Южный парк палка истины сколько всего друзей
сколько максимум (для ачивки) друзей можно добавить и сколько всего уровней прокачки персонажа?
Максимальный уровень - 15, сколько всего друзей точно не скажу, на данный момент нашёл 97.
если с самого начала идти у эльфов на поводу, когда подружишься со всеми в лагере лорда жиртреста, а также спасения жизни архиепископа, количество друзей приумножится, но понту от этого никакого
Тоесть не обязательно было помогать Батерсу?
с самого начала обязательно, просто возле кафешки надо сдаться эльфам
Ну, а я остался с Картманом. Там вроде всё равно все добавились
так же остался с картманом, с эльфами выбирал - драться, готов привел к картману, в школе дрался с кайлом
Помойму выбор стороны ниначто не влияет, все равно добавятся френды. Но я могу ошибаться. У меня вобще 109, но я убил архиепископа и Гор выпилился из друзей. Есть еще санта клаус. Значит 111 могло бы быть. Эх упустил кого-то)
скорее всего не влияет ни на что, просто ради принципа )
у меня щас 116, еще 4 значит, полотенчик, сатана и еще 2, хз может хуссейн и еще кто-то
блин как вы из находите 113 и все никак больше((
вот тут я выложил весь список,только грамотно перевести нужно
в игре 121 друх, причем один из друзей это чинпокемон который появится когда соберешь всех 30 покемонов.при 2 прохождение у меня сейчас их 118, нету гнома и чинпокемона и кого то еще 1 пропустил.=(
Друзья в SP.
104, Эла гора нет.
У меня епископа нет т.к. я его убил
я отрезал епископу яйца и убил его, он не добавил меня после этого в друзья, но вместе с лесными зверями а их 13 штук, у меня получилось 105
в лесу иди вправо вверх вправо вниз вправо, это которые сатанисты. Придется принять их истинного владыку, что бы они добавились на фейсбуке в друзья =)
ну вот теперь стало 113
на крыше полиции,там с пожарной лестницы телепортируешься
могу заскринить весь список)) но могло бы быть и 114 если бы не епископ,которого я убил
Ну если можно. А так я его тоже убил. Кстати после квеста расфрендь Эла Гора он у меня остался почему-тою
короче,максимум 120 похоже
кстати, быть может если найдешь всех малышей, они тоже добавятся в друзья
а ты в заданиях смотри, там все просто, с начало к принцу, потом к кокомуто лорду что ли Виннипера, потом обратно к принцу, потом убить архиепископа, потом опять к принцу, потом на юго-запод к главному кто он там, тоже лорд? не помню, там же на юго-востоке 2 монаха теренс и филип, обучат пердежу, которым в пещере на востоке канады спасаешь чела который переводит письмо и бежишь к девчонкам
Ты может не помнишь. Но что за два чувака на 3-ем скриншоте в 3-ем ряду, 2-ой и 3-й слева
если не ошибаюсь, это когда на школу нападаешь в битве с эльфами за палку, они на вашей стороне, ты им помогаешь, они в друзья кидают
Это эльфы,который 3-й он оружие продает,а вот который 2-й не помню,да там когда на школу нападаешь они будут
Если так, то я прошляпил 3-х друзей. Но где то же ещё 5 найти надо!
1. Al Gore – Finish his sidequest.
2. Allie Nelson – Talk to her after you recruit the girls.
3. Amber – Rescue her in the sewer.
4. Annie – Save her from the bullies outside City Hall
5. Bartender – At the same time as Skeeter. During Skeeter’s sidequest.
6. Bebe – Main questline.
7. Big Gay Al – Answer the phone.
8. Bill – Save him during the main questline.
9. Billy – Complete the “Hide ‘N’ Seek” sidequest. Start it by talking to the little kids at the park’s basketball court. — A video guide at the bottom of this page shows how to find & befriend him and the other five Kindergartners during a game of hide and seek.
10. Bishop of Banff – Main questline. (May have to spare his life.)
11. Bradley – Talk to him after you get Shrink.
12. Butters – Start of Game
13. Cartman – Main quest.
14. Catatafish – Main questline.
15. Chinpokomon Toy Corporation – Collect all 30 using our detailed South Park: The Stick of Truth Chinpokomon Locations Guide.
16-27. Christmas Critters AKA Beary, Rabbity, Skunky, Beavery, Mousey, Squirrely, Deery, Woodpeckery, Porcupiney, Foxy, Chickadee-y & Raccoony – You find the 12 Woodland Critters animal friends in the Lost Forest by following the combination on the “Blood orgy” poster found in Kyle’s bedroom, it’s: right, up, right, down, right. — Or if you go to Stan’s house he has a pamphlet on the ground with directions to take in the Lost Forest that will lead you to the 12 animal friends as well. When you get to them, all you have to do is accept Satan as your true Lord to befriend them!
28. Chris Donnely – Talk to him after you finish main quest up to recruiting the girls. He’s in Kyle’s backyard, next to Dogpoo.
29. Clyde – At the very very start of the game you have to befriend Clyde before you talk to Cartman. Clyde unfriends you, so he won’t show up in the final list of 120 friends at the end of the game (but that is the reason why this list is 121 friends long). Since he IS required and counts as part of the friends list, meaning you could have messed up in the first 30 seconds of the game.
30. Cornwallis – Rescue him in the sewer.
31. Crab Person – Talk to him in the sewer after you get Nagasaki fart attack from Terrance & Phillip in Canada. Go down the manhole cover in the center of town (next to the “Men Working” sign) to take you into the sewer where the Crab Person lives. Follow the path and a ladder down until you reach a big rock blocking the way, use your Nagasaki parting farting ability to blow up the rock and reach the Crab Person to befriend it. — A video guide at the bottom of this page shows how to befriend him step-by-step.
32. Craig – Main story
33. Dad – Talk to him after you get 50 friends.
34. Damien – Inside the Theatre.
35. DogPoo – Talk to him at Kyle’s house. Finish sidequest.
36. Dougie – Outside Butters’ house.
37. Douglas – Talk to him at Kyle’s house. — Or if he’s not there, go to the Post Office (next to Unplanned Parenthood) on the 2nd floor window . You have to break the window and then there’s an alien probe teleporter to use, you go to the left of that behind the window.
38. Duke of Vancouver – Main questline.
39. Earl of Winnipeg – Main questline.
40. Esther – Talk to her in the News Building
41. Filmore – Complete the “Hide ‘N’ Seek” sidequest. Start it by talking to the little kids at the park’s basketball court. — A video guide at the bottom of this page shows how to find & befriend him and the other five Kindergartners during a game of hide and seek. (Last one I found. Hardest to find IMO.)
42. Firkle – Main quest.
43. Flora – Complete the “Hide ‘N’ Seek” sidequest. Start it by talking to the little kids at the park’s basketball court. — A video guide at the bottom of this page shows how to find & befriend her and the other five Kindergartners during a game of hide and seek.
44. Fossey – Save him during the main questline. Same as Bill.
45. Francis – Break his snowman and talk to him.
46. Frog King – Main questline.
47. General Disarray – Talk to him in Butters’ secret lair.
48. Heidi – Talk to her after you recruit the girls.
49. Henrietta – Main quest.
50. Ike – Talk to him during assault on Craig’s Keep.
51. Jason – Talk to him at Kyle’s house.
52. Jenny – Complete the “Hide ‘N’ Seek” sidequest. Start it by talking to the little kids at the park’s basketball court. — A video guide at the bottom of this page shows how to find & befriend her and the other five Kindergartners during a game of hide and seek.
53. Jessie – Talk to her after you recruit the girls.
54. Jessie Rodriguez – Main questline.
55. Jesus – Find Jesus sidequest. Starts by talking to Priest Maxi, who’s on the park bench left of South Park City Hall, where you can go about 10-20 minutes into the game. During the sidequest go to the church to find Jesus playing peek-a-boo among the church benches, find him twice. After that go back to talk to Priest Maxi and he’ll tell you to go back again. Go back to the church and re-arrange the two lights to point to the holy cross in the middle, and finally flip the light switch on the right side of the wall to off. Walk up behind the speaker pedestal where the shade’s coming from and you found Jesus, literally, at which point you can befriend him! — Watch the video guide at the bottom of this list for visual help.
56. Jimbo – Finish Jimbo’s “Big Game Huntin’ with Jimbo” sidequest at Jimbo’s gun shop.
57. Jimmy – Talk to him at Kyle’s house. Finish sidequest.
58. Karen – In Kenny’s house.
59. Kelly Gardner – Talk to her on the way west from your house.
60. Kelly Rutherford – Talk to her once you have 30 friends.
61. Kenny – Talk to him at Cartman’s house / Kupa Koop backyard.
62. Kevin Stoley – Finish his side quest.
63. Kyle – Main quest.
64. Lemmiwinks – Grade 5 classroom.
65. Leroy Mullens – On top of News Building after you get shrink.
66. Lola – Talk to her in the Post Office after 40 friends.
67. Mayor McDaniels – Finish her “The Homeless Problem” sidequest. Go into City Hall and pay a visit to the Mayor to start it. — Watch the video guide at the bottom of this list for location tips.
68. Micheal – Main quest.
69. Millie – Talk to her behind Unplanned Parenthood.
70. Minister of Montreal – Main questline.
71. Mom – Talk to her in your house.
72. Monica – Main questline.
73. Mr. Adler – PTA member after you get the evidence.
74. Mr. Broflovski – Outside Kyle’s house.
75. Mr. Garrison – PTA member after you get the evidence.
76. Mr. Hankey (Summon) – Finish his sidequest. His house is down in the Sewer.
77. Mr. Hat – Main questline.
78. Mr. Kim (Summon) – Finish his sidequest.
79. Mr. Mackey – Finish his sidequest.
80. Mr. McCormick – Find him outside the Bar.
81. Mr. Slave (Summon) – Finish his sidequest. Be sure to answer the phone when in Mr. Slave’s sidequest.
82. Mr. Stotch – Inside Butters’ house. Same as Mrs. Stotch.
83. Mr. Tweak – Buy an Ultra Speed Potion at the Tweek Bros. Coffee House.
84. Mrs. Biggle – Talk to her on the bench outside the Post Office.
85. Mrs. Broflovski – PTA member after you get the evidence.
86. Mrs. Cartman – Talk to her on the way out.
87. Mrs. Hankey – Same time at Mr. Hankey. Finish Mr. Hankey’s sidequest.
88. Mrs. Marsh – Buy something from her.
89. Mrs. McCormick – In Kenny’s house after clearing out Meth Tweakers.
90. Mrs. Stotch – Inside Butters’ house.
91. Mrs. Tweak – Same as Mr. Tweak. Buy an Ultra Speed Potion at the Tweek Bros. Coffee House.
92. Ned – At the same time as Jimbo. Finish Jimbo’s “Big Game Huntin’ with Jimbo” sidequest at Jimbo’s gun shop.
93. Nelly – Talk to her after you recruit the girls.
94. Officer Barbrady – Talk to him outside Tom’s Rhinoplasty.
96. Pete (Thelman) – Main quest.
97. Phillip – Main questline.
98. Polly Prissypant – Can be found at Cartman’s House, in Cartman’s Room. Interact with the doll when Cartman is your buddy.
99. Priest Maxi – Finish his sidequest.
100. Prince of Canada – Main questline.
101. Princess of Canada – Main questline.
102. Principal Victoria – At the South Park Community Center. PTA member after you get the photo evidence from the Goth’s “PTA Problems” Quest.
103. Quaid – Complete the “Hide ‘N’ Seek” sidequest. Start it by talking to the little kids at the park’s basketball court. — A video guide at the bottom of this page shows how to find & befriend him and the other five Kindergartners during a game of hide and seek.
104. Randy – Main story.
105. Red – Talk to her after you recruit the girls.
106. Romper Stomper – Free him from the cell in the South Park Police Station.
107. Sally – Complete the “Hide ‘N’ Seek” sidequest. Start it by talking to the little kids at the park’s basketball court. — A video guide at the bottom of this page shows how to find & befriend her and the other five Kindergartners during a game of hide and seek.
108. Santa – On the roof of the Police Station.
109. Scott Malkinson – Talk to him at Cartman’s house / Kupa Koop backyard.
110. Sergeant Yates – Complete his sidequest once Nazi Zombies are in town.
111. Shelly Marsh – Talk to her after Stan’s sidequest.
112. Simon – Rescue him in the sewer.
113. Skeeter – Finish his sidequest.
114. Sparrow Prince – Main questline.
115. Stan – Talk to him at Kyle’s house. Finish sidequest.
116. Terrance – Main questline.
117. Timmy – Unlock all waypoints.
118. Token – Part of the main quest.
119. Tweek – Part of the main quest.
120. Underpants Gnome – Finish his sidequest by searching for underpants in all rooms. At your house, the “Phase 1 sidequest appears right after doing the Underpants Gnome section at your home. Around the time you’re doing the “Forging Alliances” Quest on Day 2. — A video guide below shows how to befriend him step-by-step.
List of Friends
Friends play no role in the storyline and are completely optional, but the more friends the New Kid has, the more perks he can unlock. Therefore, it's highly advised to get as many friends as you possibly can. There are 120 friends in all, 121 if you count Clyde, but players only need 101 to receive all perk points available in the game. You will need all though if you wish to gain the "More Popular than John Lennon" achievement.
The names in italics are characters who can be easily missed in the game. 7 friends are obtained in Clyde's Fortress (including finding the final Chinpokomon), so players should have 113 total friends prior to beginning the final mission if they wish to complete the achievement.
Игрок начнёт игру новым ребенком в городе, и ему предстоит пройти через мучительное испытание — завести друзей. Дети South Park втянуты в масштабную ролевую игру живого действия, бросая мнимые заклинания и размахивая фальшивыми мечами. Через некоторое время детская забава превращается в битву между добром и злом, которое грозит поглотить весь мир.
Об игре
Игра South Park: The Stick of Truth отнюдь не первая, которую создают по мотивам этого сериала. Некогда ранее вышли такие игры, как South Park (1998), South Park Rally (2000)[3] и другие. Главным отличием этой игры является то, что в её разработке принимали участие создатели сериала «Южный парк» Мэтт Стоун и Трей Паркер. Они не только написали сценарий, но и участвовали в озвучивании героев.
В игре присутствует четыре класса: воин, маг, вор и еврей.
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Создатели серии Мэтт Стоун и Трей Паркер курировали над разработкой, написали сценарий и записали голоса для игры.
Разработка и маркетинг
1 декабря 2011 года на страницах журнала Game Informer была анонсирована игра South Park: The Game.
В мае 2012 года стало известно, что релиз игры переносится со второй половины 2012 года на первый квартал 2013-го, а также новое название игры — South Park: The Stick of Truth.
4 июня 2012 года на выставке Е3 2012 был продемонстрирован дебютный трейлер.
В связи с банкротством THQ издательством игры занималась компания Ubisoft.
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