Как открыть room editor в game maker studio 2
So. I just opened a room resource and I can't find the tab for layers etc. Where can I find this?
I clicked on "Windows" in the menu bar, but it's not listed there. All I have is the ability to see how the room looks like and the small menu with the icons (magnify, center fit, show animation).
Resolved by doing a reset layout. But how do I get the room editor back if I close it? Seems buggy and/or not user friendly.
If you are in room editor, on top bar there will be shown new entry, called "Room". You can bring back windows there. For others, search them in "Windows" menu.
Friendly Tyrant
Forum Staff
Are you sure the windows were closed? You didn't simply have the docks hidden? GMS2 has "docks" on either side and at the bottom of the IDE and these can be hidden or expanded as you need them. It could be that you simply had to hit the "Expand docks" button at the top of the IDE (keyboard shortcut f12).
In the room editor, I might have lots of layers of things. A could BGs, the rooms, tiles, characters, objects, huds. When all of these things are layered on each other in the room, it becomes hard to select things.
How do you manage these layers? I would imagine something like photoshop where you assign a layer to a group of objects and then show or hide them in the editor, so if I just wanted to work on room tiles, I would hide the BG and characters and items.
In Room creation code:
In object creation code:
This gives the error that global.xyz could not be found.
Thanks in advance for any help.
5 comments 76% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment Sort by: bestOne way to maybe do this is to have a global, persistent controller object that controls this variable. So before you go to the room, you set the variable in this controller, and then you are free to reference it.
Report SaveIn the end though, I used this code in my room creation code:
As the objects were already created, I was able to reference them in the creation code.
Report Savemake a room before any other rooms called rm_init and in the creation code put:
global.xyz = -1; room_goto_next();
then all you will have to do if you want the variable to change is have the creation code of the room in which it changes declare the variable and its value.
Report SaveAll these other solutions work well and I certainly recommend a game_manager/obj_control/obj_holder/obj_God persistent object. That said, I feel the need to present my hacky solution.
Rooms are where everything in your game happens, and this section outlines how you create them and add instances to them.
All games that you make in GameMaker: Studio need at least one room to run (but can have many, many more) , and a room is just a space where you place instances of the objects that make up your game. When you first create a room in your resource tree you will be presented with a new window with which to edit its properties, something like this:
As you can see, most of the room editor is taken up with the a visual representation of the room itself, where you place the objects, tiles and backgrounds for your game, but around the edges there are a number of buttons, tabs and information bars that help you to create your game.
The Toolbar
At the top of the form there is the tool bar, which has a number of buttons that refer to different actions in the room editor.
Confirm: Clicking this button will close the room editor and save any changes you have made. Beware, as this will not warn you that the room has changed, as clicking the close button would do, but will just save directly any changes you have made. However, depending on the GameMaker: Studio preferences, you may be asked if you want to remove any instances that have been placed outside the room or not.
The MiniMap
As you can imagine, this is a miniature representation of the whole room. you can click and drag the current area around on the minimap and the main view will scroll and pan to match, or you can just click on the minimap to have the main view jump to that position.
The Info Bar
While placing tiles and instances within a room, you often need extra information about them at a glance. For that you have the Info Bar which shows the current mouse position within the room, the id and object_index of the instance that the mouse is currently over, and further context sensitive information like whether the instance has code or not in its room create event.
The Tabs
At the left you will see six tabs that open separate sub-pages in the area on the left, but in this section we will only deal with the three most important ones: The settings tab, the backgrounds tab and the objects tabs. Further information on these tabs can be found in the sections below:
For information on the other tabs as well as the advanced functions available to you in the room editor please see the section - Advanced Use: More About Rooms.
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