Verdun или tannenberg что лучше
Студии Blackmill Games и M2H, известные по реалистичному военному шутеру Verdun, выпустили в Steam игру Tannenberg. Её действие тоже происходит во время Первой мировой, но с Западного фронта мы переместимся на Восточный.
Главным историческим событием, послужившим основой игры, стал один из самых знаменитых «котлов»: битва при Танненберге в 1914 году. Но в игре откроется громадная территория сражений, от Балтийского до Чёрного моря. На ней до 64 игроков смогут выступить в роли русских фронтовиков и казаков, румын, австро-венгерских отрядов, германской пехоты или частей болгарской армии. В их распоряжении окажется большой набор точно воспроизведённого снаряжения и оружия.
В Tannenberg шесть отрядов, более полусотни видов оружия, шесть крупных карт и ряд игровых режимов. На больших картах, основанных на реальных полях сражений, постоянно меняются рубежи и цели при участии армий, возглавляемых искусственным интеллектом. Игра находилась в раннем доступе с ноября 2017 года.
Шутер поддерживает русский язык. А владельцы Verdun могут купить Tannenberg со скидкой 25%.
Verdun или tannenberg что лучше
I am interested in buying one of the games. Are there any major differences, and is one better than the other? Currently Tannenburg is cheaper, so i am looking more at it. Would like to hear views before i make a choice. 20 ноя. 2017 в 13:26 Tannenburg builds on verdun in every aspect gameplay wise. As for content, verdun has more currently because it is finished. But this game will be an improvement over verdun and in many aspects it alsready is. Also the playerbase will be larger here. This game is a huge imporvement over verdun already, i prefer quality over quantity. The 4 maps here are very well done 20 ноя. 2017 в 13:30 I like Tannenberg significantly more than Verdun, and that seems to be the general consensus that the community is forming. Tannenberg is more polished and the 64 player aspect is a great improvement over Verdun's 32 players. I'm also really glad that they removed jumpshotting from Tannenberg, which was essentially a plague upon Verdun. Verdun has better weapon and squad variety overall (the two squads for each team in Tannenberg feel very similar right now), but I still think that the gameplay in Tannenberg is way better, and I reccommend it over Verdun. 20 ноя. 2017 в 13:30Tannenberg is like Battlefield or Red Orchestra. It has open landscapes, lots of room for mobility and flanking, and capture points.
Verdun is. well, it's unique and weird. It's trench warfare. You attack the enemy trench when ordered. If you fail, you fall back and defend your trench -- that's it. Constant back and forth. IMO Tannenberg is more fun.
20 ноя. 2017 в 14:03 buy now Tannenbergfor Christmas (discounts will be) Verdun 20 ноя. 2017 в 14:24
Verdun's combat is faster-paced. Players can remain accurate while strafing and jumping which makes enemies more challenging to hit and allows for much more intense conflict events. It also has no bots, so every enemy you face is a human.
Tannenberg is slower-paced. Players cannot aim while jumping and the ability to hold breath while strafing is vastly reduced. Hitting targets is much easier and turns into a Call of Duty style "whoever sees the other first" rather than a "whoever has better aim and reflexes" contest.
If you are good at shooters in general, prefer PC games like Quake or Tribes, go with Verdun. (Not to say it has fast movement like them, mind you.)
If you are bad at shooters in general, prefer console games like Halo or Call of Duty or Battlefield, go with Tannenberg.
20 ноя. 2017 в 14:32Verdun's combat is faster-paced. Players can remain accurate while strafing and jumping which makes enemies more challenging to hit and allows for much more intense conflict events. It also has no bots, so every enemy you face is a human.
Tannenberg is slower-paced. Players cannot aim while jumping and the ability to hold breath while strafing is vastly reduced. Hitting targets is much easier and turns into a Call of Duty style "whoever sees the other first" rather than a "whoever has better aim and reflexes" contest.
If you are good at shooters in general, prefer PC games like Quake or Tribes, go with Verdun. (Not to say it has fast movement like them, mind you.)
If you are bad at shooters in general, prefer console games like Halo or Call of Duty or Battlefield, go with Tannenberg.
uhm? I dont believe your analysis of this game is that accurate at all. 20 ноя. 2017 в 14:32Verdun's combat is faster-paced. Players can remain accurate while strafing and jumping which makes enemies more challenging to hit and allows for much more intense conflict events. It also has no bots, so every enemy you face is a human.
Tannenberg is slower-paced. Players cannot aim while jumping and the ability to hold breath while strafing is vastly reduced. Hitting targets is much easier and turns into a Call of Duty style "whoever sees the other first" rather than a "whoever has better aim and reflexes" contest.
If you are good at shooters in general, prefer PC games like Quake or Tribes, go with Verdun. (Not to say it has fast movement like them, mind you.)
If you are bad at shooters in general, prefer console games like Halo or Call of Duty or Battlefield, go with Tannenberg.
Someone sounds a bit angry that his favorite exploit was removed. 20 ноя. 2017 в 14:40 Someone sounds a bit angry that his favorite exploit was removed.
I'll explain to you why restricting simultaneous movement and shooting is a bad thing: a moving target is harder to hit. When you require people to be stationary or near stationary in order to shoot (via ADS) you make it easier to shoot people. This decreases the level of skill required to play the game, and it's why bad people with poor reflexes and hand-eye coordination flock to games like Call of Duty.
Now, jumpshots countered the ADS slowdown to an extent by allowing players to preserve their full momentum, or partial momentum, while being able to aim and shoot. This resulted in an environment where, to get kills, you had to be able to aim well and fast. You didn't get a second to line up your shot while the other guy stands still, you had to shoot right away. This resulted in more challenging gameplay with a higher skill ceiling.
In Tannenberg, you don't have to make a split-second shot as the enemy vaults into the trench before he can fire on you. He'll stop to aim, because he has to. And you're left with an excess of time to aim and fire as well.
In other words, the game has simply been made to cater towards worse players by reducing the level of skill required to do well.
I've explained pretty reasonably how the decreased combat mobility in Tannenberg has made it a worse game but I'm sure this'll just be met with more LOL U MAD rather than acknowledgement or rebuttal.
20 ноя. 2017 в 14:49 Someone sounds a bit angry that his favorite exploit was removed.I'll explain to you why restricting simultaneous movement and shooting is a bad thing: a moving target is harder to hit. When you require people to be stationary or near stationary in order to shoot (via ADS) you make it easier to shoot people. This decreases the level of skill required to play the game, and it's why bad people with poor reflexes and hand-eye coordination flock to games like Call of Duty.
Now, jumpshots countered the ADS slowdown to an extent by allowing players to preserve their full momentum, or partial momentum, while being able to aim and shoot. This resulted in an environment where, to get kills, you had to be able to aim well and fast. You didn't get a second to line up your shot while the other guy stands still, you had to shoot right away. This resulted in more challenging gameplay with a higher skill ceiling.
In Tannenberg, you don't have to make a split-second shot as the enemy vaults into the trench before he can fire on you. He'll stop to aim, because he has to. And you're left with an excess of time to aim and fire as well.
In other words, the game has simply been made to cater towards worse players by reducing the level of skill required to do well.
Verdun или tannenberg что лучше
Что такое Tannenberg?
Tannenberg - это продолжение серии игр о Первой мировой войне 1914-1918, основанное на наследии первой игры во франшизе - Verdun . Tannenberg - это самостоятельное дополнение, что означает, вам не потребуется покупать Verdun, чтобы играть.
Что нас ожидает в плане контента?
Tannenberg привносит новые карты, вооружение, отряды, карты и режимы, свежий опыт и новые стратегии.
Сколько будет стоить Tannenberg?
Пока мы еще не определились с окончательной стоимостью. Но беря во внимание меньшее количество нового контента по сравнению с предыдущей игрой, цена будет соответствующей.
На каких платформах выйдет Tannenberg?
На сегодняшний день мы можем говорить только о PC версии. О консольных версиях говорить рано.
Будет ли какая-нибудь связь между Verdun’ом и Tannenberg’ом?
Игры будут связаны непосредственно, позволяя вам переключаться между фронтами прямо во время игры, если вы владеете обеими играми.
Будет ли это схожий игровой опыт?
Tannenberg предоставит тот же реалистичный подход, где стратегия и командное взаимодействие это ключ к победе. Но Восточный фронт имеет свои отличия. Рельеф новых карт (открытые поля вместо траншей), и мультиплеер на 64 игрока, требуют от игрока свежих стратегий и командной игры.
Что это означает для Verdun’а?
Мы также продолжим полностью поддерживать и улучшать Verdun. У нас имеется еще множество отличных идей, которые мы хотели бы добавить. Благодаря связи между играми мы ожидаем, что Verdun и Tannenberg только усилят друг друга. Обе игры используют тот же игровой движок, что означает улучшения и обновления будут работать и в Verdun’e, и в Tannenberg’e.
Когда Tannenberg выйдет?
Поди угадай… Пока у нас нет точной даты релиза. Как обычно, следите за нашими обновлениями. Как только мы будем уверены, что сможем сдержать обещание, мы сразу объявим дату релиза. Ориентировочно это 2017 год.
Смогу ли я записывать видео и размещать его на Youtube?
Как и в случае с Verdun, мы рады контенту созданному сообществом и поощряем вас на создание летсплеев/машиним и других пользовательских видео. Если вы хотите зарабатывать на видео по Verdun’у и Tannenberg’у, то мы не имеем ничего против.
Verdun или tannenberg что лучше
Personally; I think I like Verdun's main game mode Frontlines better but Maneuver is a nice change of pace while not being entirely a copy of Battlefield's Conquest. (e.g. Sectors/Flags have more to them with the different bonuses, and there's not as much freedom of movement(*) where you have to worry about enemies going deep into your territory)
(*)Note: That's why I like Frontlines. You literally can't have enemies at your back; they're always in front or in the trench with you.
Maneuver tho, IMO, could do with a little more depth with regards to how cutting off sectors and how Pigeons + Phones work. (e.g. Phones literally don't work in a cut off / surrounded sector but you can use the Pigeons via the Infantry Squads' Support Roles at a cost of a longer cool down and ETA - which would represent the pigeon travel time IMO.)
Oh and while I'm at it: The different crates (placeable Bullet/Grenade and static Ammo) would be affected when within cut-off sectors, such as they'd be a one time use or maybe just a much longer cooldown.
While at the same time, there could not be static Ammo Crates within the sectors that are adjacent to the HQs which would IMO give more weight to the placeable Bullet/Grenade Crates.
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