Vk error device lost detroit become human как исправить
Прикупил себе на днях Detroit Become Human, но при запуске она вылетает с ошибкой vk_error_device_lost. Казалось бы, только на днях поставил себе новую видюху, специально, чтобы поиграть в нее, но все равно мешает какая-то чушь… Поможете — здорово, не поможете — наверное, просто сделаю рефанд и двинусь дальше. К счастью, с другими играми проблем вроде нет.
Ошибка vk_error_device_lost в Detroit Become Human является крайне непростой и неприятной проблемой. Порой ошибка возникает сразу же при запуске, а порой — во время игрового процесса. Чаще всего всё решается полной переустановкой видеодрайверов и, внимание, самой игры.
Воспользуйтесь следующими ссылками, чтобы загрузить актуальный для вашей видеокарты драйвер:
Загрузите утилиту Display Driver Uninstaller (она распространяется бесплатно — скачивайте с любого безопасного места) и полностью удалите текущие видеодрайвера из вашей системы. Затем запустите ранее скачанные драйвера для своей видеокарты и установите их.
Установив свежие драйвера, деактивируйте динамическое суперразрешение (NVIDIA) или виртуальное сверхвысокое разрешение (AMD). Далее переустановите Detroit Become Human и проверьте, будет ли появляться ошибка vk_error_device_lost на этот раз.
23 июн. 2020 в 7:42 "Your graphics card encountered a problem with Detroit:Become Human (VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST). If the problem persists, please upgrade your driver. The game will now exit." What is this? This doesn't let me play almost. It crashes my game sometimes. My videocard: GeForce GTX 950 2GB. Stable 30 fps with lowest settings. (Заблокирован) 23 июн. 2020 в 7:52Who the hell uses 2GB graphics-card in 2020? Are you aware how irrational
and suicidal that is. If you wan't to enjoy general gaming, you have to go for a
minimum 4GB one. Even that, is starting to become insufficient.
In about one year now, I reckon 6GB will be the minimum.
Especially when the new consoles arrive.
Besides, this game lists minimum 3GB for the gpu.
No dude, get a 6GB gpu. If your budget allows it. You'll get nowhere with 2-4GB now
23 июн. 2020 в 8:03Who the hell uses 2GB graphics-card in 2020? Are you aware how irrational
and suicidal that is. If you wan't to enjoy general gaming, you have to go for a
minimum 4GB one. Even that, is starting to become insufficient.
In about one year now, I reckon 6GB will be the minimum.
Especially when the new consoles arrive.
Besides, this game lists minimum 3GB for the gpu.
No dude, get a 6GB gpu. If your budget allows it. You'll get nowhere with 2-4GB now
Dude, this game is playable with my videocard on 30 fps and I can prove it. I even get 60 fps sometimes on lowest settings. The problem persists even with users who use RTX 2080 TI. Check out the reddit forums. I am not the only one who has such problem.Your running with hardware that does not meet the minimum requirements per the steam store page
You will get no support here
But I know not everybody has an economy which allows that 23 июн. 2020 в 8:27
Your running with hardware that does not meet the minimum requirements per the steam store page
You will get no support here
23 июн. 2020 в 8:27 Truth remains: if you want to be future-proof, you should invest into a higher GB card.But I know not everybody has an economy which allows that 23 июн. 2020 в 8:35 im running a GeForce GTX 1660 Ti 6gb and also got this error yesterday when playing i know nothing is wrong with my rig as ive been playing fine and on chapter 24 atm, i just rebooted and it hasnt said since
23 июн. 2020 в 9:33 im running a GeForce GTX 1660 Ti 6gb and also got this error yesterday when playing i know nothing is wrong with my rig as ive been playing fine and on chapter 24 atm, i just rebooted and it hasnt said since (Заблокирован) 23 июн. 2020 в 10:38 Are you on a very limited budget or strict economy? I see you're also from Ukraine 23 июн. 2020 в 10:40 Are you on a very limited budget or strict economy? I see you're also from Ukraine (Заблокирован) 23 июн. 2020 в 10:42 Are you on a very limited budget or strict economy? I see you're also from Ukraine What the heck is wrong with you?
Does your budget allows you to upgrade your GPU? If it does, maybe consider it? 23 июн. 2020 в 10:57
Does your budget allows you to upgrade your GPU? If it does, maybe consider it? The PC I am playing on is not mine (Заблокирован) 23 июн. 2020 в 11:04
don't listen to those people. this isn't an issue with hardware, the game runs fine on 2gb vram cards despite the listed requirements. people with RTX 2080 Ti have been getting this error as well.
there's no fix for it and this issue has been a thing on the epic games version for 7 months now. quantic dream hasn't said anything about it, nor did they release a patch to address the issue, and if you check out their support page it just tells you to "relaunch the game".
this is just a horrible PC port and you will constantly get this crash during your playthrough. if this is a dealbreaker for you, you should refund.
23 июн. 2020 в 12:00don't listen to those people. this isn't an issue with hardware, the game runs fine on 2gb vram cards despite the listed requirements. people with RTX 2080 Ti have been getting this error as well.
there's no fix for it and this issue has been a thing on the epic games version for 7 months now. quantic dream hasn't said anything about it, nor did they release a patch to address the issue, and if you check out their support page it just tells you to "relaunch the game".
this is just a horrible PC port and you will constantly get this crash during your playthrough. if this is a dealbreaker for you, you should refund.
3 июн. 2020 в 0:45I could be wrong, but, now I think of it, VK could well refer to Vulkan. I think I also said in another reply that reinstalling the graphics card driver will fix it. If you do a clean install of the new driver the Vulkan runtime library will be replaced and any bug should be fixed.
The Steam version should have the recent patch in with it and provided you already reinstalled your graphics card driver you shouldn't have the issue with the Steam version.
Thanks so much. At least if there is a problem and I have not over used my refund policy, I can just refund the game if the error shows up.
3 июн. 2020 в 1:07There was a very similar bug in Red Dead Redemption 2, reinstalling the graphics card driver fixed that and it's been fine ever since.
If you reinstall the driver anyway, you shouldn't have any further problems, so you shouldn't need to refund the game.
I recently updated my graphics card so I'd installed the latest driver anyway.
Oh, forgot to mention:
NEVER use Geforce Experience, new drivers it gives you could be worse than any you might be replacing! I get my drivers from Guru 3D. They have discussion forums where they are rated and any bugs are mentioned.
445.87 is the minimum driver requirement for DBH and is the one I'm using. Do a custom install and don't install Geforce Experience.
4 июн. 2020 в 3:54If anyone else is following this thread, sorry, I meant UNINSTALL not REINSTALL.
Uninstall the existing graphics card driver and install a new one. 445.78 for Nvidia and whatever the equivalent is for Radeon.
You need Vulkan 1.1. It's possible that whatever your current drivers are, they may not have Vulkan 1.1 so the game is probably crashing when it can't find it.
I have played the Demo for about 30 mins and so far I have not had any errors. I did what rogb1970 suggested and so far it has made a difference. However, Steam may have fixed this game anyway. Will keep you up to date if I get the error message again.
Thanks everyone for helping me.
I have played the Demo for about 30 mins and so far I have not had any errors. I did what rogb1970 suggested and so far it has made a difference. However, Steam may have fixed this game anyway. Will keep you up to date if I get the error message again.
Thanks everyone for helping me.
Steam ( Valve) doesn't have any control on the repos of publishers/developers. So they didn't do anything.
Crucial note for everyone who are not so aware of pc gaming concepts:
Always keep your drivers up to date. Do not settle on what Windows installs for you by default. Drivers that Windows ships are extremely old and tend to be broken on new titles.
You might not notice this on playing an old ass game but it will be obvious with new titles.
Nvidia and AMD has their official pages that you can download newest mainline drivers for your gpu.
Intel also has official page to download newest drivers but for games like this Intel igpus are a big meme.
Ещё добавлю:
Ошибка vk_error_device_lost в Detroit Become Human является крайне непростой и неприятной проблемой. Порой ошибка возникает сразу же при запуске, а порой — во время игрового процесса. Чаще всего всё решается полной переустановкой видеодрайверов и, внимание, самой игры.
Воспользуйтесь следующими ссылками, чтобы загрузить актуальный для вашей видеокарты драйвер:
Установив свежие драйвера, деактивируйте динамическое суперразрешение (NVIDIA) или виртуальное сверхвысокое разрешение (AMD). Далее переустановите Detroit Become Human и проверьте, будет ли появляться ошибка vk_error_device_lost на этот раз.
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