Until dawn кто вендиго
События Until Dawn разворачиваются в 2015 году, и на этот момент санаторий Блэквуд — заброшенные руины. Но это ключевая локация игры, которая появляется в семи эпизодах из десяти. Изучая разбросанные в игре записи, можно узнать, что санаторий окончательно закрылся в 1955 году, а почти весь персонал был убит. Директор и основатель Блэквуда — Джефферсон Брагг — покончил с собой в 1952 году. Он заперся в собственном кабинете и принял яд, оставив предсмертную записку, которую можно лично отыскать в Until Dawn:
Они умирают снаружи.
Я слышу их крики и плач.
Это, черт возьми, мое единственное наследие.
Божье наказание за мои ошибки.
Не избежать своей судьбы.
Смерть ждет меня.
Пожилой доктор в очках, которого нам показали еще в самом первом ролике The Inpatient — и есть Джефферсон Брагг. Так что можно предположить, что события игры стартуют как раз незадолго до его самоубийства. Другой вопрос — почему он покончил с собой, и кто перебил персонал санатория?
Джефферсон Брагг на фото в Until Dawn
Джефферсон Брагг в The Inpatient
В 1893 году неподалеку от того места, где позже будет построен санаторий, все тем же Джефферсоном Браггом были открыты Северо-западные шахты, также известные как шахты Блэквуд. Санаторий же открылся почти на 30 лет позже — в 1922 году. Шахты были открыты вопреки предупреждениям местных индейцев Кри, старавшихся сохранить природу Блэквуда, и веривших, что гора нашлет на людей проклятье Вендиго, если потревожить ее.
Долгое время все было спокойно, пока в 1950 году в шахтах не случился обвал — 30 шахтеров оказались заперты внутри. Когда спасателям удалось до них добраться, в живых оставалось только 12 человек, да и тем пришлось прибегнуть к каннибализму, чтобы не умереть от голода. Информация об этом была засекречена, а самих шахтеров отправили на реабилитацию в санаторий Блэквуд, где с ними начали происходить необъяснимые мутации. В Until Dawn можно найти отчет о состоянии поступивших на лечение шахтеров, написанный доктором Н.Г.Ф. Боуэном:
Показания: по приеме двенадцати пациентов в медицинское учреждение санатория, мы ожидали, чтобы найдем полностью изможденных людей, голодных и напуганных. К счастью, шахтеры кажутся относительно здоровым, ссылаясь, кажется, на обнаружение некоторого запаса продовольствия в шахте. […]
[…] В связи со странным поведением некоторых пациентов, мы закрыли крыло санатория. Психологическая оценка будет проведена как можно скорее. […]
[…] (На обратной стороне)
Один из тех парней, на самом деле, пытался меня укусить! Я собираюсь сообщить об этом доктору Боуэну!
Фотография спасенных шахтеров
Шахтеры постепенно превращались в Вендиго, теряя человеческий облик, но информация об этом скрывалась. В санатории эти преображения тщательно фиксировались и изучались. В Until Dawn даже можно найти старую пленку, на которой «в реальном времени» запечатлено превращение человека в Вендиго. Заканчивается все, разумеется, тем, что Вендиго сбегает — они-то в итоге и перебили персонал санатория, вынудив Брагга покончить с собой. Они же стали главной проблемой героев Until Dawn 60 лет спустя. О стадиях преображения можно также судить по записке доктора В. В. Кэткарта, которую можно найти в Until Dawn:
Депигментации кожи.
Тяжелый дефицит витамина D.
Социальная дисфункция.
Дольше, чем средний срок реадаптации после травматического события.
Межличностное поведение «беспорядочное».
Насилие в отношении санитаров.
3 попытки нападения.
1 попытка царапаться. […]
Cюжет The Inpatient как раз и покажет падение санатория Блэквуд и гибель его сотрудников. Скорее всего, мы встретим и авторов процитированных выше заметок, и самих шахтеров. Одного из них мы по Until Dawn, кстати, знаем — это Билли Бейтс, именно он преследовал Майкла на пути в санаторий, его биография в игре достаточно подробно раскрыта.
Но какая же роль достанется лично нам? Готов поспорить, что мы будем играть за одного из шахтеров. По крайней мере, хотелось бы в это верить — это не только драмы истории добавит, но и позволит на себе прочувствовать (не забывайте, что The Inpatient — VR-игра), что ощущали люди, превращаясь в Вендиго.
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Дед Незнакомца посвятил всю свою жизнь охоте на вендиго. Тем не менее, несмотря на свои колоссальные умения, он не смог одолеть Макапичу и был убит.
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Незнакомец охотился на Макапичу в ту же ночь, когда в доме на горе была вечеринка. После того как Ханна с Бет выбежали из дома после розыгрыша друзей, Макапичу напал на их след. Незнакомцу удалось сжечь монстра с помощью огнемета, однако он не успел помочь сестрам, которые сорвались с утёса.
Глава 10 [ ]
Когда Макапичу был убит, его дух вырвался на свободу. Именно этим духом была одержима Ханна во время превращения. Это объясняет ее превосходство над другими Вендиго. После смерти Ханны, дух снова вырывается на свободу.
Возможно следующим Макапичу становится Джош, если он выживет в процессе игры. Так как он в конце - концов поддается искушению каннибализма.
The original Wendigo legends originated from First Nation tribes who were present on Mount Madahee from the 1400s until the 1850s. The Cree revered the mountain and its nature; they would hunt elsewhere in belief that it would bring misfortune to harm any animal in the area. Additionally, They believed harming the mountain itself in any way would inflict a terrible curse.
European explorers and mining concerns arrived in the area, eager to make their fortune. In 1893, they officially started excavating the mountain, finding tin and later, traces of radium. They then mined deeper into the sacred mountain, the Cree claims that the mountain cried out at that moment, and the Wendigo spirits were released. Since then, there had been many people possessed by the curse according to The Events of the Past, which were hunted by The Stranger's grandfather, including the Makkapitew, the fiercest of all Wendigos.
Legend of the mountain's rich reserves bruited to more prospectors, a group called The Blasting Crew established mining operations in the winter of 1951-1952. This resulted in a tragic disaster with many miners left trapped and eventually starving. Dozens of men were murdered and cannibalized, and those who did survive through cannibalism had become Wendigos.
Wendigos are recorded to have some set behavior patterns. They have great predatory skills, often tracking their prey for up to several hours. It seems they like to hunt prey alone rather than in packs. They do not appear to lose their humanity completely as they can use some human-like tricks to lure their prey. Another example of this is how Hannah never directly kills Mike, suggesting that some of her affection towards him remains. She may also spare Josh from death if he recognizes her. Wendigos may also attack each other, possibly as a way to reduce competition for food, or because they are simply sadistic killers.
A Wendigo's vision.
Wendigos see movement: mobile persons are highlighted in their vision, otherwise they are usually unable to track those who remain still. Their main way of communication is by screeching, and they can use their vocalizations to scare prey into moving. They additionally have the ability to mimic the voice of someone they hear.
Despite their frail appearance, Wendigos are immensely strong, capable of crushing a human skull with their bare hands; the Doctor's Report documents one lifting 725 lb weights. They seem to favor brutal, deliberate methods of killing their prey, such as gouging out the eyes of their victims or impaling them on hooks rather than simply slashing them with their claws, indicating that Wendigos are sadistic, rather than merely animal killers.
Killed Victims
Mike and Jessica will find a mortally wounded elk attacked by Hannah on their way to the guest cabin.
Death: Lower jaw ripped open and torn off by Hannah.
Death: Dragged and impaled through the jaw on an iron hook, or face bashed in by Hannah's hands.
Death: Eyes pierced through by Hannah's long fingernails.
Death: Decapitated through Hannah's claws.
Death: Decapitated through Hannah's claws.
Death: Decapitated by having her head twisted around, or eyes gouged out by Hannah in the lodge.
Death: Head crushed together by Hannah's hands, causing his brain and skull to explode.
Death: Hannah will kill an unnamed miner Wendigo in the lodge by overpowering and decapitating it.
Макапичу был самым сильным из Вендиго. Именно он является источником проклятья горы. Его имя на языке народа Алгонкин означает "Имеющий большие зубы".
In 1893, the mine opened at the site of rich deposits of tin and radium, but over the years the Cree warned the miners that they had unleashed the spirit that dwelled within the mountain, cursing the land and its inhabitants.
Eventually, the Wendigos broke out of confinement and slaughtered the Sanatorium staff, leaving traces of their destruction that Mike comes to examine.
Until Dawn
One Year Ago
However, Hannah survived the fall with a broken leg and wrote a diary from paper she found within the mines. During the month that she was trapped, she began to starve. As her hunger grew worse, she faced a difficult situation and as a last resort, dug up Beth's corpse and ate her flesh, unwittingly falling into the Wendigo curse. When Sam and Mike find her diary in Chapter 10, her last entry is unintelligible as most of the words have been scribbled in. You can somehow decipher the words "HUNGER, HUNGER, HUNGER" or "BETH…"
Chapter 2
The first Wendigo is encountered by Mike and Jess, who are being tracked on their way to Washington Cabin. They will hear mysterious screeches as they walk. Vague shadows can be seen as they make their way, and Mike may hear a strange noise in the mines. The Wendigo can be seen when looking through a telescope.
Sam will hear the same screeching noise after exiting the bathroom to find Josh.
Matt and Emily can hear the same screeching noise in the pre-order bonus chapter when they are on their way to find Emily's lost bag.
Chapter 3
After mutilating a deer, the Wendigo will then chase the couple until they make it inside a cabin. The Wendigo will continue watching the couple, and soon after throws Jessica's phone through the window. The Wendigo afterwards will pull Jess through the door's window and drag her off into an abandoned mining facility.
Chapter 4
The Wendigo watching Mike.
If Mike moves quickly, the Wendigo will leave Jessica severely injured, but alive. If he takes too long, it gives the Wendigo enough time to rip off Jessica's lower jaw, killing her. The Wendigo will then look down towards Mike, giving him enough time to shoot it.
After Mike goes after The Stranger and fails to slide under a door, he will walk through a small, dark tunnel using his lighter. He will have to stop to relight the lighter and a Wendigo's eyes can be seen behind some slats.
Chapter 6
The Wendigo is next encountered at the fire tower with Matt and Emily. It trips the motion sensor and attempts to gain access to the top of the tower by banging on the hatchet. After failing to get inside, it climbs back down and cuts the lines holding the tower in place. By cutting the lines, the entire structure collapses and Matt and Emily fall into the mines. If Matt jumps to safety instead of saving Emily, the Wendigo will scurry off into the night. If Matt attempts to save Emily and falls into the mine, he will then be encountered by the Wendigo. If he does not have the flare gun to defend himself against it, he will be killed by having his chin impaled on a hook.
Chapter 7
After Emily is shown making her way through the tunnels, she hears screeching and yelling with the occasional burst of fire.
Chapter 8
After Emily unsuccessfully tries to run away from the Stranger, a Wendigo can be seen behind him, and he quickly gives her some flares to help her and pushes her down a chute.
Despite the Stranger's efforts, she is tracked by a Wendigo which shows up behind a man-made wall when Emily is entering a gap. Emily reaches a fork in the path and will be greeted by a scare from the Wendigo if she decided to go right, slowing her down. The Wendigo takes a more proactive approach and forces an elevator Emily is riding to the surface to come to a stop. She has to stay still if she turned right at the fork to potentially avoid being caught. She jumps off the elevator and makes an escape attempt with the Wendigo in hot pursuit. Emily then encounters a conveyor belt leading to an ore grinder. She can stay on and potentially fall into the grinder, crushing her lower body and killing her.
Emily, having no defense against the attack, is bitten.
If she jumps off the conveyor and has the flare gun, she can shoot the Wendigo. Emily slams a door and locks it, and depending on whether she shot the Wendigo or not, the Wendigo will break through the door and will either bite her or not. After that, she will successfully evade the Wendigo and return to the lodge. However, if Emily fails in being quick enough, or does not slow the Wendigo down during her escape, it will catch up to her and gouge her eyes out.
If Emily escaped the mine, she sprints to the lodge and briefly informs her friends about the monster chasing her. Afterwards, the Stranger confronts the group and informs them about the Wendigo. When Mike reveals that he and Chris left Josh in the shed, the Stranger and Chris venture into the woods to find him. Seeing a broken chair and fresh blood on the floor, it's noted that Josh is most likely dead.
When they make their way back, the Wendigo ambushes the pair and beheads the Stranger. Chris is forced into a firefight with the Wendigo. Depending on the reaction skill of Chris, he can shoot the Wendigo multiple times before making it back into the house. If Chris shot Ashley in Chapter 6, or if he fails to shoot the Wendigo in time, Chris will be decapitated by the Wendigo on his way back to the lodge. A later cutscene will show the Wendigo dragging Josh's unconscious body through the woods.
When the group meets back in the basement of the lodge, Ashley discovers Emily's bite if she was bitten. Being convinced it's contagious, Mike demands Emily to leave the basement. Upon her refusal, he points a gun at her face and has the option of shooting her. Ashley will then read the The Stranger's Journal, where she discovers information about the Wendigo: its history, characteristics, and abilities. Here she will eventually learn the bite is not infectious as she formerly claimed.
Chapter 9
A Wendigo in the Sanatorium.
Mike and the wolf (depending on Mike's earlier choices) are tracked by the miner Wendigos throughout the Psychiatric Wing of the Sanatorium. The clues found here uncover the history of the Blackwood Pines Wendigos, including a brief reel of a partially or fully transformed Wendigo breaking his restraints before (presumably) attacking and killing the medical staff. During this time, he also encounters multiple Wendigos, including Bates, that have been imprisoned by the Stranger or were left in their cells when the building was abandoned. They will try to grab him by his shoulder and his foot. If Mike successfully shoots the Wendigos, he can avoid their attacks and potentially save Wolfie's life. Mike will then blow up the Sanatorium, killing Bates and some of the other Wendigos. Alternatively, Bates may survive the explosion and attack Mike in the mines, only to be decapitated by Sam. If Mike fails to shoot the Wendigos, a Wendigo will attempt to kill him, and if he befriended the wolf earlier, Wolfie will be killed. If he does not directly blow up the Sanatorium, he will be attacked by Bates, leading to Sam saving him later on.
In search of Mike, Sam, Ashley, and possibly Emily and/or Chris will leave the safety of the lodge's basement and descend down into the tunnel that leads to the Sanatorium. Chris, hurt from his previous encounter with the Wendigo, suggests that the rest of the group to go on without him. Ashley can leave him behind or insist on not leaving him. After descending down into the tunnels, Ashley will hear the presumable voice of Jessica calling out for help. She here has the option of investigating the voice or rejoining the group. If she investigates the voice and opens the hatch, a Wendigo will pop out and decapitate her, as it had been mimicking Jessica's voice. If Chris was left behind and Ashley opened the hatch earlier on, Chris will be killed regardless.
Chapter 10
Sam attacking Billy Bates.
Sam and Mike both attempt to rescue Josh so they can get the cable car key and escape the mountain.
They both find the lair of the Wendigo, with the hanging bodies of the Stranger, and, if they were killed outside the lodge, possibly Matt, Emily, Chris, and/or Jessica, and possibly the decapitated heads of Jessica, Chris, Matt, and/or Ashley.
Depending on if the player finds the Scrawled Journal in the Twins Clueline, Hannah, now a Wendigo, will either spare Josh or kill him. Either way, Josh will be separated from Sam and Mike again.
The Wendigo as it's killed Jessica.
The Wendigo will also be hunting Jess and Matt in the mines if they are alive. If Jess and Matt try to run instead of hiding, the Wendigo will kill Jess, or if the player character cannot keep still or hit a QTE, the Wendigo will kill both of them (depending on the specifics of the situation).
Sam and Mike will return to the lodge, where they find that the miner Wendigos have broken in, forcing them to flee upstairs. Wendigo Hannah will then start fighting the older creatures, creating a gas leak. Mike and Sam will attempt to ignite the gas leak to destroy the Wendigos. If the player chooses to run to the switch prematurely to attempt to blow up the lodge, moves during a Don't Move segment, or does not choose anything, Mike, Emily, Ashley or Sam can be killed. Sam or Mike will ignite the explosion regardless, killing all Wendigos inside.
After the events, if Josh is killed, all of the Wendigos are dead. However, if he survived, then a Wendigo spirit will possess him and he will begin to transform.
The Wendigos
The Wendigos are the ultimate antagonists of Until Dawn. As described by the Native American Cree legends, they were humans who have been mutated into cannibalistic monsters after being possessed by the Wendigo spirit, causing them to eat the flesh of other humans. One Wendigo roams free on Blackwood Mountain, stalking and potentially killing the group members through the night.
Вендиго: Страшные тайны игры «Дожить до рассвета / Until Dawn»
ВЕНДИГО из игры «Дожить до рассвета» (Until Dawn). Вендиго - ужасные монстры из индейских легенд Северной Америки. Проклятые навеки обречены на поедание человеческой плоти.
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Known Wendigos
The Makkapitew is the main antagonist of the Prologue. He was the strongest of all the Wendigos and is implied to be the origin of the mountain's curse. The Makkapitew hunted Hannah and Beth down the night of their disappearance, and chased them off the cliff, before The Stranger could avenge the twins by killing the Makkapitew.
Hannah Washington
Hannah as the Wendigo.
Hannah is the main Wendigo introduced in-game, as she hunts the group throughout the whole game a year after the incident. After Hannah survived her fall, she ate the flesh of her deceased sister in order to survive. The spirit of the Wendigo however, possessed her and changed her into a Wendigo. Hannah may kill all 8 protagonists during the course of the game. She is shown to be stronger than the other Wendigos, presumably due to her being possessed by the spirit of the Makkapitew. She is distinguishable by the black butterfly tattoo on her shoulder, which Josh eventually recognizes, if you find the Scrawled Journal.
Josh Washington
Partially Transformed (if survived)
After being dragged down into the mines by Hannah, Josh will eventually run into her again. If Sam told him what she read in the Scrawled Journal, he will recognize Hannah in time and cry out her name, causing Hannah to recognize him back. She will eventually drag him down to her lair, where he will be stuck with no one to help or rescue him out of the mine. As the Wendigo spirit begins to possess him, he cannibalizes The Stranger. The partially-transformed Josh is encountered by a search party lead by the authorities in the mines. Josh then attacks them, and it is unknown what happens afterwards.
Billy Bates
Billy Bates (also known as Patient 9 in the Sanatorium records) was a member of a blasting crew which worked in the North West Mines in late 1951 and a possessed Wendigo. Billy was married to a woman named Agnes, and had a young daughter, Louise, but he seems to have been having an affair with a woman named Loretta as revealed on the Romantic Postcard. Billy was one of the mine workers who became trapped for 23 days after a part of the mine collapsed on 13 December 1951. He and the 11 other miners survived by resorting to cannibalism. They were finally rescued on 5 January 1952.
After their rescue, Bates and the others are named as "The Miracle Men" in the press, and were cared for with the other survivors at the Blackwood Sanatorium, where they were studied due to unusual physical changes that occurred during their recovery. The miners eventually became violent and on 24 February 1952, after attacking and killing some of the staff including Dr. W.B. Cathcart, White, Charles Miller, Evelyn Daniels, they escaped and were never heard from again.
During their escape they managed to kill many policemen that came to the Mountain to secure the Sanatorium.
During his investigation in the Sanatorium, Mike may find an old case study documenting Billy Bates' physical changes. Mike here notices Bates had a scar. He later sees this same scar on one of the Wendigos, leading him to suspect that Bates and the other miners had changed into Wendigos. Billy will later chase Mike down and possibly kill Wolfie. Billy will later be killed by Mike or Sam, depending on the player's actions.
A Wendigo exhibits a deterioration from previous anatomy, yet becomes stronger and hardier. They exhibit spinal disfiguration, giving them a hunchback-like appearance. Their teeth are more canine and disfigured. Their vision is less keen and more influenced by movement. Their muscle mass is almost entirely deteriorated, and the limbs are slender and longer—yet they can easily tear limbs, climb walls, and leap to different spots in the blink of an eye. Their skin is taut against their bodies much like a glossy, stretched armor. During a Wendigo's metamorphosis, while their skin is being stretched, their bodies also perform different forms of skin torture, such as sweating acids, in order to strengthen their outer coating. This renders the Wendigo practically impervious against ballistics and sharp weapons. The extreme heat from fire and explosives can burn away the thick skin, inflicting great pain while also rendering them vulnerable to other weapons.
Wendigos also lose their hair and eventually lose their male and female characteristics, becoming skeletal in appearance. They will retain any tattoo or alterations to their skin, such as Hannah's tattoo and Billy's scar.
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