The lego ninjago movie wiki
Lego Ninjago, фильм ( ЛЕГО Ninjago Movie ) является фильм о объемной анимации США - датский режиссер Чарли Бин , Пол Фишер и Боб Logan выпущен в 2017 году .
Ллойд по прозвищу «Зеленый ниндзя» объединяется с мастерами-строителями LEGO, ниндзя-инфильтраторами и мастером кунг-фу Ву, чтобы сразиться с Гармадоном, который является не кем иным, как отцом Ллойда, который хочет разрушить город Ниндзяго-Сити.
Техническое описание
Если не указано иное или не указано иное, информация, упомянутая в этом разделе, может быть подтверждена базой данных IMDb .
- Оригинальное название: The LEGO Ninjago Movie
- Французское и Квебекское название: Lego Ninjago, фильм
- Режиссер: Чарли Бин , Пол Фишер и Боб Логан
- Сценарий: Дэн Хейджман, Кевин Хагеман, Хиллари Уинстон, Пол Фишер, Боб Логан, Уильям Уилер, Том Уиллер, Джаред Стерн и Джон Уиттингтон
- Музыка: Марк Мазерсбо
- Монтаж: Джули Роджерс
- Художественное направление: Фелисити Кунан, Чарли Реваи
- Украшения: Энни Бошан
- Кастинг: Мэри Идальго
- Исполнительное продюсирование: Уилл Аллегра, Джон Пауэрс Миддлтон(выходит) , Сет Грэм-Смит , Крис Маккей , Стивен Мнучин, Заре Налбандян, Джеймс Пакер и Джилл Уилферт
- Сопутствующие продюсеры: Ёриаки Мочизуки, Кристен Мурта
- Совместное производство: Райан Халприн, Джон Бертон
- Бразилия : 21сентября2017 г.
- США : 22сентября2017 г.(первоначально на 23сентября2016 г. )
- Франция : 11октября2017 г.
Оригинальные голоса
Если не указано иное или не указано иное, информация, упомянутая в этом разделе, может быть подтверждена базой данных IMDb .
- Дэйв Франко : Ллойд
- Майкл Пенья : Кай
- Фред Армисен : Коул
- Зак Вудс : Зейн
- Кумаил Нанджиани : Джей
- Эбби Джейкобсон : Ния
- Джеки Чан : Сэнсэй Ву
- Джастин Теру : Гармадон
- Оливия Манн : Коко
- Каан Гулдур : Джейк
Французские голоса
- Тибо Дельмотт - Ллойд Гармадон
- Орелиен Рингельхейм : Кай
- Тедди Ринер : Коул
- Жан-Мишель Вовк: Зейн
- Алессандро Бевилаква: Джей
- Мари-Лайн Ландервин : Ния
- Жереми Ковийо : Гармадон
- Уильям Корин : Мастер Ву / г-н Лю
- Амир Хаддад : певец Высшей музыки
- Чарльз Жермен : Чен Чирлидер / музыкальный певец Бу Ллойд
- Гийом Лебон : тележурналист
- Эдвидж Лемуан : генерал №1, главнокомандующий Армией акул
- Стефан Экскофье : Учитель
- Ивана Коппола : Коко / Леди Железный Дракон
Голоса Квебека
Источник VQ :
- Александр Бэкон: Ллойд Гармадон
- Жан-Филипп Бариль Жерар : Кай
- Александр Л'Эро : Коул
- Дэниел Рой : Зейн
- Николас Бэкон - Джей
- Сара-Энн Родитель : Ния
- Марк-Андре Беланже : Гармадон
- Франсуа Л'Экуайер : Мастер Ву
Разработка и продвижение
В 17 сентября 2013 г. , Warner Bros. Pictures объявляет о разработке анимационного фильма на основе линейки игрушек LEGO Ninjago . Дэн и Кевин Хагеманы, сценаристы мультсериала и «Приключения LEGO» , работали над сценарием вместе с Брайаном Шукоффом и Кевином Чесли. Чарли Бин реализует фильм, созданный той же командой для фильма LEGO: Дэн Лин (in) , Рой Ли , Фил Лорд и Крис Миллер . В 27 июня 2016 г. объявлен состав главных ролей: Джеки Чан для Сэнсэя Ву, Дэйв Франко , Майкл Пенья , Кумаил Нанджиани , Зак Вудс , Фред Армисен для пяти ниндзя и Эбби Якобсон для Нии. В середине августа того же года раскрываются Оливия Манн (для Коко, матери Ллойда) и Джастин Теру (для Гармадона), два актера, которые уже играли вместе в « Железном человеке 2» и « Зуландер 2» .
Из сентябрь 2016 транслируется перед фильмом Аисты и Ко короткометражный фильм под названием The Master (в) (режиссер Джон Сондерс) вокруг персонажа сенсея Ву.
Первый трейлер фильма во французской версии выходит рано. февраль 2017 .
В сентябре дзюдоист Тедди Ринер присоединился к актерскому составу французского дубляжа фильма в роли Коула, ниндзя стихии Земли.
В начале октября выясняется, что Амир будет петь « Higher» из французского саундтрека к фильму.
The LEGO Ninjago Movie — фильм, который был выпущен 22 сентября 2017 года. Это спин-офф к «The LEGO Movie» 2014 года и основан на сюжете и персонажах из «LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu». Фильм представил совершенно новый голосовой состав и команду разработчиков, и не является каноном для сериала, но является каноном для Кинематографической Вселенной LEGO. Фильм вдохновил новый дизайн для восьмого и последующих сезонов сериала, чтобы поклонникам, присоединившимся к франшизе после просмотра фильма, было проще адаптироваться.
Шесть подростков «наняты» старым Мастером Ву (Джеки Чан) и становятся героями Ниндзя ночью, побеждая врагов и катаясь на удивительных транспортных средствах и Драконах, чтобы защитить далекую землю Ниндзяго и ее столицу. Между тем, голодный военачальник (Джастин Теру) замышляет отомстить своему брату, который обучал Ниндзя.
Молодой мальчик отправляется в магазин старых реликвий, где он встречает таинственного владельца, Лю, который начинает рассказывать мальчику легенду о Ниндзяго. Ниндзяго — это город, который часто подвергается нападению злого Лорда Гармадона, который является отцом Ллойда и мужем Коко. Город презирает Ллойда за эти отношения, что ставит Ллойда в эмоциональный стресс. Они не знают, что Ллойд является частью Секретного отряда Ниндзя, состоящего из Нии, Зейна, Джея, Коула, Кая и их учителя, Мастера Ву. Они всегда останавливают Гармадона от захвата города. В День Рождения Ллойда, Гармадон снова атакует город, но снова терпит поражение. Он сбегает и выбрасывает многих своих генералов из вулкана за неспособность помочь ему, а также за неудачные идеи по захвату Ниндзяго. Затем ему приносят чертёж огромного робота, с помощью которого можно взять власть в городе.
Тем временем, Ллойд и его друзья видят возвращение Мастера Ву из его долгого путешествия. Мастер Ву говорит им, что они не настоящие Ниндзя, если они используют только свои мехи и машины. Он обсуждает с Ниндзя их соответствующие полномочия: власть Нии над Водой, власть Кая над Огнем, власть Джея над Молнией, власть Коула над Землей, и власть Зейна над Льдом. Ву тогда утверждает, что Ллойд — зеленый элемент, но только путает Ллойда с этой темой. Мастер Ву говорит Ллойду, что он не должен злиться на Гармадона; он должен использовать свой ум, чтобы сражаться. Ву упоминает Супер-Оружие, давая Ллойду идею окончательно победить Гармадона раз и навсегда, несмотря на запрет его использования. На следующий день Гармадон атакует город своим Гигантским мехом. Он успешно побеждает Ллойда и его Механического Дракона. Как Гармадон объявляет свое правление над Ниндзяго, Ллойд возвращается с Супер-Оружием. Он запускает его, показывая, что это лазер, который привлекает настоящую кошку по имени Мяузилла. Мяузилла начинает разрушать город, пытаясь поймать лазер. Гармадон указывает лазером, чтобы заставить кошку уничтожить других мехов, прежде чем Ллойд разрушает его. Как Гармадон празднует свою победу, Ллойд показывает, что он и есть Зеленый Ниндзя, и говорит Гармадону, что он сожалеет, чтобы он отец, оставив Гармадона безмолвным.
Ллойд встречается со своими друзьями и Мастером Ву, которые все расстроены тем, что он использовал оружие. Ву говорит им, что они должны использовать Последнее Великое Оружие, чтобы остановить Мяузиллу от разрушения города, до которого они доберутся, пересекая Лес Опасностей, Каньон Смерти и Храм. Гармадон подслушивает разговор Ву об оружии и следует за ними. Он встречается с Ву и сражается с ним, но оказывается в клетке, побежденный. Однако, Ву теряет равновесие и падает с моста в реку, говоря Ллойду, что он должен использовать внутренний мир, прежде чем Ву уносит течением. Ниндзя решили продолжить путь вместе с Гармадоном, что очень разочаровало Ллойда. Они были пойманы бывшими генералами Гармадона, которые хотят отомстить. Ниндзя пытаются бороться, но легко побеждены; они отступают, оставляя Ллойда и Гармадона позади, которых пленили Генералы. Генералы начинают выстреливать Ллойда и Гармадона в вулкан, однако остальная часть Ниндзя спасла их. Все они работают вместе с Гармадоном, чтобы избежать разгневанных генералов, построив импровизированный вертолет.
В конце концов они попадают в Храм. Гармадон показывает, что это его дом, а также раскрывает Ллойду, что Коко раньше была воином-ниндзя, ее прикрытием было имя Леди Стальной Дракон, кумир Нии. Он рассказывает Ллойду, что хотел остаться с ним и его мамой после того, как решил покорить Ниндзяго, но он не мог измениться, поэтому ему пришлось остаться. Ниндзя нашли Последнее Великое Оружие, состоящее из набора безделушек, которые затем были украдены Гармадоном, который все еще хочет захватить город. Он предлагает Ллойду стать его генералом, но Ллойд отвергает его предложение. Из ярости, Гармадон запирает их всех в Храме, когда он начинает разрушаться. Ллойд понимает, что «внутренний мир» означает, что их сила внутри, и они успешно пробуждают ее, спасаясь от разрушающегося Храма. Когда они падают с обрыва, Ву спасает их на своем корабле, и они направляются к Ниндзяго. Гармадон возвращается и пытается контролировать Мяузиллу с Оружием, но Кошка съедает Гармадона вместо этого. Ллойд и команда прибывают и начинают сражаться с Армией Гармадона. Когда Ллойд приближается к Мяузилле, он открывает всем свою личность, что он Зеленый Ниндзя, и понимает, что Зеленый — цвет жизни, которая объединяет все вместе. Он утешает Мяузиллу и говорит Гармадону, что прощает его, и что он сожалеет. Гармадон начинает плакать огненными слезами, заставляя Мяузиллу выплюнуть его. После примирения, Гармадон переезжает к Ллойду и Коко, Мяузилла становится талисманом Ниндзяго, а Ллойда называют героем. По мере того как рассказ заканчивается, Мистер Лю говорит мальчику, что он начнет тренировать его как Ниндзя.
На момент закрытия 30 ноября 2017 года, The LEGO Ninjago Movie собрал 59,3 миллиона долларов в Соединенных Штатах и Канаде, и 63,0 миллиона долларов в других территориях по всему миру на общую сумму 123 миллиона долларов.
В Северной Америке, фильм был выпущен вместе с «Kingsman: The Golden Circle» и «Friend Reques». В конечном итоге он дебютировал до $21,2 миллиона, заняв третье место в прокате и заняв первое место в качестве самого низкого открытия франшизы LEGO более чем на 50 %.
The LEGO Ninjago Movie получил неоднозначные отзывы критиков. Комментарий на сайте «Rotten Tomatoes», фильм имеет рейтинг 53 % на основе 109 рецензий со средним рейтингом 5.8/10 и 52 % от аудитории. Критический консенсус сайта гласит: «несмотря на достаточное очарование и несколько твердых приколов, The LEGO Ninjago Movie предполагает, что формула этой франшизы не щелкает, как раньше». На «Metacritic», фильм имеет средневзвешенную оценку 55 из 100, основанную на 33 критиках, что указывает на смешанные или средние отзывы.
This article is about a subject that is canon to the storyline of Warner Bros' The LEGO Movie franchise.The LEGO Ninjago Movie
Release date
The film introduced an entirely new voice cast and crew and is not canon to the TV show. To create a transition for new fans of the series, the film inspired a new design for the TV show's eighth season.
The film follows the origins of the ninja, who start off as six teenagers that are trained by an elderly ninja master, Wu, to save their city from the evil Lord Garmadon. Yet Garmadon must cope with the fact that one of the Ninja, Lloyd, is his son.
The LEGO Ninjago Movie garnered mixed reviews from critics, with praise for its animation and voice performances, but criticism for its humor, lack of originality, and being underwhelming. It grossed $123.1 million worldwide against its $70 million budget, making it a box-office disappointment.
Master Wu, as wise-cracking as he is wise, leads a fierce team of secret ninja warriors to defeat the evil warlord Garmadon and save NINJAGO City. [2]
Six teenagers are "hired" by an old master (Jackie Chan) and become ninja heroes at night, defeating monsters and riding awesome vehicles and dragons to protect the far-away land of Ninjago and its capital city. Meanwhile, a hungry warlord (Justin Theroux) plots for revenge on his brother, who is the master that trained the ninjas. [citation needed]
The battle for Ninjago City calls to action young Master Builder Lloyd, aka the Green Ninja, along with his friends, who are all secret ninja warriors. Led by Master Wu, as wise-cracking as he is wise, they must defeat evil warlord Garmadon, aka 'The Worst Guy Ever', who also happens to be Lloyd's dad. Pitting mech against mech and father against son, the epic showdown will test this fierce but undisciplined team of modern-day ninjas who must learn to check their egos and pull together to unleash their inner power of Spinjitzu. [3]
A young boy ventures into an old relic shop, where he meets its mysterious owner, Mr. Liu, who begins to tell the boy the legendary story of Ninjago. Ninjago is a city that is frequently attacked by the evil Lord Garmadon, who is the father of Lloyd Garmadon and husband of Koko. The city despises Lloyd for this relationship, which puts Lloyd in emotional stress. They do not know that Lloyd is part of the Secret Ninja Force, consisting of Nya, Zane, Jay, Cole, Kai and their master, Wu, who always stop Garmadon from taking over the city. On Lloyd's birthday Garmadon attacks the city once again, only to be defeated. He escapes and throws many of his generals out the volcano for failing to help him. He then beings to form a big attack to conquer Ninjago, and decides to build a gigantic mech that is immune to weapons.
Meanwhile, Lloyd and his friends see the return of Master Wu, back from his long trip. Master Wu tells them they aren't real ninjas if they use only mechs and machines. He discusses with the Ninja of their respective powers: Nya's power over water, Kai's power of fire, Jay's power over lightning, Cole's power over earth, and Zane's power over ice. Wu then states that Lloyd is the green element, only to be confusing Loyd with that topic. Master Wu tells Lloyd he must not be angry at Garmadon; he must use his mind to fight. Wu mentions an Ultimate Weapon, giving Lloyd an idea to finally defeat Garmadon once and for all, despite being forbidden to use it. The next day Garmadon attacks the city with his giant mech. He successfully defeats Lloyd and his own mech. As Garmadon declares his rule over Ninjago, Lloyd returns with the Ultimate Weapon. He fires it, revealing it to be a laser that attracts a real-life cat named Meowthra. Meowthra starts destroying the city, while trying to get the laser. Garmadon points the laser to make the cat destroy the other mechs, before Lloyd breaks it. As Garmadon celebrates his victory, Lloyd reveals that he is the green ninja, and tells Garmadon that he wishes he wasn't his father, leaving Garmadon speechless.
Lloyd meets up with his friends and Master Wu, who are all upset with him for using the weapon. Wu tells them they must use an Ultimate Ultimate Weapon to stop Meowthra from destroying the city, which they would reach by crossing the Jungle of Lost Souls, the Bridge of Fallen Mentors, the Canyon of General Unhappiness, and the Temple of Fragile Foundations. Garmadon overhears Wu talking about the weapon and follows close behind. He meets up with Wu and fights him, only to end up in a cage, defeated. However, Wu loses his balance and falls off a bridge into a river, telling Lloyd he must use inner peace before getting swept away. The ninjas decide to continue on, with Garmadon leading them much to Lloyd's disappointment. They are caught by Garmadon's former generals, who want revenge. The ninjas try to fight but are easily defeated; they retreat leaving Lloyd and Garmadon behind to be caught by the generals. The generals begin to fire Lloyd and Garmadon into a volcano, however the rest of the Ninja save the day using stealth fighting. They all work together with Garmadon to escape the angry generals by building a makeshift helicopter, and Lloyd and Garmadon bond together in the process, like teaching Lloyd how to catch, drive, and pops his arm back onto his body.
They eventually crash down onto the Temple of Fragile Foundations. Garmadon reveals that it is his home, as well as revealing to Lloyd that Koko formerly being a ninja warrior herself, her cover name being The Lady Iron Dragon, Nya's idol. He reveals to Lloyd that he wishes he had stayed with him and his mom after deciding to conquer Ninjago, but he couldn't change so he had to stay behind. The ninjas find the Ultimate Ultimate Weapon, consisting of a set of trinkets, only to have it stolen by Garmadon who still wants to take over the city. He wants Lloyd to be his general, but Lloyd rejects his offer. Out of fury, Garmadon locks all of them in the temple as it begins to collapse, while saying that he should have taught Lloyd how to catch. Lloyd realizes that inner peace means for them to unleash their power within, and they successfully do this, escaping from the collapsing temple. As they fall of a cliff, Wu saves them with his ship, and they head towards Ninjago. Garmadon arrives and tries to control Meowthra with the weapons but Meowthra eats Garmadon instead. Lloyd and the crew arrive and begin fighting Garmadon's army. As Lloyd approaches Meowthra, he reveals to everyone that he is the green ninja, and realizes that green means life, which brings everything together. He comforts Meowthra, and tells Garmadon he forgives him, and that he's sorry. Garmadon cries tears of fire, which causes Meowthra to spit him out. After Garmadon's reconciling with Lloyd and Koko, Meowthra becomes the mascot of Ninjago, and Lloyd is hailed as a hero. As Mr. Liu concludes the story of Ninjago, he tells the boy that he will start to train him as a ninja.
- Vanara Taing
- Boy - Kaan Guldur - Randall Park - Fred Armisen - David Burrows - Justin Theroux - Kumail Nanjiani
- Jolly - Doug Nicholas - Michael Peña - Olivia Munn - Dave Franco - Retta
- Mayor - Constance Wu - Pearl and Ruby
- Mr. Liu - Jackie Chan - Laura Kightlinger
- Ninja Computer - Alex Kauffman - Abbi Jacobson - Ali Wong - Todd Hansen
- Pilates Studio Owner - Bobby Lee
- Radio DJ - Chris Hardwick
- Retirement General - Garret Elkins
- Terri - Charlyne Yi - Jackie Chan - Zach Woods
- Additional voices:
Box office
As of its close date of November 30, 2017, The LEGO Ninjago Movie has grossed $59.3 million in the United States and Canada, and $63.0 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $123 million.
In North America, the film was released alongside Kingsman: The Golden Circle and Friend Request. It ended up debuting to $21.2 million, finishing third at the box office and ranking as the lowest opening of the LEGO franchise by over 50%. [4]
Critical reception
The LEGO Ninjago Movie received mixed reviews from critics. On review aggregator website "Rotten Tomatoes," the film has an approval rating of 56% based on 109 reviews, with an average rating of 5.8/10 and 46% from the audience. The site's critical consensus reads, "Despite ample charm and a few solid gags, The Lego Ninjago Movie suggests this franchise's formula isn't clicking like it used to." [5] On "Metacritic," the film has a weighted average score of 55 out of 100, based on 33 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews." [6] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "B+" on an A+ to F scale. [7] iMDB rated the movie 6.1/10, while IGN gave it a 7.5/10. 86% of Google users liked the film.
For the transcript of the movie, click here.
Lloyd was the mascot character for the sets. Besides Master Falls and Temple of the Ultimate Ultimate Weapon, every set took place in Ninjago City or was focused on something from the first half of the movie. The sets heavily focused on vehicles. Various characters from the TV series appeared in the sets, especially the two Ninjago City sets, but their designs were different from their TV series counterparts.
The LEGO Ninjago Movie is a spinoff film of The LEGO Movie, based on LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu released on September 22nd, 2017.
A young boy ventures into an old relic shop, where he meets its mysterious owner, Mr. Liu, who begins to tell the boy the legendary story of Ninjago. Ninjago is a city that is frequently attacked by the evil Lord Garmadon, who is the father of Lloyd Garmadon and husband of Koko. The city despises Lloyd for this relationship, which puts Lloyd in emotional stress. They do not know that Lloyd is part of the Secret Ninja Force, consisting of Nya, Zane, Jay, Cole, Kai and their master, Wu, who always stop Garmadon from taking over the city. On Lloyd's birthday Garmadon attacks the city once again, only to be defeated. He escapes and throws many of his generals out the volcano for failing to help him. He then beings to form a big attack to conquer Ninjago, and decides to build a gigantic mech that is immune to weapons.
Meanwhile, Lloyd and his friends see the return of Master Wu, back from his long trip. Master Wu tells them they aren't real ninjas if they use only mechs and machines. He discusses with the Ninja of their respective powers: Nya's power over water, Kai's power of fire, Jay's power over lighting, Cole's power over earth, and Zane's power over ice. Wu then states that Lloyd is the green element, only to be confusing Loyd with that topic. Master Wu tells Lloyd he must not be angry at Garmadon; he must use his mind to fight. Wu mentions an Ultimate Weapon, giving Lloyd an idea to finally defeat Garmadon once and for all, despite being forbidden to use it. The next day Garmadon attacks the city with his giant mech. He successfully defeats Lloyd and his own mech. As Garmadon declares his rule over Ninjago, Lloyd returns with the Ultimate Weapon. He fires it, revealing it to be a laser that attracts a real-life cat named Meowthra. Meowthra starts destroying the city, while trying to get the laser. Garmadon points the laser to make the cat destroy the other mechs, before Lloyd breaks it. As Garmadon celebrates his victory, Lloyd reveals that he is the green ninja, and tells Garmadon that he wishes he wasn't his father, leaving Garmadon speechless.
Lloyd meets up with his friends and Master Wu, who are all upset with him for using the weapon. Wu tells them they must use an Ultimate Ultimate Weapon to stop Meowthra from destroying the city, which they would reach by crossing the Jungle of Lost Souls, the Bridge of Fallen Mentors, The Canyon of General Unhappiness, and the The Temple of Fragile Foundations. Garmadon overhears Wu talking about the weapon and follows close behind. He meets up with Wu and fights him, only to end up in a cage, defeated. However, Wu loses his balance and falls off a bridge into a river, telling Lloyd he must use inner peace before getting swept away. The ninjas decide to continue on, with Garmadon leading them much to Lloyd's disappointment. They are caught by Garmadon's former generals, who want revenge. The ninjas try to fight but are easily defeated; they retreat leaving Lloyd and Garmadon behind to be caught by the generals. The generals begin to fire Lloyd and Garmadon into a volcano, however the rest of the Ninja save the day using stealth fighting. They all work together with Garmadon to escape the angry generals by building a makeshift helicopter, and Lloyd and Garmadon bond together in the process, like teaching Lloyd how to catch, drive, and pops his arm back onto his body.
They eventually crash down onto the Temple of Fragile Foundations. Garmadon reveals that it is his home, as well as revealing to Lloyd that Koko formerly being a ninja warrior herself, her cover name being The Lady Iron Dragon, Nya's idol. He reveals to Lloyd that he wishes he had stayed with him and his mom after deciding to conquer Ninjago, but he couldn't change so he had to stay behind. The ninjas find the Ultimate Ultimate Weapon, consisting of a set of trinkets, only to have it stolen by Garmadon who still wants to take over the city. He wants Lloyd to be his general, but Lloyd rejects his offer. Out of fury, Garmadon locks all of them in the temple as it begins to collapse, while saying that he should have taught Lloyd how to catch. Lloyd realizes that inner peace means for them to unleash their power within, and they successfully do this, escaping from the collapsing temple. As they fall of a cliff, Wu saves them with his ship, and they head towards Ninjago. Garmadon arrives and tries to control Meowthra with the weapons but Meowthra eats Garmadon instead. Lloyd and the crew arrive and begin fighting Garmadon's army. As Lloyd approaches Meowthra, he reveals to everyone that he is the green ninja, and realizes that green means life, which brings everything together. He comforts Meowthra, and tells Garmadon he forgives him, and that he's sorry. Garmadon cries tears of fire, which causes Meowthra to spit him out. After Garmadon's reconciling with Lloyd and Koko, Meowthra becomes the mascot of Ninjago, and Lloyd is hailed as a hero. As Mr. Liu concludes the story of Ninjago, he tells the boy that he will start to train him as a ninja.
The Lego Ninjago Movie is a 2017 Australian-Danish-American computer-animated martial arts adventure-comedy film based on the Lego Ninjago toyline, including the television series "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitsu" it was adapted from. Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures and produced by Warner Animation Group alongside RatPac Entertainment, Lego System A/S, Dan Lin's Lin Pictures, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller's Lord Miller Productions, and Roy Lee's Vertigo Entertainment, the film was, in fact, also directed by three people: Charlie Bean, Paul Fisher, and Bob Logan. It is the third installment of The Lego Movie franchise as well as its second spin-off installment. The film is an international co-production of the United States, Denmark and Australia. The film premiered at the Regency Village Theater on September 16, 2017 and was released in the United States on September 22, 2017 in 2D, 3D, and Dolby Cinema formats by Warner Bros. Pictures.
"The battle for NINJAGO City calls to action young Master Builder Lloyd, aka the Green Ninja, along with his friends, also secret ninja warriors. Led by Master Wu, as wise-cracking as he is wise, they must defeat the evil warlord Garmadon, who also happens to be Lloyd's dad. Pitting father against son, the epic showdown tests these fierce but undisciplined modern-day ninjas as they learn to check their egos and pull together to unleash the inner power of Spinjitzu."
A young boy ventures into an old relic shop, where he meets the mysterious owner, Mr. Liu, who begins to tell the boy the legend of Ninjago.
Ninjago is a city within the Lego Universe that is frequently attacked by the evil Lord Garmadon, who is the father of Lloyd Garmadon and ex-husband of Koko. Ninjago despises Lloyd for being Lord Garmadon's son, which puts Lloyd under emotional stress. They do not know that Lloyd is part of the secret ninja force, consisting of Nya, Zane, Jay, Cole, Kai, and their master named Wu, who always stop Garmadon from taking over the city by fighting with mechs. On Lloyd's birthday, Garmadon attacks the city once again only to be defeated. He escapes and fires nine generals of his Shark Army for failing to help him. He then begins to plan a big attack to conquer Ninjago, and his GIT`s show him plans to build a gigantic mech that is immune to weapons.
Meanwhile, Lloyd and his friends see the return of Master Wu, back from a long trip he took. Master Wu tells them they aren't real ninjas if they use only mechs to fight, and discusses with Lloyd that his element is green, confusing Lloyd. Master Wu tells Lloyd he must not be angry at Garmadon; he must use his mind to fight. Wu mentions an Ultimate Weapon, giving Lloyd the hope of defeating Garmadon once and for all, despite being forbidden to use the weapon.
The next day Garmadon attacks the city with his giant mech and defeats Lloyd. As Garmadon declares his rule over Ninjago, Lloyd returns with the Ultimate Weapon. He fires it, revealing it to be a laser that attracts a real-life cat named Meowthra. Meowthra starts destroying the city while trying to get the laser. Garmadon points the laser to make the cat destroy the other mechs before Lloyd breaks it. As Garmadon celebrates his victory, Lloyd reveals that he is the Green Ninja, and tells Garmadon that he wishes he wasn't his father, leaving Garmadon confused.
Lloyd meets up with his friends and Master Wu, who are all upset with him for using the weapon. Wu tells them they must use an Ultimate, Ultimate Weapon to stop Meowthra from destroying the city, which they would reach by crossing the Forest of Dangers, the Canyon of Death, and the Temple of Fragile Foundations. Garmadon overhears Wu talking about the weapon and follows close behind. He meets up with Wu and fights him, only to end up in a cage, defeated. However, Wu loses his balance and falls off a bridge into a river, telling Lloyd he must use inner peace before getting swept away.
The ninjas decide to continue on, with Garmadon leading them much to Lloyd's disappointment. They are caught by the Shark Army, who want revenge for being fired by Garmadon and shot out of his volcano lair. The ninjas try to fight but are easily defeated. They retreat leaving Lloyd and Garmadon behind to be caught by the Shark Army. The Shark Army begins to fire Lloyd and Garmadon into a volcano, but the rest of the ninjas save the day using stealth fighting. They all work together with Garmadon to escape the angry Shark Army by building a makeshift helicopter, and Lloyd and Garmadon bond together in the process.
They eventually crash down onto the Temple of Fragile Foundations. Garmadon reveals that it is his home, as well as Koko formerly being a ninja warrior herself. He tells Lloyd that he wishes he had stayed with him and his mom after deciding to conquer Ninjago, but he couldn't change so he had to stay behind. The ninjas find the Ultimate Ultimate Weapon, consisting of a set of trinkets, only to have it stolen by Garmadon who still wants to take over the city. He offers for Lloyd to be his general, but Lloyd rejects his offer. Out of fury, Garmadon locks all of them in the temple as it begins to collapse. Lloyd realizes that inner peace means for them to unleash their power within, and they successfully do this, using their elemental powers and escaping from the collapsing temple. As they fall off a cliff, Wu saves them with his ship, the Destiny`s Bounty and they head towards Ninjago.
Garmadon arrives and tries to control Meowthra with the weapons but Meowthra eats Garmadon instead. Lloyd and the crew arrive and begin fighting Garmadon's army. As Lloyd approaches Meowthra, he reveals to everyone that he is the Green Ninja, and realizes that green means life, which brings everything together. He comforts Meowthra and tells Garmadon he forgives him and that he's sorry. Garmadon cries tears of fire, which causes Meowthra to spit him out. After reconciling, Garmadon moves in with Lloyd and Koko, Meowthra becomes the mascot of Ninjago, and Lloyd is hailed as a hero.
As the story concludes, Mr. Liu tells the boy that he will start to train him as a ninja.
A mid-credits scene also shows a gag reel of a cup stunt performed by Chan as Liu at the film's opening
Good Qualities
- Still amazing animation, which is a step-up from The Lego Movie and The Lego Batman Movie. Just like with The Lego Movie and The Lego Batman Movie, it still uses CGI instead of stop motion, which is unique, not a rehash, once again, provided by Animal Logic.
- Very good voice acting, with good performances from actors like Dave Franco and Jackie Chan. Dave Franco managed to sound like a teenager with his voice acting despite being 32 on filming.
- Very likable main characters with great character development, following two of the best examples:
- Lloyd is a very likable and relatable protagonist. He also gets a lot of development. He starts out as a teen who wishes that Garmadon wasn't his father, but as the plot progresses, he likes Garmadon more and eventually became close to him.
- Zane is a funny comic relief character, who has many great moments of comedy, like him increasing the pressure on Kai, him and Lloyd's birthday hug dramatically.
- Garmadon, while a weak villain, is actually very funny, and wants to spend some father-son bonding with Lloyd.
Bad Qualities
- It may be harder to get into for fans of the show due to quite a few changes, though this is forgivable due to it being set in a different continuity and is moreso connected to the Lego Movie universe and not the Ninjago TV show.
- Poor grasp of the original source material:
- Misako's name has been changed to Koko.
- The ninja don't use spinjitzu, unlike in the show, despite being mentioned.
- The relationships between the ninja are left out. In the show, Nya and Kai are brother and sister, and Cole and Jay both have a crush on Nya, but this is only mentioned in one scene.
- The plot is rather cliched. Its just your typical "kid gets bullied, but in secret is a hero" plot. Surprisingly, the city is also really mean-spirited towards Lloyd all because of Garmadon's son, which gives part of the movie a Chicken Little feel; even his own friends turn on him when he accidentally used the ultimate weapon to unleashes Meowthra, although it was justified since he breaks the laser pointer and the ninjas aren't jerks to Lloyd.
- The plot can also get predictable. For example, Wu's potential death, but the plot twist that he's alive was predictable.
- Garmadon in the first act is a weak villain who is just your typical "take over the world because I'm evil" villain, while compared to the show's version, who is actually a good villain.
- Garmadon explaining on what he can do with his four arms (like have two people making out) felt very inappropriate for a kids' movie.
- False advertising for two reasons:
- Despite the marketing making it seem like they do, none of the ninjas use the main weapons (except Lloyd which only used at the beginning).
- There was a scene in the trailer that shows the Ninjago using there weapons but got cut for unknown reasons.
- There are some unused scenes in the trailers that weren't used in the film.
The Lego Ninjago Movie received mixed reviews from critics and audiences, but was well-received from most fans of Ninjago, despite not being considered to be as good as the show, who prised animation, voice acting, soundtrack, visual style, and humor, but criticized its lack of originally. On review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 56% based on 133 reviews and an average rating of 5.83/10. The site's critical consensus reads, "Despite ample charm and a few solid gags, The Lego Ninjago Movie suggests this franchise's formula isn't clicking like it used to.". On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 55 out of 100 based on 33 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews". Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "B+" on an A+ to F scale. On Letterboxd, the movie has 2.8/5 score.
At first, this film used to be weakest film produced by Warner Animation Group, but when SCOOB! was released, it was stated that many people are now re-evaluated the movie more positively, although this is still considered to be one of the weaker in The Lego Movie series.
Chris Stuckmann gives the film a B-, stated why this film is considered underrated and later included top 8 for underrated from YouTube video of Overlooked & Underrated Movies of 2017.
Читайте также:
- Despite the marketing making it seem like they do, none of the ninjas use the main weapons (except Lloyd which only used at the beginning).