Virtual midi driver что это
В Windows, устройства миди автоматически соединяется с выходом MIDI по умолчанию, которым обычно является тон генератор «Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth», идущий в комплекте со всеми версиями Windows. Этот синтезатор MIDI производит звук очень низкого качества и обладает большими задержками между нажатием клавишей и воспроизведением звука. Лучшей (и свободной) альтернативой является CoolSoft Virtual MIDI Synth.
Для соединения аппартатных MIDI устройств используются миди кабели, и USB миди кабели.
Для использования популярных VST синтезаторов совместно с миди плеером или программным миди контроллером необходим виртуальный миди кабель. В Windows можно использовать такие MIDI кабели, как например: MIDI Yoke, Maple, LoopBe1, Sony Virtual MIDI Router или loopMIDI.
В процессе установки виртуального MIDI кабеля будут установлены драйвер и апплет панели управления, в котором можно изменять доступное количество MIDI портов.
Виртуальный MIDI кабель работает, посылая каждое событие MIDI, записанное на OUT порт, на соответствующий IN порт. Например, MIDI Assist можно соединить с выходом порта 1, а другая программа, к примеру VST Host, может считывать события с порта 1.
private stuff & software for audio, midi and more
Tobias Erichsen
Virtual MIDI driver for Windows 7 up to Windows 10, 32 and 64 bit with the ability to dynamically create and destroy freely nameable MIDI-ports.
The necessity for virtualMIDI came along when I implemented my rtpMIDI-driver. Later I also used this driver when I created loopMIDI for people who only need simple loopback MIDI-ports.
I had some pretty specific requirements:
• Compatibility from Windows XP to Windows 10
• Both 32bit and 64bit operation
• On-the-fly creation (and destruction) of freely nameable virtual MIDI-ports
• Only one side of the ports was supposed to be visible to the public
• The other side only visible via a private interface
• Multi-client-capability
Since I had been hanging around on the wdmaudiodev mailinglist for quite some time due to my interest in kernel-streaming, I had already read quite a bit on the topic over there.
Nevertheless all the stuff people had done prior to my attempts would not quite achieve what my requirement were.
This was not satisfactory, so I looked some more and I found references to dynamic creation of sub-devices. But this was a hard nut to crack. Finally I had been able to locate a guy who was doing something similar for a virtual soundcard-driver for digital-audio-broadcast.
His insights have been invaluable. It still took quite some time to get everything going smoothly, but I finally succeeded in creating this driver.
Only companies incorporated could apply for such a code-signing-certificate. Many people in the driver-development-community urged Microsoft to rectify this. And finally in May of 2010 it has been done. Since that time it is also possible for individuals to get their own code-signing certificate to be able to run their drivers on the 64bit versions of Vista and Windows 7.
The driver is currently part of the rtpMIDI-driver network-MIDI driver and the loopMIDI virtual loopback MIDI cable. But it can be used for other tasks as well.
Tobias Erichsen
private stuff & software for audio, midi and more
Network MIDI driver for Windows 7 up to Windows 10, 32 and 64 bit. Compatible to the network MIDI included in Apple OS-X and iOS
The rtpMIDI-driver is a virtual MIDI-driver which allows DAW-applications to communicate via network with other computers. With this driver you don‘t need to connect long MIDI-cables between your music-workstations. Compared to other MIDI over LAN or IP-MIDI solutions, this driver is based on an open standard.
As the driver has been designed to be compatible to the network-MIDI included in every Mac since OS X 10.4 and every iPhone/iPad since iOS 4.2, you can also connect to Macs or iPhone / iPad apps that have been designed to use the Core-MIDI framework.
The configuration is implemented to closely resemble the network-MIDI-configuration in OS X‘s Audio/MIDI-setup. So if you are already familiar with network-MIDI on the Mac, you will find your way easily. If not, I have provided a step-by-step tutorial on how to configure the virtual ports and the connections.
The driver has been developed over a pretty long timeframe and is updated quite regularly to even further improve the experience for the user. If you are interested in some background about the development, take a look at the rtpMIDI-history.
There is even hardware compatible to this driver like the Kiss-Box and a multitude of iConnectivity interfaces. With those devices, you can connect standard-MIDI-based hardware like synthesizers or controllers to a Windows PC just using the network cable as well.
For all those people interested in creating music-applications for Android, you might take a look at the nmj-project. The guys over there have created a java-library which also implements RTP-MIDI compatible to Apple & rtpMIDI.
Below you find an example of some manufacturers using rtpMIDI for network MIDI communication that are supporting the continued development of this driver:
★ Harman Studer with their Vista mixing consoles
★ Kissbox with their network-MIDI interface hardware
★ iConnectivity with their network-MIDI interface hardware
private stuff & software for audio, midi and more
Tobias Erichsen
Virtual loopback MIDI cable for Windows 7 up to Windows 10, 32 and 64 bit.
This software can be used to create virtual loopback MIDI-ports to interconnect applications on Windows that want to open hardware-MIDI-ports for communication.
The ports created are unique for each user and only exist while the loopMIDI-application is running. So if you log-off, the created ports cease to exist.
When you close the configuration, the application will not terminate, but rather be minimized to the traybar. When you right-click on the traybar-icon of loopMIDI, you get an options-menu to either deactivate the application, configure the ports or to activate autostart each time you log on to the computer.
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