Blender weight paint не работает
Сегодня вдруг возникла неприятная проблема - кисть Blur для Weight Paint перестала работать в Блендере 2.79 и в 2.78
Ставлю на максимум и вес и силу - чуть размажет и всё.
На минимуме тоесть вообще не размазывает.
Сбрасывала настройки, удаляла папку с настройками вообще, загружала чистую программу без единого аддона. - Ничего не помогает.
Версии 2.78 , 2.79 , 2.79а , 2.79b - везде одно и тоже.
От файла сцены не зависит. Создаю сцену с нуля или открываю готовый файл - не размазывает.
В Блендере 2.77 и старее те же сцены или новые сцены - размазывает отлично.
Сравнивала все настройки - различий не нашла. Почему такое случилось не могу понять. Все остальные кисти работают нормально.
Причём, что самое загадочное, ещё вчера всё было нормально. Да и потом, чистая переустановка и удаление настроек должно бы было что-то поменять. Но нет.
Бьюсь ужек часа 4 - ничего не получается. Не размазывает Blur и хоть ты тресни.
Активный участник
Ну помогите, пожалуйсто. Почему в старых версиях Blur работает, а в новых нет?
Активный участник
Попробуй в настройках кисти включить Accumulate(Накопление)
Активный участник
Я всё абсолютно пробовала включать в различных комбинациях и по отдельности. Ну и плюс, я говорю, сравнивала все настройки со старыми клиентами - работает по разному.
В версиях от _77 и старше кисть Blur адекватно работает что на максимальных усилиях и весах, что на минимальных.
И будет размазывать столько, сколько ей мажешь. Чем дольше, тем на большее расстояние.
В версиях _78 и _79 по внешнему перимеру просто сглаживает и только до определённых пределов. После чего хоть на максималку ставлю и силу и вес - перестаёт реагировать.
В простых ситуациях, например на суставе с двумя костями, этого достаточно.
Но если это, например, юбка, тоесть сразу пересекаются веса Leg Right, Leg Left, Pelvis, Hips - плавно всё распределить невозможно.
I can't select a bone on weightpaint. I have done some work with out a problems and just like that it stopped working.
In weight paint I can select a bone and it will show me the weight which is associated, have but I can't move it and rotate it, the armature is just orange-outlined.
How can i fix this? Keep in mined that I already tried opening and closing Blender
6 Answers 6
An orange outline indicates object mode selection for the armature. You want the armature in pose mode (blue select outline) before you start weight painting so that you can select and move the bones while you paint.
- Select the armature and go into pose mode.
- Select the mesh and go into weight paint mode.
When weight painting, the action mouse button setting makes a difference.
If you are using Select with Right -
If you are using Select with Left -
While weight painting and the armature is in pose mode, G / S / R works with the active bone, not the object being painted.
52.4k 3 3 gold badges 47 47 silver badges 154 154 bronze badges $\begingroup$ @gordie that appears to me as a bug. Weight painting a GP should work the same as a mesh. $\endgroup$ $\begingroup$ Turns out this is an unimplemented feature waiting to be worked on. $\endgroup$ $\begingroup$ These steps worked for me: 1. Select the armature and go into pose mode. 2. Shift + Select(LMB) the mesh and go into weight paint mode.(select both the armature and mesh) 3. Ctrl + LMB on bone to see the weight paint of that bone. Found this solution here $\endgroup$Deselect the options shown below. It worked for me.
edit, found the problem, i had the paint mask set to face selection for painting (basically the mode that lets you only paint on areas that are selected in edit mode first) - with this mode on you can't select bones so you need to turn it off first, control click the bone you want to weight paint, then turn the paint mask back on
Two things. Make sure that your armature is in "Pose Mode." Select the armature and set it to pose, then hold shift and select the mesh also. Then go straight into weight pain. If that doesn't work there is a bug where Blender does not let you select bones if you started the file with an older version of Blender. You then must start a new file in Blender and append everything. You can select multiple items at once and append them all at once so it's not as tedious.
Solved my issue. I was not able to select any bones to paint in Weight mode, blender (2.8) because my model was HIDDEN inside EDIT mode.
Had the same type of problem, in Paint Mode bone wouldn't select even with Ctrl . In Pose Mode bones wont selected, maybe something is wrong with Blender.
Blender provides a set of helper tools for Weight Painting.
The Subset Option
Some of the tools also provide a Subset filter to restrict their functionality to only specific vertex groups (in the Adjust Last Operation panel, displayed after the tool is called) with following options:
- Active Group
- Selected Pose Bones
- Deform Pose Bones
- All Groups
All tools also work with Vertex Selection Masking and Face Selection Masking. In these modes the tools operate only on selected vertices or faces.
Assign from Bone Envelopes¶
Apply the envelope weight of the selected bone(s) to the selected vertex group.
Assign Automatic from Bone¶
Apply from the selected bone(s) to the vertex group the same “auto-weighting” methods as available in the Parent armature menu.
Normalize All¶
For each vertex, this tool makes sure that the sum of the weights across all Vertex Groups is equal to 1. This tool normalizes all of the vertex groups, except for locked groups, which keep their weight values untouched.
Normalize All options.
Lock Active Keep the values of the active group while normalizing all the others.Normalize¶
This tool only works on the active Vertex Group. All vertices keep their relative weights, but the entire set of weights is scaled up such that the highest weight value is 1.0.
This tool mirrors the weights from one side of the mesh to the opposite side (only mirroring along X axis is supported). But note, the weights are not transferred to the corresponding opposite bone weight group. The mirror only takes place within the selected Vertex Group.
Mirror for meshes which are not 100% symmetric (approximate mirror). See here for more information.
Mirror to Opposite Bone
If you want to create a mirrored weight group for the opposite bone (of a symmetric character), then you can do this:
- Delete the target Vertex Group (where the mirrored weights will be placed).
- Create a copy of the source bone Vertex Group (the group containing the weights which you want to copy).
- Rename the new Vertex Group to the name of the target Vertex Group (the group you deleted above).
- Select the Target Vertex Group and call the Mirror tool (use only the Mirror weights option and optionally Topology Mirror if your mesh is not symmetric).
Replaces each Weight of the selected weight group by × -1.0 weight.
- Original 1.0 converts to 0.0
- Original 0.5 remains 0.5
- Original 0.0 converts to 1.0
Locked vertex Groups are not affected.
Removes weights below a given threshold. This tool is useful for clearing your weight groups of very low (or zero) weights.
In the example shown, a cutoff value of 0.2 is used (see operator options below) so all blue parts are cleaned out.
Note, the images use the Show Zero weights Active option so that unreferenced Weights are shown in Black.
This operator uses a process known as Quantization which takes the input weights and clamps each weight to a number of steps between (0 - 1), so there is no longer a smooth gradient between values.
Quantize example (Steps = 2).
Steps The number of steps between 0 and 1 to quantize the weights into. For example 5 would allow the following weights [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0] .Levels¶
Adds an offset and a scale to all weights of the selected Weight Groups. with this tool you can raise or lower the overall “heat” of the weight group.
No weight will ever be set to values above 1.0 or below 0.0 regardless of the settings.
Whichever Gain and Offset you choose, in all cases the final value of each weight will be clamped to the range (0.0 - 1.0). So you will never get negative weights or overheated areas (weight > 1.0) with this tool.
The Smooth tool only works when “Vertex selection masking for painting” is enabled. Otherwise the tool button is grayed out.
Blends the weights of selected vertices with adjacent unselected vertices. This tool only works in vertex select mode.
To understand what the tool really does, let us take a look at a simple example. The selected vertex is connected to four adjacent vertices (marked with a gray circle in the image). All adjacent vertices are unselected. Now the tool calculates the average weight of all connected and unselected vertices. In the example this is:
\((1 + 0 + 0 + 0) / 4 = 0.25\)
This value is multiplied by the factor given in the Operator options (see below).
- If the factor is 0.0 then actually nothing happens at all and the vertex just keeps its value.
- If the factor is 1.0 then the calculated average weight is taken (0.25 here).
- Dragging the factor from 0 to 1 gradually changes from the old value to the calculated average.
Now let us see what happens when we select all but one of the neighbors of the selected vertex as well. Again all connected and unselected vertices are marked with a gray circle. When we call the Smooth tool now and set the Factor to 1.0, then we see different results for each of the selected vertices:
The top-most and bottom-most selected vertices:
are surrounded by three unselected vertices, with an average weight of \((1 + 0 + 0) / 3 = 0.333\) So their color has changed to light green.
The middle vertex:
is connected to one unselected vertex with weight = 1 . So the average weight is 1.0 in this case, thus the selected vertex color has changed to red.
The right vertex:
is surrounded by three unselected vertices with average weight = \((0 + 0 + 0) / 3 = 0.0\) So the average weight is 0, thus the selected vertex color has not changed at all (it was already blue before Smooth was applied).
Finally let us look at a practical example. The middle edge loop has been selected and it will be used for blending the left side to the right side of the area.
- All selected vertices have two unselected adjacent vertices.
- The average weight of the unselected vertices is \((1 + 0) / 2 = 0.5\)
- Thus when the Factor is set to 1.0 then the edge loop turns to green and finally does blend the cold side (right) to the hot side (left).
The vertices to mix with.
All Smoothing will smooth both selected and deselected vertices. Only Selected Smoothing will only smooth with selected vertices. Only Deselected Smoothing will only smooth with deselected vertices.
Transfer Weights¶
Copy weights from other objects to the vertex groups of the active object.
By default this tool copies only the active (selected) vertex group of the source object to the active vertex group of target object or creates a new one if the group does not exist. However, you can change the tool’s behavior in the Adjust Last Operation panel.
For example, to transfer all existing vertex groups from the source objects to the target, change the Source Layers Selection option to By Name.
This tool uses the generic “data transfer”, but transfers from all selected objects to active one. Please refer to the Data Transfer docs for options details and explanations.
Prepare the Copy¶
You first select all source objects, and finally the target object (the target object must be the active object).
It is important that the source objects and the target object are at the same location. If they are placed side-by-side, then the weight transfer will not work. (See the Vertex Mapping option.) You can place the objects on different layers, but you have to ensure that all objects are visible when you call the tool.
Now ensure that the target object is in Weight Paint Mode. Open the Toolbar and call the Transfer Weights tool in the Weight Tools panel.
Adjust Last Operation Panel Confusion¶
You may notice that the Adjust Last Operation panel stays available after the weight transfer is done. The panel only disappears when you call another Operator that has its own Adjust Last Operation panel. This can lead to confusion when you use Transfer weights repeatedly after you changed your vertex groups. If you then use the still-visible Adjust Last Operation panel, then Blender will reset your work to its state right before you initially called the Transfer Weights tool.
So when you want to call the Transfer Weights tool again after you made some changes to your vertex groups, then always use the Transfer Weights button, even if the Adjust Last Operation panel is still available. Unless you really want to reset your changes to the initial call of the tool.
Limit Total¶
Reduce the number of weight groups per vertex to the specified Limit. The tool removes lowest weights first until the limit is reached.
The tool can only work reasonably when more than one weight group is selected.
Subset Restrict the tool to a subset. See above The Subset Option for how subsets are defined. Limit Maximum number of weights allowed on each vertex.Fix Deforms¶
The Fix deforms tool is used to modify an object’s nonzero weights so its deformed vertices are at a new defined distance. This is helpful to fix deformations because when complex models are deformed to their extreme poses, they are often visibly bumpy, jagged, or otherwise incorrectly deformed. Using this tool, you can smooth over the deformation.
To use the tool, select the vertices that you would like to move, either in Edit Mode or by using the vertex selection/mask. The operator can now be used and altered with these options:
Distance The distance to move to. Strength The distance moved can be changed by this factor. Accuracy Changes the amount weights are altered with each iteration: lower values are slower.
Note that if it does not change, then there are no nonzero bone weights that are changed to make it closer to the intended distance.
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