Soothing forest escape прохождение
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Posted by EscapeGames24
Where does the strawberry go? and the tomato looking things?
Hi Ginner, 5 tomato looking things go on flower pots in second scene.
The tomato things go in front of the house in the second scene. You need 5
I have a strawberry and two paper clues. And stuck.
Scene from upper left road gives a very sneaky colour clue on left tree. Clicked on it by accident.
I have a strawberry, torch and 2 papers.
Colour clue from tree for the mushrooms in second scene. Gives the last plant pod for the first scene which gives the second flower thing for the door. Moving on.
Torch goes in hole bottom right of the second scene.
color code from house door (placing golden lamp) is used on stones in Scene upper left road.
red burning egg and wand are used in first scene.
Number code for the radishes not working. Probably not the right clue for the radishes.
maroonclown, position 5 is the biggest radish
Need a lemon too.
Maroonclown, leave the middle radish as is (5), click the 1st radish twice (3), etc.
Thanks Hotz. I was sure I tried that. Moving on!
That was quick for a WOW game.
That was quick for a WOW game.
Guess I need 2nd flower thing for door so I can go to sc2. Any help? I have berry, tomatoes, scroll, and book.
where to use wand?
wand in lake where 31524 number is.
How many tomatoes do you have Ginner?
Thanks Anna.
Wand used in opening scene.
Wand. have used all inventory things.
Ginner see Anna at 10:58.
Thank you Anna. need one more feather thing.
Scroll Hotz found in 1st scene used in symbol puzzle on tree in back of house in new scenes.
This comment has been removed by the author.Thanks WOW, nice game.
REALLY nice game! Thanks a lot Wow!
Thanks Anna and methanwy for wand.
Thanks Anna and methanwy for wand.
Why escape if the grand tour through Arcadia leads to such a disappointing exit scene .
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Memorizing this sequence was a challenge. Or maybe not so big challenge, first time took the incorrect last button, but second try was already a success.
Good game, thanks!
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