Лига легенд арам гайд
С недавних пор ARAM стал моим любимым режимом, но, как и все в этом мире, он часто портится идиотами в твоей команде. Хочу рассказать-поделиться основными фишками, которые я использую для победы. Надеюсь, научимся друг у друга чему-нибудь новому.
Для начала приведу базовые принципы моей игры.
1. Не покупаю арам итемы стартовые, никогда, абсолютный шлак.
2. Для манагероев старт закуп всегда один и тот же, ботинок, 5 хилок, слеза. Проблем с маной не будет до конца игры. Слеза при стоимости 750 продается за 500+ монет. Профит в чистом виде.
3. Для стрелков, если в тиме несколько челиков с Ясностью, лучше всего купить Вампирский скипетр первым айтемом. А вторым набором рун доминацию обе вампирки. Лучший набор на стрелков в араме, насколько я могу судить (Эш, Тристана, Фортуна, Джинкс, Киндред) это скорость + криты. Если в команде противника много танков, то поклон или глашатай, иногда приходилось собирать и то и то, в основном из - за Маокая, Трандла, Зака. Эти жиробасы слишком быстро хилятся.
4. Я никогда не собираю танков в маг урон, как советуют дефолтные сборки, так как толку от этого 0. Да, Насус наносит много урона лужей, только какой от этого толк, если ты умираешь за пару ударов. Раки в тиме аргументировали это тем, что нереально набить стаки в АРАМе. У меня получается иметь 250-300 за 15 минут, рекорд 1000+ за 30 минут игры, просто не надо зевать. Мальфит в АРАМе превращается в настоящую грозу физиков, если собирается в броню, Зак, Алистар, Мундо, Трандл, Маокай, Шивана становятся неубиваемыми машинами контроля.
5. Самые бесполезные, на мой взгляд, герои в этом режиме :
Аурелион - не предназначен для замесов, из-за наличия снежка часто сливается первым, мало дамаг скиллов.
Вуконг - героя контрит зелье за 300 золотых, раскрывающее инвиз.
Диана - тонкая, слишком много пространства без стен, ближник.
Иверн - он и в африке иверн.
Мордекайзер - слабый урон как дамагера, малый потенциал как танка, души героев очень быстро умирают.
Акали – слишком тонкая, основной эскейп контрит зелье оракула.
Ка Зикс, Ноктюрн, Ренгар, Ле-Блан – это мастера дуэльных сражений, в Араме таковых практически не проиходит.
Саме сильные герои Арама (ИМХО).
1. Вейгар - эта маленькая тварь стакает пассиву всеми скиллами, а не только 1. Кроме того, 2ой стакается при простом попадании по героям противника и дает +2. За 15 минут можно сделать 250-300 стаков.
2. Люкс – так как плотность врагов высока, промазать скилами практически невозможно, а быстрый фарм итемов на ап и кд дает ульт с кд в 18 секунд.
3. Насус – это только мое ИМХО, так как является моим сигнатурным героем. Играю через стаки кухи. Рекорд 1000+ зарядов. За каждого миньона или героя в Араме дают 6 очков, поэтому набить не составляет труда. Таримся на живучесть и маг рез или бронь, в зависимости от состава вражеской тимы. Сносить за удар 1200-1600 хп – легко.
4. Зиггс – Засчет кухи не нужно подходить к противникам, просто спамим ее и не лезем, взрывчатку бережем для эскейпа или башни.
5. Бренд – уничтожает все, во что попадает скилами.
6. Велкоз – закидывает издалека, крайне мощная ульта.
7. Гнар – вы не ослышались, собирается через скорость атаки и вампирику, пассивка просто пожирает врага зе секунды.
9. Зак, Маокай – 2 героя с огромным количеством хп и бешеным отхилом, в правильных руках неубиваемы.
10. Зерат – спам издалека, бесконечная мана, благодаря пассивке, архиполезный ульт.
11. Иллаой – в массзамесах спокойно делает пенту.
12. Карма – собираем ап и кд, спамим куху.
14. Райз – тонны урона в замесах.
15. Хейм - турели рулят.
Список еще можно продолжать, но поднадоело…
Теперь давайте определимся, как понять, что нам делать, чтобы победить.
Для начала, стоит понять свою роль. Помните, что сбор в ап за сапа не дает ничего, кроме проигрыша и самого низкого показателя урона. Многие не соображают, что прирост урона от АП у сап ролей не увеличиват маг дамаг так же сильно, как у магов. Если вам выпали Нами, Лулы, Сона, Жанна – собирайте Искупление сразу после ботинок.
Танкам тоже не стоит выпендриваться. Нуну в АП не приносит практически никакой пользы, так как будет слит до конца своей ульты. Исключением я бы сделал Амуму, так как его ешка отлично выжигает вражеских чемпионов. Всегда собирайте Облачение духов первым предметом, а в рунах храбрости берите Оживление.
АДК – основная проблема АРАМ – вы не хилетесь на базе, поэтому первыми предметами за АДК я всегда беру вампирику, в рунах на доминацию также беру обе вампирики.
Ближники - основная попаболь этого режима. Первыми получают по лицу, первыми умирают. Просто не стоит подходить к крипам, позвольте добивать адк, 5 золотых вы все-равно получите.
Пока все, устал, задавайте вопросы, поправляйте, критикуйте.
насчет бесполезных персов поспорил бы(делал пенту за некоторых из списка), у Талона сразу -1 скилл, из за чего им легко умереть(особенно если нет танков). Беру бф сворд за адк и просто сейвово фармлю, вампирка вначале юзлесс ибо хил маленький, да и если тебе нужен хил значит тебя дажат\поукают, а если так то врядли тебе получится спокойно бить крипочков и хилиться. Да и рано или поздно придется закупаться так что хил можно и потом купить.
Гайды на режим для обладателей лишней хромосомы, то чего заслужил форум
С недавних пор ARAM стал моим любимым режимом, но, как и все в этом мире, он часто портится идиотами в твоей команде.
арам для идиотизма и создан. это фан режим без соревновательной составляющей. никто в здравом уме его не рассматривает как серьёзное времяпровождение.
ARAM guide and tier list [Updates coming]
ARAM guide and tier list [Updates coming]
85 8 961,209 Views 118 Comments Build Guide By Nusaik Updated on November 23, 2013
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Hello everybody and welcome to my ARAM guide for The Howling Abyss. In this guide I will cover many important things such as rules, strategy, itemization and roles. Also included are tier lists for each role and information about each champion (work in progress). I hope to give you an idea about the map so that you can actually play smart instead of running around randomly like many people do ;)
I hope you like this guide and find it useful. Please leave a rating and a comment, it really helps me improve. Have fun on The Howling Abyss!
Note - read before voting please!
If you're going to vote, please comment and make sure you've read the relevant parts of the guide first. Please don't downvote just because you don't like or agree with something I say. I explain every choice in my guide and give many alternatives. If you don't like something, comment and I will reply and consider changing it.
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What is ARAM?
ARAM stands for All Random All Mid. It means everybody on both teams plays a randomly selected champion and everyone plays in midlane. This game mode was originally played on Summoner's Rift, assuming that players didn't break the rules (it happened a lot though). Then Riot decided it wa a fun idea and they made it available as a custom game mode on The Proving Grounds, a map consisting of a narrow bridge. This game mode enforced the rules, so people couldn't cheat. Later on, with the Freljord patch, Riot completely remade this map visually. It now has a cool ice theme and is called The Howling Abyss.
- Champion picking is random. You can earn rerolls, which allow you to random a new champion, by playing ARAM games.
- You can't recall to heal or shop, you can only do this when you die. After moving too far off of your base, you won't be able to shop anymore. Your base simply doesn't heal you.
- Certain items are not allowed (mostly snowball items and stack items).
- You gain extra gold and experience over time.
- Healing effects are reduced.
- Health relics spawn on the map.
General strategy
This is how The Howling Abyss looks. It's basically just a bridge with some gaps and some brush. In terms of structures, it's the same as the middle lane in Summoner's Rift. You have 4 turrets, 1 inhibitor and 1 nexus (duh).
Now for some gameplay tips. In ARAM, five things are very important: poke, sustain, teamfighting, pushing and mobility. You want to let the ranged champions poke as much as possible, while the others stand in the back assisting them where possible. If you feel like you have the edge (all enemies have low HP, you're ahead in gold. ) you can initiate a teamfight. You should be very aware of your position the entire time. Evade skillshots to stay as healthy as possible. This is of course easier if you have a mobile champion. Eventually you will take damage though, one way or another. This is when sustain (regen) really helps, since you can't recall to heal back up. If you're low on health, don't panic. Stay in the back and pick up health/mana relics when they spawn. These are located past each team's first and second turret and will get you decently healthy again.
Dying in ARAM isn't a disaster because it means you will get a chance to buy items. Generally you want to stay alive as long as possible though, even if you have a lot of gold. If you're low on health and want to shop, your best option is to get executed by a turret but this is really hard to do unless all enemies are dead.
It's ok to suicide in certain situations, just try to hurt the enemy team as much as possible before you die and tell your team what you're going to do. If you are low on health, you can also use this to your advantage. Bait enemies into attacking you and then use Barrier , Heal or any other healing abilities you have. This way, you can get them into bad fights and get a few kills for your team.
In a late-game situation (which are rare), it can be really important to have your entire team at full health at the same time. If some people are low, they can't do anything for your team. They will just die if the enemy team initiates a teamfight, and one lost teamfight can cost you the game. To sync your team's health bars, people who are low either have to heal (with abilities or relics) or suicide. If one or two people suicide, you will probably be able to defend 3v5 for a while. After that, your teammates will be back at full health and you can teamfight.
In conclusion, pushing is a good thing. The team that can push the hardest usually wins. Pushing is not always easy, sometimes the enemy team is just stronger. But when you can push, do it!
Here you can see a map with locations of relics (also called health relics) marked with green dots. These relics spawn at 03:10 and respawn after 40 seconds when they are collected. You can collect them by simply walking over them and they will grant you some health and mana/energy. Relics provide a large source of sutain and are very important. As you can see, there are two relics on each team's side.
As I've discussed before, taking away relics on the enemy's side can be really important. Relics are an important part of the gameplay on this map and there are multiple ways to gain control over them. The most obvious way is pushing. If the enemy team has no turrets or minions near their relics, it's much easier to take them away without much risk. Another way is zoning. If you have strong abilities, you can simply scare enemies away from relics by standing near them. If they do go for the relic, you can easily hit them with skillshots, because their movement will be very predictable (towards the relic of course). It's also possible to use traps on relics. A Jack In The Box , Noxious Trap or H-28G Evolution Turret can deter enemies from taking the relics. Even if they do pick up the relic, they will be punished by taking damage and possibly getting CC'd (which will make them an easy target for follow-up damage).
All in all, relics aren't simply things you pick up to heal. You can use them in many different ways and they affect the game heavily.
Aren't they cute? These little creatures walk around the map and run away from you when you get too close. However, you can feed them Poro-Snax if you take the Biscuiteer mastery. This will make them love you and get fat. Don't feed them too much though, who knows what could happen?
Now you might think they just serve aesthetic purpose. Aren't they just funny creatures walking around the map? No! You can actually use them to your advantage. When you see Poros running out of a brush, you know there are enemies inside the brush. You can even ping Poros to warn your team if you see this. It just goes to show you can use the cutest things to win wars and kill people.
Your item choices can be pretty different from those in a normal game. Gold per 10 items are good because you will get only about 1/5th or less of the CS you normally would. Even though you get more gold over time on this map, some GP10s can be really helpful. Furthermore, items that offer sustain (health regen, mana regen, life steal. ) are a must for obvious reasons (you can't recall and stuff). Aura items are great too because everyone will be affected by them pretty much the entire time.
Most champions should be built differently for ARAM. Below I will discuss builds for different types of champions.
AD carries
Item examples
Certain items are much stronger in ARAM, while others are much weaker. I will talk about some (not all) great ARAM items below. Remember that these are just some examples, there are many more good items.
Howling Abyss only items
Gold per 10 items
Sustain items
Aura/active items
In ARAM, champions are completely unbalanced. This is why it's usually random pick, so not everyone will get completely OP champions. The best champions are usually either poke champions, sustain champions or full tanks. Below are tier lists for the main roles.
AP carry
Definition: Champions that can build for magic damage.
Tier 1: Kog'Maw, Lux, Nidalee, Janna, Xerath, Ziggs, Soraka, Fiddlesticks, Galio, Katarina
Tier 2: Brand, Cassiopeia, Veigar, Karthus, Kennen, Heimerdinger, Syndra, Orianna, Cho'Gath, Zyra, Anivia
Tier 3: Malzahar, Sona, Lissandra, Vladimir, Maokai, Twisted Fate, Viktor, Morgana
Tier 4: Gragas, Mordekaiser, Zilean, Swain, Ahri, Annie, Tristana, Diana, Nunu, Akali, Rumble
Tier 5: Teemo, Ryze, Karma, Elise, LeBlanc, Fizz, Kassadin, Evelynn
AD carry
Definition: Champions that can build for physical damage and/or DPS with 4-5 items.
Tier 1: Caitlyn, Jayce, Kog'Maw, Ezreal
Tier 2: Urgot, Varus, Corki, Lucian
Tier 3: Ashe, Miss Fortune, Thresh, Sivir
Tier 4: Twitch, Graves, Kennen, Draven
Tier 5: Tristana, Vayne, Quinn
Definition: Champions with heals, shields or buffs. Supports without these abilities are listed as a tank, bruiser or AP carry.
Tier 1: Soraka, Sona, Nidalee
Tier 2: Lulu, Nami, Zilean
Tier 3: Janna, Taric, Kayle
Tier 4: Alistar, Thresh
Tier 5: Karma, Shen
Definition: Champions that can build full tank (with possibly some damage) and still be useful.
Tier 1: Blitzcrank, Dr. Mundo, Alistar, Galio
Tier 2: Maokai, Cho’Gath, Nautilus, Zac
Tier 3: Amumu, Malphite, Sejuani, Leona, Singed
Tier 4: Rammus, Skarner, Warwick, Hecarim
Tier 5: Jarvan IV, Taric, Shen, Nasus, Nunu
Definition: Champions that can build for both damage (AD or AP) and tankiness, and melee champions.
Tier 1: Blitzcrank, Jayce, Cho’Gath, Gangplank, Galio, Malphite, Rumble, Urgot, Sion, Zac
Tier 2: Maokai, Hecarim, Kha’Zix, Master Yi, Kayle, Amumu, Olaf, Warwick, Talon, Lee Sin
Tier 3: Aatrox, Yorick, Wukong, Darius, Trundle, Nidalee, Pantheon, Nocturne, Irelia, Xin Zhao, Garen
Tier 4: Jarvan IV, Jax, Vi, Nunu, Skarner, Fiora, Zed, Renekton, Volibear
Tier 5: Shyvana, Tryndamere, Riven, Udyr, Nasus, Shaco, Mordekaiser, Rengar, Poppy
The tiers
Currently, the tiers are simply a way of ordering the champions. Tier 5 doesn't mean 'bad', it simply means 'worse than tier 1-4'. This is the only way to possibly order the champions, because of large differences in strength. If we would, for example, define tier 5 to be very bad champions, there would be no AP or AD carries in tier 5 at all.
Team composition
- 2 casters. You need them for poking. Preferably long range, high damage champions. Also they provide some CC and can be very strong in teamfights.
- 1 AD carry. For your physical damage. Most can poke really well too and have high DPS. This is your main source of damage in teamfights and can sustain themselves very well with life steal.
- 1 healer. Doesn't have to be a support, just needs heals. Most of them can be built as tank or caster too. They (obviously) help out with sustain and usually also have CC or poke.
- 1 tank or bruiser. You need 1 good tank so pick a tank if you don't have one yet (your healer or AP could be one). Otherwise, a bruiser is also a good option, but take one with good sustain or good CC.
Champion list
Here is a list of all champions. I gave each champion a score (0-5) for poke, teamfight, sustain and safety. These are the 4 most important qualities in ARAM in my opinion.
Note: all AD carries have a score of 3 for sustain because they should buy Sanguine Blade . I've also given certain champions that almost always build spell vamp or life steal a higher score.
It's a really long list, so I've split it up alphabetically. Click the spoilers to display the champions from that letter.
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