Unturned dedicated server что это
A Dedicated Server is a method of hosting an Unturned server that does not require the host to be an active player in the game. The host can choose to play on the server, or just leave it running in the background while others play on it. Unlike a Local Server, port forwarding is required. Servers are hosted with the Unturned Dedicated Server app.
A Dedicated Server also allows for vastly increased versatility in configuration of the server. Many server options become available through the Commands.dat, Config.json, server console, and other configuration files.
Windows Setup:
Shortcut Method (pre- only)
The deprecated shortcut method for creating servers only works for versions of the game prior to, which had been released on October 14, 2020. Newer versions of the game should only be hosted through the Unturned Dedicated Server app.
How to Host a Dedicated server on Unturned Version 3.0 Above
- Right-click the "Unturned.exe", hover the mouse over "Send To", and click on "Desktop (create shortcut)".
- Right-click on the shortcut and select "Properties". The "Target:" field should contain the path to Unturned.exe and should look something like this:
- Now, at the end of the string of text, insert this string of text:
An example of a finished "Target" field:
4. Finally, run the server. A black console screen should appear. 5. Optional: You can easily update an existing Unturned server by using the following method:
The following text string will create a shortcut that will automatically update your server. This example assumes that you installed your server through SteamCMD, which does not update Unturned automatically.
Classic Setup:
Unturned - how to create a dedicated server! (and how to join it)
- From the Steam window, right-click the Unturned game in your Library and select "Properties".
- Click in the "Local Files" tab.
- Click "Browse Local Files. ".
- In the explorer window, right-click the "Unturned.exe", hover the mouse over "Send To", and click on "Desktop (create shortcut)".
- Right-click on the newly created shortcut and select "Properties". The "Target:" field should contain the path to Unturned.exe and should look something like this:
- In order for the server to run, you need to add add options to the end of the field. For example, if you wanted the server to be PvE, you would add the -pve option to the end of the field. A complete list of options is found at the bottom of the page.
- An example of a finished "Target" field:
To finish, simply apply changes to the shortcut and double-click it to run it. The game should run and then immediately go to a gray screen. This screen means the server is running fine. If your screen doesn't go gray and the server does not work, make sure you put the -sv option at the end of your options, otherwise the server may not work.
Unturned dedicated server что это
*Launch Server easily
*Auto Restart Function
1.Type or check your server's setting.
2.Set Auto Restart Time and check if you want it.
To report a bug, Leave a comment.
If you have an ideas, tell me on comment.
28 июл. 2014 в 16:52 28 июл. 2014 в 17:00 Whenever I try to open it it tells me "Steam not found". How can I fix that? 28 июл. 2014 в 17:16 I installed the NET 4.5 but it's been giving the error message still. 28 июл. 2014 в 17:27 I installed the NET 4.5 but it's been giving the error message still.Same here. So Ailes can you at least help us to fix this? 28 июл. 2014 в 23:28 I installed the NET 4.5 but it's been giving the error message still.
Same here. So Ailes can you at least help us to fix this? New version released : 1.2.3
Probably it can be runned on your pc. ?
Thanks for bug reporting !
28 июл. 2014 в 23:28 I installed the NET 4.5 but it's been giving the error message still.New version released : 1.2.3
Probably it fixes your error.
Thanks for bug reporting !
29 июл. 2014 в 0:10Bugs fixed on version 1.2.3.
Please re-download to fix.
29 июл. 2014 в 2:29 29 июл. 2014 в 2:50 29 июл. 2014 в 5:30I'll figure out what is cause it and try to fix.
Thanks for replying :)
29 июл. 2014 в 5:55 Can you tell me your kit's setting and which OS are you using ?29 июл. 2014 в 8:37 NEW VERSION 1.2.4 released.
FIXED a Auto Restart bug.
No Window Mode may cause Floating Zombie Bug . ?
GOLD server setting will not work . ? 29 июл. 2014 в 8:57 29 июл. 2014 в 8:59 Yeah huh Ailes, when I try to open my game with the Kit it tells me Steam not found. Help please! 29 июл. 2014 в 20:12 Yeah huh Ailes, when I try to open my game with the Kit it tells me Steam not found. Help please!
Press Steam Path "Open" button to choose your steam.exe
Default setting is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe
Probably you installed Steam to different location.
Or your server doesn't have Steam ?
If so, Type your Unturned.exe path
It's also working correct.
In the near future, I'm going to change "Steam Path" to "Unturned Path"
Linux Setup:
New Guide
Go to the install folder and right click and press open in terminal.
press the following
Replace XX with the name of the architecture (x86 if you have a 32 bit computer, x86_64 if 64 bit)
Headless Guide
Note: This is mainly for computers without a GUI (graphical user interface), or if you only have access to the terminal/command line. If you use a VPS with only SSH/PuTTY access, go right ahead! If you are using a GUI, the above option might be better for you, however you might have some slight memory benefits using this method.
To update in Fedora, use
while on Ubuntu, use
The "Add Architecture" is only needed once; to update your system, only the other two is required afterwards.
If on Fedora, you do not have access to dnf, try using yum instead.
Now for installing the libraries. On Fedora, run
Hint: Adding -y to the command (sudo dnf -y . ) will automatically say yes to every prompt. Use it here to avoid having to type yes to every statement, you should only use this if ypou are sure your machine is configured correctly, as you may want to see dependencies for every package, and their size.
If you have an Nvidia GPU, also use
If you only have an Intel Graphic Chipset, or you don't know what graphics you have, use
For Ubuntu, type each individual line, then hit return. You should have typed in four statements.
If your Fedora/Redhat server throws an architecture error, try adding --setopt=protected_multilib=false to resolve the issue temporarily.
At this time, you will need a steam account. To avoid conflict, create a new dummy Steam account with Unturned added to its library.
There are a lot of things to say here, but I recommend creating a new user similar to the instructions in the old guide. Look at the "Running the Server" part, and ONLY do the first step (two commands).
Most of these steps are going to be the same for Ubuntu/Fedora/Debian/RHEL/CentOS, unless said.
First, let's create some folders and download SteamCMD.
We need the RocketLauncher to start the server, so we will download it.
If you want RocketMod on your server as well:
You may now remove any excess files, other than start.sh, update.sh, unturned/, steamcmd/, or Steam/.
Now, using an editor of choice (Vi or Nano), open update.sh.
Here is where your Steam account that you created earlier is used. Put the username and password in there. If you want to keep your password private, keep the password string blank.
File installation
A short-term testing method is to use WinSCP or a similar SFTP software to transfer the entire Unturned folder over to the Linux server. The folder is likely located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\. The problem with this option is that you must update the server files with WinSCP every time an update is released.
A better option is to use SteamCMD, which is a light-weight Linux Steam client that downloads and updates the required Unturned files.
- Download steamcmd to the server
- Unzip it:
- Start SteamCMD:
- Login to a Steam account:
- Define an installation directory:
- Download the game to the dedicated server. "app_update 304930" also updates the files of the force_install_dir you pointed at.
Running the server
- Starting from root, add a user:
- Log in using the new user:
- Install wine and xinit:
- Configure X to allow Anybody to start it:
- Start X (headless style):
- Move to a different shell in tmux:
- Tell WINE to use the headless X session:
- Start the Unturned server:
You should now be able to connect to your own server by running the game through Steam. To do this, click "Play", and then "Connect", and in the IP field, type "localhost", then click "Connect" to join your own server.
If you fail to connect to your own server, try installing SteamVR (found under tools in Steam).
Note: Other players will not use "localhost", only you will. Other players will use your EXTERNAL IP to connect to your server. Find your external IP by visiting a site such as WhatIsMyIP.
If you have correctly set up your server and can't even connect to it, you might want to check if your firewall is blocking the port. On Windows, it shouldn't be that hard; open Control Panel, Security, and click "Allow a Program". Here, you can choose the Unturned application, and voila!
For MacOS, open System Preferences. Go to Security and Privacy, Firewall, then unlock the settings via the padlock at the bottom left of the window. Next, go to Firewall Options, scroll down the list, click on Unturned, and on the right of it, make sure it says "Allow incoming connections". If not, click on it, and choose that option. Close the window, making sure to apply settings, padlock the settings, and you're done!
For both, if you selected a different port via the start command or Commands.dat, change the first number to the port you selected, and the second port two ports ahead (ex. 27040-27042).
Unturned dedicated server что это
Чтобы посмотреть обзоры за определённое время, отметьте промежуток на графике или выберите одну из колонок.
За всё времяЗа промежуток, выбранный на графике 
Вне промежутка, выбранного на графике 
Фильтр обзоров пользователей по их времени в игре в момент написания обзора: Если функция включена, обзоры не по теме будут исключены. По умолчанию будут использоваться настройки рейтинга. Узнать больше можно в нашем блоге. Фильтры
Вы можете использовать этот инструмент для создания виджета, чтобы сгенерировать HTML-код и вставить его в ваш веб-сайт, чтобы покупатели могли без труда приобрести игру в Steam.
Configuring your Server:
Setup Commands
Note: You may have to open the .dat files in a text editor.
Type shutdown in the console. Go back to the Unturned directory. Now click on Servers, then you should see a folder, with the name of your server. Click on that folder. Click on the sub-folder Server. There should be 4 .dat documents, labeled Adminlist, Blacklist, Commands, and Whitelist.
Use the Commands file if you want to run list of commands that will run each time the server starts. Use a separate line for each command.
The Setup Commands are as follows:
- Bind - Binds your internal IP to the socket. (Internal IP is the network adapter IP of the adapter you use)
- Chatrate - Assigns the minimum amount of time between chat messages in order to prevent spam.
- Cycle - Assigns the day/night cycle in seconds.
- Decay - Assigns the amount of time a player, or their group members, can be offline before their structures can be removed by anyone. Default is 604800. (7 days)
- Filter - Enables the old name filter.
- Loadout - Assigns what all players spawn with. The first number value in the loadout is the Skillset ID. (Example: Loadout 255/15/15/81/81/18/20/20/121 - Gives all skillsets 2 Medkits, 2 MREs, a Timberwolf, 2 Timberwolf Magazines, and a Military Knife.)
- Log - Enables/Disables [chat]/[join&leave]/[death]/[anticheat] messages. (Y = Yes, N = No) (i.e. Log Y/Y/Y/Y)
- Map - Sets the map that will be used for the server. If you want to use a workshop map, the workshop map folder must be placed in the Workshop folder of the server, otherwise it will fail to load the map.
- MaxPlayers - Sets the max amount of players the server will allow.
- Mode - Sets the difficulty mode. (Easy, Normal, Hard)
- Name - Sets the server's name. (i.e. Nelson's Server)
- Owner - Sets the server's owner, which gives them administrator commands and fully sets up the server. (Requires your Steam 64 ID.)
- Password - Sets a password to the server to keep out unwanted guests, making the server more private.
- Perspective - Assigns the perspective views. (First, Third, Vehicle, Both.) First allows only first-person, third allows only third-person, Vehicle allows third-person only when the player is in a vehicle, and both allows changing between first and third-person views freely.
- Port - Sets the server's port. The default port is 27015. This command does not need to be used if the server is hosted under the default port range.
- PvE - Sets the server to only allow Players VS Environment combat.
- Sync - Syncs player data between servers using the same key.
- Timeout - Sets the max Ping for players before they time out. (400
Command Line Options
These parameters are used in launching the server from a command line interface. The order of inputted commands do not matter.
- Map:
- -arena
- -pei
- -bambi
- -normal
- -hardcore
- -gold
- -sync
- -nosync
- -pvp
- -pve
- -pass:[PASSWORD]
- -port:[PORT NUMBER]
- -players:[PLAYER MAX]
- -nographics (This command is needed to not see the welcome screen. Instead you see a black screen with no GUI.)
- -sv (needs to be at the end of the parameters)
- -batchmode (prevents the game from launching a GUI, and makes it run as a background process. Greatly reduces CPU usage)
Config.json file
The Config.json file offers a lot of control over the actual server gameplay. It is located in:
- Browser
- Icon - the file path to the server's icon to be shown on the Server page
- Thumbnail - Similar to the Icon, but to be shown when you select the server
- Desc_Hint - Text to be shown when you hover over the server in the server list
- Desc_Full - The full description of the server
- Desc_Server_List -
- VAC_Secure - Should the server require Valve (Through steam) Anti-Cheat? (true/false)
- BattlEye_Secure - Should the server require BattlEye Anti-Cheat to be running? (true/false)
Unturned dedicated server что это
Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.
Этот предмет несовместим с Unturned. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в Unturned.
Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.
В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.
После прочтения руководства или просмотра прикреплённого видео вы научитесь создавать свой локальный сервер Unturned для игры с друзьями.
14,705 уникальных посетителей 144 добавили в избранное Устанавливаем Unturned Dedicated Server, переходим в локальные файлы этого приложения.
Создаём ярлык Unturned.exe
В свойствах ярлыка, в конце строки Объект вписываем параметры запуска: -nographics -batchmode +secureserver/
После слеша(/) вводим желаемое название вашего сервера
Сохраняем, запускаем ярлык, ждём окончания обновления строк в открывшейся консоли.
После данной процедуры консоль можно закрыть.Заходим в папку Servers, далее в папку с названием вашего сервера и с помощью текстового редактора открываем файл Commands.dat
Вписываем эти данные:
Name server
Maxplayers 24
Port 27015
Mode easy
Perspective both
Cycle 3000
Cheats on
При желании эти настройки можно изменить под себя опираясь на следующую шпаргалку:
Name server [НАЗВАНИЕ]
Maxplayers 24 [СЛОТЫ]
Port 27015 [ПОРТ]
Mode easy/normal/hard [СЛОЖНОСТЬ]
Perspective first/both/third/vehicle [ВИД] first-только от первого лица; both-первое и третье лицо; third-только третье; vehicle-от первого лица, но в транспорте присутствует возможность сменить на третье
Cycle 3000 [ДЕНЬ(в секундах)]
Cheats on/off [КОМАНДЫ]
PvP/PvE [РЕЖИМ]Открываем LogMeIn Hamachi, регистрируемся, создаём сеть. Название и пароль сообщаем другу/друзьям. Они в свою очередь подключаются к вашей сети.
Запускаем ярлык, который мы создали в начале, копируем Ipv4 из хамачи, и порт из файла commands.dat. Это айпи и порт нашего сервера соответственно. Хост вместо айпи-адреса вводит localhost, порт тот же.В командной строке пишем save - сохранение построек, машин, инвентарей и т.д., далее пишем shutdown - завершение процесса и безопасное выключение сервера.
Вот и всё что требуется знать для запуска сервера.
Если остались вопросы, вам поможет видео:MacOS Setup:
- From the Steam window, right-click the Unturned game in your Library and select "Properties".
- Click in the "Local Files" tab.
- Click "Browse Local Files. ".
- Optional: Go back to Common, duplicate the Unturned folder, paste it in Common and name it Unturned Server)
- In the Finder window right click on Unturned
- Select Show Package Contents
- Select Contents
- Select MacOS
- Open up terminal
- Then drag the Unturned executable into the terminal window (this will paste the path of the application)
- Press space, then add in your parameters (this is the same as step 3 of Windows 3.0.0 setup, except that the program will be referred to as Unturned.app instead of Unturned.exe)
- Then press enter to execute the command.
With Unturned 3.0, the procedure is exactly the same, but after the parameters, you need to add: +secureserver/servername
Replace "secureserver" with "lanserver" if you want a LAN server instead. Replace "servername" with what you want to name your server.
Now, if you want to double-click to start the server, in TextEdit (Located in Applications), paste the same command you just ran (hopefully testing it first), then save it as "StartServer.command". Make sure it doesn't add .txt or .rtf to it.
Port Forwarding:
NOTE: Port Forwarding has to be done carefully. Nobody will be able to connect to your server if you do this incorrectly.
In order for anyone to access the server you've set up, you need to go into your router's settings and open the server's set ports.
You will need the following information which can be retrieved from your router (usually a sticker on the side):
- Your default gateway address
- Your gateway username (NOT your network name/SSID)
- Your gateway password (NOT your network password)
- Your local IP address
To find your local IP address, follow these steps (Windows):
- Open the Command Prompt (Type "cmd" into the search bar).
- Type "ipconfig" and press Enter .
- Find the heading that says "Wireless LAN Adapter Wi-Fi" or "Ethernet Adapter Ethernet."
- Under that heading, find the line that says "IPv4 Address."
- Write down the number on that line and label it "Local IP."
Follow the steps below (these might not be the exact field names, you will have to look for something similar in context):
- Open any internet browser, and type your default gateway into the address bar, then hit enter.
- Find a section for Port Forwarding.
- Click the option that allows you to add a new port, or rule.
- Under a "Service name" or "Rule name," type a name that will identify it as port forwards for Unturned.
- For the "Protocol," choose "UDP".
- Under "External Starting Port", type the number you wrote down earlier, labeled "Server Port".
- Under "External Ending Port", type your External Starting Port number, plus 2. With the default port, this would be 27017.
- The external and internal ports should match.
- Under the "Internal IP Address" box, type the number you wrote down earlier, labeled "Local IP".
- Save and apply changes afterwards.
Below is an example of a completed port forwarding rule.
Field Name Field Value Rule Unturned Protocol UDP External Starting Port 27015 External Ending Port 27017 Internal Starting Port 27015 Internal Ending Port 27017 Internal IP Address Box Alternatively, you can put your hosting system into the DMZ. This opens all ports and is an option if for some reason normal port-forwarding fails. Putting your system into the DMZ opens up numerous security vulnerabilities and should only be used as a last resort!
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