoying, but they made the controls for .
Описание [ ]
На небесных полюсах этого мира кружат вихри солнца и звёзд. Чуть ниже уровня облаков, разделяющих это действо, плывут белокаменные острова, усеянные недвижимыми до поры до времени доспехами.
Все острова соединены между собой мостами, образуя тем самым два «континента». На первом, меньшем материке расположились комнаты-укрепления, расписанные внутри золотыми узорами и украшенные круглыми драгоценными камнями. Пробившись к дальнему помещению, сквозь гренадеров и неуязвимые доспехи, можно увидеть, как гнорк гоняет по кругу фею. Будучи спасённой, она наградит Спайро поцелуем и временным усилением пламени. С обретённым ярко-красным пламенем герою станет под силу сокрушить даже ожившие доспехи, то и дело преграждающие путь, а также преодолеть закрытые прочным металлом проходы.
Второй континент намного больше и основную его часть занимает огромный замок цилиндрической формы с квартетом башенок, увенчанных острыми фиолетовыми черепичными крышами. Позади замка расположилась маленькая городская улочка. Площадь её вымощена шестиугольными камнями почти того же цвета, что и сверкающие медными красками крыши домиков. Напротив замка имеется небольшое крепостное сооружение, где находится ещё одна фея, дарующая через поцелуй невероятную мощь огненного дыхания.
Внутри поросших плющом стен пролегает узкий коридор, зачарованный магией ускорения и ведущий в холл с множеством дверей. За некоторыми из них лежат невероятно красивые сокровищницы, за иными — пути наружу: к небольшому чудному водоёму и городскому кварталу, при этом можно попасть на верхний этаж Башни. Там устроился маг, держащий в «золотой клетке» фею, способную одарить спасителя силой, несравнимой с той, что дают прочие феи.
Aquaria Towers is a rather specific level in Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage. Most of the level takes place under water. The following walkthrough will make it easier for you to complete this level.
What is required to complete this level in 100%?
To complete Aquaria Towers in 100%, you have to do the following things:
- Collect 400 crystals
- Collect 3 orbs
After starting the level, talk to a seahorse standing nearby. He will ask you to flood the whole area with water. Continue ahead and eliminate the nearby man and two crayfish. As long as there is no water in the room you can use fire for this purpose. After the battle, collect the crystals and activate the button. This way the whole room will be filled with water.
This will allow you to swim into the next chamber. The tunnel will lead you to something like a chimney, the top of which comes out on dry land. Repeat what you did in the first chamber - kill all enemies and activate the button.
The water will rise to such an extent that you will be able to get on a shelf with two crystals. From there, you'll need to jump higher on the platform where you'll find a well.
Jump into it. It will allow you to swim to the next chamber. When you reach the cave, you will have to pay 100 crystals to rent a boat. At this stage, this will be the only way to cross the next canal, as there are steel sharks in it. You can only defeat them with superflame. In addition, they will kill you instantly, no matter what your health condition is.
After crossing the channel you will be in the last chamber. Eliminate all enemies and activate the button. This will flood the entire space.
Pass through a small gap to the starting position. Talk to the seahorse there to finish the level. At this point, the superflame gate will also become active. You can use it to eliminate the steel sharks. Not only in the tunnel, but also in a small chamber leaving the cavity with the second button. This way you can collect the crystals that are there. Additionally, you can swim out into open space using the holes in the ceiling of the first location. You will find the rest of the crystals and all three orbs there.
Challenge 1: Seahorse rescue
Difficulty: 2 stars
This challenge will be given by a seahorse near the underwater towers. He will ask you to save his children locked in six towers. The order in which you free them is important. Their location is as follows:
- The first two are located right next to the quest giver.
- The next two of them can be found at the first location you visited
- Tower number 5 is located in the second location.
- The last tower is in the same location as the last button.
However, you must watch out for the obstacles that you will find in the towers. These may be crayfish or electric fields.
Challenges 2 and 3: Manta ride
Difficulty: 2 and 3 stars respectively
These tasks are identical. The only thing that changes is the level of difficulty.
Near the towers there is a large flat area where you will find a trainer. He will ask you for help in training a manta. If you agree, you will have to swim on its back through the rings that will be set up by the trainer.
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