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Posted by EscapeGames24
Collecting lots of, um, stuff, I think.
Lamp goes in left of two adjacent holes.
And three tusk-like things go in three tree holes.
Hi there Yvonne. Welcome to the strange world of. well, you know!
More inserting - standpipe into hole in ground this time.
Clodagh yes, LOL
Hi Clodagh & Yvonne having fun, got loads of stuff got one clue for circles & arrows
Collecting things now as well as stuff.
Hi Joycy! Having fun getting loads of stuff are you? Just wait till you start collecting things!
used the saw far north
Keep slicing at what looks like a large fence with the saw. I did it four times,but still have the saw.
clue for people in birdie above the mushroom placement
clue for hooks in tree under birds
hello everyone. :) totally missed it on the first few scans, but in the scene to right where arrows split off, in the back in middle is puzzle for the 5 number clue found.
A mushroom in the herbaceous border - more drainage needed in this garden.
Ha put new boards on the dirty signpost pretty colours
Hi Cate been there but never saw the number clue
hello joycy. the number clue is in the crate that you bash with the axe.
sneaky half circle right of the number stack
aha found the axe in the flowers path sneaky one
sneaky tooth-chain in top right of scene where you put pipe
Bullet is not a bullet but a crayon.
bowl with flowers for left peacock
thanks for bullet/lipstick/crayon hint!!
yvonne, yes! writes a lot better than a bullet!
Anyone found what to do with the green Swiss roll in the first scene?
This comment has been removed by the author.Or the bat wing?
clodagh, use machete.
what to do with single wing?
Or the pot of pink sweets/matches/seeds?
Ooh, machete! Now where is that?
bat wing goes into the water wind turbine scene
Thanks for the bat wing Yvonne, and the seeds Cate.
Clue for stick figures is above the 5 large mushrooms.
machete is in 3 peacocks scene.
well spotted lipstick Cate
The knife/machete is by tree 3 peacocks scene
Use knife/machete on roll 1st scene, and turf, scene right of mushrooms
Found the machete, and then read your hints, Hotz and Yvonne - thank you for remembering me! Out now.
Buy all - fun playing with you!
I used the machete on the lawn where else is it used tuck now
Bye Clodagh oh I remember using machete twice stuck though need a blue butterfly & a tooth necklace
found last necklace to right of lipstick numbers got left behing cos my batery went lol loved the escape so comfortable & breezy
i kept trying to sacrifice something on the flat stone; who knew it was a parachute cache?
This was very nice! Although the paraglider flew away alone, without me.
last butterfly please
diane, are you still there? have you done all the puzzles?
my last butterfly was from placing necklages on buddhas - one sneaky necklage about top right on tree in scene where you put pipe & draw numbers with the bullet/lipstick/crayon.
thx guys for the hints, needed several of them with all that stuff to collect & place LOL
or better *necklaCe :-/
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What a beautiful place… I can imagine myself here, in 34 years distance, living in a wooden cottage with my lovely wife and children, and of course our german sheppard, Shadow. Sorry, it’s not about me, but about you. I guess you’re here for the cape, right? Wait, you don’t know about the cape? The capet which grants invisibility for its wearer and double the lifetime of anyone who… Oh, I mean… Let’s just forget what I’ve said. Go on little human and continue your boring day. Don’t mind me. Just look how beautiful the landscape is… (Luckily, it seems I didn’t tell more about the cape…)
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