Paint the town red как пройти
This article contains significant spoilers regarding Beneath, proceed with caution.
Beneath is a game mode for Paint The Town Red. It is completely different to any other game mode in the game, acting as more of a rogue-like. It was released on November 26 (27 in Australia, where South East games are set), 2019 in update 0.9.0 as the main feature.
The story is slowly revealed as the player defeats more bosses. The rank and access level starts out as "Ensign" and "Limited", respectfully, but will increase whenever the player defeats an Elder God. At the rank of "Captain", the Access Level is 1, allowing the player to access the Level 1 quarters and the Investigation Room. At the rank of "Major", the Access Level is 2, allowing the player to access the Level 2 quarters, the VR Training room, and the VR Scenario room. At the rank of "Colonel", the Access Level is 3, allowing the player to access the General's board room.
For more information, see the article for: Facility
The game mode, instead of taking the main games largely brawl-based gameplay, has the player go through tunnels (or bridges), making their way through many enemies to complete one goal - killing all 4 Elder Gods that have plagued the world above with the enemies beneath.
Unlike the Scenarios or the Arena mode, Beneath has 5 different classes (one which is unlocked after defeating the first Elder God), which allow the player to choose a playstyle of their own with different stats for each class. They also have their own powers and abilities, with the 3 normally in-game (Shockwave, Berserk, and Smite), all belonging to the Brawler class except for Smite. For more information on the classes, see: Classes
For information on the powers and abilities, see: abilities
Beneath has 7 areas, which have varying amounts of levels. Every area (except the Facility, which has an elevator leading down to Beneath, and Fire and Blood, where the game ends) has a bridge leading to the next.
For details on the areas as a whole see the following page: Areas
For more detailed information on the areas, see the following pages:
Many enemies are introduced to Beneath. These enemies are much stronger then enemies in the scenarios, as most of them are not humans, but beasts. For information on all enemies in Beneath, see: Enemies/Beneath
For information detailing every enemy in Beneath in separate pages, see:
Shard Lords
The Shard Lords are regular enemies who came to find the Shards Of A Fallen God, which has caused them to become incredibly powerful. After rescuing the Apostate, a status message saying "The Shard Lords are enraged. " will appear, indicating the Shard Lords will now spawn. They are essentially just stronger versions of normal enemies (with the exception of the Centurion, which does not appear to be a harder version of any enemy in Beneath, but rather a human guard from the Arena Mode). For more information on the Shard Lords, see the following pages:
The Elder Gods
The Elder Gods are the main antagonists of the game, acting as the leaders of the horrors beneath. They are unique in that they are in the format of a normal game boss fight, with health bars and several different abilities given to them, complete with a title card. Killing the Elder Gods are key to progress and have their own unique symbols. Killing the first three also gives access to different areas, and killing the final Elder God will end the game mode.
Information about each Elder God can be found on the following pages:
Unique Enemies
The Pursuer: A large, skeleton-ghost-like floating figure, cloaked and holding it's own heart. It will float towards the player, and as a non-corporeal being, it can go through solids objects, flying towards the player until it kills them or the player leaves the area. Uniquely, it will kill any regular enemy it comes in contact with it, although it cannot kill Shard Lords and will not appear during an Elder God fight. It is invincible except for the final area, Fire and Blood, where weapons can be found that will kill the Pursuer in one hit, due to the fact that there are multiple Pursuers in said area. Its main function is to force players to run, as it will appear on some levels, indicated by a status message.
More information can be found on the page Pursuer
Golden Boxer: Essentially a stronger version of the boxer that can rarely spawn in Beneath, and its main function is to be killed to produce lots of gold. It will only spawn after the "Golden Gloves" upgrade is bought from the shop for 150 energy.
More information can be found on the page Golden Boxer
Gremlin: Little creatures that drop large amounts of gold and energy. They run away from the player instead of attacking them, and after running for some while will run through a portal, similar to the one summoned by the Giant Mages.
More information can be found on the page Gremlin
Challenge Rooms
The challenge rooms are unique rooms that block off the player when they enter, giving them a challenge. These challenges include killing all enemies in a time limit, surviving in a time limit without running, or killing everything without taking damage. After completing the challenge, the player is set free, and a Challenge Chest is open, giving them copious amounts of gold and energy, as well as several powerful weapons.
The shop is one of the most important areas in the game mode, allowing the player access to otherwise hard to find mechanics. It also acts as a safe room, where several creatures from the Beneath help the player in their journey. The shop is protected by a minion holding a force field together.
The shop has several placements that can be bought to give the player health, attack energy, and boosts. The energy seller (another minion) who buys energy to give permanent upgrades. These upgrades do not need to be bought by a certain amount of energy at once but can be donated energy in order to compile energy to buy an upgrade.
A Giant Mage acts as the shopkeeper and has a table with four random items and one random one-time upgrade that can be bought. An enchanting station can be used to enchant shields and weapons. There is a guiding light station that, when bought, will give the player a permanent guiding light for that level. Finally, a pursuer summoning station can be used for free which will summon the Pursuer.
Challenge 1
Part I
Multiple enemies from different factions surround the walls of the arena in a circle, scattered around are Arena weapons.
- Fire pit
- Spear pit
- Spike column
Part II
Multiple Cutthroat Cove faction armed with said faction's weapons.
Part III
Five Boxers spawn at the main trap door, you have four friendly Traps
Part IV
The Katana Boss spawns at the main trap door along with five club bouncers armed with Arena weapons and Club Beatdown weapons.
Part V
Multiple Cooks armed with knives and cleavers at the main trap door, you have eight friendly Traps
Part VI
A single Boxer, along the sides of the Arena are fire pits
Part VII
All factions on each side of the arena with each faction's bosses.
Prisoners (with Prison Boss) Vs Traps
Part IX
Multiple Cutthroat Cove, in front of the player is a shotgun and a flintlock (the flintlock appears near the sides of the Arena. All
Part X
All factions' bosses armed with Weight bars (except the Solitary Prisoner and Boxer)
Challenge 2
Part I
A bunch of Traps
Spear Pits Fire Pits
Part II
A Big Boxer surrounded by Brawlers.
Part III
Some Disco Bouncers and a Blackbeard armed with nunchakus and tire irons.
Spinning Blades. Fire Spewer.
Part IV
A large group of Disco Brawlers.
Part V
Pirate Cove Brawlers. The latter faction also has some Dark Pirates in it. Each faction is armed with appropriate weapons.
Part VI
Three Big Blackbeards all armed with swords. You have 2 allies Brawlers armed with daggers.
Part VII
Biker Bosses, Pimps, and Cops in a spiked-filled arena.
A Big Katana Boss surrounded by allied Bikers.
Challenge 3
Challenge 3 introduces Brawlers with shields, as well as Arena Guards.
Part I
A single Arena Guard with a metal shield and a spear. There is a sword on the ground
Part II
8 roman Guards wield with Arena weapons along with 3 romans guards at the main trap door wield with towel shields, you have 2 friendly Brawlers wield with wooden shields.
Part III
A group of Pirates wield with pirate Cove weapons with wooden shields surrounded by faction enimes, there are bottles and mug on the ground.
Part IV
5 Boxers , the player must stay in the closed traps and must pick up weapons on the ground.
Spike pits, spinning Blades.
Part V
A bunch of faction Brawlers circle around armed with random weapons and shields.
Part VI
2 polices wield with riot shields and batons with 1 Biker Boss Prisoner armed with machete with riot shield and there is a taser and flintlock on the ground.
Part VII
A single brawler in roman attire is immediately visible in between 2 fire pits. Behind the player(s) are a massive horde of roman Blackbeards with spears, shields and helmets.
Наверняка у вас бывало, когда приходишь после тяжёлого рабочего дня, времени свободного не так уж и много, а поиграть во что-нибудь хочется. Paint the Town Red — одна из таких игр, которые предлагают чистый геймплей без примеси сюжета и глубокого вовлечения в игру. А большего и не надо, да. Отвечая на этот вопрос, давайте рассмотрим же сие творение от South East Games более досконально.
Об игре в целом
Paint the Town Red — ураганная воксельная beat 'em up игра — песочница с ультранасилием и изобилием крови, которая разрабатывалась с 2015-го года и лишь 29 июля 2021-го вышла из раннего доступа, хотя всё ещё дорабатывается и улучшается. Самая важная часть игры — геймплей, и его разработчики сделали приятным и весёлым на столько, насколько это было возможно. Стоит несколько детально рассмотреть отдельные аспекты игры.
Внешний вид игры и звуковое сопровождение
Разработчики, не имея на руках огромного количества денег, выбрали для своей игры воксельный графический стиль. Благодаря этому повреждения от ударов на врагах и разрушение окружения хорошо детализированы. Вопрос в том, хорош ли и этот «куббизм» остаётся за игроком и его предпочтениями. В остальном графика в игре смотрится вполне сносно. Игра хорошо оптимизирована, однако в огромных побоищах могут происходить микрофризы на слабом, и не очень, железе.
Звуковое сопровождение сделано добротно: звуки ударов и разрушения окружения звучат более-менее реалистично и приятно, а также, что не мало важно, не вызывают дискомфорта при игре. Музыка подстать игровому процессу и хорошо вписывается в общий план, хотя и звёзд с неба не хватает.
Главная фишка игры
Именно геймплей является главной особенностью этой игры. Вам предстоит устроить маленький геноцид на определённых полностью настраиваемых локациях или аренах, используя все возможные средства, начиная с пепельницы и заканчивая кухонной кастрюлькой с ещё кипящей водой. И делать это невероятно приятно! Ураганный экшен с использованием окружения с сочетанием простой драйвовой музыкой, с хорошо детализированными повреждениями и морем крови дают настоящее наслаждение от игрового процесса. Присутствует разнообразный арсенал вооружения, причём оружием может послужить практически всё, что не прикручено намертво, среди чего может попасться и огнестрел, и мебель, и даже гребень для волос. В игре есть несколько основных игровых режимов, среди которых самым привлекательным и интересным режимом является «Сценарии» — бои на небольших локациях с огромным количеством окружающих интерактивных предметов. Помимо этого режима есть:
Стоит сделать акцент на том, что это именно игра-песочница, где ты можешь гибко настроить сложность, добавить модификаторы или вовсе создать свою карту и поэкспериментировать с механиками и движком игры. В игре присутсвует кооператив, так что можете крушить всё и вся в компании до 4-ёх человек.
И как «вишенка на торте» располагается внутренний игровой инструментарий, позволяющий создавать собственные карты и режимы внутри игры, что очень даже неплохо, если решите подольше зависнуть в игре (хотя хороших карт, созданных сообществом, не то чтобы и много).
Пара «но»
Истинное удовольствие от одного режима
Вы могли заметить, что я выделил «Сценарии» от других трёх режимов. Не считая пользовательских карт, которые могут быть как годные, так и не очень, «Недра» и «Арены» — не очень интересные режимы по сравнению со «Сценариями». Всё достаточно просто: они не предлагают такого же обилия интерактивных окружающих предметов, как последний. Поиграв сперва в «Сценарии», видишь, что использование окружения и является частью от общего треша и угара, который происходит в боях. Отмечу, что «Недра» и «Арены» — неплохие режимы, но им недостаёт того особенного качества, которое я назвал ранее в «Сценариях», что, конечно, обуславливается игровыми ограничениями.
Хотя в игре присутствует русская локализация, она не везде доведена до ума. В некоторых местах текст просто выходит за границы или сливается с другим текстом, где-то текст переведён лишь отчасти. Тем не менее это никак не мешает игровому процессу.
В общем и целом, Paint the Town Red — игра на несколько вечеров. При всех её плюсах и недостатках не стоит ждать от неё какого-то откровения. Всё то время, что я провёл в игре, я провёл не без удовольствия. Отлично помогает расслабиться после тяжёлого дня и повеселиться в компании друзей, если таковые имеются. Рекомендуется к приобретению, НО только по скидке на распродаже или в сторонних магазинах, ибо цена кусается (435 руб. или 20$ без региональных цен).
Кто играл, делитесь своим мнением и мыслями об игре. За сим откланиваюсь. До связи!
This guide contains spoilers to the beneath third boss, it contains all you need to know in order to access him. If you wish to figure it out yourself, you should close this guide now.
Step One: The Pursuer
Ever wonder why the developer will never disable the pursuer? Turns out it is the key to access the third boss.
Acquire Pursuer Capturing Device
The first thing you need to do is to capture a pursuer. To do so you need to head the shop in Ruins-1 and locate this item. It is guaranteed to spawn if you had never captured a pursuer before, and it costs 1500 gold to purchase, so you should save up some money before hand.
Capture the Pursuer
Once you acquire the device, I recommend heading towards an empty room, preferably near the exit, to set it up. After that you should wait until the pursuer shows up, and lead it to the device location.
Now you can choose to continue the run or return to the facility, since we have business there.
Step Two: The Twitchy Guy
Have you noticed there is one particular NPC in the facility that walks strangely and shoves you around if you bump into him. Now is the time for revenge!
The Captured Pursuer
The pursuer you just captured can now be seen in the facility. It occupies a previously empty cage, and has a pipe with the pursuer heart hanging outside of the cage. Take the heart and go find the strange guy.
Once you find him, you can choose to throw the heart at him, or let him bump into you. It would splatter and stick on his body. You should now wait until he heads towards the elevator. Something interesting will happen.
Step Two Complete
Once the interesting thing happened, you can now start a new run.
Step Three: The Flesh
Something weird happened. When you get off of the elevator platform, you are greeted with a pile of red goo.
Once you see this flesh bud under the elevator, it means you are closer to accessing the third boss.
However, this flesh bud will grow in four runs before it hatches. You can choose to go for four runs and get more upgrades, or if you are well prepared, abandon run and restart for four times. It will show this message once you start the fourth run.
Congrats, you are now a father/mother! Expect you child is a literal eldritch abomination.
The Dimensional Staff
Your newly born child is now wondering in either Ruins-1 or Ruins-2. If the vines in the level has been replaced by bloodstreams, then you know he is there.
Once you see the bloodstreams. You need to locate this room.
Fire a shot using the staff at the center of the portal, it should now have a less transparent surface in the center. Enter it to proceed to the next step.
Step Four: The Construct
In the end of the path, there are two devices. One for the reborn, and one for you.
If You die in VR, You Die in Real Life
Once you enter the virtual reality pod, you will enter The Construct. The construct consist of four sections. Each section is a distorted version of the scenario you can play in the main menu. This is because the reborn did not have full knowledge of the simulations in the facility. You need to complete all four scenarios by defeating all enemies inside and find the exit.
Some notable loot you can pick up in the scenarios include a hidden shotgun in the prison and the black katana from the Yakuza Boss.
Step Four Complete
Once you complete all four sections, a new portal will open and you can now face the third boss.
Step Five: The Showdown
Even in his world, he is still a loser.
The Trickster
The most interesting boss in my opinion. He has four drastically different attack pattern, and one of them would cause instant death if you are not careful enough.
- Katana Tornado
- Boxing Stance
- Shotgun & Shield
- Pirate Cannon
Katana Tornado
He will always open up the fight with this. It deals massive damage if you stay close to him, so it is advised to go in for a strike then back down.
Boxing Stance
He deals the least amount of damage in this stance, however he has insane attack speed, so you will most likely be trading blows with him. It is also harder to headshot him since he will be guarding his face.
Shotgun & Shield
He will sometimes whip out a shotgun and a shield. The shield is considered unbreakable since it can resist at least 15 black katana strikes from a mauler (I tested that myself). He will back away from you and open fire if you come too close. If you happen to find a ranged weapon in the arena you can try and shoot at his feet, or you can wait it out.
Pirate Cannon
The most nasty attack of all, not because of the cannon, but the fact the arena will be flooded with water, which instant kills you if you fall into it. I recommend jumping from island to island without stop so the cannon does not knock you into the water. Of course, you can also jump onto his island and damage him, but it increases the risk of him knocking you into the water.
How to Defeat Him
With that you have now successfully defeat the third boss! That means you can now access the locked gate and fight the final boss if you previously fought the two other bosses.
You will be sent to Caves-2 after the fight ends, which means you can purchase more power-ups to fight the final boss.
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