Урф лига легенд когда
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Urf Day
Urf Day commemorates a tragic event in the League of Legends history. On that fateful day, April 1, 2010, a dear friend was senselessly taken before his time. This friend, of course, was Urf, the Manatee .
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Urf, the Manatee
Not to be confused with Ultra Rapid Fire For other terms, visit Urf (disambiguation)
Urf, the Manatee , is a 'cancelled' champion originally conceived as an April Fools' Day joke featured in the Journal of Justice (Issue 18: Honoring our Fallen Champion). Ever since then, he has become a 'mascot' of sorts, making regular and varied appearances particularly around April 1 st .
A New Champion Approaches: Urf, the Manatee
Despite the traditionally peaceful ways of his people, Urf the Manatee idolized the strength and prowess of champions in the League of Legends and strived to become one. Of all the League's champions, there was none that Urf admired more than Jax the Armsmaster. Since the introduction of the arena, no man has forced the League of Legends to revise their regulations more often than Jax, and the self-proclaimed 'Grandmaster at Arms' rattled off a streak of consecutive wins 152 long. In order to compensate for the extreme power of this champion, the League created special sanctions for Jax: He is only allowed to fight with weapons the League deems suitable. For now, that list includes a lamppost, a chicken's foot, a spatula, and a fishing rod.
In his admiration and pursuit to become a weapons master like Jax, Urf has equipped himself with the two great symbols of his Manatee heritage as his weapons: a fish (to symbolize the bounty and providence of the sea) and spatula (to pay homage to his people's age-long pursuit for culinary mastery). Urf now begins his aquatic journey as the League's first Manatee champion, hoping one day he will have the opportunity to cross fish and spatula with chicken's foot and lamppost.
Happy Urf Day, Everyone!
Unfortunately, today, the story of Urf Day took a tragic turn, for as Urf was swimming along, dutifully guarding the river in Summoner's Rift, he met with a tragic demise. Eyewitness accounts have been unreliable at best, but everyone seems to agree that just before it happened a blue streak was seen darting out of the nearby jungle. A great clamor ensued, followed by the doleful screams of a manatee done wrong. In the end, all that was left of this brave prince amongst sea cows was his skin. and even that was stolen by this most nefarious of perpetrators.
Now any good story needs a moral. So if there's anything that the story of Urf Day and the story of the Big Bad Wolf have in common, it's this: deep within every wolf, there is a cunning master of disguise just waiting to get out. Take Warwick , for instance; a giant, bloodthirsty werewolf able to cunningly adapt by blending into even the most innocent of surroundings. He could be anywhere at any time. behind a rock, in the brush, in the jungle, or cleverly masquerading as a lovable, spatula-wielding manatee.
If you want to ensure that your Blood Hunter appears completely inconspicuous to even the most wary of foes, be sure to snatch up the Urf the Manatee skin, on sale now in the League of Legends store. Now, you've all heard about Legendary skins. And so, in light of the recent events, Marketing has determined that the Urf the Manatee skin is now even more Legendary than we had originally anticipated. As such, Warwick's Urf the Manatee skin will be available at the cost of 5000 . However, in the interests of giving everyone the opportunity to pay their respects to this magnificent mammal, Marketing has also agreed to offer this tribute to his splendor at 99% off for one week only. That's right: I said 99% off! At a cost of only 50 , you have no reason to shirk paying tribute to the passing of this brave soul!
During the second week of availability, the Urf the Manatee skin will be purchasable for 500 (still not a bad deal, considering that's 90% off). And on Urf's final day, if you haven't yet snatched him up, you'll have one final chance to do so for 5000 . So hurry and fire up the League of Legends store, already! It's Urf Day!
Urf the Manatee's final resting place is the Skins section of the Store. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victim's family.
Despite the traditionally peaceful ways of his people, Urf, the Manatee, idolized the strength and prowess of Champions in the League of Legends and strived to become one. Of all the League's Champions, there was none that Urf admired more than Jax, the Armsmaster . Since the introduction of the arena, no man has forced the League of Legends to revise their regulations more often than Jax, and the self-proclaimed Grandmaster at Arms rattled off a streak of 152 consecutive wins. In order to compensate for the extreme power of this Champion, the League created special sanctions for Jax: He is only allowed to fight with weapons the League deems suitable. For now, that list includes a lamppost, a chicken's foot, a spatula, a fishing rod and a cardboard tube.
In his admiration and pursuit to become a weapons master like Jax, Urf has equipped himself with the two great symbols of his Manatee heritage as his weapons: a fish (to symbolize the bounty and providence of the sea) and spatula (to pay homage to his people's age-long pursuit for culinary mastery). Urf now begins his aquatic journey as the League's first Manatee Champion, hoping one day he will have the opportunity to cross fish and spatula with chicken's foot and lamppost.
В чем заключаются изменения?
Во-первых, добавлена возможность блокировать выбор чемпионов. Сначала команды блокируют определенных чемпионов, а потом переходят к выбору вслепую. Возможны матчи против двойников.
Во-вторых, после нескольких недель тестирования мы скорректировали баланс всех 140 с лишним чемпионов, как когда-то для ARAM. Кроме того, значительно усовершенствован процесс внесения срочных изменений, и теперь можно быстрее реагировать, когда чемпионы оказываются слишком сильными или слабыми, а также для У.Р.Ф. приспособлены техники, использующиеся в ARAM. Мы знаем, что сбалансированность режима во многом зависит от возможности выбирать чемпионов, и потому будем следить, чтобы ничего не вышло из-под контроля.
И наконец, мы добавили элементы, позволяющие задавать темп игры, которые появились в Ущелье призывателей вскоре после дебюта У.Р.Ф. – например, башенные пластины. Кроме того, мы немного ослабили Старшего дракона, чтобы у чемпионов было больше времени показать себя.
Так что, У.Р.Ф. теперь всегда будет в игре?
Вовсе нет – это лишь эксперимент . Мы надеемся, что нам удалось значительно улучшить У.Р.Ф., но пока неизвестно, вернется ли он в игру на постоянной основе. Мы уже не раз говорили, что У.Р.Ф. оказывает на игроков отрицательное влияние – многие чувствуют выгорание и прекращают играть в League of Legends. Если улучшение режима не изменит такое положение дел, мы не сможем вернуть его в игру на постоянной основе.
Urf Day 2011
Lee Sin's Urf Day Splash Art
On March 21, 2011, Lee Sin, the Blind Monk , was re-confirmed on the official League of Legends website through a Champion Sneak Peek.
On March 22, Riot Games released art via their YouTube channel which includes Urf, The Manatee .
On March 24, the "A new champion approaches" article, official screenshots of Lee Sin can be seen. Interestingly, in the screenshots the deceased champion Urf, The Manatee, can be seen as well.
On March 28, Lee Sin's Champion Spotlight came out, but it was an Urf Day related video, furthering the belief that he wouldn't actually be released. However, the video stated that he wouldn't be released with the V1.0.0.114 patch, but rather on April 1 because he had "not been buffed enough".
On March 31, Lee Sin's actual Champion Spotlight was released, once again stating that he would be released on April 1.
On April 1, Lee Sin was actually released and became available to buy in the Store.
Urf Rider Corki
Urf Rider Corki
Announcement by MrCrumb:
Урф лига легенд когда
Маша, согласна. интересно, скоро ли будет режим Книга Абсолютных Умений?
О, забыла про него
Мне он нравится, но тоже бывает поднадоедает
Его включали последний раз в 2017 примерно :D
Ты возможно путаешь с Штурмом Нексуса.
Николай, эххх, жалко. Книга Абсолютных Умений мне, почему-то, нравится больше всех. на втором месте Все за одного
Urf Day 2010
Happy Urf Day, Everyone!
The Remains of Urf
Unfortunately, today, the story of Urf Day took a tragic turn, for as Urf was swimming along, dutifully guarding the river in the Summoner's Rift, he met with a tragic demise. Eye-witness accounts have been unreliable at best, but everyone seems to agree that just before it happened a blue streak was seen darting out of the nearby jungle. A great clamor ensued, followed by the doleful screams of a manatee done wrong. In the end, all that was left of this brave prince amongst sea cows was his skin. and even that was stolen by this most nefarious of perpetrators.
Urf Memorial Contest Winners are in! Urf Day Proceeds go to Save the Manatees!
Announced by ByronicHero :
Well, summoners, your long wait is over. The committee of Riot has met, and we have rendered a decision. But before we announce the results, there are a few caveats, and I'd like to say a few words about Urf.
So, we had originally announced our intention to issue one winner of the memorial contest. Little did we know, however, that in a little more than 24 hours, we would have received over 800 contest entries, including 398 poems, 130 pieces of artwork, 74 memorial videos, 20 recorded songs, and 150 other entries, including flash games, eulogies and short stories.
Over the course of the day, a record breaking number of people visited the League of Legends forums to pay their respects to the passing of Urf. If he were still with us, this noble manatee would be truly moved by the unparalleled outpouring of affection he received.
Urf Proceeds to Benefit Manatee Conservation
While we knew that Urf was pretty fantastic, there was no way for us to possibly foresee the level of community response Urf's death would garner. You were moved by the tragedy of the event, and so were we. We were so moved, in fact, that we wanted to guarantee that Urf would live on in the hearts and minds of everyone as a champion of all manatees.
And the winners of the Urf the Manatee Memorial Contest are.
And so, without further ado, allow me to present the winners of the Urf the Manatee Memorial Contest. Now, brace yourselves, because there's a lot more than one of them. There were so many people whose efforts we wanted to recognize that we created six different categories and selected winners from each. These winners fall into three reward tiers. Grand prize winners will receive 5,000 Riot Points along with the obligatory “Friend of Urf” forum title, Runner Up winners will receive 2,800 Riot Points and, naturally, a “Friend of Urf” forum title, and Honorable Mentions will have to content themselves with just receiving their “Friend of Urf” forum title. Can I get a drum roll, please?
- Grand Prize 1: Mayrunner – The Greatest of All Manatees
- Grand Prize 2: Giant Joso – Tribute to Urf, the Manatee
- Honorable Mention: Zelos – Skinned by a Claw
- Honorable Mention: Infobrains – Mad World (Manatee Edition)
- Honorable Mention: At1as – Urf Rap
- Grand Prize: jouste – Magic Urf Statue
- Runner up: Arafel – Warwick's Remorse
- Honorable Mention: dconwheels – Urf for Change
- Honorable Mention: dankyart – Urf in Heaven
- Honorable Mention: vlidark – Urf's Funeral
- Grand Prize: firebrand37 – Epic Manatee Guy
- Runner Up: Frosh – Candle in the Wind (Manatee Edition)
- Honorable Mention: elisondra – Ode to a Fallen Hero
- Honorable Mention: Zantai – Bohemian Manatee
- Honorable Mention: Venzael – Piano Urf
- Grand Prize: Angry Goran – Urf the Manatee Memorial
- Runner Up: Keun – Urf Dance
- Honorable Mention: omnibus – The Legend of Urf
- Honorable Mention: Cacti – Urf the Cartoon
- Honorable Mention: Sup Dood – The Urf Tapes
- Grand Prize: Bulltrout – Urf Limerick
- Runner Up: M1NDS3T – The Legend of Urf
- Honorable Mention: NegativeLogic – The Deathsinger's Ode to a Fallen Hero
- Honorable Mention: TraceF0rm – Breaking News!
- Honorable Mention: Churchy – Lost Without Urf
- Grand Prize: Zvardin – Urf Attack
- Runner up: BuddytheRat – Urf's Journey
- Honorable Mention: Militiades – An Open Letter of Grief, Sorrow, and Vengeance
- Honorable Mention: Bridget – Urf Day Nightmare
- Honorable Mention: Tenant – Riot Girl Tristana and Urf
А Катапульта чемпионов тоже вернется?
Да! Мы оставим все изменения из А.Р. У.Р.Ф., которые нас устраивают: это и пушка, и усиленный (хоть и в меньшей степени) Старший дракон, и ряд незначительных изменений, внесенных ради того, чтобы игры оставались все такими же захватывающими.
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Вы задаете вопрос о LoL или о Riot, а мы пытаемся на него ответить. Ответы публикуются каждый второй четверг в 23:30 по московскому времени.
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Но мы уже давно уговариваем вас вернуть У.Р.Ф.! Почему именно сейчас?
Десятилетие Лиги – отличный повод! Мы внесли в режим ряд усовершенствований и надеемся, что это поможет решить часть проблем. К тому же мы хотим порадовать наше сообщество, поэтому в течение ограниченного времени возвращаем этот режим.
Мы примем к сведению все полученные отзывы о новой версии У.Р.Ф. и проведем тот же анализ, что и прежде, когда принимали решение убрать режим из игры. Так мы узнаем, удалось ли нам добиться каких-либо изменений.
/dev: поговорим об У.Р.Ф.
Urf Day 2012
Urf Day 2012 is Coming!
Announced by his triumphant induction into the League of Legends, this brave prince amongst sea cows met with a most cruel fate at the hands of a diabolical werewolf! On his journey from the sea Urf was ambushed by Warwick, the Blood Hunter. An epic struggle ensued, but in the end it was wolf that triumphed over manatee, carrying off his aquatic adversary's skin as a trophy!
In the wake of this most odious misdeed, summoners of the League banded together to support one another during this trying time. The outpouring of affection for this brave, young manatee was tremendous, and hundreds of summoners put their creative talent to work memorializing his awful fate. The Urf Warwick skin also became one of the best-selling skins in the League history, with the proceeds going to benefit the Save the Manatee Club in memory of this paragon of sea cow glory.
Urf's Triumphant Return!
Lost, but never forgotten, summoners of the League had suspected that this might be the end for Urf, the Manatee, until the end of March 2011 – when he teamed up with Corki, the Daring Bombardier, forming the duo of Urfrider Corki!
Pay Tribute in the Urf Remembrance Contest!
Announced by Nikasaur: Summoners!
As we all know, Urf the Manatee had the heart of a champion. Unfortunately, he had the skin of a manatee, which some nefarious evil-doer ripped away in the most heinous crime ever witnessed in the League of Legends. But we do not dwell on the abrupt messiness of Urf's death; instead, we choose to celebrate the brilliance of his life.
Celebrate the life of Urf the Manatee using video, photos, art, writing or any other methods of expression.
From March 30 until April 2 PST, we're hosting a contest celebrating all things Urf. We've seen some incredible memorials of Urf in the past – everything from baked goods to hoodies to cartoons – and we know you've got what it takes to add to that proud legacy.
- This must be your own work! Don't use anyone else's stuff!
- Keep it classy, nothing inappropriate.
- You can enter as many times as you like, but you can only win once.
Post your submissions in the thread below, and our Urf Remembrance Committee will evaluate all entries for creativity and general appeal. On April 2, we'll announce the winners, who will each receive a 10-win IP boost (approximate value US$5) and maybe even a new surprise skin! You can find the official rules here.
The Riot offices paid our respects to Urf today, and we wanted to share our memorial tribute.
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