Zombie kill of the week как играть по сети
First of all, its not that smart to spend your very first ZKWCs on clothing, its smart to give the rifle 1-2 Upgrades first and get a perk
(I suggest the piercing perk, its just the most useful.)
Your Skillpoints!
This one is the MOST IMPORTANT: Gun Expert. This is the skill you want to max out before anything else.
The probably second most important skill is Money Finder. In higher rounds you will just need sooo much money.
Its smart to upgrade this skill to the max after gun expert, its not essential to get it to MAX though, but very usefull.
It is also important to at least have 3 Points in Runner.
When youve reached a bigger level already you can spend those extra skill points on Lucky Bastard or if you want some special stuff you can also lvl up your Handyman skill to get some unique zombie-killing machines.
So when youre just starting the Match you might be usually trying to get a good weapon first.
These are the best Options:
1) Who needs a gun when you have Turret?
2) Buy the Fridge accessory before you start the game to get a good starting weapon(Not guaranteed..)
3) If you want to stay basic , just take the rifle, its ALWAYS a good choice. Just DONT even touch the UZI. The MP5 is okay, but its not really killing it in comparison to the rifle and as useless as the uzi just a bit later.
Abandoned Hospital:
You dont want to open the first door, it will open itself a few rounds in. Also dont open the doors upstairs until you got the 6gun(Minigun)
Red Snow:
Take the rifle and shoot all the zombies until the door opens itself for free!
So youve killed a few zombies unlocked a few doors and got some weapons, what now?
Havent gotten the 6Gun(Minigun) yet? Get it, now! (Except for if you already got a GigaGirlGannon) And then pick up the Phone to call in a bot in to your next game to help you!
You got the gun? Then hurry up to the UPGRADE Machine to evolve it into a beast of a weapon.
Get a good Secondary weapon , if youve already bought the 60 ZKWC expensive MeGu, get that one from the fridge and upgrade it to burst every hard crowd of zombies(alternatively the D.O.M, but thats a bit less efficient in terms of money and ammo).
If you couldnt afford that one yet stick to the RPK from the fridge and Upgrade it. Around round 30 its literally spraying death.
What now?
Survive! Try to get as high as possible! If youre out of ammo and already got your 2 Weapons then head to the RANDOM Machine and pay it until it spits out some ammo.
Multiplayer is arguably the best mode.
You will never reach as high solo as you can in Multiplayer, besides that, its way more fun!
Always play with a 4 player team! Even 1 Player more makes a big difference!
If you dont have the patience to wait, you can start with 3 players too, usually another one swings by in the early rounds.
Chat! Communication between each other will really help out everyone, when you havent got any ammo left and are in a bad spot, tell your mates!
BUT always make sure youre in a Spot where you wont get killed while typing, or if its really urgent at least make sure youre in a spot where your mates can easily revive you.
MEAT! You should always carry some meat when youre playing online, its definitely worth the price. One piece of meat can often save your whole team from an awful zombie gank of death.
(Also note: While youre dead you can still throw meat, this might help your mates to revive you if there a zombiecrowd blocking the way for them.)
If at least one player has a load of turrets some situations will be way easier for everyone.
So if youve by now just been blindly shooting everything with 4 Players holding miniguns - well then youre doing it wrong.
First of all, the Minigun is one of the best weapons , thats right.
But its NOT the BEST.
For Short:
TeraToyTaunter » MiniDeathBringer
This might come as a suprise but that MegaMan-arm cannon actually is a damn burst.
Its FAST , it has a load of ammo, its shooting strong laserblasts which are good in combination with the Headshot,Fire or Split powerup from bosses. Its Cheap . well if youre lucky.
The Downside is that at very first, you will have to buy the GigaGirlGannon from the Weaponry for 35 ZKWC. After that you will have to switch through the fridge until you finally got it.
But , oh boy, its worth the trouble!
To reach rounds 100+ , it wont help if everyone uses a TTT or MDB. Heres a little Setup i found out works really good.
1 Player should have:
TTT or at least MDB
and L-MeGunator (alternatively D8M, but the LMG is way more efficient)
2 Players should have:
TTT or MDB, or Both.
A (weaker though) alternative to one of these is the upgraded version of the RPK from the fridge.
1 Player should have:
AND an upgraded Flamethrower.
So , now you know which weapons will get you far, but just blindly shooting wont get you that much.
You should have a kind of order who does what:
1 Player should have a MAXED MONEYFINDER SKILL and its recommended that this player has the LMG(LMG not necessary but very recommended)
This player needs to be the ammo-buyer at the Random machine, whenever someone gets out of ammo he should head to the Random Machine and pay till it spits some out.
At least one player should have a load of Turrets and Meat etc. these gadgets will be very usefull in a lot of situations.
One player could be assigned as Primay Medic, the Runner skill will be usefull for this, also dont forget some meat(LMG is suggested too)
So now youre all set for ZKW!
This Guide was written from my personal experience, ive played ZKW Online a lot before i had it on steam (on Android) so i could consider myself as experienced.
However, this is just a help for those who want some, most important is that you have fun while playing, none of these Important suggestions are rules or anything, they just make it easier. There are probably a lot of other ways to achieve even higher rounds, maybe you can find them and write them in a Guide too?
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Способ по которому можно поиграть: Интернет (Игра на лицензионных серверах).
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Вы молоды ?)) неееет, вы старичёк, у которого ещё остался порох в пороховницах . Главная цель игры Коффин Доджерс - доехать на супер скоростном скутере до финиша, но это не так просто как может показаться, на пути вас ждут толпища зомби, готовые разорвать вас в пух и прах!
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Zombie kill of the week как играть по сети
Zombie Kill of the Week - Reborn
23 июн. 2018 в 8:37 Does this game have Local Coop? I wanna play it with my friends when they come over.Hey!
Unfortunately, no :(
I was going to make such a thing at one point, but due to the awful code I had going on (I kept making ZKW for six years) it turned out to be a much bigger challenge than I thought of.
There is, however a LAN and online multiplayer, which are cross-platform. Meaning that if you're playing on PC, your friends can join in with Android/iOS devices. The LAN multiplayer is also free on Android :)
26 июн. 2018 в 2:33Hey!
Unfortunately, no :(
I was going to make such a thing at one point, but due to the awful code I had going on (I kept making ZKW for six years) it turned out to be a much bigger challenge than I thought of.
There is, however a LAN and online multiplayer, which are cross-platform. Meaning that if you're playing on PC, your friends can join in with Android/iOS devices. The LAN multiplayer is also free on Android :)
Thanks Mr.Developer for the response.
I bought the game, but was hoping for local-coop so I can play the game with my friends on one PC since my PC is on my TV.. Also I got surface Pro tablet which I like to take on the go and play some games with me on the trip and I figured this game would have been the perfect choice. I dont think my friends like to play on their phones though. Either way, I appreciate the response and will play the game as I think it looks really fun! 6 years is a long time. I hope your future games will have local coop though. If you're making any games or you made games with local coop for PC let me know so I can check them out on steam!
Zombie kill of the week как играть по сети
Zombie Kill of the Week - Reborn
1 ноя. 2017 в 12:12 I just bought this game and I face this problem. It appears every time I'm trying to start multiplayer. It began today (at 21:00 pm). Help, i can't solve this problem:((Just try to restart Steam (and maybe your pc) and try again? Also make sure you're logged in to Steam before you start playing
2 ноя. 2017 в 1:51Just try to restart Steam (and maybe your pc) and try again? Also make sure you're logged in to Steam before you start playing
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