Сталкер аномалия худ масок и шлемов
The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.
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V2.0.0 for Anomaly 1.5.1 - New masks overlays with fixed and improved shaders. Reflections and Refractions for all helmets, 4K resolution compatible. 100% conflct free thanks to RavenAscendant. Based on the work of Nav, Thfpjct and LVutner.
[2.0.0] Grok's Masks and Reflections for 1.5.1
The masks are only black and highly blurred. No crip details. Only the essential.
I also modified the game's behavior towards how helmets are treated with the help of RavenAscendant: helmets with a visor will now display reflections and refractions with the mask overlay for a better immersion.
The old textures of this addon are still available in an optional folder, check the installation instructions below.
1. Copy/paste this add-on gamedata to your Anomaly folder.
If you want the previous textures, in gamedata remove the textures folder and go to the `Grok's Old 4K Mask Textures`, go `Blurred` or `Crisp` folders and copy paste the db folder to your Anomaly installation.
`Grok's Refections and Droplets on Masks` is mainly for other add-ons that want to use this add-on framework to load mask textures and effects (like Nav's Masks). It also contains the shaders fix.
- 1.0: simply uploaded the stuff, full of bugs.
- 1.1: fixed known bugs, added compatibility patches for 3 add-ons and the option to not get the inventory to close automatically.
- 1.2: redesigned for Anomaly 1.5.0+, revamped the code for stability, problems should be fixed, blurred textures added, compressed the textures in db0 packs for a more efficient loading and delivery.
- 1.3: compatibility patches for less intense recoil RC18 and items animations RC18. Changed db/addons to db/mods for higher priority in textures loading.
- 1.4: update for RC21. Conflict-free monkey patch by RavenAscendant
- 1.4.1: fix CTD thanks to RavenAscendant for the fix.
- 1.4.2: fix CTD when removing helmet.
- 1.4.3: fix line 99 error.
- 2.0.0: Remade textures entirely, better mask shaders, includes LVutner refraction fix.
None by the masks HUD. Reflections and refraction shaders can slow down PCs with small GPU (tested on a MacBook Pro from 2012 with Bootcamp).
Thanks no RavenAscendant for the monkey patch. True Giga Chad that one. Thanks to Starcy and Thulhu for 1.4.1 test. Thanks to Nav for letting me upscale his masks overlay (old textures). Thanks to Thfpjct for his work on SImplified Masks, which I extensively used for the new textures.
This is nice. If we could now manage it to get these working with dynamic lighting enabled, that would be even more great! Since these overlays will only work with static lighting so far..
This would indeed be awesome. But it requires in-depth modificiation of how the engine is managing the masks HUD.
For ambient lights to be properly shown on the mask HUD, it is required to put meshes, textures + their bump maps in front of the character PoV and adjust it to the game's FoV. It's a very complicated and tedious task. This will not be available before a long time.
Yep, it might become true some day, when Anomaly gets updated. At least I hope so. The the simpler solution would be to implement mask overlays in DX11.
Well it's more complicated than that. I have to make normal maps for masks textures and design new shaders, one for each mask texture and normal map.
eyy good job man!!
Looks amazing - thanks!
Unfortunately I have the reflections enabled even after removing a mask. Running the console command fixes it, but if I wear a mask and remove it the reflection persists once again. I'll see if I can dig anything up as to why it might be.
-- Update: Turns out that "debug mode" causes this to happen. When I've got debug mode off it runs flawlessly, minus having to run the command or play the helmet on/off game on loading a save.
I'm trying to fix it but it's really a nasty bug. If you have animations disabled it is even worse to get rid of the reflections while no helmet is equipped. I'm trying to fix this issue.
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Your addon is nice, I don't suffer from the issue people mentiosn above, I have another, one, the reflection has a weird overlay:
Is that black semi circular thing, any idea on how to fix it? Thanks!
Can you take a less crowded picture, for instance in the test level: F1 > F2 then F7 Item Spawn > Helmet, equip it and take a picture? I don't see anything wrong in your picture I think ?
It's the strong vignette effect :( I don't like it.
Is there a way to modify it? I just saw that is due the brightness and gamma setting, I wonder if there is a texture to modify the borders, they are really strong causing that vignette effect.
You can deactivate it. Modifying it might be a pain. I'm seeking ways to add new ones to the game or modifying the existing reflection shader but I have a hard time finding it.
Incompatile with Arszi's rad overhaul, unfortunately.
Compatibility Patch incoming
As unfortunate as it is, i think this is also incompatible with the Trader Overhaul from AGoodSetofPistols. Sorry. ):
There's no incompatibility between both add-ons as they don't change the same files.
Otherwise, I would gladly know which files are modified by both add-ons :) (i.e. conflicts when merging gamedata folders from both add-ons).
A few problems: first, the reflection (from the sides) doesn't go away when you take off your helmet. Second, if I use the blurred version from Nav's mask overlays it gets overridden to normal version when I apply this patch. Not a big thing but if there's a workaround that I don't know please do tell.
I upscaled the masks to 4K but I didn't make the blurred version of the masks yet (I guess I'll rely on automating the process using image magick). It might come in a future patch which also include file storage and perhaps loading optimisations by compressing the textures in a db0 file.
Concerning issues about the reflection on the side without a helmet, I have to investigate it but it's a complicated issue since lots of parameters have to be taken into account (animations enabled, DX11-10-9, debug on or off. ). With the recent patch, I thought I fixed it, at least in my game installation, so I have to test all these parameters to be sure about whats going on.
Although, most of the game we have helmets on, and removing a helmet with the effects, i.e. 95% of the helmets, removes the lens effect as well as the mask HUD, so in a usual playthrough the mod shouldn't have any issue. Now I don't play without animations and Edge of Tomorrow style by constantly loading back my save as some people are doing, and I guess that my addon might bug in that case. Not sure I want to spend some time fixing that issue if it only appear in some of these extreme cases.
In the meantime to keep the blurred 1K resolution masks from Nav: Install my addon with the Reflectiosn > Go to Nav's Mask Blurred and take the gamedata/textures/dinamic_hud/*dds files, paste these files in the same place in my addon folder to replace the 4K non-blurred textures.
RC17 getting this CTD:
[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 191
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: . y 1.5.0 (rc17)\gamedata\scripts\txr_actor_effects.script:50: attempt to call field 'parse_list' (a nil value)
I posted an update on the discord server of Anomaly. The 1.2 version of this add-on works with RC17 and fixes everything + brings upscaled blurred masks textures and cracks.
Since RC18 is becoming popular, I'll push the update here and move the old version as a google drive link.
can you make it compatible with the enhanced animations addon found in pins section of the anomaly addon discord?
Done with the new 1.3 update of this add-on :)
Do the rain drops work as in vanilla Anomaly on these new masks?
Why no new mask for exos. :( That's a shame.
By the way, awesome job mate!
Rain drops work yes. Nav made new masks.
The compatibility patch for FOOD,DRUG and DRINKS ANIMS is outdated, is it possible to make a new one? Thanks.
Yep, whenever I use a bandage it immediately crashes.
Will there be upgrades for the rc 19 and for the new version of FOOD, DRUGS AND DRINKS ANIMALS ?
You will get some crashes when exiting the game. No biggies. Just remember me and RavenAscendant when you hear the Windows Error Bell ringing when you quit the game.
Merci / Thank you Gro .
what is the difference between this 2 Blurred` or `Crisp can you show some pictures please? I add this addon but when I try to exit the game I always get a error
Read above message.
You can try them. Blurred is just blurred, crisp is without blur.
[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 191
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: . 5.0-rc15\gamedata\scripts\grok_masks_reflections.script:98: attempt to index a nil value
crash when trying to throw away the helmet.
I took all the helmets from the spawner and when I checked everything and started throwing all the helmets out, I had a crash. (I really didn't notice who caused the crash)
Thanks I'll look into it :)
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!ERROR str_explode | missing parameter str = nil, sep = ,
d:/games/stalker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\_g.script (line: 897) in function 'str_explode'
. grok_masks_reflections.script (line: 92) in function 'func_or_userdata'
d:/games/stalker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\axr_main.script (line: 247) in function 'make_callback'
d:/games/stalker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\_g.script (line: 119) in function 'SendScriptCallback'
d:/games/stalker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\_g.script (line: 745) in function 'exec_console_cmd'
. ui_main_menu.script (line: 237) in function <. ui_main_menu.script:236>
Got this when clicked on quit. Not really a problem I guess, but still something to look into.
Hi, ctd on loading last save
rtx 2070super
mod organizer 2, RC21, new game, other mods or no mods I get this error
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
main_menu on console command is executed
* [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats
* [win32]: free[137420588380 K], reserved[4563424 K], committed[13801604 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[3776478 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1568681 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[54239 K], smem[274163 K]
* [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats
* [win32]: free[137420596620 K], reserved[4543184 K], committed[13813604 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[3776478 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1559354 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[54238 K], smem[274163 K]
!ERROR str_explode | missing parameter str = nil, sep = ,
Правка сделана для: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly 1.5.1 - Финальная версия
Это AI апскейлинг 4K всех масок, содержащихся в аддоне Old Nav's Mask, кроме того, автор переделал размытие.
Также разработчик изменил механику поведения шлемов: шлемы с забралом теперь будут отображать отражения и капли конденсата поверх HUD шлема для лучшего погружения.
А можно как-то добавить эту правку на Google диск нам с Украины не удобно качать так как у нас Яндекс заблокирован
Новая игра нужна? "Пилилось" под все группировки/кланы или "Свобода" опять "собаке пятая нога"? 7 гб содержат ли сам "БУМСТИК"? П.С. Вперёд!! Зачем.
08.09.2021 - Выход в релиз патч 1.5.1 >> Описание от Босса.(с последними исправлениями на 05.03.2021) >> Обновление от 07.03.2021 >> Мозг потиху закипает.
Сборка намертво зависает в неопределенных моментах,но не всегда. Не знаю как фиксить данную проблему. Закрываю игру через диспетчер задач
Нашёл причину зависаний. Это был дискорд,закрыл его и за полдня ни одного вылета
если накачу новые модели персонажей мод не крашнется?
Скорее всего нет, но сделать бэкап мода надо
А какие системные требования,я их не вижу?
скачал пак и сел покататься в зил но когда я нажимаю на w он едет быстро назад а когда нажимаю s едет медленно вперёд но есть и ещё одна проблема с буханкой но когда я на ней начинаю ехать она чуть проезжает и её тянет в исходное положение и краз точно также делает
Превосходный динамический Hud mod, созданный Smurth для S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat, теперь совместим с Call of Chernobyl, и адаптирован для Arsenal Overhaul, STCoP, OWR и\или Outfit Addon. Цель этого аддона погружение в игровой процесс
- Менее навязчивый HUD (см "optional" папку с 7 вариантами).
- Звуки дыхания: Вы будете слышать дыхание ГГ в зависимости от ситуации.
- Динамический визуальный эффект дыхания.
- Кровотечение по краям экрана.
- Лучевая звуковые индикаторы и небольшие визуальные эффекты при высоких уровнях радиации.
- Автоматическое удаление противогаза и / или блокировка рук при использовании аптечки, бинта, продуктов питания, водки и наркотиков.
- Факультативные 3D-анимации, установки и взрыва С4, использовании расходных материалов, частей мутантов, а также, когда вы серьезно будете ранены.
- Эффект перегрева оружия, эффект дума при перегреве.
- Эффекты отдачи Факультативного оружия. Установка и адаптации:
Скопируйте все содержимое папки "Install Files - Copy ALL the content into CoC dir" в папку в COC (если вы хотите играть с AO, STCoP, OWR и/или OA, то они должны быть уже установлены, что означает, что мод Dynamic Хад должен быть установлен поверх других модов) и согласиться на замену
Скопируйте требуемые адаптации для других аддонов (пожалуйста, проверьте опции ниже).
В папке"optional_hud_and_npc" находятся дополнительные hud эффекты. и NPC варианты спот-опции, атак же патч, который отключает эффект худ-маски(вы получите "все", звуки, анимации, эффекты, HUD, и т.д . кроме худ-маски), а также патч, который возвращает худ-маску
Все дополнительные Huds имеют динамические эффекты кровотечения, в том числе "Regular", "Autumn Aurora 2 styled" и "Small HUD Lite"
В папке "optional_conserva_animation_AO_ONLY!" находится аддон, который добавляет эффект поедания консервов, а так же специально для аддона Arsenal Overhaul - капитальный ремонт (он не совместим с другими модами на оружия), а также патч, который возвращает стандартные анимации.
Отсутствие худа(стандартный)
Только амуниция
Амуниция, и кол-во патронов
Амуниция, Шкала состояния, кол-во патронов
Мини-карта(Может быть активирована с любой из опций выше)
Autumn Aurora 2 styled
Small HUD Lite
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