Lego star wars helmets
The LEGO Star Wars Helmet Collection is a series of build-to-display models targeting adult LEGO builders and Star Wars collectors alike. Each set in the collection recreates the likeness of an iconic Star Wars helmet. LEGO launched the Star Wars helmet sub-theme in 2020 and has released 2-3 new helmets each year. The company discontinues sets over time.
Let’s explore everything you need to know about the LEGO Star Wars Helmets including a complete list of all of the helmets.
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General Helmet Description
Assembled from plastic LEGO pieces, all current helmet designs represent dark side or bounty hunter characters. Each completed helmet connects to a black stand (also made from LEGO). A custom modified tile, adorned with the name of the helmet, attaches to the front of the display. Each set includes a brick separator tool as well.
How many LEGO Star Wars Helmets are there?
As of February 2022, the LEGO Star Wars Helmet Collection encompasses 5 different helmet designs. LEGO will release 3 new helmet designs in March 2022.
If you like superheros too, LEGO has also released similar Marvel and DC masks and helmet build-to-display models.
How big is each helmet?
The helmets are scaled down and are not full size, although each helmet is intricately designed and detailed nevertheless. Each completed helmet measures around 7 to 8.5 inches tall, including the stand (about the size of a softball to a pineapple). The smaller size makes the helmets easy to display on a shelf.
Why are the helmets recommended for age 18+?
LEGO recommends the series for builders ages 18+ due, in part, to the complexity of the build and also due to LEGO’s anticipation of who will be most interested in the set.
As a static display model, the completed helmet provides limited play value compared to LEGO sets designed for younger age groups. Experienced younger builders may enjoy constructing the helmets with the understanding that the completed helmet has little play value.
The LEGO Star Wars diorama series also features an 18+ recommendation for similar reasons as the the buildable helmets.
Complete List of LEGO Star Wars Helmets
8. LEGO Star Wars Luke Skywalker (Red Five) Helmet 75327
The LEGO Star Wars Luke Skywalker (Red Five) Helmet is the first ever Rebel pilot or Resistance pilot helmet to join the LEGO Star Wars Helmet Collection. The helmet features two large Rebel emblems on the top and additional red, yellow and black detailing throughout. Brick-built goggles, microphone, and a chinstrap complete the look. “Red Five, standing by!” IMAGE CREDIT LEGO
7. LEGO Star Wars The Mandalorian Helmet 75328
The mysterious lone gunslinger known as The Mandalorian is rarely seen without his beskar helmet. The LEGO The Mandalorian Helmet set features some drum-lacquered elements create a beskar-like metallic sheen on some of the pieces. The set also includes different shades of gray to create a depth and dimension to the helmet as well.
6. LEGO Star Wars Dark Trooper Helmet 75343
The Dark Troopers are fearsome experimental battle droids in The Mandalorian series. The mostly black LEGO Star Wars Dark Trooper Helmet construction features menacing eyes made with translucent red LEGO elements. IMAGE CREDIT LEGO
5. LEGO Star Wars Scout Trooper Helmet 75305
Scout troopers, or biker scouts, are specially trained stormtroopers often tasked with reconnaissance missions. The LEGO Scout Trooper Helmet set is made from fewer pieces and is less complicated to build than the other helmets in series (it’s also cheaper…at least until the set is discontinued).
4. LEGO Star Wars Darth Vader Helmet 75304
Arguably the most famous, memorable and chilling Star Wars helmets of all time, the samurai-inspired Darth Vader helmet makes a big visual impact! Buyers report some confusion and concern due the top of the box being labeled as “Dark Vador”. The unfortunate error appears to be a misprint on the genuine LEGO product box. Eagle eyed readers will spot the “Dark Vador” misprint on the top of the box in the stock image below.
3. LEGO Star Wars Boba Fett Helmet 75277
Among the most infamous “minor” characters in the Original Trilogy, bounty hunter Boba Fett has garnered a loyal following and now has his very own Disney+ series! A small gray section in the upper left part of the helmet represents the signature Boba Fett helmet dent.
The completed model features a flip-down rangefinder (i.e. targeting device on the helmet antenna). The flip-down rangefinder is a rare find in the helmet series–most of the helmets don’t have any moving parts. IMAGE CREDIT LEGO
2. LEGO Star Wars Stormtrooper Helmet 75276
The LEGO Stormtrooper Helmet recreates the legendary white “buckethead” helmet of the infantry soldiers of the Galactic Empire. Imperial stormtroopers serve as a ubiquitous reminder of the Emperor’s power and reach throughout the galaxy.
1. LEGO Star Wars TIE Fighter Helmet 75274
The inaugural helmet in the series, the LEGO TIE Fighter Helmet display model is predominantly black with two large Imperial emblems. The model even includes a representation of the two flexible gas transfer tubes that attach to front of the vacuum-sealed helmet!
A Helmet is included with many LEGO ® Star Wars minifigures. Below, there are the different variations of Lego Star Wars Helmets.
Armor Variations
Take note that this is for Clone troopers only.
Phase I armor
The Phase I armor includes the typical clone trooper helmet, designed after the commonly seen Mandalorian helmet.
Phase II armor
The Phase II armor includes a revamped clone trooper helmet, which looks similar to a mix of a clone trooper and stormtrooper's helmet. Phase II armor also has different helmets for different clone armors used in varying environments.
Clone Trooper Helmets
These are helmets worn by clone troopers of the Galactic Republic. Helmets, along with the upper body armor, are painted to denote rank and clone divisions.
Republic Commandos
The helmet of the Republic Commandos is a different design from the typical clone trooper helmet.
Sharpshooters are sniper variants of clone troopers. They wear an aesthetically different helmet from regular clone troopers.
Stormtrooper Helmets
These are helmets worn by stormtroopers of the Imperial Empire. Unlike Clone trooper armor, stormtroopers keep their armor clean, and may denote rank using additional armor pieces.
Mandalorian Helmets
These are helmets worn by mercenaries of Mandalorian descent. The typical Mandalorian helmet was also the design that Jango Fett and Boba Fett wore, and was also the basic design of the Clone trooper's helmet.
Pilot Helmets
These are helmets worn by different pilots of the galaxy. Pilot helmets vary, depending on the maker or the faction.
Naboo-style Helmets
These helmets are used during Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace during the Invasion of Naboo. Pilots who take the fight into space will be seen wearing this helmet, along with Anakin Skywalker, who happened to join the fight.
Anakin also happens to have a beaten-up variation of the Naboo-style helmet when podracing on the Boonta Eve Classic, and wears it. The helmet also appears to have goggles attached, to prevent dirt and dust from flying into the pilot's face.
Clone Pilot Helmets
There are two variations of the Republic-style pilot helmets; the Phase I and Phase II. The Phase I helmet looks more like the typical clone helmet and is not meant for altitudes above the planet's atmosphere. The Phase II helmet is more sophisticated and is used for clones who fight in space.
Среди тысячи вещей, которые LEGO имеет в своей линии, посвященной Star Wars , одними из самых удивительных являются шлемы легендарных персонажей из саги. Явно посвященный темной стороне и злодеям из фильмов, это сериал, который не может отсутствовать в коллекции любого фаната. Вот почему мы приносим вам все Star Wars шлемы LEGO есть прямо сейчас . Иди готовь свой карман, потому что правда в том, что они великолепны.
LEGO Шлем Звездных войн Коллекция представляет собой серию сборно-демонстрационных моделей. предназначен для пожилых поклонников и коллекционеров саги «Звездные войны»..
Каждый набор воспроизводит культовый шлем из Star Wars злодеи из 2020 года. Каждый год выпускается пара новых шлемов, и сейчас у вас в коллекции их 5, и мы показываем вам их все, чтобы вызвать у вас зависть или идеи.
Шлем Дарта Вейдера
Конечно же, мы начинаем с самый культовый шлем в саге , ставший легендой и предметом вожделения каждого уважающего себя болельщика.
С набором номер 75304 и 834 штук , это must-have в любой коллекции, а также пока самая сложная в серии, по крайней мере, с точки зрения количества компонентов.
Шлем Бобы Фетта
Легендарный шлем Бобы Фетта, возвращающийся в моду вместе с сериалом. дал ему ауру прохладный тайна , поддерживается Мандалорские и разоблачен Книга Бобы Фетта .
С набором № 75277 и 625 штук , это еще один важный момент.
Шлем разведчика
солдаты империи, патрулировавшие луну Эндора , дом эвоков в Возвращение джедая, тоже есть место в коллекции.
С набором № 75305 и 471 штук , он же один из самых дешёвых и, если его увидеть-получить, похоже, что дальше не будет.
Шлем штурмовика
Наряду с Дартом Вейдером, это Star Wars шлем, так что он не мог пропасть . Столь же узнаваемый, как Лорд Ситхов, видеть его парящим где-то всегда было напоминанием о явной силе Империи и плохой цели.
С набором № 75276, штук снова поднимаются до 647 и это очень ценится.
Шлем пилота СИД-истребителя
Шлем, который открыл серию, а также один из самых зрелищных , с этим блестящим черным и гербами Империи, венчающими фигуру.
Воспроизведение довольно точное, с двумя гибкими дыхательными трубками, прикрепленными к передней части.
Второй по сложности по количеству штук ( 724, прямо под шлемом Дарта Вейдера. ) имеет номер набора 75274. И вы тоже много платите, чтобы получить его, мы сейчас расскажем вам об этом.
Как видите, один проход, правда. Конечно, еще раз напомню, что это шлемы для несколько более искушенной публики. Так что, если вы думаете о том, чтобы подарить их ребенку, лучше, чтобы им было несколько лет или чтобы взрослый протянул руку помощи.
Но кого мы обманываем, вы их сами собираетесь покупать, оставляя вам минималку.
Get a first look at the latest additions to the LEGO Group’s popular collector’s line, with insights from the designers.
Luke Skywalker (Senior Model Designer, César Carvalhosa Soares)
“ This helmet presented many challenges, but I think the biggest one was to capture the tricolor ‘fin’ on the top of the helmet. With white stripes on the top, red sides, and a bright yellow line across it, it meant that we really had to be creative. We ended up using bow elements in red with a white decoration on top and flexible yellow tubing for the side stripe.”
“This was the first time that we did an open-face helmet and it provided us with a lot of different challenges. The first one was how to secure the helmet to the base without having some structure that was very obvious and could look too obtrusive. For this we extended the black pillar all the way up to the inner top of the helmet. The inside of Luke’s helmet is dark and so we covered it in black elements and a thick dark gray padding. This, together with the chin strap and the microphone, really helped to have a nice, composed helmet without a big hollow area in the middle. Finally, with the use of several decorated elements we were able to capture all the different markings, strips and logos, just like the original helmet.”
“I’m very proud of the final result, but I would say that the visor part is the one that I am most happy with. It was also a particularly challenging task, and we tried many different options and ended up with one that uses several transparent elements in orange. The visor is then hinged in two different directions to achieve the correct shape.”
The Mandalorian (Design Manager, Michael Lee Stockwell)
“ Mando’s helmet is made of polished beskar metal, and I knew before I even started that metalizing all of the elements used in the design of the helmet was not a realistic option. When you look at any polished metal surface, it is the contrast of highlight and shadow together with the tone of the actual metal that determines how you perceive the shape of the object. In the case of a LEGO model, we typically make use of color to create these differentiations.”
“While studying reference images of Mando’s helmet, the feature that I found most prominent was the deeply carved cheek areas. There are numerous angled surfaces that merge here and create strong contrasting areas of highlight and shadow. I tried many different approaches, and I think the final solution addresses the challenges and stays true to the design language of the rest of the helmet.”
“This is my first LEGO Star Wars helmet, but I have followed my colleagues closely through their challenges with previous models. The shortcut here would have been to just change the color of 75277, the Boba Fett helmet, but we are driven by the idea that LEGO elements offer an infinite number of possibilities, so we continue the search for new ways to hopefully take it a step further. If you look closely at reference images, you will notice that the helmet is slightly wider at the base, and the sides slope gently inwards. This feature is addressed in the Mandalorian helmet.”
Dark Trooper (Model Designer, Hans Burkhard Schlömer)
“A lot of the menacing look is in the eyes – those glowing red eyes, surrounded by impenetrable, blaster proof black metal. Not even Darth Vader has glowing eyes! While the rest of the model was mostly another exercise in getting the shape right, designing the eyes and the surrounding area was the most fun for me!”
“ Another difference between this dark trooper helmet and other helmets we made is that it required adding a hinge at the neck. To get the menacing appearance of the original droids right I had to tilt down the front of the head — like a bull lowering its head, ready to attack. That is the way those droids’ heads are mounted. It was important to catch the menacing aura of the dark troopers, and the hinge proved to be the key element.”
“Designing uni-colored models has its ups and downs, especially with black elements. It helps with the overall shape as it makes everything blend together more easily but makes it difficult for details to stand out. The biggest design challenge was probably the snout/mouth of this helmet due to its complex shape!”
The LEGO Star Wars Luke Skywalker (Red Five), The Mandalorian, and Dark Trooper helmets are available for pre-order now and arrive March 1.
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Lego is offering a free Death Star II Battle set (opens in new tab) for all Star Wars purchases above $75 for May the Fourth 2020. The deal ends May 4.
It's time to suit up for "Star Wars Day" — that annual May the Fourth (be with you) fan celebration that happens on Monday. Luckily, Lego has three new helmet sets to help you get in the right mood.
Supporters of the Empire can choose to build any or all of the following Lego sets: a Boba Fett helmet (opens in new tab) , a Stormtrooper helmet (opens in new tab) or a TIE fighter pilot helmet (opens in new tab) .
While the helmets are not wearable, they would look great on a bookshelf or with other items in your "Star Wars (opens in new tab) " collection. The dimensions are diminutive enough to fit on most furniture, with Boba Fett's helmet at 8 inches (21 centimeters) tall, and the Stormtrooper and TIE fighter pilot helmets at 7 inches (18 cm) tall each.
Lego Boba Fett Helmet | $59.99 (opens in new tab)
The new Lego Star Wars Boba Fett Helmet building set comes with 625 pieces and includes a base plate and name plaque. The set was released on April 19, 2020.
There are even name plaques to introduce any of your home's visitors to the series, before immersing yourself — once again — in the numerous films and TV shows the franchise has generated in 40+ years.
Lego says the sets are optimized for "elite-class building" adults who may be feeling nostalgia for any part of the series (original series, prequels or sequels). The subject matter of these helmets, however, are mostly aimed at people who saw the first trio of "Star Wars" films released between 1977 and 1983.
Lego Stormtrooper Helmet | $59.99 (opens in new tab)
The new Lego Star Wars Stormtrooper Helmet building set comes with 647 pieces and includes a base plate and name plaque. The set was released on April 19, 2020.
"Helmets have been a staple in Star Wars iconography since the very beginning, helping to shape the designs of some of the most notable characters in the galaxy," Derek Stothard, vice-president of licensing at series producer Lucasfilm, said in a statement. .
"It only made sense to immortalize those helmets in Lego brick form. It's always fun to work with the Lego Group to create new, engaging and mentally stimulating products for builders around the globe, and we're so excited to bring these Lego Star Wars helmet building kits, and brand-new packaging, to our fans."
Lego TIE Fighter Pilot Helmet | $59.99 (opens in new tab)
The new Lego Star Wars TIE Fighter Pilot Helmet building set comes with 724 pieces and includes a base plate and name plaque. The set was released on April 19, 2020.
You can find more details about the sets, which launched April 19, on the special "Star Wars" day section (opens in new tab) on Lego's website.
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