Legend of grimrock заклинания
Only a Mage can cast spells, which provide damage output and a few helpful support abilities for the party.
To cast a spell, right-click on the mage's hand or wand, and enter the rune formula for that spell. The rune formulas can be learned in game via Spell Scrolls, remembered from a previous game, or simply learned in the table below. There is no need to "learn" the spell; however, the mage does need sufficient points in the corresponding Mage Skills to cast each spell.
Four types of spells are shared by all elemental trees:
- A low-level spell that does basic damage.
- A mid-level spell that enchants Arrows to provide extra elemental damage. Arrow enchanting consumes energy per cast, not per arrow.
- A mid-level ranged spell that inflicts greater damage. This spell can be further enhanced by passive bonuses gained by additional skill point investment.
- A shield spell providing a temporary +35 resistance to all members of the party.
Как нейтрализовать яд
Поможет только эликсир.
Water Spells
Requires Water Magic 1, Concentration 1
Energy Cost: 42
Damage: High
Target/Effect: Ranged Projectile | Damages Elementals Only | No Friendly Fire
Special Note: Counts as cold damage for resistance purposes.
Shoots a ray that damages elementals
Ice Shards
Requires Water Magic 1, Earth Magic 1
Energy Cost: 30
Damage: Moderate
Target/Effect: Ground Spikes | Hit All targets in a line
Deathly sharp spikes of ice thrust from the ground hitting your opponents in a line. Every point in Water Magic increases the spell's range by one
Requires Water Magic 3, Air Magic 1
Energy Cost: 37
Damage: Moderate
Target/Effect: Ranged Projectile | Chance to Freeze Target
Special Note: Frozen enemies cannot move or attack
You hurl a bolt of ice death dealing ranged damage and freezing your opponents. Every point in Water Magic increases the probability and duration of the freezing effect.
Frost Shield
Requires Water Magic 3, Concentration 3
Energy Cost: 50
Target/Effect: All Party Members | Cold Resist Up
Creates a magical shield reducing cold damage against the party.
Legend of Grimrock 2 [ ]
The magic system is very different between games. Notably, any class is now capable of casting spells; only a Battle Mage or Wizard can cast with their bare hands, but other classes may use magic if they are equipped with a Staff.
Many of the spells are carried over from the first game, but with the change to the Skills system, the requirements have changed significantly. Many spells, especially those in higher levels, now require points invested in two trees. For example, ranged spells like Fireball and Frostbolt cannot be cast unless at least one point is invested into Air Magic.
The rune board system is reworked as well. Each spell is now represented as a path along the board. Instead of selecting each rune individually, you must click one of the endpoints and drag the cursor along the path as shown in the spell scroll. Most of the spell paths are lines, but some, such as the elemental shields, are square loops.
Самые популярные вопросы и ответы по игре Legend of Grimrock.
Зачем нужен компас
Если вложить его в руку, то видно направление движения. Помогает, если выбран режим "без карты".
Что делать, если умер персонаж
Героя можно оживить - ищите большой синий кристалл, возле которого активируется автосохранение.
5,034 | уникальных посетителей |
272 | добавили в избранное |
(ур.2) Fireburst (Вспышка пламени) – вспышка пламени поражает цели напротив мага
(ур.7) Enchant Fire Arrow (Зачаровать огненную стрелу) – зачаровывает стрелы и арбалетные болты на урон огнем (стрелы должны быть у мага в руке)
(ур.13) Fireball (Огненный шар) – выстреливает вперед сгустком пламени
(ур.16) Fire Shield (Щит огня) – укрывает отряд щитом огня, дающим бонус к защите от этой стихии
(ур.4) Shock (Молния) – вспышка молнии поражает цель напротив мага
(ур.9) Enchant Lightning Arrow (Зачаровать ледяную стрелу) – зачаровывает обычнее стрелы и арбалетные болты на урон молнией (стрелы должны быть у мага в руке)
(ур.14) Lightning Bolt (Шаровая молния) – выстреливает вперед статический заряд
(ур.19) Invisibility (Невидимость) – делает отряд невидимым. Но враги могут вас обнаружить, если подойдете в упор
(ур.22) Lightning Shield (Щит молний) – укрывает отряд щитом молний, дающим бонус к защите от этой стихии
(ур.3) Poison Cloud (Ядовитое облако) – создает облако ядовитого газа напротив мага
(ур.7) Poison Bolt (Ядовитая стрела) – выстреливает вперед магическую ядовитую стрелу
(ур.11) Enchant Poison Arrow (Зачаровать ядовитую стрелу) – зачаровывает обычные стрелы и арбалетные болты на урон ядом (стрелы должны быть у мага в руке)
(ур.13) Poison Shield (Щит яда) – укрывает отряд щитом, дающим бонус к защите от яда.
(ур.3) Ice Shards (Ледяные осколки) – из земли вырываются ледяные осколки, поражающие цели в трех клетках перед магом.
(ур.7) Enchant Frost Arrow (Зачаровать ледяную стрелу) - зачаровывает обычнее стрелы и арбалетные болты на урон холодом (стрелы должны быть у мага в руке)
(ур.13) Frostbolt (Стрела льда) – выстреливает вперед магическую ледяную стрелу
(ур.19) Frost Shield (Щит льда) – укрывает отряд щитом, дающим бонус к защите от холода
Не привязанные к стихийным школам заклинания (становятся доступны при изучении навыка Spellcraft)
(ур.5) Light (Свет) – создает вокруг отряда свечение. Хорошая альтернатива факелу.
(ур.5) Darkness (Тьма) – на время гасит факела в руках отряда и рассеивает заклинание света (Light)
Requires Air Magic 3, Concentration 2
Energy Cost: 45
Target/Effect: All Party Members | Invisibility
Special Note: Enemies can still detect and attack you if you stand one tile directly in front of them.
Turns yourself and your friends invisible.
Shock Shield
Requires Air Magic 3, Concentration 3
Energy Cost: 50
Target/Effect: All Party Members | Shock Resist upInvisibility
Creates a magical shield reducing shock damage against the party.
Fire Spells
Requires Fire Magic 1
Energy Cost: 25
Damage: High (touch attack) + Weak (burning)
Target/Effect: Touch Attack | Chance to Burn Target
Conjures a blast of fire that deals fire damage to all foes directly in front of you.
Requires Fire Magic 3, Air Magic 1
Energy Cost: 43
Damage: High
Target/Effect: Ranged Projectile
A flaming ball of fire shoots from your fingertips causing devastating damage to your foes.
Meteor Storm
Requires Fire Magic 5, Air Magic 3
Energy Cost: 80
Damage: Moderate (per hit) | Extreme (total)
Target/Effect: Ranged Projectiles | 5 shots
Special Note: Fires five shots in quick succession. Easy to mess up your own shoots if you strafe/turn after casting.
Unleashes a devastating storm of meteors on your foes.
Requires Fire Magic 3, Concentration 3
Energy Cost: 50
Target/Effect: All Party Members | Fire resist up
Creates a magical shield reducing fire damage against the party.
Utility Spells
Requires Concentration 1
Energy Cost: 35
Target/Effect: Caster Only | Protection Up
Creates a magical shield around you. The shield protects from physical damage by increasing your protection by 25. Every point in concentration skill increases spell's duration by 10 seconds.
Requires Concentration 2
Energy Cost: 25
Target/Effect: All Party Members | Nullify Light Sources
Special note: Held torches remain lit, but do not give off light while spell is active.
Negates all magical and non-magical light sources carried by your party.
Requires Concentration 2
Energy Cost: 35
Target/Effect: Illuminate Party
Conjures a dancing ball of light that illuminates your path.
Force Field
Requires Concentration 2
Energy Cost: 35
Target/Effect: Summon Indestructible Cube directly in front of party (temporary)
Special note: Surrounds party with a cube when cast at a wall
Creates a magical barrier that blocks all movement. Every point in concentration increases spell's duration by 2 seconds.
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Earth Spells
Poison Bolt
Requires Earth Magic 2
Energy Cost: 32
Damage: Moderate (bolt) + Weak (cloud) + Weak (poison)
Target/Effect: Ranged Projectile | Lingering Cloud | Chance to poison target
A sizzling venomous bolt of poison shoots from your hands.
Poison Shield
Requires Earth Magic 3, Concentration 3
Energy Cost: 50
Target/Effect: All Party Members | Poison Resist Up
Creates a magical shield reducing poison damage against the party.
Air Magic [ ]
(Attack Power +5 Shock)
Earth Magic [ ]
Fire Magic [ ]
Ice Magic [ ]
Spellcraft [ ]
Как лечиться
Заклинания лечиться не помогут, нет таких. Только эликсиры и отдых (R).
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