Jedi academy как поменять скин
Scroll down to the second code block if you don't want to read my rambling.
Models in multiplayer are technically the exact same in singleplayer, however since singleplayer has much more going on with playermodels, such as cutscenes and customization, the ways you get them to work properly are a bit different.
So how do you do it properly? You'll use the same command, but with a few additional parts to it. The playermodel command has the ability to customize your character in cases that it's properly set up for multiple parts, for example the default Jaden models have multiple heads, torsos, and legs, which can be set via his command. But it also works with literally any player model too. Here's an example of customizing a Jaden model that is already in the game:
This would set your player as the blonde Jaden with the Jedi tunic and tan pants. But that can be done in the menu, so that's not really that big of a deal, unless you were wanting to change it mid-game and didn't have my ingame character menu mod.
The more you know about PK3 files, the easier it will be to know what variants you can use with this command. You can look in the model's folder to see what .skin files there are outside of the three main ones. For example, a kylo_ren folder may have model_nomask or model_hood or other things like that. If you have no idea how to open PK3 files, you can get started here, and if you're interested in getting started with modding in general, here.
You can also bind this command to a key, so you can change your appearance at any point in the game. I remember I used to change the appearance with the Jedi Customization mod, depending on the mission. If it was a infiltration-style mission, I'd set it to have full robe and hood, or a boss fight then have no robes, just like the movies.
DESCRIPTION: Four different Jedi from the Prequel movies, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker.
Qui-Gon Jinn: Just wanted to do a Qui Gon skin, I think it turned out pretty nice actually
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Re-release of my Obi Wan skin from ealier, touched it up a bit and added shaders to the boots, nothing else changed here.
Mace Windu: I re-did the face from the skin a few weeks ago, In my opinion its about as good as I think I can get it with the model Im using, and to be honest Im content with the way it is.
Anakin Skywalker: Had alot of people asking if I consider doing an Anakin reskin, eventually ended up just screwing around with it for awhile then just overhauled the whole thing and Im pretty happy with the way it is.
BUGS: Weird thing with the hooded skin on Mace Windu as mentioned in its previous review, dunno what it is, I dont think its an issue with the skin itself though.
May I present Gremloid, he is based off another cheap knockoff Star Wars action figure that was featured in Ashens videos, and was properly named Gremloid in one of Ashens later videos
For Context:
Simply put the pk3 into the base folder of Jedi Academy.
Updated August 14
JKA Relay Race - ESA Summer 2021 (Hekathon) - Custom Assets
Updated August 5
Wise Puppet
Based off the cheap Knockoff action figure seen on the internet Star Warsiors (whatever that is) i have taken to messing with the beard and making sure it looks niceUpdated August 5
green lantern
a green lantern mod I made as I thought "since no one will do it, I'll do it myself"type "playermodel kyle" in the console to use this horrendous skin
Updated June 16
501st Legion
Not entirely setup for MP. Skins/shaders only. All textures were altered by myself from Ashura's Clone using Substance Painter
Fives + no helm
Dogma + no helm
Hardcase + no helm
Updated May 24
Commander Pyre + Captain Cardinal
Small kitbash cape addition and reskin of DT85's amazing FO stormtrooper. These guys appear in SW: Resistance. This includes the skins/shaders onlyUpdated May 4
The Bad Batch - Imperial Clonetrooper
Inspired from the trailers seen from the Bad Batch. A way to celebrate the launch of the new series! (THIS IS JUST THE SKIN MAPS, NO SHADERS AND NOT SETUP FOR MP)Updated May 4
Reskinned Rebel v1
Technically a New Republic trooper, but 🤷, semantics.There were quite a few parts of the Rebel skin that didn't look great, so I did what I could to improve them. I also made no-vest and RGB skins, made a fancy unique and high resolution eye texture like I usually do, and included both rebel soundsets from JK2. The two rebel NPCs in the game now use those sets instead of the rebel_pilot1 set.
Since Jedi Academy is ten in-universe years after the Rebel Alliance reorganized into the New Republic, it made sense to me that their military would look at least somewhat different. So I took some creative liberties with the uniform to suggest some evolution in that time, taking other appearances of New Republic troopers of about the same time into account while not straying too far from the original idea.
Updated April 29
The Force Unleashed 2 Starkiller Pack
Pack includes 4 different outfits worn by Starkiller and a blue Starkiller clone from The Force Unleashed II.
- Starkiller_Clone
- Starkiller_Clone2
- Starkiller_Clone3
- Starkiller_Clone4
- Starkiller_Clone5
Updated March 23
Reskinned Jan v1
This reskin of Jan Ors for Jedi Academy tweaks her colors and fixes minor issues with her model without departing from her original design too heavily. It will overwrite the existing Jan in the base game, team skins included. The changes are admittedly not too dramatic, akin to my previous Bespin Cop and Mon Mothma reskins.Since I made this for Jedi Academy, I took advantage of the fancy effects it has and JK2 lacks: specifically RGB tinting and dynamic glow from specular shaders. That said, I recommend you have Detailed Shaders and Dynamic Glow enabled. The game is plenty old by now--I'm confident your machine can handle it. I've found that turning off Detailed Shaders still shows the RGB tinting, though it covers entire textures instead of using the alpha channel as a mask. It works, but it doesn't look great.
If you'd like this reskin for Jedi Outcast instead, click here.
The map seen in a few of the screenshots is Kejim Storage Room by by Yzmo.
Updated March 7
Gram "Gale" Van Alasdaire
DOWNLOAD Plasma's HD Lightsabers or Gale will wield the regular stingers. Updates will be incoming, including Singleplayer voice replacement. Credits to Scerendo for the original model and permissions!
► 23
► Vahla/Human
► 1.8m
► 84 kg
► Amber/Corrupt Red
► Brown
► Sulon
► Male
► Sith Eternal
► Legionnaire
► Positive
Gram was born the son of Morgan and Patricia Van Alasdaire, immigrant farmers from the New Vahla colony who now resided on Sulon. Growing up on a local farm, the young boy quickly became adept at reprogramming and repairing the working droids. After learning about his parent’s death at the hands of one of said malfunctioning security droids, he enlisted as a member of the Sorosub Research and Development team.
His race marked him apart from his fellow peers, taking on the name of Gale and leaving the identity of Gram behind. He served for a number of his teenage years as a Lieutenant, being deployed on exploratory vessels with the intent to find conventional locations in the Unknown Regions. The purpose of these ventures was to establish a rudimentary framework for refueling stations.During this time, Gale’s latent Force-sensitivity began to reveal itself, showing him a brief premonition that saved the lives of his peers, avoiding a head on collision with a nearby asteroid. Though he saved the crew initially, the resulting damage to the hyperdrive sent them abandoned to the deep reaches of space - an area known as the Nihl Retreat. Gale and his flight searched desperately for anyone alive in the deep void, seeking aide with distress beacons and vain flare of plasma.
His suspicions regarding his own abilities where confirmed when a lone outpost replied to their distress. Their freighter landed, and the flight was quickly boarded and overcome by the forces therein. Though his flight died, throughout variety of vicious and inhuman means, Gale managed to make a convincing argument for his survival - having for the first time aggressively and instinctively using the Force against his captors. His time spent as a prisoner still weighs in his mind, and the choices he made to survive has resulted in a severely damaged psyche. As a result, he was given a choice. Live as a newly minted member of the Eternal, or die a forgotten casualty in the darkness of the void. Choosing to survive and learn, Gale threw himself into his studies of the Force and the Dark Side, fueled by a fervent will to live, and thrive.
But the damage done by his training at the hands of the Sith proved too much for his mind to bear. With madness slowly whittling away at his sanity, Gale has taken to avoiding the Darkness within him and seeking help to control this ailing disease.
/// NPCs and Notes
NPC SPAWN GALE = Spawns Gale as a Sorcerer of Rhand.
NPC SPAWN GRAM= Spawns Gale as a fully trained independent force sensitive.
Вторая версия конвертера скинов из сетевой игры в одиночную,которая поможет вам играть со скинами из сетевой игры в одиночной(спасибо,кэп).Кто-то скажет(и уже сказал) что легче самому всё это делать,но если скинов огромное множество,с этой программой это делать всё же быстрее.До полного автоматизма я так и не довёл,простите.
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