Stellaris несинхронизированные параметры
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Ни у кого не появились проблемы с рассинхронизациями после этого обновления?
Артем, ну щас с друзьями вообще играть невозможно по к/д рассинхронизация
25 окт. 2016 в 13:51 "desynchronized entries random count" in every MP game A couple friends and I have tried several games (all with clean installs and no mods), and after a certain amount of time this happens when trying to join from a save game. Any one know a solution? 25 окт. 2016 в 19:29 Well what worked for me was to have the host save right after the desync, then host that save and join the game. Game seemed to run fine after that. 26 окт. 2016 в 9:56What do you mean by "have the host save right after the desync, then host that save and join the game".
Isn't it just a standart rehost ?
26 окт. 2016 в 12:00 Just saying to rehost with a save made after the desync. If you try to rehost with the save from before the desync you'll just kept getting the same desync problem. Think of it as a way to manually resync the game. Anyway it worked the one time I tried it. 26 окт. 2016 в 17:49 That was the first thing we tried.. did not work. It seems like the desync is permanent after it happens, and this is the 2nd game it's happened with after about 4-6 hours of play. 28 окт. 2016 в 10:02 Same problem here. Tried to solve problem true disabling mods, but mods aren´t the cause. Even witrhout mods we got the desync error: random_count it was mentioned by other players that loading a MP savegame may cause this issue but the DEVELOPERS HAVE TO FIX THIS IMMEDIATELY. Pls have a look at this problem. thx For now MP is broken and unplayable. 28 окт. 2016 в 10:03 Is there any way that actually works to fix this?It is insane that we cant load a saved MP match without getting dsync after 1min.
28 окт. 2016 в 11:03
From my own experience, as I experience some desyncs with a friend, it helps to go back a few months and slow the game down when the desync was supposed to happen.
Also the tactic that was mentioned above actually does work, more or less. The "standard rehost" would be to save at the desync, then let the other players rejoin. You could however also press continue, wait a few days, then let the others rejoin.
The AI will most likely do some drastic changes to your fleet-orders, names, maybe even sector settings. That should be checked before unpausing.
26 мая. 2018 в 16:49 Seems anytime i play with my friend online the game just keeps De-Syncing every 5 mins.. this is getting irritating as we never had this problem before.. any fixes or suggestions? 26 мая. 2018 в 17:25The only thing I can say is that desyncs seems to happen more often if you have one or more players falling behind the host too much, people can be a few ingame days behind the host but I think this is also a major reason for the desyncs.
My suggestion would be to try to change who is hosting the game, if the one with the slower computer hosts the other faster client shouldnt have that much of a problem keeping up with the host = probably easier for the game to keep synced.
That or try to play on a slower game speed so the days dont pass so quickly but I think swapping hosts is the better option IF this is the problem. All you would have to do is transfer the save, not sure if its possible to save the game as a client and then use that save to host since I am the one hosting when I play with friends.
So me and my friend started playing stellaris, but constant desync in MP is ruining our game.
Is there any fixes for this?
Someone in an earlier thread said that playing through Hamachi fixed it for their group.
Possible one of you have a poor connection, in that case the issue is outside of the game.
It can either be a bad connection or one of you has a cpu that just cannot keep up well enough. I had the same problem when we reached late game where my game would sometimes be 3 years behind or more because my cpu is shit.
I think you might mean 3 days, not years.
I would suggest making sure that :
Your game client is in the same language.
Disable all mods, even visual ones temporarily for your multiplayer game.
Make sure the one with the best connection is hosting it.
I took out cloudsave and it fixed desync issue. Zero desyncs after i took it out.
Tell that to all the designs they have already fixed that have solved most problems with it.
So . discord was your back-up for skype?
You can have the best host in the world, but based on how the syncing works in Stellaris, EUIV, HoI the weakest client will always ruin it for the rest, since the game is tied completely around time passing equally.
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