Внутренняя турель space engineers чем стреляет
The Gatling Turret is a block in Space Engineers which can be placed on Large Ships and Stations. As of the planetary update, it became able to be used on small ships. It was present in the game in a nonfunctional state, finally becoming operational in update 01.027.
Known Issues
The launcher tubes are considerably spread out. However, after the turret verifies line of sight for one tube, it proceeds to fire four tubes, some of which can have their line of fire obstructed - which translates to the turret hitting its own ship. Due to splash damage the turret is quite likely to destroy itself.
The "magazine" of the launcher has only one rocket loaded. All subsequent "magazines" will hold four missiles.
Gatling Turrets have an inventory which can hold a volume of 64L with Realistic settings. It will only accept 25x184mm NATO ammo containers, of which it can hold four. The turret has an inventory panel on the underside of its base, which can be connected to a conveyor system to automatically fetch ammo from storage.
Cockpits & Control
Cockpit, Fighter Cockpit, Control Station, Flight Seat, Passenger Seat, Control Panel, Button Panel, Remote Control
Automation & Communication
Antenna, Beacon, Camera, Laser Antenna, Ore Detector, Programmable Block, Sensor, Timer Block
Decoy, Gatling Gun, Gatling Turret, Interior Turret, Missile Turret, Reloadable Rocket Launcher, Rocket Launcher, Warhead
Mining & Manufacturing
Basic Refinery, Assembler, Basic Assembler, Drill, Grinder Block, Refinery, Welder Block
Inventory Management
Collector, Connector, Conveyor, Conveyor Frame, Conveyor Tube, Curved Conveyor Tube, Ejector, Small Conveyor, Small Conveyor Tube, Small Curved Tube
Mechanisms & Gravity Control
Advanced Rotor, Rotor, Piston, Landing Gear, Artificial Mass, Gravity Generator, Spherical Gravity Generator
The Missile Turret will fire upon targets defined from the control panel. The options include meteors, moving objects, missiles, small ships, large ships, and stations. These can be selected individually or in any combination. Due to their slow speed, rockets are rather ineffective against alert and maneuvering Small Ships, but come into their element when used against other Large Ships and Stations.
The Missile Turret fires in bursts of six. Contrary to the implications of its name, its rounds are unguided.
If two missiles come within close proximity (about 8m) they will both detonate. This allows for costly but effective and spectacular missile defense.
As of update 01.051 turrets can be manually controlled through a cockpit. This can be done by entering the terminal and clicking on the "Control" button or by adding the turret to the toolbar. Players can end manual control by pressing 'T'.
Like other automated turrets, the Missile Turret will be "distracted" by Decoys. It seems to give them priority when choosing targets.
Оружием в игре являются все объекты, устанавливаемые игроком способные наносить урон другим объектам или игрокам. Каждый блок в игровом пространстве имеет общую целостность или "здоровье", эта целостность определяется суммой прочности компонентов блока, например: тяжелый блок построенный из стальных пластин и металлической сетки намного прочней обычного блока брони . Важно отметить, что большинство оружия имеет максимальную дистанцию атаки, чаще всего в 800 метров - если пуля или ракета пролетит эту дистанцию то никакого урона игроку или блоку не нанесет. Несмотря на это, торпеда созданная игроком на базе корабля не имеет подобного ограничения, так как технически является кораблем.
Gatling Turrets can be set to automatically open fire on any meteors, moving objects, missiles, characters, small ships, large ships, and stations within range. It will fire on Decoys regardless of its settings and will give them priority over other targets. The turret's detection range can also be set anywhere between 1 m and its maximum 800 m. Gatling Turrets deal 60 damage per shot, and fire at 600 RPM - slightly slower than the Gatling Guns' 700 RPM.
When it targets an object, a red tracer laser designates the object it is firing upon. Otherwise, the laser will be green and will "scan" space, although the turret can detect targets in range regardless of the direction it is currently facing. Idle Turret Movement can be disabled via the terminal.
As of update 01.051 turrets can be manually controlled through a cockpit. This can be done by entering the terminal and clicking on the "Control" button or by adding the turret to the toolbar. Players can end manual control by pressing 'T'.
Gatling Turrets are a reliable short-range automatic defense against meteors. Since meteors always spawn from the same general direction (near the sun, in default skybox) you can save a lot of ammunition by placing friendly blocks in front of the turret - so it won't turn and fire at meteors that are already going away from it. That is, put blocks so it can't fire away from the sun.
- If a Gatling Turret's line of sight is blocked by the ship it is attached to, it will stop firing until it has a clear shot. If a player or a different ship comes between the turret and its target, it will continue to fire regardless. While a ship will not fire upon itself, blocks attached by rotors are considered a separate ship. As a result, it is crucial to place turrets with care.
- Setting both a Gatling Turret's and friendly object's ownership to "Me" is insufficient to prevent friendly fire. If the sharing setting of a Gatling Turret set to fire at moving objects does not match the sharing setting of a targetable moving friendly object (e.g. your small ship) the Gatling Turret will fire at the moving friendly object (e.g., your small ship).
Missile Turret
The Missile Turret is a block in Space Engineers which can be placed on Large Ships and Stations. It is an automated defense weapon which fires rockets from 200mm missile containers, allowing it to take out even Large Ships.
The turret requires a 3x3x3 space to be placed. It attaches to other blocks only at the base of the turret.
Внутренняя турель space engineers чем стреляет
Александр, прикол этого скрипта как раз в том, что не надо делать группы, а если брать в сравнение DDS, то тут можно юзать ракеты.
Александр, я только что тестировал скрипт и нашел несколько особенностей, которые надо учитывать:
1. Скрипт работает правильно только если Elevation ротор стоит в правую сторону относительно фронта.
2. Да, дамажут сами себя, если поставить несколько турелей на одну высоту, надо это учитывать, но по умолчанию Self-Damage отключен, они не наносят урон друг другу.
Показать полностью.
4. Упреждение - чтобы ракеты не промахивались, нужно взять одинаковый тип вооружение на дезигнаторах и на турели. Т.е гатлинг-гатлинг (интерьерная турелька), ракеты-ракеты.
А иначе половина ракет пойдет в пустую
Механика повреждений
Сумма ущерба которую может выдержать блок зависит от общей целостности всех компонентов входящих в его конструкцию, которая в каскаде выполняет функцию здоровья блока. Кроме того, тип полученного повреждения также является немаловажным фактором: обычные пули не вызывают деформацию, в то время как кинетические столкновения и взрывы напротив.
Некоторые компоненты, такие как стальные пластины имеют высокую прочность, другие меньше, такие как пластины. Например, прочность блока Легкой брони можно найти с помощью формулы:
С данной формулой также можно определить, сколько повреждений выдержит один блок, прежде чем он будет уничтожен. В пример взята турель Гатлинга использующая 25х184mm ammo container.
Из формулы мы можем видеть, что для уничтожения блока легкой брони потребуется по меньшей мере 42 попадания
Missile Turrets have an inventory with a volume of 384 L with Realistic settings. It will only accept 200mm missile containers as ammunition, of which it can hold six. If connected to a Conveyor system, the turret will pull ammo from the network when its supply runs low.
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