Гайд на josie tekken 7
Looked around a bunch for help on Steve, found very little other than, go look at Tekken 6, or TTT2. This is just a compilation of notes organized in a way to teach myself how to play Steve. If lucky, this will help someone else out there. Intended for people picking up Steve and knows about Tekken notation / frames and noticed that Tekken Zaibatsu did not have a Steve Guide. There was extra effort to minimize words, length, and move choices; keeping hopefully only relevant notes.
Newbies Guide to Steve:
Look to poke them with 121, DF12, D1 and D21. Those pokes add up really quickly and are mostly safe (have you seen how much damage 121 does? o.o ).
==Open them up, range 0-1==
You can more or less pick one of the three following paths, of lows, strings, and throws.
DB3,2 (Godly, no range.)
Put extra effort into memorizing the several stances you get from these 3 strings, I would say transition into a stance any time you land a hit (Alternatively throw or low instead of stance to keep it fresh.)
21 - Same as above.
112 - You can DCK or mash out a B1 if you hit.
b1d21 - You can go to stance from here, but the d21 part of the string catches TONS of people. Use until you pay with your life. Then you can go PKB mixups fron b1d2F.
Throws (Only use command throws with Steve!)
==Pay attention to space and hang around, Range 2==
Look to punish with
DF1+2 (Big range, low damage) (Additional note: vs very spammy players, stay out of range of the spammed move and drop this on them over and over when they wiff.)
F1+2,2 (Big damage, low range)
Initiate at range with
FF2 or more ideally FFF3 (If FFF3 is blocked, mash any string or throw them. Would not low here.)
ALB D2 or ALB x2 D2 - The double spin does super damage.
Feel like being a turtle?
Throw out random B1 pretty freely. (If you can combo on counter hit, great, if not DF1+2 and call it a day.)
Throw out occasional DF2
Step a lot or sidewalk up or down, be ready to block, be ready to wiff punish.
==Other Situations==
Deal with them grounded using:
ALB2 or ALBx2 D1 (My personal favorite.)
Blocked a low?
Just blocked a rage art?
Some rage arts like Jin and Steve are high and safe. Hold duck at any point during animation and duck it rather than block it. Punish with ws12.
They hit a wall
311 df1+2, the df1+2 has to be fast.
Opponent Ducking Too Much
DF1,2 (Safe to just throw one out every now and then)
Landed a Random Launcher or Crumplestun
B1D1 S! dash DF1+2
Hopefully by the time you enter a stance, the opponent will either 1. Sit and eat your mix-up. Or 2. Mash a button while you pick an evasive fast stance move that gobbles them up.
DCK (F3 or F4)
Worth noting DCK is a stance, and not the same as "crouching."
If you do DCK, either DCK1 or extend your DCK for mixups.
Mixup is exDCK f2 DCK f2 (second one free if first one blocked), or exDCK1 (if they know about the abusive unblockable setup, and they try to duck that).
FLK (Typically Hold B during a string or B1)
If you FLK hold B and pick to mash 1 or 2.
Can optionally go for a command throw with 1+2.
PKB (Typically Hold F during a string)
Mid :F21 or DF11 or DF2
ALB (3+4)
ALB spinnies are a better mixup than you may give it credit.
Spin once or twice (the second spin hold up or down), pick mid or low. Note that first spin uses 2, and second spin uses 1.
Typically pick low until someone eats half your life for it.
Double spin to greed out tons of damage.
Do it on wake up or at range.
Weave (3 or 4)
Something you can try for yourselves is stepping in the direction of the weave for a bigger step. Left side, step up and press 3, or down and press 4.
All the buttons from weave are good, mash out any one.
SWY(B3 or B4)
Stuff lows with UF2 and combo.
Power Crush with DB1+2 or Flicker B2.
A little more about 121. This string is a beast. If you block something, you can almost certainty 121 and the opponent will respect it by blocking or eat it to the face, giving you the green flag open them up further with stances, lows, or throws. (Exceptions if they use a tech crouch move, a parry, or you blocked something with a small stun.)
I avoided suggesting super unsafe stuff outside of lows. I also mostly avoided suggesting combo starters (super lame, I know).
The one BnB Combo I use for most things. I find this combo hard:
UF2 (or most launchers), DF1,2
1, BF3, DCK F2 !S extDCK1, DF1+2
Launcher into DF1,2
1 (wait for second hit), B
[F]32 (Do the BF motion really fast, hold F tap 3,2), watch the spin landing, and extDuck1 (ie tap 1 while still holding F), DF1+2 (no dashing needed, just mash it out after you see the blue sparks)
Super Easy Combo (For 57 vs 62 damage of the one above)
These kind of combos make good players cringe I think, but if you want to just play Steve without huge execution commitment, I love the combo below.
More or less you just launch, pick them up with DF121, then hold forward 21 pause 21. (If someone has a better easy combo, let me know!)
Easy Combo (For 65 vs 62 damage of the one above)
1[B] FLK 1D1, dash, DF1+2
A great video on how Steve is good.
This is a long TTT2 video. Overall very relevant to Tekken 7 FR.
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This is a basic guide that I wrote for myself when learning Josie. Josie is great at punishing wiffed moves with great damage (df2 and CD2). She does tons more damage if you can carry them to the wall with a super easy BnB (D344). She has two meaningful stances, switch and slide in. She has a mostly negligible sway stance. Her lows do not knock down without counter hit, so any connected low allows you to maintain pressure.
==Game Plan:==
At some point, the opponent will stop pressing buttons when they see switch transitions or duck a lot, this is when you get the biggest payout mixups. When they stop pressing buttons, you get invisible 50/50 in Switch
F, CD2 or CD3. CD2 gives you a billion damage, CD3 guarantees another switch mixup. Once they start ducking random strings, you start inserting some other strings into your mixup that hit mid on move two or three like B12_ series or 123.
==Round Start==
Defensive Movements - Back dash, Walk Back, Step. This is the go to option for most players. For the most part back dash block > walk back. Look to wiff punish.
DF2 - Tech crouches, beats people who start with high fast jabs at round start. I prefer it over sway back starts.
12 - Fast poke can go switch stance. A pretty safe start since it beats all non evasive openers. Lets you approach and start mixups. Watch out for characters that have stupid back sway type evasive attacks.
33 - Pretty fast, beats a lot of stuff, mid, can mostly keep pressure on block. Very rarely if ever duck punished.
==Close Range 0-1==
Go for big mixups
Just dash up to their face and show them why they want to press buttons.
ff3+4 or Regular Throw
Go for Switch Pokes/Mixups
Or poke them a ton using the four switch transitions to stuff their button pressing.
==Switch Strat:==
Key note: Switch stance does negligible damage to a player who respects it and presses no buttons at all and eats the low. This puts you at -2, and infact limits your aggro ever so slightly. If you see this, time to blow his face up with slide in mixups. Land a CD3 from switch, then go back into switch, and show them they want to press buttons and eat launchers.
f - goes into slide in mixups, this encourages people to eat sws1, and by association the rest of the sws buttons.
==Slide In Strat:==
Slide in is your crouch dash. You get it free out of all switch transitions by holding forward. First, get into slide in.
CD - Use this at long range to close gap.
32f - This is a great slide in starter without switch.
df32f - Great for stealing frames by following with CD3.
CD2 - Medium risk high reward -14 is just outside of hopkick punishment
CD3 - God low, invisible, infinite rage -13
CD4 - low risk low reward safe. This is more like the "uh oh" break button, when you realize for whatever reason you regret going into switch.
CD13 - Looks like CD3, beats low parry attempts (Rare) loses to ducks just the same.
CD3+4 (Rage) - This is great to do from switch stance instead of open CD3+4.
CD b - Trivia: Crouch dash block. It has 11-12 startup (14 frames if you count the CD motion). You can not block until the first 14 frames have executed.
Non switch pokes
b43_ Great natural combo, can give you a free low and frames, can stop at b43 for safe frames.
f43 - This gives you more range than b43, has no mixup.
df1,4_2 - Great string series to steal rounds with. They have to be on point to block the mid followed by low.
==Block Punish==
Things at close range tend to be more block punishable.
i10 - 1,2,2 (25 dmg +9)
i12 - f+2,4 (33dmg knock down)
i14 - f+1+2 (Combo) _ d/f+4
Punishment While Standing/Crouching
i11 - WS+4 - If this lands, throw them or start switch mixups.
i13 - WS+2,1 - Stupid hard juggle follow up. I just do D3+4.
i15 - u/f+4 - This one is important, if you block a staggering low, make sure to hopkick punish for half life.
vs Grounded
CD2 wiff punish wakeup kicks
122_ws4 to punish blocked wakeup kicks
Vs Pressure
> ws4 - The god escape.
DF3+4 - Power Crush
Vs Step
People rarely spam step in your face, since 12_ strings will just beat them in. At range people will step to stop approaches. Dash up and use below.
Blocked Rage Art
Special Note: Butterfly Edge (uf3)
Special Note: (b2)
==Far Range 2+==
At this range you want to sidewalk and back dash a lot to create openenings. Wiff punish as you see chances, or look for a way to steal some frames (CD3 or FF3) and get in.
CD 3 _ CD 2 mixup - You can get in with free slide in mixups at range.
FF3 advance and frames - If you are CERTAIN they are not side walking up or down much in the open, this is one of your best starters since it gives you some frames.
Wiff Punish with CD2, DF2, Hopkick - Things at long range are usually easier to bait wiffs since you see them running at you from a mile away. Make sure you respond to the move and not the running, otherwise you might have been baited for half your life.
==Sway Strat: B3+4==
f - Slide in transition, you get full mixup suite. In the open Aris really likes rage drive as the slide in option from back sway. You can react to wiffed high and punish with rage drive.
Steal rounds with these or break down their defense.
Honorable mentions: B43D4 and DF14
==Wall Strat:==
Use a wall carry or splat them with:
Combo them with:
W! D344 _ D341 for floor break
W! F234 is a fairly consistent wall splat combo as well, significantly less damage than D344.
==Frames Gimmicks:==
33 -1 - You can start 124 switch stuff and generally just do whatever you want if this is blocked. Or mash 4 and hope to land a counter hit.
d4 - +1, do mean mean things with this.
ff3 +6 - Can do pretty much any mixup you want.
B2 +1 - Everything about it screams quality.
CD 3+4 (Rage) +8 - Often a panic button for me. Mashing 33 on block is my panic scrub eraser. Many non scrubs will press buttons on block of this as well.
==Counter Hit Fishing:==
Good after landing non knock down hits or random frame gimmicks.
4 - The best tool you have.
WS3 - A safe mid tool.
FF4 - A good approach tool.
B2 - A great move.
These are combos I found easier for myself to hitconfirm, your results may vary. Remember that you can rage art any S! for more damage.
df2_uf4, f1+2, 4, f234 S! f234 (57)
cd2_SWB 1, f3x3, 33, s! f234 (69)
uf3, f3, 4 f234, s! f234 (65)
ch4, F1+2, d34F 13 S! 3F3 (63)
chff4, dash d34f13,uf3+4
uf3+4 death fist punish
14 for pushback so you can b4, df4, 3 options
ws21 juggles are hard, I just take the free d3+4.
f1+2 juggle is kind of hard, I just take the free d3+4.
Josie Rizal_bot on youtube has great simple videos for getting started on Josie.
Gigas is a great character with tons of EASY damage and a pretty sweet suite of moves. The highest execution requirement, is to be able to do near invisible (well buffered) command throw attempts. Contrary to popular shaming of Gigas being lowest tier, you should give him a test drive and see how much you might like ch fishing with ff42 into air throw or combo (for tons of damage), punishing everything with the best 12 in the game, a retarded damage command throw, and messing with the opponent with similar looking strings until they just freeze up and analyze your big spinny arms.
You always want to play Gigas on offense. You want to pressure the opponent and test their defenses. You do this with stance transitioning moves and safe moves that tend to end high. To me, playing Gigas was like constantly playing a game of chicken. It was a heated mind game of challenging them to "how long are you willing to not press buttons" (and eat massive blockstun). The reason for the opponents hesitations come from tons of big bulky looking moves that all look similar despite being different strings.
Gigas has great punishing tools in god punch (12) and an i15 launcher with good range and launches crouching opponents (d2). He has the easiest high damage air throw in the game. His command throw into a wall does broken amounts of damage for what it is. Tons of gimmicks in the form of stances, strings, and rage drive. His two stances; Goliath a menacing charging stance with a nutty mixup and Golem, a pressuring stance with a similar mixup. Both stances have incredible moves by a simple press of 1 or 2, but limited ways to enter them.
==Round Start=
Back dash or step - Look for wiff punish chance with 12 or d2.
3 - This guy is fast and beats lots of starting moves outside of jabs.
12 _21 - Will beat or trade anything non evasive. 12 is higher risk than 21.
db3 _ df2 - Crush highs and mount an offense.
==Range 0-1==
hcb,f1+2 - Command throw. If they touch the wall, the eat a billion damage.
db1 - i10 get out of jail almost free.
f1+2 - i13 only jab punishable high, on counter hit gives you 55 damage (and neutral frames) or wall splat.
uf3 - i20 safe tech jump mid. Fine to throw out in neutral, fine to throw out anticipating low.
df1 safe long range mid, can lead into a mediocre 10 string. Would consider seeing how an opponent responds to it.
df3, 1+2, 1+2 - i13 The main use is to counter hit fish with df3,1+2 into free combo df31,df3 1+2, 1+2. Can block confirm and finish to make it a fairly good string at -1 on block, ends high.
df4, 1+2 - i14 Safe string that ends MID. Jab interruptible but mostly never interrupted.
f2_f211 _ f2f1 _ f2d1,3+4 - i16 f2 and f21 are great safe moves, the other two are not launch punishable. f2f1 on counter hit leads to great damage. Special note for f2d1, use this more when opponent randomly ducks more aggressively.
213+4 - into Golem Stance for a knowledge check. Take your free mixup if they let you GS 1_2.
f32 - Last hit is MID. People love being gobbled up by the 2 in this.
ff1+2, 1+2 - High last hit.
d32 - Has added safety of the 2. Great vs grounded, as both hits can hit grounded. GREAT as round ender.
db2 - This move is +3 on hit and can loop into itself or d2 as a high risk mixup. Can also do df3 to counter hit fish.
db3 - This move gives an insane +6 frames to do a mixpup. The mixup being throwing them, low poking them, any WS move them.
db4 - This move is the fastest invisible low at i14. Low damage.
fc df2 - Visible low that goes into mini combo for 45-46 damage.
Periodically throw these out. Not really what you abuse.
d1+2 - Power crush
b[2]_f[4] - If you can convince them to stand still, GOL transitioning moves are great.
Rage Drive - f[3+4] - A force stun into 1 mid +frames, or 2 unblockable high. More steps, more damage.
b1 - tech crouch launcher, punishable.
db1+2 - More safe slow mids. Fine by wall vs grounded.
b1+2 - +1 slow mid.
Vs Grounded
Block punish wakeup kick mid with 12 and low kick with ws1.
Wiff punish wakeup kicks with d2.
Anytime you can get into their face and buffer a command throw, do it! Otherwise you have your standard full medium risk high reward payouts.
db2_db3 - db2 lets you chain lows, db3 gives nutty frames
At +frames
==Range 2+==
You want out of this range asap. You do not want to eat opponents advancing mixups as your tools at this range are typically less great.
Approaching Them
ff42 - Counter hit fishing!
Opponent Approaching
Back dash or step - You want to wiff punish with d2.
Can power crush d1+2_d3+4 to challenge their approach.
3 a great panic button to stuff advances.
==Golem Stance (db3+4)==
Golem stance has two meaningful moves. Both are great moves to throw out if you can make them blocked.
2- Safe mid, slower. Will make them regret ducking. No real payout.
ub - If you did not hitconfirm before going into GOL, this is your out if the opponent knows to punish/interrupt you.
Getting into Golem from neutral is just fine if you have time. Most of the time I go to stance from the only two transitions as a character matchup check for the opponent. Do your best not to go into stance when transitions moves are blocked.
f2,d1, 3+4 - On block -13, on hit +2
Golem Stance Trivia (credit: StinkyBed)
Doing Golem 1 or Golem 2 is launch punishable if 2,1 is blocked.
Some hopkicks can launch the ub followup if 2,1 is blocked.
Doing Golem 1 or Golem 2 is punishable by moves that have 16 frames or less startup from crouching if f+2,d+1 is blocked.
Moves that can close the gap like Lars f,f+2 can punish the ub followup.
==Goliath Stance (f3+4)==
Facts, it takes three steps in Goliath before you can punch them. If you take four steps, your punches get about 45% boost in damage.
2 - Unblockable high. Will typically go high first to test character knowledge.
b2 - Not listed in move list, but this will deal with parries.
Can buffer a throw at wall for higher risk higher damage.
1+2 - Tech jump stupid slow mid. At least +4 frames on block.
f3[2]F - People will eat the uncharged 32 all day, do it until you see a block.
b[2]F - b2 by itself has big range and looks high. You can kind of mix it in with your jabs to mess with people who get duck happy. Especially good post grounded out of thier wake up kicks range.
f[4]F - It takes a special kind of mind set to find places where to charge this kick.
On deep wall splats where you have tons of time, you can try db1+2 for nasty wakeup mixup.
The punish tree for Gigas is simple, is move safe? Mixup. Can 2d punish? Else 12.
Gigas has a fantastic while standing library, although low punishment payout.
fcdf2 or ws3 mixup. Low mid mixup.
Pretty much anything into Golem Stance.
Pretty much any move you can fully charge for a Goliath mixup.
1 into any low for round ending power.
These are non optimal combos that are super hard to mess up and still does plenty of damage.
d2 :: GS 1 :: ch uf3 :: ws3 :: low parry :: ff4 (ch2) :: b1
f21 df21 s! df1+2, 1+2. Optionally dash in (you have tons of time) to do a df3, 1+2, 1+2 for wall splat attempt (it has a pretty good wall carry). Option 2: ff42, df21
air throw for easy tons of damage. Can try to do f21 for a few extra damage.
Other launchers
df3,1+2 _ ff1+2 :: df31, df3 1+2, 1+2
db1+2, df1, df1, ff2
chf2, f21 s! df1+2, 1+2
ch wakeup kick 3, ff42 2 df21 s!
Blocked slide, ws1, d32
fc df2 - stand, db4, ws1, d32
Random Trivia
King Air Throw Damage:
Easy air throw 21 damage.
Aerial Jaguar Bomb 38 damage.
Air chain throw 20-27 damage.
iSW 45 damage.
Gigas Air Throw Damage:
Air throw 42 damage.
tldr: Get them to wall and mix them up with command throw, safe mid splats, and punish/splat with 12. Wiff punish with d2. db2 and db3 both give frames for mixups. 21,3+4 1_2, makes 12 better and can yield great damage. Train the opponent into blocking f32 and make them eat f3[2]f. d32 to close out round. df1, df2, df3, df4, 3, uf3 are all great mids.
Джози Ризаль изо всех сил старалась поддерживать свою семью, работая на двух работах — моделью и профессиональным кикбоксером. Однажды, когда Джози была на пробежке, она столкнулась с невероятным волосатым чудовищем. Ей пришлось вступить с ним в бой, так как она поняла, что иных шансов на спасение нет.
После того, как Джози победила Куму, он очнулся и вернул ей ее сережку, которую она потеряла в драке. Джози оставалось лишь поблагодарить медведя.
Внешность [ ]
У Джози короткие черные волосы и карие глаза, а на голове ободок в виде ушек. Она носит желтую кофту с длинными рукавами и глубоким вырезом и короткую синюю юбку с поясом в виде солнца. Также Джози носит золотые украшения в виде солнц, включая сережки и браслеты. Цвета наряда Джози повторяют цвета флага Филиппин, откуда она родом.
Личность [ ]
Джози — умная, веселая и энергичная девушка, но она склонна плакать, вспоминая о своем трагичном прошлом.
Геймплей [ ]
Этот раздел не дописан.
Стиль боя [ ]
Стиль боя этого персонажа — кикбоксинг на основе эскримы. Для эскримы характерно использования оружия, различных палок и ножей. Джози использует вариант без оружия, который предполагает особый фокус на оборонительных техниках, захватах и обезоруживании противника. В эскриме без оружия уделяется особое внимание реакции на атаки противника и контратакам, а не на нападении. Тем не менее, различные удары используются. Джози сочетает эскриму с техниками, используемыми в боксе, что делает ее стиль боя похожим на вариант эскримы из реальной жизни, который называется Йау-Йан, также известных как «Танец смерти».
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