Ошибка при инициализации java runtime environment adobe animate
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Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash. /t5/animate-discussions/error-initializing-java-runtime-environment-you-may-need-to-reinstall-flash/td-p/3561547 Jul 03, 2011 Jul 03, 2011Copy link to clipboard
. This is really annoying.
I work with adobe cs5. Recently, it started to not work. I would have to restart it over and over to get it to compile an swf properly. So I am trying cs5.5. I get this error "Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash."
So im like OK. Thats helpful.
"Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash."
-reinstalls adobe flash cs5.5-
"Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash."
So I come across this post. Follow it exactly.
"Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash."
I change the thingy in the file to Xmx1024M
"Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash."
I come to the forums.
What do I do now?
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I found a solution, which works for me.Just delete the jvm.ini file under the temporary folder location. In windows it would be below path.C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\FLASH_VERSION\en_US\Configuration\ActionScript 3.0Eg. C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Adobe\Flash CS6\en_US\Configuration\ActionScript 3.0As soon as you start the Flash, a defult jvm.ini will be created automatically, in that location and your flash works fine.Acutally the error comes due to the corroupt jvm.ini file (Too la.Copy link to clipboard
Your best bet might be to contact customer/technical support, or if you found a posting discussing your problem, send a private message to whomever was inquiring. These are user to user forums, and the occasional visits by Adobe employees tend to occur only for postings where software bugs of new releases pop up.
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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn moreCopy link to clipboard
kglad, if you read, you would see that I already tried that.
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sorry i tried to help.
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Well..Its honestly looking like im going to have to
solve it myself.
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i know you're frustrated but people, like ned and i, are just trying to help. we're volunteers. we're not being paid: we're not adobe employees.
anyway, i've seen that error myself but restarting my computer remedied the problem. i'm pretty sure that's not going to help you and i thought the most likely remedy explained in the adobe knowledge base would be more likely to help you. i now know you'd already tried that and it did not help.
i think your best bet is to google that error message and explore all the solutions mentioned. i'm also pretty sure you've already done some of that but if you've not followed all the links listed, i would encourage you to persist.
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Am I really going to have to spend 39$ to get help.
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So has anyone found a solution to this rather irritating problem?
I get this occurring with Flash CS5.5 multiple times every day! Restarting Flash works sometimes, but not always, same applies to restarting my PC.
Reinstalling Flash, as prompted by the error message has no effect, neither does reinstalling the JRE.
I'm running out of hair to pull out.
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I guess it was caused by the class_path probably, since last time in my pc class_path was :
, and then I delete all files in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\CS5\jre\ copy another jre's files into the folder
and then change class_path into .;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\rt.jar;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar;
and things goes right
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I don't know if it's going to help but:
Last time I had random crashes within flash IDE it was caused by my anti-virus which identified some flash DLL as being threatening.
(It was because a flash security leak had been found in flash player, and my AV took rather drastic measures about this issue)
In your case perhaps your Anti-virus has problems with JRE, or some component used by Flash.
The solutions may be to try deactivating your AV for some time to check if the problem remains.
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I had the same problem and after trying everything one day I did a "boot-time scan" with my antivirus -avast- and it found some threat with some java files or something, I just leave the program do its job and delete everything what it was wrong. After the restart I opened Flash and it worked fine. No more "error initializing java runtime environment you may need to reinstall flash cs5"
I hope this help.
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This might not help, but I finally fixed this issue, none above worked for me.
I see all jvm.ini files (one in user folder one in adobe folder) so -Xmx1014m read -Xmx128m, then i delete the enviorment variables
QTJAVA : C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\ext\QTJava.zip
resintalled flash (although i don't think this helped) and java runtime, and it worked after that. This was a VERY VERY frustrating issue, not a big fan of java runtime after this.
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but nothing helped.
Eventually I find out it was engough to specify -Xmx256m instead of -Xmx512m, and everything started working.
Too large values > 256 cause the error appear. Too low -Xmx128m makes flash to yield while publish.
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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn moreCopy link to clipboard
I found a solution, which works for me.
Just delete the jvm.ini file under the temporary folder location. In windows it would be below path.
Eg. C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Adobe\Flash CS6\en_US\Configuration\ActionScript 3.0
As soon as you start the Flash, a defult jvm.ini will be created automatically, in that location and your flash works fine.
Acutally the error comes due to the corroupt jvm.ini file ( Too large values > 256 cause the error appear . Eg. Xmx1024m ) which gets created in temporary configuration forlders automatically during the Flash Installation.
Everytime Flash starts its looks for the jvm.ini file and allow the maximum initalized memory to the JVM.
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Viren - This worked for me, thanks.
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i tryed that and it still didnt work, im getting so mad right now
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Viren, you made my night ;] You've saved my Adobe Flash! It worked fine, thx.
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Finally I got near to roots of that mysterious Error
"Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash."
So here is what I'm found out + Bugfix
The Patch is for 32-bit version only!
(however the problem is probably not in the 64-Bit Version - since there a process has a much large more 'space')
Well SIMPLE FIX / Workaround:
Use 64-Bit version of Adobe Flash !
^-Note that String ASCII "NUMA page alloc. " - will be a great 'link' to easily find that location in other JVM-versions to applied the patch there. Open jvm.dll in Ollydebug open String Ref. Windows and search for the string.
Download instructions:
-> My creative solution for that A-Dope-board missing 'Attach file feature'
with Adobe Flash CS5 + JRE 1.8.0 update 31
More Techstuff:
Some of my notes that might be useful:
Note the memory is not real allocated in the way it can be use since to write or read from it is just allocated as
MEM_RESERVE like you see in the screenshot above. And freed just a little alter.
It seems that java just checks if it could possible the maximal the JVM is made for.
Note the problem is not that you have to less physical RAM installed.
It's more related how memory is organise.
Well in 32 Bit each process has 4GB (or well practically Windows limits this to 2GB).
0x00000000 to 0x7FFF0000
This space is virtual and not actually claimed (else you would very quickly run out of RAM) but it a kind of potential or Adress system. Na sorry that'll be to offtopic to explain all the basic's about memory.
Всем привет, ребят, давно не виделись!
Заинсталллил Win7(x64), обновил Flash Player и JRE.
Проинсталлил Adobe Animate, открыл в нём свой fla-проект 2014 года, и.
И столкнулся вот с этой, ранее уже известной и мерзкой ошибкой:
На английском она выглядит аналогично:
Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash
Более того, локальные swf-файлы с компа не открываются вообще. Просто ничего не происходит!
Пробовал открывать и в браузерах, и в standalone flash player, и в ряде сторонних программ - тишина!
Но вот что заметил! У меня еще были парочку моих swf, основанных на ActionScript 2.0.
Так вот они открываются, как это ни странно. Проблема возникает именно с ActionScript 3.0.
Как с запуском-просмотром таких swf, так и с экспортом-публикайией FLA+AS3.0 в формат SWF.
Кстати, обычные SWF или FLA, в которых нет скриптов вообще, также открываются на ОК.
Вообщем, копал 2 дня материалы в Google.
Исходил из того, что дело не во Flash, в связке Flash + JRE.
1. Найти все файлы jvm.ini и исправлять в них параметер:
с дефолтного: -Xmx1024m на что-то поменьше, типа -Xmx128m
Результат: не помогло.
2. Проинсталлить более ранние версии JRE.
Ставил одновременно с JRE6 по JRE9 (обоих разрядностей, если был выбор).
Результат: не помогло.
3. Отключать все проинсталленные JRE, кроме например JRE6 (x86).
Так как пишут, что для Win7 (x64) для флэш лучше всё-равно юзать x86-среды.
Результат: не помогло.
4. Обновил Flash Player до последней версии.
Также проинсталлил всякие Flash-PPAP, Flash-NPAP, Flash-ActiveX вариации.
До кучи проинсталлил и Shockwave Player, а также AIR.
Результат: не помогло.
5. Пробовал вставлять в "Переменные среды: Пользовательские" JAVA_HOME и JRE_HOME
путь к /bin папке JRE9. Но странно - по дефолту этих переменных в винде и не было.
Может они уже устарели и не нужны? Опять же не ясно к какому конкретно JRE нужно прописыать путь?
Ведь если прописать например к JRE6, то остальные могут начать работать некорректно?
Также пробовал создать там переменную JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS со значением -Xmx128.
Результат: не помогло.
5. Пробовал изменять переменную Path в "Переменные среды: Системные".
Точнее дописать к слитой строке всяких строк еще один путь. Пробовал путь к JRE и к bin.
Но опять же неясно, к какому именно надо прописать, я пробовал только к последнему.
Результат: не помогло (на всякий случай удалил).
Кстати сейчас в этой переменной содержится вот что (но конешно одной слитной строкой):
C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;
6. Что-то еще втиралось про CLASSPATH, но такой переменной у меня в "переменных окружения" нет, и где ее создавать и что в ней вводить - я не понял.
7. Пробовал выключать Антивирь (360 TS), иногда писали что дело в нём:
Результат: не помогло.
8. Есть еще подозрения, что какие-то службы в Винде могут быть нужны для Flash или JRE.
Потому что я отключил ряд ненужных служб. Может это влияет? Хотя гугл не дал таких связей.
Кстати в парочке декабрьских англо-постах эта ошибка фигурирует как неразрешенная.
На этом форуме я нашел 2 поста, уже достаточно старых, они в целом не были разрешены.
Вот такая отвратительная ошибка! И непонятно вообще что за нафиг!?
Неужели никто более на этом форуме с ней не сталкивался?
Прошу вашей помощи!
P.S. Был еще пост в котором чувак советовал поставить JRE5, что конешно хардкорно.
Попробую сейчас такой вариант. Если смогу его найти. Не помню уже какой JRE в 2014 году был актуальным.
Добавлено через 22 часа 58 минут
Фуух! Разобрался!
Оказалось в Windows не доставало:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable - x86 10.0.40219 (x32)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable - x64 10.0.40219
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.6161 (x32)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.6161
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- Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You .
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. This is really annoying.
I work with adobe cs5. Recently, it started to not work. I would have to restart it over and over to get it to compile an swf properly. So I am trying cs5.5. I get this error "Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash."
So im like OK. Thats helpful.
"Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash."
-reinstalls adobe flash cs5.5-
"Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash."
So I come across this post. Follow it exactly.
"Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash."
I change the thingy in the file to Xmx1024M
"Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash."
I come to the forums.
What do I do now?
Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more1 Correct answer
I found a solution, which works for me.Just delete the jvm.ini file under the temporary folder location. In windows it would be below path.C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\FLASH_VERSION\en_US\Configuration\ActionScript 3.0Eg. C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Adobe\Flash CS6\en_US\Configuration\ActionScript 3.0As soon as you start the Flash, a defult jvm.ini will be created automatically, in that location and your flash works fine.Acutally the error comes due to the corroupt jvm.ini file (Too la.Copy link to clipboard
Your best bet might be to contact customer/technical support, or if you found a posting discussing your problem, send a private message to whomever was inquiring. These are user to user forums, and the occasional visits by Adobe employees tend to occur only for postings where software bugs of new releases pop up.
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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn moreCopy link to clipboard
kglad, if you read, you would see that I already tried that.
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sorry i tried to help.
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Well..Its honestly looking like im going to have to
solve it myself.
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i know you're frustrated but people, like ned and i, are just trying to help. we're volunteers. we're not being paid: we're not adobe employees.
anyway, i've seen that error myself but restarting my computer remedied the problem. i'm pretty sure that's not going to help you and i thought the most likely remedy explained in the adobe knowledge base would be more likely to help you. i now know you'd already tried that and it did not help.
i think your best bet is to google that error message and explore all the solutions mentioned. i'm also pretty sure you've already done some of that but if you've not followed all the links listed, i would encourage you to persist.
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Am I really going to have to spend 39$ to get help.
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So has anyone found a solution to this rather irritating problem?
I get this occurring with Flash CS5.5 multiple times every day! Restarting Flash works sometimes, but not always, same applies to restarting my PC.
Reinstalling Flash, as prompted by the error message has no effect, neither does reinstalling the JRE.
I'm running out of hair to pull out.
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I guess it was caused by the class_path probably, since last time in my pc class_path was :
, and then I delete all files in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\CS5\jre\ copy another jre's files into the folder
and then change class_path into .;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\rt.jar;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar;
and things goes right
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I don't know if it's going to help but:
Last time I had random crashes within flash IDE it was caused by my anti-virus which identified some flash DLL as being threatening.
(It was because a flash security leak had been found in flash player, and my AV took rather drastic measures about this issue)
In your case perhaps your Anti-virus has problems with JRE, or some component used by Flash.
The solutions may be to try deactivating your AV for some time to check if the problem remains.
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I had the same problem and after trying everything one day I did a "boot-time scan" with my antivirus -avast- and it found some threat with some java files or something, I just leave the program do its job and delete everything what it was wrong. After the restart I opened Flash and it worked fine. No more "error initializing java runtime environment you may need to reinstall flash cs5"
I hope this help.
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This might not help, but I finally fixed this issue, none above worked for me.
I see all jvm.ini files (one in user folder one in adobe folder) so -Xmx1014m read -Xmx128m, then i delete the enviorment variables
QTJAVA : C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\ext\QTJava.zip
resintalled flash (although i don't think this helped) and java runtime, and it worked after that. This was a VERY VERY frustrating issue, not a big fan of java runtime after this.
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but nothing helped.
Eventually I find out it was engough to specify -Xmx256m instead of -Xmx512m, and everything started working.
Too large values > 256 cause the error appear. Too low -Xmx128m makes flash to yield while publish.
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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn moreCopy link to clipboard
I found a solution, which works for me.
Just delete the jvm.ini file under the temporary folder location. In windows it would be below path.
Eg. C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Adobe\Flash CS6\en_US\Configuration\ActionScript 3.0
As soon as you start the Flash, a defult jvm.ini will be created automatically, in that location and your flash works fine.
Acutally the error comes due to the corroupt jvm.ini file ( Too large values > 256 cause the error appear . Eg. Xmx1024m ) which gets created in temporary configuration forlders automatically during the Flash Installation.
Everytime Flash starts its looks for the jvm.ini file and allow the maximum initalized memory to the JVM.
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Viren - This worked for me, thanks.
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i tryed that and it still didnt work, im getting so mad right now
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Viren, you made my night ;] You've saved my Adobe Flash! It worked fine, thx.
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Finally I got near to roots of that mysterious Error
"Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash."
So here is what I'm found out + Bugfix
The Patch is for 32-bit version only!
(however the problem is probably not in the 64-Bit Version - since there a process has a much large more 'space')
Well SIMPLE FIX / Workaround:
Use 64-Bit version of Adobe Flash !
^-Note that String ASCII "NUMA page alloc. " - will be a great 'link' to easily find that location in other JVM-versions to applied the patch there. Open jvm.dll in Ollydebug open String Ref. Windows and search for the string.
Download instructions:
-> My creative solution for that A-Dope-board missing 'Attach file feature'
with Adobe Flash CS5 + JRE 1.8.0 update 31
More Techstuff:
Some of my notes that might be useful:
Note the memory is not real allocated in the way it can be use since to write or read from it is just allocated as
MEM_RESERVE like you see in the screenshot above. And freed just a little alter.
It seems that java just checks if it could possible the maximal the JVM is made for.
Note the problem is not that you have to less physical RAM installed.
It's more related how memory is organise.
Well in 32 Bit each process has 4GB (or well practically Windows limits this to 2GB).
0x00000000 to 0x7FFF0000
This space is virtual and not actually claimed (else you would very quickly run out of RAM) but it a kind of potential or Adress system. Na sorry that'll be to offtopic to explain all the basic's about memory.
I get this error starting up Flash Professional CS5 (on 32-bit XP). I don't even have to create/open a Flash file. I already reinstalled, but to no avail. Any suggestions?
4 Answers 4
I had this problem too, and thought: what if this EXE cannot reach the Java runtime environment because of a permission problem? And it is!
So, if you're running Windows 7 or Vista, make sure to open Flash by running it as an Administrator. This solved the problem for me.
I also got this when I launched Flash CS5 and found that it was due to recent JAVA upgrade. Fortunately, I backed up my HD files using Time Machine and went back and found an earlier preference file. Here's what I did.
On the Mac I replaced the JAVA Preference version 13.6.0 with an earlier version of 13.5.0 located at:
- local_HD/Applications/Utilities/Java Preferences
After replacing this file, the error message went away. I'm using a MacBookPro and OS 10.6.8.
22k 28 28 gold badges 75 75 silver badges 86 86 bronze badgesIn my case, it was Software Restriction Policy which I configured to block everything except application directories.
Adobe installs its JRE in ProgramData folder. So, I added a path rule for C:\ProgramData\Adobe\CS5\jre to my Additional Rules.
If you do not have Software Restriction Policy configured, then this solution does not apply to you.
38.9k 58 58 gold badges 224 224 silver badges 316 316 bronze badgesi had the same issue with flash professional cs5 on a mac (10.5.8). for me, it was caused by updating java, and changing the system's CurrentJDK symlink to 1.6. reverting the symlink to 1.5 made the issue go away. for those on a mac, here are the steps i followed in the terminal:
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