Wow analyzer как пользоваться
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How to Use WoWAnalyzer
Wowhead Client — это небольшая программа, с помощью которой мы поддерживаем базу данных в актуальном состоянии. Пользователи Wowhead Client получают доступ к дополнительным инструментам на сайте.
Две основные цели Wowhead Client:
Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter, который собирает данные, пока вы играете! Он загружает собранные данные на Wowhead, помогая поддерживать базу данных в актуальном состоянии!Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания!
WoWAnalyzer is a tool to help you analyze and improve your World of Warcraft raiding performance through various relevant metrics and gameplay suggestions.
WoWAnalyzer is a tool to help you analyze and improve your World of Warcraft raiding performance through various relevant metrics and gameplay suggestions.
3 Updated Oct 14, 2021
0 Updated Oct 1, 2021
6 Updated Sep 22, 2021
0 Updated Mar 6, 2019
0 Updated Jul 24, 2018
A WoW combatlog parser by WoWAnalyzer.
0 Updated Feb 22, 2018
Desktop Application for use with raw combatlog.txt files and WoWAnalyzer
0 Updated Feb 14, 2018
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How to Use WoWAnalyzer
The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website!
It serves 2 main purposes:
It maintains a WoW addon called the Wowhead Looter, which collects data as you play the game! It uploads the collected data to Wowhead in order to keep the database up-to-date!You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles!
Wow analyzer как пользоваться
WoWAnalyzer is a tool to help you analyze and improve your World of Warcraft raiding performance through various relevant metrics and gameplay suggestions.
New to Open Source?
If you ever get stuck or want to have a chat, join us on our Discord server. We love to hear what you're (going to be) working on!
Our docs aren't very good, but we have a really fun and helpful developer community on Discord. So please consider joining and reaching out if you need help. Be bold!
First make sure you have the following:
When cloning finishes, open a command window to the source and run the command yarn . This will take a minute or two the first time. While it's running, copy the .env.local.example file in the project root, and name it .env.local . Now you need to fill the WCL API key. To get your key, login to Warcraft Logs and go to your profile. Scroll to the bottom, enter the V1 Client Name "WoWAnalyzer (development)" (this is required) and copy the V1 Client Key, then replace INSERT_YOUR_OWN_API_KEY_HERE in .env.local with this key.
Optionally if you're on a bash compatible machine, you can run scripts/setup for an interactive setup of this application.
Once all that's done you're ready to fire up the development server! Just run the command yarn start in the project root. The first start may take a few minutes as it has to compile everything. This does get cached, so that any code changes while the server is already running will be compiled much quicker.
If you are getting Error: Invalid key specified , ensure your key is correct in .env.local and restart yarn start after changing the file so the new value is loaded (.env files are cached).
If you are getting an error about a missing module or library you might have to update your dependencies. Run yarn install or docker-compose build dev if you're using the Docker container. Make sure there's no running yarn start or yarn test when you do as they might lock files.
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