Star trek fleet command загадка в космосе
Запомните главное: файл с настройками всех-всех кораблей лежит в директории assets\specs\sfbspc13.txt. В первую очередь следует сохранить копию данного файла где-нибудь в другом месте, подальше от SFC. Теперь снимайте аттрибут Read Only с данного файла и начинайте в нем ковыряться. Открывать его следует Excel'ем.
Значения мощности движка (в единицах) находятся в параметрах R_L_Warp, C_Warp, Impulse, Apr, Battery. Единственная загвоздка в том, что больше 150 единиц движки кораблей Федерации выжимать не могут.
Защита (shield) разделяется на шесть плоскостей, охватывающих весь корабль. Значения в случае с этим файлом подразделяются так, что каждый параметр - это две стороны. Таким образом, параметры защиты находятся в Shield 1, Shield 2_6, Shield 3_5, Shield 4, Shield Total. Максимально допустимое значение для защиты кораблей Федерации - 2000. Shiled Total складывается из (shield 1) + ((shield2_6) x 2) + ((shield3_5) x 2) + (shield4).
Создать себе невидимость (Cloaking) очень просто - найдите значение Cloak num и поставьте такое значение, которое будет означать расходуемое количество энергии на этот самый Cloak.
Максимальное количество шаттлов, которое можно купить за раз, находясь в доке, должно превышать базовое ровно в три раза. Максимальное допустимое значение - 30 кораблей. В параметре launch rate можно изменить то количество шаттлов, запускаемых с корабля, после которого кораблю придется перезаряжаться. Если желаете добавить истребителей на корабль, поищите значение fighter bay и установите его на 6 (больше нельзя - игра зависнет). Таким образом, у вас в наличии будут иметься четыре группы истребителей по шесть штук в каждой!
Передвижения корабля находятся по адресам turn mode и move cost. В первом лучше всего указать значение АА - тогда у вас будут самые быстрые корабли во всей Федерации. В move cost, где указываются затраты энергии на каждый ход, лучше всего проставить .25 (четверть единицы).
Повысить престиж можно следующим образом: начните игру за Федерацию. У вас должен быть фрегат F-FF. Сохраните игру, выйдите в Windows и откройте в Excel вышеназванный файл. Найдите значение BPV. В строке с F-FF смените значение на 1000 или выше. Сохраните файл, снова запускайте игру. Загрузите сейвилку, идите в меню Shipyard и продавайте корабль. Взамен вместе с деньгами вы получите и дополнительные очки престижа.
See the Link or click the preview image, for DanPMK's Map, then open image in a tab of its own to zoom or download.
What is the Vaaran Expanse
- Also known as Augment Space
- Vaara = Vaaran Expanse
- Augment Space is unlocked by building the Botany BayShip
Also see Data Resource and the Botany Bay pages.
Corrupted Data Accelerator, used to mine Corrupted Data Decoded Data Accelerator, used to mine Encoded DataAugment Missions
Scroll down to the color block for the Augment Missions at the following list it's a continuing work in progress of All Missions and requirements as collated by Caveman & now also view as a PDF Example:
Important Notes on the New Deep Space Missions!
The minimum operations level needed is 38, and as it is part of the main story line: here is the list of missions you need to complete in sequence, to reach the Dark Space! Mission:
- Buying Silence
- Distant Memories
- Folding
- Decipher
- Warzones
- Syndicated Science
- Perpetual Motion
- One Of Us
- Home Worlds
- City Middle
- Ancestral Answer
- Invaluable Asset
- Power Up
- The Primeval
- Dark Space!
These new Missions are based around having a minimum level of 38 to unlock them. A Warp 56 Ship is required to reach the 4g mining nodes in Dark Space.
Note: You will need to be at a minimum of level 39 to refine 4g resources.
Seasonal Borg Event
The Borg Seasonal Arc Begins! see more at the STFC Blog Fleet Command’s first Seasonal Arc begins today [23 January,2020] and will continue over the next three months as the Borg conflict unfolds. Each month-long act of the Borg Arc will reveal new story, unleash challenging enemies, and deliver valuable rewards to earn. Your achievements each month will matter throughout the arc, so be sure to begin uncovering the secrets of the Borg today and return each month. Set out now to experience new Borg missions, unlock a powerful Borg Officer, and progress through the first Monthly Event.
Borg Arc
Month-long events will run throughout each act of the Borg Seasonal Arc. Each event will have a series of milestones unlocked by completing Borg missions and activities, and every milestone will award you a new pack of rewards such as resources, materials, Borg Officer shards, and new Borg missions. Commanders will be able to participate in the Borg Monthly events and can begin progressing right now. To begin the Borg Monthly Event, head to the Events Tab to learn how you can score points. Once you reach a milestone, you’ll receive a token which may be redeemed in the Event Store for rewards.
You’ll also receive a Borg Recon Premium Reward Token for each milestone. By purchasing the Premium Rewards Unlock Pack in the Store, you’ll unlock the ability to trade these in the Events Store for premium rewards at each milestone you reach. If you acquire the Premium Rewards Unlock Pack after you’ve already begun progressing through the event, you’ll still be able to redeem premium rewards for each milestone you’ve already completed.
Archived Details
There's: Missions Details, Mission Details & Planets for other information. Those pages are very different in layout & editors and may be archived due to the editors moving on.
Missions being so vast with information, the above "All Missions" link is the main link now, and I update it regularly and have now added more columns to include Mission Rewards and many more missions. As tables and the general Wikia platform has an inability to embed google docs/sheets.
06:39, July 10, 2019 (UTC)
Please note - Due to Tables being broken and Editors starting random pages then not upkeeping it, and moving on. Will now be protecting various pages for the time being until some form takes place, and reliable Editors join the wiki and design team. Please leave a comment below if you wish to contribute to this page, and are fully competent with editing in source mode.
There's been: Missions Details, Mission Details & Planets for other information. Those pages are very different in layout & editors and may be archived due to the editors moving on. Gemma0z 13:52, December 13, 2018 (UTC)
The Botany Bay is the Augment Space, Mining/Survey Ship best for mining Corrupted and Encoded Data. You are then able to convert this Data Resource to Augment Credits for items in the Augment faction store. Including Augment Reputation Points, Augment Officer Shards, Recruitment Packs, Common Plutonium available after lvl 20, Uncommon Plutonium available after lvl 24, & Rare Plutonium available after lvl 30 which is needed to upgrade the ship.
Common misunderstanding Plutonium: (Common, Uncommon and Rare) are parts, not a resource, you must mine the Data of both types, and then Exchange it for Augment Credits to therefore 'buy' the Plutonium Parts in the Augment Faction Store.
Tip, as it gets more dangerous the higher reputation you get with the Augments, remember to mine there and not be hit: 1: Send a ship & closely after, your Botany Bay or other Mining Ship, once the 1st ship is targeted, set your Survey to mine the Data, then warp the 1st ship out before it's hit. Your Survey ship will be safe to mine thereafter. 2: Send your mining ship closely followed by another ship, once your Survey Ship is targeted by the Bounty Hunter Ship, simply attack it with your other ship, you are then safe to mine also toggle on and off to respawn the mine without being targeted again.
Mining Tips
Tip, as it gets more dangerous the higher reputation you get with the Augments, remember to mine there and not be hit: 1: Send a ship & closely after, your Botany Bay or other Mining Ship, once the 1st ship is targeted, set your Survey to mine the Data, then warp the 1st ship out before it's hit. Your Survey ship will be safe to mine thereafter. 2: Send your mining ship closely followed by another ship, once your Survey Ship is targeted by the Bounty Hunter Ship, simply attack it with your other ship, you are then safe to mine also toggle on and off to respawn the mine without being targeted again.
The Swarm Missions, It Came From Deep Space & A to Z listings.
MCMCavemans Missions ggl Sheet Since he keeps this updated, feel I should add it here at the Wiki, he has put an awesome amount of work into it, & continues to do so for current missions and I have less & less time to devote to the upkeep of the other Missions GGL Wiki Sheet, Here's the Published Version of Cavemans GGL Sheet.
Example of the Missions
New Discovery Missions
Missions kick off our journey with Star Trek: Discovery. This contains core and side missions that will be sourced through the free Battle Pass. Includes:
- Core Missions – Quantity: 10 missions, unlocked at the fourth Milestone of the Basic Battle Pass.
- Side Missions – Quantity: 5 missions, unlocked at the sixteenth Milestone of the Basic Battle Pass.
New Outlaw Missions
Twenty new free missions will be now available through the Battle Pass. These continue the story of Harry Mudd teaming up with Khan and the Augments. Also, three new side mission chains will be available through premium packs in the store!
Introducing the New Epic Outlaw Armada targets which can be found in the Exchange systems Note – The Uncommon Outlaw Armada Spawn rates are now increased. via 'Patch 21'
Other Outlaw Missions
Introducing new Outlaw Missions that can be obtained through the Battle Pass. These missions continue the story of the Outlaws and Augments that stem from the previous Outlaws Loop. 20 new missions that can be found through the free Battle Pass track and 10 new missions found through the Elite Battle Pass track.
New Eclipse Armada Target(s) & Eclipse (new hostiles)
Featuring the new ship Stella & New Outlaw Armada targets are ready to attack, as Eclipse are scheming behind the scenes, threatening our galaxy!
Two Outlaw Armada Targets – Uncommon, Rare
The Outlaws
- Relocation
- Black Market Blood
- Puppeteer
- Data Structure Overhaul
- Security Sweep
- The Galileo Seven
- Astronautics
- Refactor
- Tritanium Miner
- Breakthrough
- Stockpiling Dilithium
- Making an Impression
- Refining Plant
- The Warp Trail Less Traveled
- Guilty By Association
- Inside Man
- Cognition
- Fatal Flaw
- Fortification
- Hush
- We Are Smart
- Farsight
- Tainted Tritanium
- Deneva
- Scouring Space
- Sentinels
- Nari
- Higher Plain
- Triple Triad
- Vaults
- In Position
Then Progress to MISSION
Other Recent New Missions
The new mission chain, initiated in either Labac or Obilent, includes 3 paths, 1 for each faction: Federation, Klingon & Romulan. You can only complete one faction path, for example: if you do the Fed mission path, you cannot do the Rom mission path. As part of this choice, you will see 3 missions in level 18 Faction systems, which have prerequisites to accept them.
1: Peace in Our Time
2: Honor and Blood
3: To Serve the Empire
If you have completed a path, you will still see the others but cannot complete them.
New Borg Missions
- Borg Mission Chain, not based on 'level'
- Step 1 - Do the BFG events for Borg points (4,200 points each) - these collect points for Borg Reconnaissance event (lasts 24 days long)
- Step 2 - Do these or other Borg events for days to reach tier 5 or higher in Borg Recon (t5 requires 48,000 Borg points)
- Step 3 - Tier 5 of Borg Reconnaissance unlocks mission keys
- Step 4 - Use these mission keys to obtain the mission chain from the gifts section. Do missions. First starts automatically.
- Or buy them. Collect Borg Recon rewards for tickets. Start via gift section. First starts automatically.
Kahn's Crew
Name | Captain Maneuver - activated when officer is captain of a ship. | Officer Ability - activated when officer assigned to bridge | Officer Class | Rarity |
Joachim | Patient Tactician - When attacking a Station, Joachim has 50% chances of greatly increasing the mitigation of the ship for one round. Increases to 100% Chances with maximum Synergy Bonus. | Unflinching Resolve - When attacking a Station, Joachim decreases the Weapon Damage of all opponent’s Ships and Defense Platforms by 10%. Increases to 30% at Rank 5. | Science | Rare |
Joaquin | Firewall Protection - Joaquin increases the Protected Cargo of the ship by 50%. Goes up to 100% with maximum Synergy bonus. | Data Miner - Joaquin increases the Mining Rate of the ship by 40% when mining Corrupted Data and Decoded Data.Unflinching Resolve. | Command | Uncommon |
Kati | Hail of Fire - At the start of each round, if the target of the ship is a Defense Platform, Kati increases the Chances of a Critical Hit by 4% for that round. Goes up to 10% with maximum Synergy bonus. Destroy the Defense platforms by triggering more Critical Hits! | Enhanced Weaponry - When attacking a Station, Kati increases the Critical Hit Damage by 15%. Goes up to 40% at Rank 5 | Science | Common |
Khan Noonien Singh | Ruthless Mind - When attacking a station, 50% chance of drastically reducing the mitigation of all opponent's ships and defense platforms for 2 rounds. | Savage Tenacity - Everytime the ship is hit by a Defense Platform, Khan increases the Critical Hit chance by 1%. | Command | Epic |
Maria McGivers | History Repeats Itself - Marla increases the Repair Speed of the ship by 20%. Goes up to 50% with maximum Synergy Bonus. | Let Me Help You - Marla increases the Attack, Defense and Health of the captain by 50%. Increases to 90% at Rank 5. | Engineering | Rare |
Otto | Smash the Defenses - At the start of each round, if the target of the ship is a Defense Platform, Otto increases the damage of the ship by 20% for that round. Goes up to 40% with maximum Synergy bonus. | Brute Force - Otto increases the Attack of each officer on the Bridge of the ship by 20%. Goes up to 60% at Rank 5 | Engineering | Uncommon |
Credit for the extra Kahn's Crew info goes to Capt Kaos with an excellent resource
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