Vanquish 2004 прохождение
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This is a collaborative walkthrough for Vanquish. Please add any missing information to any section and correct any errors that you find.
Act 1 [ ]
Mission 1: Landing [ ]
This missions consists of moving through a hallway and watching some Marines get sucked out into space. Sam cannot be damaged by the incoming laser beams; they're just for decoration. Once you reach the end of the hallway, you're treated to a magnificent cutscene.
This is Vanquish: explosions and insanity will reign for the next few hours on a massive scale.
Mission 2: Breach [ ]
At the beginning of the mission, head left towards a red flare. Boost through a trench and take out the Gorgie on the other side. Hop on the turret and shoot the explosive barrels to your lower left to take out the whole group of Gorgies in that vicinity. There's another explosive barrel in front of you and down a level. After some fighting, a large friendly ship will crash into the area, creating a hole in the huge door behind you. More Gorgies and a Moa will emerge from the hole. If you just shoot the Moa's pilot, you can commandeer it and use its powerful cannons. Keep laying into the Gorgies, and remember that the small meter below your reticule is indicative of how much ammunition your weapon has left.
Mission 3: Giant [ ]
Run up the stairs and eliminate the few Gorgies up here. There are explosive barrels after the first set of stairs to make the job easier. Up the next staircase is a large courtyard area. Watch out for a flying vehicle sent your way, which can damage or kill you on higher difficulties. You can climb another platform on the right with a weapon pod on it. A large transport drops in several Gorgies; take them out along with the Moas and turrets. After you've eliminated all of them, more Gorgies will be teleported into the arena.
Keep fighting and soon you'll face your first Romanov, a hulking robot with ample health. Dodge its rockets and just focus on shooting it as much as possible. There is a pretty obvious red weak spot on the back, if you're having a hard time taking it down. Also, watch out for a large instant-kill energy blast from its chest that goes through anything, even cover.
After you've wiped out every robot in the area, you'll enter a small cutscene. Now, you can go down into the courtyard and pick up some weapons, but you won't have much time, and you don't really need to worry about it. You will be able to look the place over thoroughly after the mission is over. If you do get low on ammo though, there are plenty of weapon crates and drop pods in the courtyard and on the turret level, along with turrets, of course. Two large transports filled with mechs will empty out into the courtyard. If you're down there with them, focus on one side so you don't get flanked. If you're on a turret, just try to keep the stairs clear.
BOSS: Argus Robot [ ]
Once all of these robots have been destroyed, prepare to battle your first boss. The KNRB-0 Argus will pop up in the middle of the courtyard. It's a gigantic crab-like mech that enjoys shooting swarms of missiles at you. If the cannon aims at you and glows yellow, dodge out of the way, as it will shoot a huge tank round at you that will stun and damage you (and kill you on Normal difficulty or higher). It also enjoys dumping out a barrage of time bombs. What you want to do is shoot the red core above the cannon. You can just lay into it if you want, but it's easier to shoot the glowing yellow weak spots on the legs. When you take out a leg, the Argus will be stunned, giving you an opportunity to just empty into the core. When this happens, though, watch out for a large yellow arc that emits from the core, which will overheat your suit.
When you've taken the core down to zero health, the mech will transform into a humanoid robot. This form is harder to deal with. It shoots a small laser from its head. Not only does getting hit by it hurt you, but the path the laser carves will glow and explode. It also shoots a variety of missiles, sweeps its arms across the arena, and emits a very large laser from the core in its chest that kills you in one hit. Use boost to get out of the way. This time, the core is covered up, so you will have to shoot its arms and legs to incapacitate the Argus and expose the core. Shooting and destroying its left arm will thrust you into a quicktime event where you have to rotate the joystick in different directions three times. Just keep blowing off limbs and hammering the core until it is destroyed.
Use turrets to bring down the core when it's stunned.
Mission 4: Rescue [ ]
If you haven't already, explore the courtyard and the area with the turrets after you defeat the Argus robot. There are a lot of weapons floating around. When you're ready, head through the large door. The next area has a few weapon crates too, so keep an eye out for them.
When the mission officially starts, follow Burns into the next area and look for robots virtually everywhere. There's also a turret on the far side. Burns will turn right down the middle platform, but if you want a Disk Launcher, don't follow him. Instead, keep going over to the next platform when he turns right. This platform is the one with the turret on it. There is some debris on the left side, and if you go far enough you can get behind it. The weapon pod is back here. Either way, go down the middle platform and mop up mechs on both levels, including a lot to your left. When you've started to thin them down, a Romanov will drop down onto the left side area. Once every robot is dead, check the area for weapons and follow Burns up the stairs.
At the top of the stairs, you'll be tasked with saving three marines. Your best bet is to work clockwise, starting with F. Kennedy. Take out the mechs on that side and start over the bridge. Once you are on the bridge, be careful, as a few more mechs will climb onto that platform. Fortunately, there are plenty of explosive barrels around if you get inundated with opposition. Hit the panel in front of Kennedy to free him from the contraption, and don't forget to also revive him, so he can join the fight. It doesn't really matter if he lives or dies as long as you free him. As you move toward C. James, a transport will drop off mechs directly in front of you. Destroy all mechs, free the last two prisoners, and move towards the door that is opening. As you're dealing with the mechs in this room, more will get dropped off on the platform to your right, the one that F. Kennedy was on. A transport ship will also hover above your position. Take out the transport and all its troops, then move into the room to finish the mission.
Mission 5: Trust [ ]
At the start of the mission, turn around and grab a weapon crate on the platform behind you. There's another one near the gate controls. Open the gate and take out the mechs behind it. Don't forget that you can climb ladders in this game, so you can get on top of that small platform in this area. There is usually some kind of weapon up there. Around the corner you'll encounter a new enemy, the Chicane. They are box-like robots that can set up a barricade. They also have a laser turret. After they're gone you'll be faced with a whole mess of enemies guarding the gate, including a turret gunner and two snipers on top of the gate. After you've cleared all of them out, you'll have to defend the gate as enemies come from the area you just came from. Another wave shows up after the first one is down, and there's a Romanov with them. This sequence ends and the gate closes as soon as the lone marine makes his way to you.
After the next cutscene, you'll be thrown into a gauntlet with Gorgies down the middle and up on the sides. Take out the RPGs first, then the turrets, then mop up what's left and go to Burns.
In the large clearing, prepare for a miniboss. A large tank and a bunch of mechs will come up the ramp. Take out the mechs first, both on the ground and on the tank. This will allow you to move around the arena freely, which is important when you're focusing on the tank. It has one main attack, which is to shoot a tank shell at you. But it will also spin the blades up on the front and try to run you over. Note that the blades will tear up or go over normally indestructible cover, like sandbags, so don't think you are safe behind them. The main weak point you'll want to try to hit is on the back side of the tank. With no mechs around, you can just boost around behind it at any time. There's another weak point on the turret, but it's only visible when the turret raises. And when the turret raises, it's usually pointed at you, so be careful. Finish it off and the mission ends.
Mission 6: Darkness [ ]
Check the courtyard for weapons, and move down the ramp. Place a charge on the roadblock, blow it, then move into the tunnel. After the cutscene, you'll be tasked with protecting the armored vehicle from a variety of enemies. The vehicles headlights will be the only thing illuminating the tunnel, so you'll need to keep your eyes peeled for enemies and weapons. The first wave consists of Jellyfish, small four legged machines that like to scurry up to you, or the vehicle, and explode. Next up will be two large Jellyfish. They eat bullets, and if they explode near the vehicle, they'll take out a decent chunk of health, so lay into them with everything you've got. Grenades of both types work especially well. Focus on one at a time, too. They're slow at first, but after you get their health down so far, they'll turn red and start moving faster. Also, when they blow up, they release a bunch of smaller jellyfish.
You'll have to deal with two more large Jellyfish before you reach a fortified gate. Take out all the mechs on ground level, including a Romanov with a hammer and a flamethrower, which will overheat your suit rather quickly. Shoot the two tanks on his back to make him explode, then plant the first bomb. Move to the top of the gate and take out the turret. Around this time, a transport will drop some mechs off right in front of the APC. Aim down and wipe them out, and prepare for yet another transport. Plant the last bomb, clear the area, check for weapons, then get next to the vehicle and blow the gate.
Move through the wreckage and when you get near the bus, watch out for two enemy transports that will crash near you. They don't drop off mechs, but they can crush you. Next, prepare to deal with four large Jellyfish, some small jellyfish, and a flamethrower Romanov. The Romanov is mainly a threat only to you, so if the vehicle is low on health, focus on the Jellyfish first. After this battle, move up and end the mission.
Mission 7: Seismic [ ]
This mission is short, but intense. On this next platform, you'll be forced to deal with a hell of a lot of mechs, including two snipers on the left side, a turret on the left side, and three Romanovs. The Romanovs shoot bullets and missiles, and they also like to throw out a huge missile that travels really slowly but does a lot of damage. It beeps louder as it gets close to you. Just stay behind cover and you'll be fine though. After a while, the armored vehicle will start using its rail gun. Probably after you've cleared most of the platform, but it's better than nothing. Once the platform is clear, a large machine will come up through the pit in the middle and dump off more mechs and another Romanov. It'll also destroy the armored vehicle. Once the platform is cleared a second time, the mission will end.
Mission 8: Hostile [ ]
Activate the lift. After a bit it stops, and you'll have to fight mechs coming up the other lift. The lift will get to the top and the next room has several mechs and a Romanov. A bit after you enter the room, Professor Candide will come up the elevator with more mechs. Watch out for mechs with RPGs, too.
BOSS: Victor Zaitsev [ ]
Once everyone is wiped out, you'll have to face another boss: Zaitsev himself. He operates a suit similar to yours, except he can fly around with it. He'll shoot lasers from the gun at you, and large lasers from his suit. If he gets close, he'll use the gun as a sword. Once his health is at about a quarter strength, Zaitsev will initiate a quicktime event where you must mash down X as much as possible. Win this and the fight is over.
Happiness In SlaveryПутеводитель к игре Vanquish.
-Уровень сложности трофеев: 8/10
-Оффлайновые трофеи: 50 (42 , 5 , 3 , 1 )
-Онлайновые трофеи: 0
-Примерное время получения платины: 10-20 часов, в зависимости от ваших способностей.
-Минимальное количество прохождений до платины: 1+
-Влияет ли уровень сложности на трофеи: Да
-Глючные трофеи: Нет
-Число трофеев, которые можно пропустить: нет
-Читы отключают трофеи? Кодов нет.
"Act Completion", "Survivor", "ARS Operator", "Legend". Эти трофеи можно получить только начиная новую игру, переигрывая главы вы ничего не добьётесь.
Закончить историю на высоком уровне сложности. Не разу не умереть. Собрать все статуи.
Начните из главного меню новую игру на тяжёлом уровне сложности. Пройдите тренинг и получите трофей One Day at DARPA. Не меняйте уровень сложности пока история не пройдена. Это позволит получить трофеи "Act Completion", "Survivor", "ARS Operator".
Vanquish местами очень сложный, и пройти честно не разу не умерев будет задачей не из лёгких, особенно на высоком уровне сложности. Но есть одна хитрость, если после смерти выбрать выход в главное меню, игра не сделает авто-сохранение и загрузившись вы не потеряете возможность получения трофея "Legend".
Так же сосредоточьтесь на сборе коллекционных статуэток. На каждом уровне спрятано по 4 фигуры, кроме первого уровня первого акта.
После завершения компании вы сможете переиграть любой уровень на любой сложности. Нужно выполнить следующие трофеи:
Возможно, какие-то из них уже получены после первого прохождения.
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У вас должны остаться только трофеи за тактические испытания (скрытые призы). Тактический режим открывается после прохождения компании. Всего в нём 6 актов (6 даётся после завершения первых 5).
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