F4f early war thunder как получить
5 апр в 5:25 XM8 or F-4F Early?
i want to do invest for that top prize vehicle but i found out that two vehicle didn't unique whatsoever.
Which one better to invest?
5 апр в 5:57 i dont know how you look at this matter but my view s that i dont need another light for US. especially if its such high br. m3a3 bradley swarms killing everything even without showing themselves and its 8.7 so why i d pick a light tank with traditional playstyle? and 9.3.sure 5sec reload 21ammo on autoloader nice and all but still gotta expose itsself to shoot. and going to face 10,3 mbts. sure it has speed but so does others. i mean i cant really find anything special about that tank. also i need a damn jet for german with lotta bombs. so thats the road im gonna take. if i ll have time left i wanna grab su76d too. Отредактировано CH13F; 5 апр в 5:57 5 апр в 6:20 i dont know how you look at this matter but my view s that i dont need another light for US. especially if its such high br. m3a3 bradley swarms killing everything even without showing themselves and its 8.7 so why i d pick a light tank with traditional playstyle? and 9.3.
sure 5sec reload 21ammo on autoloader nice and all but still gotta expose itsself to shoot. and going to face 10,3 mbts. sure it has speed but so does others. i mean i cant really find anything special about that tank. also i need a damn jet for german with lotta bombs. so thats the road im gonna take. if i ll have time left i wanna grab su76d too. I'm gonna get the F4 too, but that's just because it's the only véhichle in the évent that looks alright 5 апр в 6:25 i dont know how you look at this matter but my view s that i dont need another light for US. especially if its such high br. m3a3 bradley swarms killing everything even without showing themselves and its 8.7 so why i d pick a light tank with traditional playstyle? and 9.3.
sure 5sec reload 21ammo on autoloader nice and all but still gotta expose itsself to shoot. and going to face 10,3 mbts. sure it has speed but so does others. i mean i cant really find anything special about that tank. also i need a damn jet for german with lotta bombs. so thats the road im gonna take. if i ll have time left i wanna grab su76d too. I'm gonna get the F4 too, but that's just because it's the only véhichle in the évent that looks alright
not only that/ germany also dont have many planes with good ground attack payload. g91s IL28 whatelse? 5 апр в 6:34 i dont know how you look at this matter but my view s that i dont need another light for US. especially if its such high br. m3a3 bradley swarms killing everything even without showing themselves and its 8.7 so why i d pick a light tank with traditional playstyle? and 9.3.
sure 5sec reload 21ammo on autoloader nice and all but still gotta expose itsself to shoot. and going to face 10,3 mbts. sure it has speed but so does others. i mean i cant really find anything special about that tank. also i need a damn jet for german with lotta bombs. so thats the road im gonna take. if i ll have time left i wanna grab su76d too. i see
it seems F-4F will get better GJN income 5 апр в 6:38 i dont know how you look at this matter but my view s that i dont need another light for US. especially if its such high br. m3a3 bradley swarms killing everything even without showing themselves and its 8.7 so why i d pick a light tank with traditional playstyle? and 9.3.
sure 5sec reload 21ammo on autoloader nice and all but still gotta expose itsself to shoot. and going to face 10,3 mbts. sure it has speed but so does others. i mean i cant really find anything special about that tank. also i need a damn jet for german with lotta bombs. so thats the road im gonna take. if i ll have time left i wanna grab su76d too. i see
it seems F-4F will get better GJN income
oh you want to sell it? then i d hurry. yesterday i checked buy offers were 200gjn and sell offers 280 i think. i mentioned in another topic these prices exaggerated and wont last imo. i personally d not pay more 40bucks. why d i? g91r4 s deleteomatic9000 and its 50bucks. f4 nice but it has no atgms. sure there s a big br difference between them but g91 d net me more rp&sl. 5 апр в 6:42 XM-8 and F-4F are both down to the
150 mark now. They'll go down to 40-60 by end of this week probably. Maybe 70 tops.
5 апр в 7:08 i seeit seems F-4F will get better GJN income
oh you want to sell it? then i d hurry. yesterday i checked buy offers were 200gjn and sell offers 280 i think. i mentioned in another topic these prices exaggerated and wont last imo. i personally d not pay more 40bucks. why d i? g91r4 s deleteomatic9000 and its 50bucks. f4 nice but it has no atgms. sure there s a big br difference between them but g91 d net me more rp&sl. yeah i know, that's why i invest it and keep it until 2 years or so 5 апр в 7:15
FYI, i;m not invest it for fast GJN grab
i will keep it until a long time
since it just ordinary vehicle and not even unique, i just wonder which one is good to invest
5 апр в 7:16FYI, i;m not invest it for fast GJN grab
i will keep it until a long time
since it just ordinary vehicle and not even unique, i just wonder which one is good to invest
F4 still, the XM8 IS nothing special 5 апр в 7:23FYI, i;m not invest it for fast GJN grab
i will keep it until a long time
since it just ordinary vehicle and not even unique, i just wonder which one is good to invest
well mate something's value differ person to person. im a trader irl. getting all these premium and exclusive vehicles d not make a dent in my bank account but again if you d put it 2years later for same price i d not buy again. because everyone can buy anything but buying for correct/good price is entirely different. didnt born with a silverspoon in my mouth so i know how hard to earn money. and not to waste it.
but i digress, this s entirely me, i m pretty sure you can find someone willing to pay thousand bucks later. if it will raise to that price range first ofc.
11 апр в 3:55 XM8 or F4f early?I am having difficulties on deciding which of the two vehicles should I take. I do not have proper lineups for those nations (USA BOMBERS UP TO 5.3) GERMANY tanks up to 7.7) and i am a medium lvl player that mains tanks (not good not bad - 1-4 kills per game with 2 vehicles).
Should I take the XM8 since it is a tank but the only US that I would have?
should I take the F4F early
or should I take the F4F early and sell the coupon and buy the cheaper XM8?
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
Report SaveAt least it doesn’t have flares or chaff which means food for my F-4E
Report Save =λόγος= | Mach 2 Missile SledGermany truly is fucking handheld.
Of fucking course it does.
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