Прическа бокуто котаро в реальной жизни
У Бокуто круглые, золотистые глаза, широкие брови вразлет и торчащие во все стороны бело-серебряные волосы с черными прядями. Подобный внешний вид делает его как бы отдаленно похожим на сову. Всячески усиливая сходство, он и некоторые другие персонажи так его и называют. Телосложение у него крепкое. В аниме он гораздо менее мускулистый, чем в манге.
В отличие от большинства волейболистов, Бокуто носит наколенники, закрывающие и бедра, вместо обычных, защищающих только колени
Он веселый, дружелюбный, энергичный, с характером ребенка. Описывается командой как человек с постоянными перепадами настроения, ведь даже пустяк может изменить его, что сильно влияет на его работоспособность. Из-за этого Юкиэ относит его к «простодушным», но всё равно восхищается его командой и соперниками за их поразительные навыки и воодушевляющее поведение
Волейбол » NU « Ролевая игра
• возраст от 14 лет (бывают исключения);
Показать полностью.
• грамотность;
• наличие свободного времени и желание работать во благо ролевой;
• владение навыками рп;
• знание фандома;
• наличие свободного номера (если нам понравится ваша анкета, мы будем готовы предоставить вам номер).
1. настоящее имя, а также ссылки на все используемые страницы (реальная страница, кп и фейки);
2. реальный возраст и часовой пояс;
3. какого персонажа желаешь взять? (список занятых персонажей находится в комментариях). должность?
4. есть ли опыт работы кп? если да, то предоставь (по возможности) отзывы от управляющих.
5. как узнал(-а) о нашей сети?
6. оцени свой навык работы в фотошопе от 0 до 5-ти. прикрепи пару работ, если они имеются;
7. оцени свои знания фандома от 0 до 5-ти;
8. часто ошибаешься при написании текста? оцени свою грамотность от 0 до 5-ти.
9. имеется ли свободный номер для создания страницы или возможность приобрести его?
10. какие обязанности у кп? перечисли их, если не знаешь, управляющие тебе помогут разобраться.
11. сколько времени ты готов(-а) уделять ролевой и на какой срок планируешь стать кп?
12. готов(-а) ли ты при уходе сдать страницу или создать замену? (обязательное условие);
13. пробный рп-пост от лица персонажа, которого ты желаешь взять (не менее 15-ти компьютерных строк).
В отличие от большинства волейболистов, Бокуто носит наколенники, закрывающие и бедра, вместо обычных, защищающих только колени.
Он также проявляет добрые, справедливые черты характера, склоняясь к обороне во время матча 3 на 3 во время летнего тренировочного лагеря, где Бокуто сказал Куроо, Цукишиме и Льву за то, что они объединились против Хинаты, когда он пытался забить.
После пропуска времени он остается в основном тем же самым. Однако когда дело доходит до волейбола, он немного повзрослел и больше не капризничает и не полагается на других, чтобы поддерживать свое настроение. Он называет себя "обычным асом", на которого люди могут положиться, и, кажется, гордится этой переменой в себе.
Обычно Бокуто специализируется на диагональных атаках, но они нередко оказываются заблокированными. Из-за разочарования заблокированных диагональных он решил начать практиковать прямые атаки (которые ему не давались, когда он только начинал играть), вместо того, чтобы довести диагональные атаки до такого уровня, что его противники даже не смогут задеть их. Кроме того, он обладает удивительной способностью делать финты. Также он имеет хороший контроль мяча, а его атаки очень резкие и неуловимые. Нестабильное настроение Бокуто как аса, показывает сильные стороны его товарищей по команде, пока тот вновь не придёт в себя и не станет прочной основой команды. Куроо говорил, что когда Бокуто становится серьёзным, то он столь же силён, как ас, который занимает третье место в Японии.
After high school, he became an outside hitter for the MSBY Black Jackals, a Division 1 team in Japan's V-League. He is also a member of the Japan National Volleyball Team.
Bokuto has round, golden-colored eyes and spiky white-grey hair with black streaks; certain sections of it are done up as if to vaguely conform to that of an animal, strongly amplifying the uncanny resemblance he bears to a horned owl. He has a solid and muscular build. However, his physical appearance in the anime is considerably thinner, less athletic, and muscular compared to the manga version. This is mostly corrected in the later seasons.
Unlike most volleyball players, Bokuto wears knee pads that go up to his thighs, instead of simply ending above his knee.
He has a playful, friendly, bombastic, and child-like personality and is described by his team as having "mood swings", where even the slightest thing can change his mood and impact his performance. Because of this, he was referred to by Yukie, the team's third-year manager, as 'simple-minded'. Nevertheless, he is both admired by his own team and the opponents for his impressive skill and morale-boosting demeanor.
When he makes a comeback from a slump, he clearly shows his pride as the ace and believes he is the "strongest". Bokuto is energetic, often making jokes about everything and acting rather dramatically about his plays, wanting attention or affirmation from his teammates. His personality is very compatible that he gets along with many people similar to Hinata.
However, he is rather ignorant of other people's discomfort, seen with his interactions with Tsukishima. Bokuto also seems to never waver when dealing with "difficult" people like Atsumu post time-skip who immediately threatened Bokuto to never complain if he misses one of his sets, and instead of feeling afraid or down, just proceeded to confidently assure him that he is now "ordinary". Despite his general silly behavior, there are moments when Bokuto exhibits something akin to a wise form of intelligence, his words inspiring Tsukishima in Karasuno's game against Shiratorizawa.
He also displays kind, just traits, leaning towards defensive during the 3-on-3 match during the summer training camp where Bokuto told Kuroo, Tsukishima, and Lev off for ganging up on Hinata when he was attempting to score.
Post time-skip he remains mostly the same. However, when it comes to volleyball, he has matured quite a bit and is no longer moody, or reliant on others to keep his spirits up. He calls himself an "ordinary ace" that people can rely on and seems to be proud of this change in himself.
When Bokuto was a first year at Fukurōdani Academy, he had already gained a reputation for seeming to possess skills and power beyond his age but also having suffered from his mood swings at the same time. During his second year, he would meet Akaashi when he joined the volleyball team. Having learned that Akaashi is a setter, Bokuto quickly jumped at the chance to ask Akaashi to spiking practice with him where he would praise Akaashi's sets as the best he's ever been given.
He is stated to be one of the top five aces in the country, only barely missing being in the top three. He said he only got hooked onto volleyball recently when he finally learned to use straight shots when his cross shots were starting to become predictable to opponents.
Tokyo Expedition Arc
Bokuto with Kuroo, Tsukishima and Akaashi
As soon as practice begins, Bokuto hits one spike after another, each one getting through Tsukishima easily. Bokuto celebrates excitedly, but Akaashi simply points out that Bokuto had won against only one blocker. Kuroo decides to join, adding that a second blocker will be more of a challenge. When Kuroo was able to block Bokuto, the ace confesses to Tsukishima that he felt his blocks are too weak. Annoyed, Tsukishima points out their height differences in response and irks the third year. When Kuroo playfully warns Tsukishima that he might be outdone by Hinata unless he started to get more serious, Bokuto noticed Tsukishima's hesitance before he manages to leave the practice when the Nekoma team arrive. Bokuto teases Kuroo for his blunder until he hears Kuroo explain that he hadn't meant to upset the middle blocker and his theory of thinking Tsukishima felt inferior to Hinata.
The next night, Bokuto's practicing with Tsukishima and Kuroo again when he spots Hinata by the door of the gym. Hinata asks if he can join at the same time Lev appears and makes the same request. With more people present, Kuroo suggests a 3-on-3. Although, the teams turn out to be extremely unbalanced because the shortest people (Bokuto, Akaashi, Hinata) end up on one team (Owls) while the other team (Cats) consists of the tallest. While Akaashi's skeptical about this, Bokuto and Hinata don't mind at all. The game soon starts and the Cats quickly take the lead over the Owls. However, the match is interrupted shortly by Yukie and Suzumeda who announce that if the players don't wrap up their game soon, they will have to forgo dinner. Naturally, Bokuto and the others end their game and hurry to get dinner with the promise of the match being finished later.
Bokuto becomes dejected
On the last day of the training camp, Fukurōdani plays their final game against Karasuno. Using Bokuto's technique, Hinata pulls a successful feint and scores a point for his team. When Bokuto reacts in a surprised manner, Akaashi reminds Bokuto that he was the one who taught Hinata how to feint; earning the annoyance of the Fukurōdani players. Bokuto remains optimistic though, stating that he won't let Karasuno get any more points.
Bokuto dominates the match from there on, easily spiking through Karasuno's defense. However, he soon begins to make mistakes and, after giving Karasuno two points, he freezes. His mood swing kicks in and he sadly tells Akaashi to not toss to him anymore. To his surprise, Akaashi agrees and simply tells the ace to take the time to cool down.
Bokuto talking to Hinata
The teams celebrate the last day of training camp with a barbeque. Bokuto and Kuroo seem to have a meat-picking contest and Bokuto receives great admiration from Hinata for being one of the nations top five ace's. The admiration ceases when Kuroo points out that one of the top three ace's, Ushijima, is in Miyagi; Bokuto not liking Kuroo telling Hinata, Lev, and Tsukishima about the top three ace's. Despite this, Bokuto does encourage Tsukishima not to be fearful about possibly facing Ushijima as he now has had lots of experience playing against Bokuto and coming to understand how to handle powerful spikes. Bokuto is present with many others when Karasuno leaves the camp to head home.
Spring High Preliminary Arc
When Tsukishima comes to practice with Bokuto, the latter gets excited and shows his eagerness to practice. Despite having invited Tsukishima, Bokuto gets shocked when the blocker accepts to play, which is something Akaashi points out. After Bokuto gets past Lev’s block, Kuroo would scold his junior blocker. After the last practice of theirs, Bokuto wants to make sure that Tsukishima will defeat Ushijima and spurs nonsense about him defeating Ushijima if Tsukishima manages to do so, which confuses both Tsukishima and Akaashi.
Fukurōdani vs. Nekoma
Bokuto is right away excited about facing Nekoma. The normal tactic that Akaashi and Yukie use to get Bokuto excited for a match was not used because they noticed how focused the ace seems to be. Because of the good mood Bokuto was in, Akaashi did not hesitate to send him the set and Bokuto was able to hit the spike against Nekoma's block with such force that it was sent into the stands and was caught by Akane. The play witnessed by surprised fans and other teams alike. At his next chance, Bokuto attempts a cross shot but Yaku was in place to receive and allowed Nekoma to counter. Bokuto admits that he became more fired up at seeing Yaku's receives.
For several plays, Bokuto is able to score numerous points. However, Kenma begins to lay out a plan to stop Bokuto. The plan begins when he and Kuroo switched blocking positions in order to stop Bokuto's line shot. After this, the Nekoma players positioned themselves so well to block and receive that Bokuto sent a spike out of bounds and this begins his change in mood.
"How do I hit a cross shot"
Eventually, Bokuto's demeanor changes enough that Akaashi tries to help him see that he is focusing too much on Nekoma's ground defense and Bokuto admits that he has suddenly forgotten how to hit a cross shot. This state doesn't last long as Akaashi is able to put in a plan of his own to get Bokuto back into shape by using Nekoma's rotation to his advantage. With Kuroo being out and Lev at the net, Akaashi is able to trick Lev into blocking early and sets to Bokuto. With Akaashi giving Bokuto this chance and being faced with a single blocker, the ace is able to spike the ball with such force that it ricochets off Yaku's arms and goes into the crowd before Fukunaga can save it.
With Bokuto back in shape, he and the Fukurōdani team continue to come at Nekoma with everything they have, although Nekoma does the same with their receives. Bokuto gets Fukurōdani to match point when he does a cross shot so sharp that it lands in front of the ten foot line. Yamamoto attempts to receive Bokuto's next cross shot but is unable to and Fukurōdani wins the match against Nekoma.
Fukurōdani vs. Itachiyama
Fukurōdani loses to Itachiyama during the Tokyo Qualifier Tournament. Bokuto is upset at losing to Itachiyama and seemingly Sakusa in particular. He promises that he will never forget what took place and tries to vow revenge until Akaashi criticizes his missed serves and sends the ace into a fit of embarrassment.
Tokyo Nationals Arc
Clearly not distressed, unlike the other teams at the gymnasium where nationals will be held, Bokuto loudly calls Hinata when spotting him in the crowd. Although Hinata is nervous, Bokuto proudly slaps his back to show that he is glad his “number one disciple” made it to nationals. Despite being friendly for that instant, he then warns Hinata that he would get no mercy if they were to go up against each other.
Fukurōdani vs. Eiwa
Karasuno vs Inarizaki
Celebrating Tanaka's cross shot
Fukurōdani Academy vs Morikawa High
Bokuto makes the winning shot for Fukurōdani to advance to the next round. After the game, he notices that Karasuno was able to defeat Inarizaki. Surprised at how he just found out, Konoha tells him about the noise the crowd made on Court B. He is noted by Akaashi to now be playing better than he ever has before despite the casualties the previous day.
Later that night, Akaashi finds Bokuto standing outside their hotel. Akaashi states that he's surprised Bokuto isn't repeatedly watching the news coverage of their match. Bokuto answers that he had watched it but only twenty times since he was not shown very much. Bokuto then reveals to Akaashi that he plans to continue playing volleyball after he graduates and how this last tournament doesn't feel different from the others he's been in. Bokuto then confesses that he wishes he could have been able to play with his current team for a while longer. When Akaashi reminds him of all of their games sure to come, Bokuto boldly declares that Fukurōdani will win every single one. Akaashi then promptly gets the ace back indoors with the warning that he should not be out in the cold January air while in light clothing or else he'll get sick.
Fukurōdani Academy vs. Matsuyama Nishi Biz High
Bokuto is able to win the game for Fukurōdani when he lands a straight shot past the blockers. Afterwards, he embraces the Nekoma third years and would be highly complimented by Hinata for his straight shots. After spotting Kiryū, Bokuto goes over to greet him but leaves many confused by the interaction when Kiryū admits that he does not know Bokuto personally.
Karasuno vs Nekoma
Fukurōdani vs Mujinazaka High
As the match against Mujinazaka is about to begin, Bokuto recalls when Kuroo revealed to Tsukishima that Bokuto is one of the top five ace's in the nation. At this memory, Bokuto loudly proclaims that he will become the top ace; confusing numerous people with his statement.
Early in the game, Bokuto attempts to receive one of Kiryū's spikes but had gone too far in his approach. Realizing that he would not be able to make a receive over or underhanded, Bokuto makes the receive with his chest and would compliment himself for it. When Akaashi was subbed out of the game, Bokuto assures the team that the setter will be fine and return better than ever. For majority of the rest of the match, Bokuto is able to get in several powerful spikes but occasionally use feint shots and soft serves to throw off the Mujinazaka players. When Fukurōdani eventually wins the match, Bokuto is thanked by Kiryū for being the one he got to play his last match against in high school.
Bokuto would later comfort Akaashi when the setter was still feeling upset about his performance during the earlier part of the game. With the rest of the team listening, Bokuto is able to inspire Akaashi and the others when he is says that the team will be able to play even better during their next game. When Akaashi tries to argue that they may not be able to save and score every time, Bokuto replies "It's not impossible, it's just hard.".
Karasuno vs Kamomedai
Bokuto later is seen reacting when Hinata was revealed to be running a high fever. Once he is subbed out of the game, Bokuto notices that Karasuno has been finding cracks and barely managing to sneak points past Kamomedai’s tall wall throughout the whole match. However, now that they’ve ripped a hole and “caught a glimpse of the scenery beyond it”, that’s given them the mental image they needed to see themselves punching through the wall. At Karasuno's eventual defeat, Bokuto accompanies Kuroo in praising Karasuno for playing so well. Immediately after this, Bokuto hears how Itachiyama has been defeated and, with Sakusa no longer playing, none of the top three ace's are left in the tournament.
Final Arc
Bokuto is currently playing on the Division 1 team the MSBY Black Jackals and is teammates with Atsumu, Sakusa, and Hinata. Upon the bus arriving at the Sendai gym, Bokuto eagerly awakes from his nap and hurries off. Entering the gym, Bokuto and Hinata quickly catch the smell of something delicious and notice the scent coming from Osamu's onigiri stand. Later when several of the Jackals and Adlers members have gathered together, Bokuto mistakes their conversation being of food and mentions wanting to get some of Osamu's onigiri before challenging Ushijima to an arm wrestling contest.
When the game is about to start and the starting members are being introduced, Bokuto takes the chance to do his own introduction by doing flips and cartwheels onto the court. Although he succeeds in gaining attention and making numerous people laugh, he is quickly scolded by Meian. This does deter Bokuto as he and Hinata are soon spotted excitedly preparing for the game to start. After Hinata was able to receive Kageyama's first serve and hear that he wished he had been able to stay on both feet, Bokuto expresses his surprise that Hinata was able to get the ball at all and compliment him for having been able to do so.
As Bokuto prepares for another serve, another flashback shows that Fukurōdani had advanced all the way to the final round of the Spring Tournament in 2013. They lost in the final set when Bokuto was blocked by Ichibayashi's blockers. At hearing Konoha taking the blame for the loss by saying that his set wasn't good enough, Bokuto insists the blame is no one's but his own; stating that it was his job as the ace to make each spike count. Konoha soon states that, even though Bokuto gave them plenty of trouble, he would continue to support his friend in the future. Back in the game, Hinata sends Bokuto a final hit but the ball was slightly short. While remembering the Ways of the Ace shirt that listed the rules of what every ace should follow, Bokuto makes a surprising turn in mid-air and does a backwards spike that gets past the Adlers blockers.
With the Jackals leading by three points, Bokuto is spotted attempting a block-out but is shocked when Hirugami and Romero get the better of him by lowering their arms as he spikes; resulting in his spike landing out. Not even upset at his spike going out, Bokuto compliments Hirugami on his skills. Near the end of the third set, Bokuto attempts to block Ushijima but was only able to get a deflection. He later greatly celebrates Hinata's accomplishment of receiving Ushijima's spike. When the Jackals eventually reach set and match point in the fourth set, Bokuto is able to win the match by getting a spike past Kageyama.
After the match, Bokuto is interviewed by Akaashi and Udai. Even though Akaashi praises Bokuto for how well he played during the game, Bokuto tries to get the former setter to see that he is an ordinary ace now; their conversation confusing Udai in the process. Afterwards, he is briefly seen reuniting with Kuroo and Daichi.
Всем привет. Сегодня, я хотела бы Вам поведать немного фактов о Котаро Бокуто. Приятного чтения!
Его любимая еда: Якинику (говяжье мясо, приготовленное на барбекю).
Насущная проблема : «. Как вы пишите кандзи для слова «беспокойство»?» (nayami/悩み)
У Бокуто руки меньше, чем у Акааши, потому что пальцы последнего длиннее.
Его день Рождения празднуется за три дня до Осеннего равноденствия по Японскому календарю.
Его знак зодиака — Дева.
По словам Акааши, У Бокуто есть минимум 37 слабостей.
Слабость №6: Он любит покрасоваться.
Слабость №37: Когда Бокуто зациклен на чём-то одном, он забудет абсолютно всё, что должен сделать помимо того, что его заботит.
В прошлом году, на Весеннем школьном турнире, Бокуто купил непопулярную футболку, на которой было написано: «Мудрость Аса: Во-первых, образ аса должен вдохновлять своих союзников. Во-вторых, ас — это тот, кто может обрушить любую стену. В-третьих, ас должен ударить любой мяч так сильно, как только он может.» Неудивительно, что Бокуто и Хината считают это крутым.
Несмотря на то, что Бокуто — капитан команды, он носит форму с номером 4, вместо ожидаемого номера 1. Всё потому, что, скорее всего, Фукуродани является школой, где номер 4 традиционно носили асы команды. Бокуто очень гордится тем, что он ас, и поэтому носит четвертый номер.
Имя Котаро (Kōtarō \ 光太郎): 光 (kō) означает «свет», в то время как 太郎 (tarō) является популярным мужским именем.
Символ «太» в общем использовании означает «толстый» или «большой». Последний символ 郎 означает «сын».
Фамилия Бокуто (Bokuto / 木兎) это отсылка к виду сов — рогатая сова.
Прическа Бокуто — не результат того, что волосы слеживаются на подушке (мы-то знали, но в игре это все-таки подтвердили).
Логика Бокуто: Акааши должен стать асом, как он, чтобы вместе они замыкали пятерку лучших асов! Тогда останутся еще трое, и если мы одолеем их, то покорим Национальные!
(Тсуккишима: «И где здесь логика?»)
Тогда Куроо напоминает ему, что если сосчитать правильно, ему нужно одолеть 18 людей.
(Бокуто сбивается с толку, и Акааши такой просто «Давайте оставим его в покое».)
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