Что такое word combination
It is not settled yet whether the word combination is a specific unit of syntax. Three interpretations have been put forth:
1) the word combination is not a specific unit of syntax;
syntax studies nothing but sentences;
2) the word combination is the only unit of syntax;
3) the word combination is one of syntactic units.
F.I. Buslaev, M. Ganshina and N. Vasilevskaya, V.L. Kaushanskaya and her co-authors are of opinion that syntax deals with sentences only. The exclusion of word combinations from the sphere of syntax, according to A.I. Smirnitsky, causes a disregard of the rules of joining words that exist irrespective of the fact whether a word combination makes part of a sentence or not.
F.F. Fortunatov and A.M. Peshkovsky, on the contrary, are of opinion that the word combination is the only syntactic unit. If the word combination were the only syntactic unit, it would not be clear how to treat one-word sentences. A.M. Peshkovsky looks upon them as a specific kind of word combination, which is theoretically wrong.
However, the existence of one-word sentences is not the most important argument against restricting the sphere of syntax to word combinations. The main drawback of the conception lies in the fact that it does not differentiate between the word combination and the sentence. And they must be distinguished because they are different: the word combination represents a naming unit of language [V.V. Vinogradov; N.Y. Shvedova; O.B. Sirotinina; M.Y. Blokh], the sentence is a means of communication [O. Jespersen; A. Gardiner; Y.M. Skrebnev],
We regard the word combination as one of syntactic units, alongside of words, sentences, etc.
Words That Form Word Combinations
Another debatable problem is what language units can build up a word combination. Most foreign linguists think that a word combination is a unity of any words, including the group 'preposition + noun* [S. Greenbaum; D. Crystal].
Combinations with prepositions do play an important role in all languages, analytical in particular. But the essence of the word combination consists in the adjunct narrowing the notion rendered by the head, e.g.:
English books (A.S. Hornby).
Prepositions as function words cannot narrow the notion comprised in the following noun or noun equivalent because they are semantically, syntactically, and phonetically weak. Hence, they should be excluded from the sphere of word combination [V.N. Zhigadlo, I.P. Ivanova, L.L. lofik; G.N. Vorontsova].
Following the majority of Russian linguists, we think that the term 'word combination' can be applied only to such groups of words that contain at least two notional words forming a semantic and a grammatical whole.
Syntactic Relations That Build Up Word Combinations
Two or more notional words can be joined by means of predication, coordination, accumulation, apposition, and subordination. The question arises if all these syntactic relations build up word combinations. Western linguists of the past made no distinction between a sentence, i.e. a predicative group of words, and a word combination. Nowadays, things have changed. In The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, D. Crystal writes, 'A phrase is a syntactic construction which typically contains more than one word, but which lacks the subject-predicate structure usually found in a clause.' Most Russian linguists postulate a separate existence of 'sentence' and 'word combination' because they serve different purposes. A sentence is based on predication, and predication consists in saying something about
something so that its purpose is communicative. A word combination has no such aim. It is employed for naming things qualities, actions, etc.
True, some linguists [V.G. Gak; T.A. Tulina] say that the naming function does not differentiate the word combination and the sentence, for the sentence is also a kind of name. It is the name of a situation.
There is no denying the fact that every level of language structure contributes to the creation of naming units. But in some language units the naming function is primary (e.g. in words and word combinations); in others — it is secondary (e.g. in sentences).
The problem of coordinate groups of words is controversial, too. Traditionally, linguists single out coordinate groups of words into a special type of word combinations [H. Sweet; E. Kruisinga; L.S. Barkhudarov; V.A. Beloshapkova].
V.N. Yartseva leaves the question open, saying that even if such groups as men and women could be referred to word combinations, one should bear in mind their specific nature.
Really, as opposed to word combinations proper, each component of a coordinate group of words renders a new, but homogeneous notion. Cf.:
English books (A.S. Hornby).
But: books and notebooks
That's why we exclude coordinate groups of words from word combinations. [See on this point: V.V. Vinogradov; V.N. Zhigadio, I.P. Ivanova, L.L. lofik; O.B. Sirotinina].
Accumulation, in our opinion, does not form a word combination either. Just like coordination, accumulation unites independent notions that are heterogeneous, into the bargain.
Neither do we recognize the existence of appositive word combinations, e.g.: Uncle Jack (O. Wilde). Qualifying apposition as a kind of attribute [H. Sweet; N.Y. Filitcheva], syntactic tradition proceeds from the assumption that it is always easy to draw a line of demarcation between the head and the adjunct. However, it is rather rare the case. Already A.M. Peshkovsky has drawn the attention of linguists to numerous difficulties in finding the apposition and the element to which it is apposed. And even nowadays linguists are still at variance as to the right answer to this question. Thus, M. Ganshina and N. Vasilevskaya think that the apposition is constituted by the proper noun; V.N. Zhigadio, I.P. Tvanova and L.L. lofik - by the common noun. I.G. Saprykina is right: the differentiation of the head and adjunct in appositive groups of words is impossible because both components are logically equal: they give different names to one and the same person or thing, e.g.: Uncle Jack (O.Wilde).
Only groups of words based on subordination can be regarded as word combinations because only subordination unites notional words into a semantic and grammatical whole. The semantic integrity of a subordinate word combination manifests itself in the fact that its components render one notion: the head names it, and the adjunct narrows it.
The semantic integrity leads to the grammatical consolidation of the components of a subordinate word combination as a result of which it is only the head that can substitute the whole word combination. For instance, instead of saying: The little boy was tying in bed (K. Mansfield), we can say: The boy was lying in bed, with the head boy representing the subordinate word combination little boy. The second variant, *The little was lying in bed, with the adjunct little standing for the subordinate word combination little boy is out of the question because it fails to render any independent notion, but serves the purpose of narrowing the notion of the following head boy.
The valency of the head determines the occurrence of this or that adjunct. The term 'valency' was originally used in chemistry for the combinatory potential of atoms. The French linguist L. Tesniere introduced it into linguistics. According to L. Tesniere, only verbs possess valency characteristics, e.g.:
(Toby) shook his head (S. Sheldon).
Nowadays, linguists have come to the conclusion that valency is not restricted to verbs. Adjectives and nouns possess valency characteristics, too. Cf.:
. (but I'm) capable of making my own decisions (S. Sheldon).
(It's got) a sort of greenish blue roof(D. Crystal, D. Davy).
Word combination "CHILDHOOD CANCER" can hardly fit into the consciousness of any normal person.
Словосочетание ДЕТСКАЯ ОНКОЛОГИЯ с трудом укладывается в сознании нормального человека.
Word combination "Stop Words" may be changed for some other definition (for example, when translating to the foreign language) by changing parameter StopWords in the configuration file of the search module (see cnsearch.conf).
Словосочетание "Stop Words" можно заменить другим эквивалентом (например, при переводе на другой язык) путем изменения параметра StopWords в конфигурационном файле клиентской части (см. cnsearch.conf).
This word combination has been first used in a speech at the Diplomatic Academy in Moscow in 2003 by the then President Robert Kocharian of Armenia.
Это словосочетание было впервые использовано в речи тогдашнего президента Армении Роберта Кочаряна в Дипломатической академии в Москве в 2003 году.
Later this word combination transformed into Artsakh.
Позднее сочетание вышеуказанных слов трансформировалось в название "Арцах".
As usual the names of such portraits include a word combination "in the image of".
В название этих портретов обычно включаются слова "в виде" либо "в образе".
Semantic literalism - a mistake of a translator that is the result of rendering of word or word combination semantic components not including other factors.
Теория соответствий - теория, которая основывается на утверждении, что переводный текст всегда содержит определенное количество информации, которая отсутствует в начальном тексте.
Derzhavin (followed by Rybakov) tried to relate a perfectly clear word combination "the path of Troyan" to the "Tropaeum Traiani" column erected by the emperor at the top of the mountain in commemoration of his victories.
Совершенно понятное по-русски выражение «тропа Трояна» Державин (а за ним и Рыбаков) почему-то связал с колонной "Tropaeum Traiani", поставленной императором на вершине горы в ознаменование своих побед.
The name comes from the word combination "red gold" (also known as rose gold) - the old name of a high-grade gold type.
Название происходит от словосочетания «червонное золото» - старинного названия высокопробного вида золота.
Другие результаты
You can translate words and word combinations from English, German, French, Spanish and Italian into Russian and back.
Переводите слова и словосочетания с английского, немецкого, французского, испанского и итальянского языков на русский и обратно.
Lingvo dictionary provides different variants of translations and possible forms of use of words and word-combinations.
Словарь Lingvo предлагает разные варианты перевода и возможные способы использования слов и словосочетаний. Система также позволяет осуществлять пословный перевод предложений.
Then let's try using word combinations that are similar.
Having chosen so unusual word-combination for Russian ear, we pursued at once some the purposes.
Выбрав столь непривычное для русского уха словосочетание, мы преследовали сразу несколько целей.
It not a simple word-combination is for an eminence of the carrier of this name.
Это не просто словосочетание для возвышения носителя этого титула.
Therefore in press to flash there were constantly word-combinations - "security officers - conformists".
Loan (word) - a loan gained through word-for-word translation of a word or a word-combination.
Метод трансформации - используется в системе записей при последовательном переводе, при котором несколько слов трансформируются в более удобное обозначение.
It is forbidden to specify following words and word-combinations in heading and the text of announcements: Urgently, very urgently, etc.
Запрещается указывать в заголовке и тексте объявлений следующие слова и словосочетания: Срочно, Очень срочно, и т.д.
To speak a foreign language is a complex ability of a person to use linguistic material (sounds, words, word combinations, grammatical structures) in course of communication in accordance with a language situation.
Говорить на иностранном языке - сложное умение человека самостоятельно пользоваться языковым материалом (звуками, словами, словосочетаниями, грамматическими структурами) в общении в соответствии с языковой ситуацией.
Guards another, that modern representatives of party in power hardly utter this word-combination and for them this simply next task from above. They will make everything, that пpoBaлиTb this instruction.
Только русский демократический проект должен не обзываться «суверенной демократией», а он должен быть открытым соревнованием с Западом за право декларирования и защиты истинной свободы и демократии.
Send an SMS to number 143 quoting the word-combination Svit ON (in Latin letters) in the body of the message for prepaid and for contract subscribers.
Отправьте SMS на номер 142, указав в тексте SMS (латинскими буквами) слова Svit Vkl - для абонентов на условиях предоплаты и договора.
A new function allows a full-text search based on any word or combination of words.
Новые функциональные возможности позволяют осуществлять поиск на основе любого слова или сочетания слов по всему тексту.
Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть больше примеров. Это просто и бесплатно
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Перевод голосом, функции оффлайн, синонимы, спряжение, обучающие игры
It is forbidden to specify following words and word-combinations in heading and the text of announcements: Urgently, very urgently, etc.
Запрещается указывать в заголовке и тексте объявлений следующие слова и словосочетания: Срочно, Очень срочно, и т.д.
Therefore in press to flash there were constantly word-combinations - "security officers - conformists".
Lingvo dictionary provides different variants of translations and possible forms of use of words and word-combinations.
Словарь Lingvo предлагает разные варианты перевода и возможные способы использования слов и словосочетаний. Система также позволяет осуществлять пословный перевод предложений.
Другие результаты
Later this word combination transformed into Artsakh.
Позднее сочетание вышеуказанных слов трансформировалось в название "Арцах".
You can translate words and word combinations from English, German, French, Spanish and Italian into Russian and back.
Переводите слова и словосочетания с английского, немецкого, французского, испанского и итальянского языков на русский и обратно.
Then let's try using word combinations that are similar.
Having chosen so unusual word-combination for Russian ear, we pursued at once some the purposes.
Выбрав столь непривычное для русского уха словосочетание, мы преследовали сразу несколько целей.
It not a simple word-combination is for an eminence of the carrier of this name.
Это не просто словосочетание для возвышения носителя этого титула.
Word combination "CHILDHOOD CANCER" can hardly fit into the consciousness of any normal person.
Словосочетание ДЕТСКАЯ ОНКОЛОГИЯ с трудом укладывается в сознании нормального человека.
This word combination has been first used in a speech at the Diplomatic Academy in Moscow in 2003 by the then President Robert Kocharian of Armenia.
Это словосочетание было впервые использовано в речи тогдашнего президента Армении Роберта Кочаряна в Дипломатической академии в Москве в 2003 году.
Derzhavin (followed by Rybakov) tried to relate a perfectly clear word combination "the path of Troyan" to the "Tropaeum Traiani" column erected by the emperor at the top of the mountain in commemoration of his victories.
Совершенно понятное по-русски выражение «тропа Трояна» Державин (а за ним и Рыбаков) почему-то связал с колонной "Tropaeum Traiani", поставленной императором на вершине горы в ознаменование своих побед.
The name comes from the word combination "red gold" (also known as rose gold) - the old name of a high-grade gold type.
Название происходит от словосочетания «червонное золото» - старинного названия высокопробного вида золота.
Semantic literalism - a mistake of a translator that is the result of rendering of word or word combination semantic components not including other factors.
Теория соответствий - теория, которая основывается на утверждении, что переводный текст всегда содержит определенное количество информации, которая отсутствует в начальном тексте.
As usual the names of such portraits include a word combination "in the image of".
В название этих портретов обычно включаются слова "в виде" либо "в образе".
To speak a foreign language is a complex ability of a person to use linguistic material (sounds, words, word combinations, grammatical structures) in course of communication in accordance with a language situation.
Говорить на иностранном языке - сложное умение человека самостоятельно пользоваться языковым материалом (звуками, словами, словосочетаниями, грамматическими структурами) в общении в соответствии с языковой ситуацией.
Loan (word) - a loan gained through word-for-word translation of a word or a word-combination.
Метод трансформации - используется в системе записей при последовательном переводе, при котором несколько слов трансформируются в более удобное обозначение.
Word combination "Stop Words" may be changed for some other definition (for example, when translating to the foreign language) by changing parameter StopWords in the configuration file of the search module (see cnsearch.conf).
Словосочетание "Stop Words" можно заменить другим эквивалентом (например, при переводе на другой язык) путем изменения параметра StopWords в конфигурационном файле клиентской части (см. cnsearch.conf).
Guards another, that modern representatives of party in power hardly utter this word-combination and for them this simply next task from above. They will make everything, that пpoBaлиTb this instruction.
Только русский демократический проект должен не обзываться «суверенной демократией», а он должен быть открытым соревнованием с Западом за право декларирования и защиты истинной свободы и демократии.
Send an SMS to number 143 quoting the word-combination Svit ON (in Latin letters) in the body of the message for prepaid and for contract subscribers.
Отправьте SMS на номер 142, указав в тексте SMS (латинскими буквами) слова Svit Vkl - для абонентов на условиях предоплаты и договора.
In the second and third years, children with autism have less frequent and less diverse babbling, consonants, words, and word combinations; their gestures are less often integrated with words.
На второй и третий годы жизни дети-аутисты реже и меньше лепечут, в их речи меньше согласных звуков, ниже словарный запас, они реже комбинируют слова, их жесты реже сопровождаются словами.
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The theory of word combination in Russian linguistics has a long tradition, going back to the 18 century. No corresponding theory is distinguished in Western European or American linguistics. True, the term 'phrase' goes as far back as the 18* century when it was used by R. Lowth. However, the attention of early English grammarians was chiefly focused upon the description of the grammatical devices of joining words.
At the beginning of the 20 th century, the tone of grammatical discussion became more scholarly. O. Jespersen introduced the theory of three ranks that concerns the mutual relations of words in word combinations. Analyzing the example terribly cold weather, O. Jespersen states that the words are not on the same footing. The word weather is grammatically most important, while the words cold and terribly are subordinate to it. The word weather is defined by the word cold, and the word cold is defined by the word terribly. Thus, we have three ranks: the word weather is primary, the word cold is secondary, and the word terribly is tertiary.
O, Jespersen discusses only word groups formed by combinations of primaries with secondaries. He distinguishes two main types of combinations in which a secondary is joined to a primary - junction and nexus. In a junction, the joining of the two elements is so close that it is often substituted by a separate word, e.g.:
The warmest season - summer (O. Jespersen).
In traditional grammar, O. Jespersen's junction corresponds to subordination.
In a nexus, something new is added to the conception contained in the primary. In other words, nexus designates predicative relations. According to O. Jespersen, nexus falls into two subtypes: independent and dependent. He considers a nexus to be independent when it forms a whole sentence, i.e. when it gives a complete bit of information, e.g.
The dog barks (O. Jespersen).
A dependent nexus, in his opinion, forms only part of a sentence, e.g.:
I hear the dog bark (O. Jespersen).
Although O. Jespersen draws a distinction between different levels of subordination and clearly opposes subordination and predication, he fails to define the word combination.
This drawback is overcome by L. Bloomfield. However, L. Bloomfield's definition cannot be considered a happy one, for defining a word combination as a free form which consists of two or more free forms, he lumps together predicative and non-predicative combinations of words, as is evident from his classification of word combinations into endocentric and exocentric.
In endocentric word combinations, according to L. Bloomfield, at least one of the components (or both) has a function coinciding with the function of the word combination as a whole, e.g.: poor Maggie, where the component Maggie can stand for the whole word combination poor Maggie. Cf:
Poor Maggie sat down again. (G. Eliot). —» Maggie sat down again.
Or: he and his wife, where both components he and his wife can stand for the whole group he and his wife. Cf.:
He and his wife listened to the six o'clock news (A.S. Hornby). —*• He listened to the six o 'clock news. His wife listened to the six o 'clock news.
Exocentric word combinations unite such components neither of which can stand for the whole word combination. Here we have:
1) predicative combinations, e.g.: Catherine blushed (E. Hemingway), which is not equivalent either to Catherine or to blushed;
2) prepositional combinations, e.g.; He won't take you with him (St. Minot), where we cannot omit either the preposition with or the pronoun him. We cannot say:
*He won't take you him.
*He won't take you with.
As you see, both endocentric and exocentric combinations comprise heterogeneous phenomena. Endocentric combinations include subordinate and coordinate groups of words; exocentric combinations include predicative and prepositional groups of words.
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