Прохождение игры asylum adventure escape
Прохождение игры Escape game: home town adventure 2
2. Поместите его на ящик слева, к другим ключам. Сдвигая их, доставьте ваш к синему замку. В середине желтый камень.
3. Поместите его на пьедестал, тем самым открыв проход во двор.
Эти шаги и следующие можно посмотреть в видео ниже.
Adventure Escape: Asylum (Murder Mystery Room, Doors, and Floors Point and Click Story!): Walkthrough Guide
- Post published: October 25, 2015
- Post category: Adventure / iPad Game / iPhone game / point-and-click / Puzzle / Room Escape / Walkthrough
- Post comments: 78 Comments
Adventure Escape: Asylum (Murder Mystery Room, Doors, and Floors Point and Click Story!)
By: Haiku Games
This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough with help, hints, tips, tricks, solutions and answers for the iOS and Android game Adventure Escape: Asylum by Haiku Games. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.
Chapter 1, Awakening:
1. Follow the tutorial. Pick up the scalpel and use it to cut yourself free. Then open the cabinet and get the gloves and lock pick. Look at the note on the wall to get a clue, 2854.
3. Use the broom to mop up the blood. Then, use the gloves to pick up the exposed wire.
4. Use the lock pick set to open the door and continue to the next chapter.
Click on the little numbers below to continue to Chapter 2 or click here.
Note: Sometimes a promo code is provided for a game, but it does not affect the review in any way. At AppUnwrapper, we strive to provide reviews of the utmost quality.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE © AppUnwrapper 2011-2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author is strictly prohibited. Links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to AppUnwrapper with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Adventure Escape: Asylum (Murder Mystery Room, Doors, and Floors Point and Click Story!): Walkthrough Guide
- Post published: October 25, 2015
- Post category: Adventure / iPad Game / iPhone game / point-and-click / Puzzle / Room Escape / Walkthrough
- Post comments: 78 Comments
Chapter 6, Wrath:
1. Pick up the two film strip magnets, then go through the door to the left.
2. Pick up another film strip magnet and go through the right door to the bathroom.
4. Use the information you found to match the jars to their chemical names. Then get the ammonia and use it to clean the toilet. Open the back and get the key.
5. Go back to the first room and use the key to unlock the file drawer.
6. Organize the files according to year and season, going summer year 6, spring year 6, autumn year 6, winter year 6, summer year 7, spring year 7 and so on through year 8. It should look like the screenshot below. Then take the film strip magnet.
7. Go back to the movie room and place all the film strips in the projector. Time for another puzzle. It should look like this in the end.
Click on the little numbers below to continue to Chapter 7 or click here.
Note: Sometimes a promo code is provided for a game, but it does not affect the review in any way. At AppUnwrapper, we strive to provide reviews of the utmost quality.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE © AppUnwrapper 2011-2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author is strictly prohibited. Links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to AppUnwrapper with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
1. Под лестницей красная дверь, откройте её ключ-картой. Найдите внутри листок с нотами.
2. Слева ящик с инструментами, расставьте их, как показано ниже. Получите шестеренку.
3. Пройдите в открытую дверь справа — это столовая. На столе отыщите ноты. За прилавком — верёвку.
4. Нажмите по подносу, прочитайте листок и наберите в него еды, как показано ниже.
5. Отдайте поднос женщине сидящей на полу, получите ещё листок с нотами.
6. Идите на кухню. Возьмите табуретку. Наведите порядок, разложив яблоки, бананы и печенье на свои места. Соберите по локации ноты. В инвентаре всего их 12.
7. Проследуйте в комнату со сценой. Поставьте табуретку слева от неё. Поместите шестерёнку и верёвку в верхний левый угол сцены. Поднимите занавес.
8. Отыщите на ней подставку с нотами. Добавьте свои листки и соберите цельную страницу, как показано ниже.
9. Идите с ней на кухню к сейфу. Теперь у вас получится подобрать правильную комбинацию. Получите топор.
10. Идите в комнату со сценой. Слева дверь забитая досками, уберите их с помощью найденного инструмента.
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